How can the fresh produce industry reduce its environmental footprint through innovative packaging? Jenny Panziera, VP of Operations at Taylor Farms, joins the show to discuss how Taylor Farms is leading the way in redefining sustainable packaging with plant-based solutions. Jenny shares insights into how the company balances operational efficiency with eco-friendly practices, focusing on reducing single-use plastics and improving sustainability across their supply chain.
In this episode, you’ll hear about the strategies behind Taylor Farms’ sustainability initiatives, the role of plant-based packaging in reducing waste, and how companies can adapt to evolving environmental demands. Jenny also offers leadership insights on driving change within large organizations while maintaining product quality and consumer trust.
Key Takeaways:
• How Taylor Farms is innovating with plant-based packaging solutions.
• The environmental impact of sustainable packaging in fresh produce.
• Jenny’s leadership insights for managing sustainable operations.
• Strategies for reducing single-use plastics in large-scale food production.
• The importance of partnerships in advancing sustainability initiatives.
• How consumer demand is shaping the future of eco-friendly packaging.
Guest Resources:
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Vonnie Estes: So this particular conversation is with Jenny from Taylor Farms and Taylor Farms just won the IFPA Science and Technology Circle of Excellence Award for the launch of the plant based tray. So we're very excited within IFPA in looking for.
solutions. We're so excited [:Vonnie Estes: So this is a yearly award that we give based on member input and then a panel within the company to decide what's the best technology. So the award recognizes an organization or an individual that solves business challenges within the produce industry through the application of scientific and technological advances to create better products, processes, or value to our customers.
Vonnie Estes: So congratulations and it's great to have you and Jenny, I'll turn it over to you to introduce yourself and then we'll start talking about the product.
Jenny Panziera: Thank you, Vani. My name is Jenny Panziera. I am Director of Product for Earthbound Farm Brand and Organic Salads at Taylor Farms.
I'm honored to be here today [:Jenny Panziera: You know, I think that goes
Vonnie Estes: with innovation, right? I think
Jenny Panziera: some of the off. There are a lot of optimists in our organization. I think some of the optimists were thinking it was going to be more like a year. And here we are five years later, but We have packed in so many great learnings during that timeframe, and we're really excited.
Jenny Panziera: We've been deliberate about when to release this to consumers and so we're really happy to be here today and thank you for having me.
Vonnie Estes: Great. I have so many questions, so, okay, good. , if someone was looking at the tray, what would it look like and what, what products are in it?
. So it's the tray itself is [: izes and varieties in the, in:Vonnie Estes: So you're doing a pilot launch now.
Vonnie Estes: Is that correct? Yes.
Jenny Panziera: So we've been doing it since this summer. So there've been so many phases to this. So first of all, there's been about 5, 000 trials of this package behind the scenes over the years. And then We also put it out to our own internal teams in different parts of the country, just collecting feedback throughout this process, too.
around could these, what the [:Jenny Panziera: So basically, it's tied to the birthplace of really the brand of Earthbound Farm. It's in Carmel Valley, California. And so we have a farm stand there. And so it's, it's kind of our little incubator store that we get to get like a first read from our loudest and most loyal consumers. So yeah. We put it in the farm stand, got some feedback there.
Jenny Panziera: That was April. We timed that with Earth Month because we, you know, it just felt right to do it around Earth Month, the more sustainable, eco friendly package. And then we rolled it out in market test this summer. So we had a, we had some customers that were willing to take that journey with us. So we had whole foods roll it out in the summer.
dependent retailer partners. [:Vonnie Estes: So then, how do you get feedback? Is it just like, if people buy it, that's the feedback?
Vonnie Estes: Well, that's the, that's,
Jenny Panziera: that's great feedback. We absolutely are looking at sales and looking at how that's performing. We're talking to our sales team to understand and boots on the ground in the stores or their feedback from the customers directly. And then from a consumer standpoint, which is critical, we want to make sure the whole impetus for developing this package was, we knew that consumers, There is demand for more eco friendly packaging out there.
Jenny Panziera: It might not be for everyone, but especially in the organic space with the organic consumer. There's been, you know, several requests for packaging that uses less plastic as, as an option. So, to answer your question about how we're getting that read on that, we have our, uh, Customer service line. So we have a freshness guarantee on all our packaging.
o reach us to let us know if [:Jenny Panziera: So it's a combination of, of those really, like the sales piece, customer feedback and consumer feedback from those different channels. So what are you hearing? We're hearing, we're, we're optimistic, we're hearing great things so far. I will tell you one thing that we were a little unsure about and we needed to kind of get a read on was are consumers going to care that they can't see all of the greens in the package?
Jenny Panziera: Is that going to be the barrier? So if you lift, if you
Vonnie Estes: lift it up on the bottom, can you see? No, it's, so
Jenny Panziera: it's all, so the way you can see the greens and it's displayed on shelf in a. So if it's in our five ounce size, it's usually vertical. And then when we launched the eight ounce size, it'll be probably in the well.
So you can see that there's [:Jenny Panziera: So, whereas today consumers are used to being able to flip over the bag, the tray and, you know, kind of inspect it.
Vonnie Estes: That's where I live. Especially in airports if I'm buying a salad.
Jenny Panziera: Right. So what we're hearing from consumers is, is nothing about that. What we're hearing is, thank you for doing this. You didn't have to do this, but you did.
Jenny Panziera: You know, we hear some consumers saying, you know, when are you going to move everything to this? And they're, I can talk about that later. That's not an easy thing to do or an immediate thing. And yeah, it's a lot of thank you for doing this. It's a lot of Thank you for this option. And
Vonnie Estes: is the price point the same?
Vonnie Estes: Did you have to know
aturally sourced fibers from [:Jenny Panziera: You know purchase and when we did research about four years ago looking into this Type of concept in the premium that consumers were willing to pay 84 percent of consumers said that they were interested in this product and would be willing to pay a premium
Vonnie Estes: and they are Yeah, you know, I mean, I'm sure
Jenny Panziera: that It's gonna vary based on you know, the store and kind of the consumers, but it's absolutely we're finding that there it's It's, it's driving incremental growth from a sales standpoint where it's featured.
Jenny Panziera: And consumers are, I would say, pleased that it's an option.
Vonnie Estes: And then what's the afterlife, is it is the tray compostable?
and our packaging team. It's [:Jenny Panziera: So, the compostability, we're pursuing different certifications for that. There's not one standard in the U. S. for home compostable, but we're absolutely pursuing. So in
Vonnie Estes: California, it goes into the blue bin? Yes. Yeah. And the top as well? Yes. The top is recycled? The
Jenny Panziera: top you discard, so take the plastic off, discard.
Jenny Panziera: Okay. You can't recycle that, but then you've got the tray that is. It's more likely to be recycled than plastic, and it's made from materials that are obviously more sustainable.
Vonnie Estes: And is there any drop in freshness? Because I know that's something that's so important to Taylor Farms. No.
Jenny Panziera: Thank you for bringing that up.
astic packaging counterpart. [:Vonnie Estes: Oh, excellent. So you said you've been working on it for five years.
Vonnie Estes: That's the whole And I personally have not been working on it for five years. So I just want
Jenny Panziera: to let you know. There's a lot of people involved. And I would list all their names if I could. But yes, yes.
Vonnie Estes: But I, I mean, we Getting away from, Trying to find alternatives to plastics has really come into our view at IFPA just in the last couple years as the regulations around the world have really changed and we realized that we need to have some different solutions for this.
erent, you know, looking at, [:Vonnie Estes: Do we need, you know, different types of PLU stickers? Like, do we need other kinds of coatings, like all different kinds? And so, if anyone's listening to this and has a solution, let me know. But five years ago, I was not thinking about this at all. So what? What kind of started Earthbound and Taylor Farms to think about we need to get on this because it wasn't very loud five years ago.
Jenny Panziera: No and you brought something up that I've already, that I want to mention too. One of the big differences with this tray versus other trays that may look similar to it is there is no plastic liner. So it's a plastic free tray. The coating, there's a coating that's a food grade coating. So that in itself is a unique differentiator for our customers.
Jenny Panziera: Packaging specifically for leafy greens and then in terms of remind me your question one more time, sorry,
Vonnie Estes: is what got you started to start working on it and thinking that this was a problem that needed to be solved before there was a lot of pull for it.
Jenny Panziera: I think [: cquired in by Taylor Farms in:Jenny Panziera: So I think it was kind of a combination of those variables that got us to Pursuing that type of packaging that far in advance, I would say.
hallenges that you hear? The [:Jenny Panziera: Okay. This is a favorite topic because we're not all the way.
Jenny Panziera: You know, we're gonna continue. We have this packaging today and we're gonna look at additional sizes and then we're gonna continue looking for We have over, we have thousands of products of fresh produce products. Taylor Farms spans multiple divisions in terms of the types of products we offer from servicing food service operators to quick service restaurants, fast casual restaurants, retailers as big as they come club stores to your neighborhood market.
Jenny Panziera: So it's, we're going to be looking for additional sizes and variations of this type of packaging and where it does make sense versus maybe it doesn't.
Vonnie Estes: Yeah. So what what were some of the technical challenges when they looked at, okay, we're not going to use plastic anymore. They had to find the plant based trays.
Vonnie Estes: Yes. So part of it
Jenny Panziera: was finding that, that tray, right. And that did
, do you know if it was that [:Jenny Panziera: No, we found a, yeah, we found a vendor a partner supplier and, and, and Then it was the iterations around their team working with our R and D team.
Jenny Panziera: So we spent a lot of time in terms of trialing. How do we get the produce to live in this environment? So leafy greens, depending on the variety and the combination that we're putting in the package, they require different environments to survive. So in terms of the design of that tray, you know, even something from the angles to the depth to the actual structural design to that coding.
Jenny Panziera: to how the coatings applied, you know, all of those variables and then testing, shelf life testing. So our R& D team actually doing the shelf life testing of these different products in the tray. And then basically looking at how much moisture is left in the tray and what adjustments do we make with our, with the supplier based on that.
s inside or dried out greens [:Vonnie Estes: Let's talk a little bit about the culture at Taylor Farms.
Vonnie Estes: I've been really fortunate enough to meet people in all different parts of the organization and, and different, in different functions and different roles and different products. And what amazes me is it, is how consistent the culture is across the whole organization. of people saying, uh, talking about innovation and that they feel very free to try all sorts of new things and that there isn't punishment for failure and that there's really just this, we need to keep innovating and trying new things and it's, it's amazing for a company that size.
Vonnie Estes: I've, I've never seen it actually. So talk a little bit about that, especially you kind of came in from the outside and like, what does that look like to you and how do you keep a culture like that going?
question. So I will tell you [:Jenny Panziera: I think that it really goes back to Well, first of all, you're right. There's a lot of autonomy. And then there's an absolute there's a there's a high tolerance for risk, too. So it really is. Innovation is just a constant thought and consideration and part of How we operate. We know that we it's forward.
Jenny Panziera: We have to go forward. Our job's not done. You know, we have a lot of work to do. And so I think that it comes back to our the culture. I love that we have our employee handbook is three bullets, which I'm grateful for because I can digest information better when it's short and concise like that. But no.
ical, and that's been number [:Jenny Panziera: The second one is take care of each other, and so there's this, you know, really there's definitely a spirit around, I think just a team, but also everyone's empowered to Drive forward and to innovate and to problem solve, but at the same time take care of your team, take care of each other. And then the last one is do the right thing.
Jenny Panziera: So, just kind of wraps it up with do the right thing and we trust you, you know, as someone that we brought into the team to do the right thing. So, I think that that's it. That's the culture, in a nutshell. It hasn't changed since I've started there. I've been with the company for seven years now. And I've worked in different departments and with different teams.
[:Vonnie Estes: Adding on new people.
Vonnie Estes: Yeah. Yeah. That's amazing. Yeah, and that is that, that I, and everyone that I've talked to within the organization can name those three bullet points, and That's unusual as well, you know, that people have the core values so much as part of who they are and you know, everyone can say them and it's much better than having a paragraph mission statement that people have to stumble over words and can't remember.
Vonnie Estes: But that's very clear. Yeah. They're
Jenny Panziera: guiding principles and I think they're very clear and energizing.
Vonnie Estes: So as we wrap up, what's next, what's the plan for expansion and the future? launch into different products and kind of what's that pacing going to look like
tray? Yeah. So we come early: :Jenny Panziera: And then we'll have two varieties in the eight ounce tray. And so they'll be available for distribution. And then we're going to keep working. So that's just, you know, that's the first wave, if you will. And then what we'll continue to do is we'll be continuing to trial different product varieties within that tray.
Jenny Panziera: Because, as I was saying, it's They all act differently. And And we aren't going to limit ourselves to these varieties, right? So we're going to continue to pursue additional varieties, but it's, it's, again, we're just trying to meet consumers with where they are and what they want, you know, and so as many choices as we can give them in the plant based tray, we will and then we'll, we'll look for the next solution too.
Jenny Panziera: We're always looking for the next solution.
innovations in the pipeline [:Jenny Panziera: Always. Okay. Yes. Always. There's always many irons in the fire. And then there, because, uh, you know, another thing is it's sizing. It could be the packaging format. It could be the actual product itself.
Jenny Panziera: We have other products that, you know, other innovation not related to the tray where basically, for example, we have some an earthbound farm brand. We have our avocado oil salad kit. So we're innovating there in terms of how do we use a healthier oil. So we know there are some consumers that are. Kind of averse to seed oils.
Jenny Panziera: So how do we use a healthier oil to provide that option for those consumers that are interested in it? And then we have so many things that we're sharing but yes And then always we're always looking at the film as well, too like what other options do we have in terms of the film that we're using and How we can have more environmentally friendly options there
you do and I look forward to [:Vonnie Estes: So very much for being here. Okay, very much. It was great
Jenny Panziera: to be here.
Vonnie Estes: Great. Thanks to our listeners and viewers for watching this very exciting episode and hearing about our Circle of Excellence Award.