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Unlock Your Best Future with Eddie Rodriguez
Episode 22617th May 2023 • The HERO Show • Richard W Matthews
00:00:00 00:55:38

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Get ready to unlock your best future with Eddie Rodriguez, a true entrepreneurial powerhouse, as we dive into his captivating story on The Hero Show. Join me as I sit down with Eddie, the founder, and CEO of The Franchise Tailor, in an electrifying episode.

With 30 years of entrepreneurial success under his belt, Eddie is a Certified Franchise Consultant who has helped countless individuals find their true calling through franchise ownership. Whether you're in the midst of a career transition, an ambitious immigrant seeking new opportunities, a savvy business person looking to scale operations, or simply someone eager to diversify your investment portfolio, Eddie has the key to your success.

Brace yourself for an eye-opening conversation as we uncover the secrets to building a fulfilling and prosperous future. Don't miss out on this incredible episode packed with wisdom, inspiration, and actionable insights. Tune in now and get ready to unleash your inner hero!



Hello, and welcome back to The Hero Show. My name's Richard Matthews, and today I have [00:01:00] live on the line. Eddie Rodriguez, Eddie, are you there?

I am. Thank you Richard.

Awesome. Glad to have you here. And you know, I was gonna ask before we got started, where are you calling in from?

I'm calling in from sunny Miami, Florida.

Nice. We're not that far away. We're in sunny Sarasota, Florida.

Oh, wonderful. The West coast.

Yeah, we're just on the other side of the state. So while we're enjoying our beautiful, wonderful warm weather here in the winter, the rest of the country is suffering in the snow.

I lived in New York for 21 years. I understand that very clearly.

it is that you're known for.[:

Who do you serve, what do you do for them?

As hokey is the answer's gonna sound, Richard, I wake up every morning and I'm my whiteboard in my office. I write, try to help one person at least today find their best next life. What we do is listen, listen to people's frustrations. They might be in career transition, they're fed up with corporate America and wanna own their own business, but either don't have the wherewithal or whatever to kind of do a startup on their own.

, the consulates take kindly.[:

When immigrants invest in a franchise to build a business in America because they feel like that person has skin in the game, they're gonna employ people, they're gonna pay taxes, et cetera, et cetera. Or even work with private equity groups that want, or people that want to keep their current job, but diversify their portfolio.

You know, a lot of us took a big hit in the stock market last year and perhaps investing in a franchise, which is an established business, already validated, there are other people succeeding in it. Might be a viable risk mitigating option to invest in. I also helped successful business people like yourself.

se so they can utilize other [:

So those are really the two services that I provide. And in one sentence, I really wake up every morning, thinking of how can I help somebody find their best next life today.

That's awesome. So you work on both sides of the franchise world, either investing in one or helping to develop one.

Yeah. Helping to, you know, turn a local business by developing them into becoming a franchise.


Yeah, that's cool. So I wanna talk then a little bit about your origin story, right? Every good comic book hero has an origin story. It's the thing that made them into the hero they are today, and we wanna hear that story.

Were you born a hero? Were you a bit by a radioactive spider that made you wanna get into franchising? Or did you start in a job and eventually become an entrepreneur? Basically, where did you come from?

came here with my parents in [:

And it was obviously, I was too young to be, you know, horrified by it. But my parents were, you know, obviously a big life event for them. Grew up in Miami, Florida. Always had a weird entrepreneurial streak in me, even as a kid. Like I always did things to make money on my own. And I think that stood with me.

Although I worked in corporate America early, early on, after I graduated from the University of Miami, I always felt that tug of, you know, do your own thing. So I literally started my career, not in the franchise industry, but in the apparel industry, the fashion industry. I'm actually an ESTEEM member of the Council of Fashion Designers of America.

one that became the biggest [:

It was an exciting time to be in New York, building a fashion business and sold it to a big public company. I became a corporate officer and part of the deal was I had to work at that company. Year one was okay, year two, I wanted to kill myself because I'm just not built to be in corporate America with the politics and the bureaucracy and all of that just mean some people flourish in that environment, not me.

level executive friends with [:

You would pick up a resume and you'd go, oh my God, this person can find an executive job tomorrow. They were CEOs and presidents and really high, high level C level suite. Executives in the apparel industry that literally could not find an executive level job commensurate with their pay grade and their experience.

Why? Lovely age discrimination had descended upon America. And so if you were in your late 40's, that's when it starts. It's mid 40's nowadays, and you apply for a high level executive position in corporate America. Good luck. That's all I'll say. Good luck. So I found the franchise industry really interesting and compelling because it's a more comfortable transition for people that have been in corporate America to transition into business ownership.

ted. They've been validated. [:

Cause it's still a corporate entity for you to reach out to for any kind of help with your business. It still is your business. So I thought, wow, all these people that I know in the industry back in the day. This could be a viable option for them instead of either starting something from scratch or they can't find an executive level job.

help people really reach in, [:

Money making wise, how do I build real wealth equity and I want to be the boss. I don't really wanna report to a boss I don't like anymore. So that's it. That's really kind of a Cliff Notes version of my Journey. That's what I do today. I'm the owner of

And every single day I talked to a lot of people recently to a ton of them that got laid off from the tech sector. Lots of layoffs in technology. And these people are, not happy being laid off. You know, companies downsized, they merge. All kinds of things happen. Having nothing to do perhaps with your individual performance and you are out.

. That's what I do, Richard. [:

Makes a lot of sense. And it's quite a journey to go from, you know, immigrant to fashion design company to a franchise consultant. That's an all over the map kind of story.

I really like the idea with franchise. I've always liked franchises myself for the same kind of reason. Right? It's the metaphor I've always used is it's you're buying a boat that you already know floats. As opposed to building a boat. And when you put it on the water hoping that it floats.


Really great analogy. I'm gonna use that, by the way. Very good.

Yeah. Yeah. You're buying a boat. You already know this boat floats, so when you put it on the water, you're like, there we go, this is a floating boat, you know, and I've got some friends of mine who are working on building a boat right now, and they're not gonna know until the boat is, you know, almost complete.

And there's years of effort into it, whether or not the boat floats. I mean, it should, right? If you do all the things, it should float, but you don't know until you get it there on the water. And a franchise is like skipping all of that. You can just step into a boat that already floats. So, it's a super interesting business model.

heard, I don't know how true [:

Are there other industries that are easier to get franchises in?

Yeah, I mean the funny thing is I, you know, my office works with hundreds of people every year and I find it really almost humorous that most people still believe that franchises only exist in food. Like you just brought up two of them yourself.

Yeah, that's why I brought it up, cause people typically think food and I'm like, there's probably more, tell us about it.

brands in every single [:

You go to FedEx Kinko's for whatever service you require there. That's a franchise. So is the UPS store. There are franchises literally in healthcare wellness, CBD, construction, real estate, fitness. I can go on and on and on, but I don't wanna bother you or the people that are listening to this, but they truly exist in every industry.

dy for a reinvention and you [:

Cause one of the things that I do with my clients is get 'em to look in the mirror, so to speak. And go, listen. I always challenge them and go try to think of closing your eyes at night and what can't you just wait to get up in the morning to go to do? That's what your goal should be. You need to find something where you're that excited.

Whether it's a job or a franchise or whatever. So the beauty of franchise is it's not like a job that exists in Sarasota, you have to apply for that job in Sarasota. With franchise as if you're in Sarasota, but want to move to Los Angeles. We determine which ones might be a right fit for you, depending on lifestyle goals, passion goals, financial goals, you name it, and then we look to see if it's available.

like a good fit for you and [:

And yes, Chick-fil-A and McDonald's are tough. Most people don't realize I get a calls all the time, Hey McDonald's, everyone knows that. Oh my God. McDonald's like household name and they don't realize that the investment required for one McDonald's is in the 1.4 to 1.7 million range for one story.


like me, there are a lot of [:

You know all the details rather than, I mean, if you Google franchising and do it on your own, you will get a migraine headache. It's a huge industry and you really can't tell what you're navigating. It's very convoluted.

So that's where we step in and try to help.

Well, that actually makes a good transition for my next question for you, which is about your superpowers that you've developed in this industry. Right? Every iconic hero has a superpower, whether that's a fancy flying suit made by their genius intellect, or the ability to call down thunder from the sky.

In the real world, heroes have what I call a zone of genius, which is either a skill or a set of skills that you've developed over the course of your career that allow you to help people slay their villains in their life. Come on top in their journeys. And the way I like to frame it for my guests, if you look at everything you've developed over the course of your career, there's probably a common thread that ties all of your skills together and that common thread is where you find your superpower.

So with that framing, [:

Yeah, I'll give you a funny answer. I think of it as I'm that authentic super dragon from Game of Thrones because I am the real deal. I have been a serial entrepreneur. I have created and built successfully multiple businesses in my lifetime.

So when I listen and speak to clients that I try to help, I come from a place where I've been there, I've done it. I've, you know, created and built businesses. I know what it takes to build a business and how to prepare to build a business. The pitfalls of owning your own business, the joys of owning your own business.

do a consultation call with [:

I know the portfolio of brands so that I can go, you know what? I think these four or five opportunities are the ones that are gonna be a best fit for Richard to consider. And most of the time what I tell candidates that I work with is I promise to present you with opportunities that'll make sense to you on why I picked them for you.

cking thing that most people [:

And then to educate, I always start with my clients with an educational kind of talk and sometimes when I find out if you or anybody else isn't really wired for franchise ownership. I'll let you know. I'll go, listen, Richard, I'm not sure franchise ownership is right for you and I give you reasons why, but the educational part I think is critical to any entrepreneur to understand what you're considering.

So that's my Dragon power.

So you've been there, done that, got the t-shirt, and you can connect with people and understand where their best life is essentially, and if franchise ownership fits into that.

Correct, correct. I mean, I'm working, I'll give you a quickie case study example.

ld his own business while he [:

Like he has a kid that's a big lacrosse player, and loves being in that culture of seeing the kids practice lacrosse in high level training. Well, guess what? In our portfolio, we have a great franchise brand that does just that. So then beyond the money-making capabilities, then this guy Joseph, can be a part of building a business that he's passionate about in a culture and a vibe.

ness that you're gonna build.[:

If you're not, you can do all your metrics and all the analysis, and if you just dread going to work the next day or dread having to work at that new business that you started, most likely it's not gonna work for you. So I don't know if that explains my superpowers, but it's pretty comprehensive, the service that we provide in getting to know people and trying to get them to know themselves before they ever make a mistake or, you know, you'd be surprised at how many people I work with that don't really think through.

What they should be considering and how to put it all into perspective of their life and their passion and where they want to be. I mean, it used to be that we used to have like 10 year plans. I don't think that's the way people are wired nowadays. I think life has changed a great deal, but I do think that you have to have goals.

to [:

So I wanna oversee the business, and that's a lifestyle goal. That's someone that just wants to play golf on Friday afternoons instead of go to work or go to their kids', you know, soccer practices.


So, you know, much like in the movie, I like to say the movie Forrest Gump, where he sits on the bench and turns to someone and go, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. I feel the same way about my clients. When I work with people, I assume nothing, and my job is to listen carefully to what they want out of their lives, and then I hopefully will bring some magic to their lives.

at and, you know, moves into [:

Yeah, I'm a member of the Forbes Coaches Council and a lot of what I do is coaching a lot, really a lot of what I do even before I present brands to people, is almost a little psychotherapy where you try to get the person to really dig deep, not on the surface, but dig deep and understand what they want their life to look like.

You know, next year, three years from now, you know, I even ask people to tell me they have three kids. You know, would you like to build a business that might be a legacy business? Is one of your kids, somebody that might, you know, be interested in continuing the business and oftentimes I go, oh yeah, I'd love that.

s. A lot of questions to get [:

Yeah, absolutely. So I wanna talk about the flip side, right? So if your superpower is your authenticity and your ability to do that coaching and consulting sort of blended and really help people get their best life. The flip side of your superpower is always the fatal flaw. Just like Superman had his kryptonite or wonder woman can't remove her bracelets of victory without going mad, you probably had a flaw in your business that's held you back something you struggled with.

For me, it was a couple of things. I struggled with perfectionism for a long time, so I never wanted to ship product. I also struggled with lack of boundaries, so I didn't have good you know, boundaries with my time or boundaries with my clients and, you know, let things walk all over me.

But how have you worked to, I think, more important than what the actual flaw is, how have you worked to overcome it so you could continue to grow and continue to succeed in your business? And hopefully, you know, sharing a little will help our audience learn a little bit from your experience.

it's a funny question and I [:

Ah, let me monopolize Eddie's time for all this time when in fact they had absolutely no intention of seriously exploring the opportunities that we represent. They just wanna show me what you got, kind of people, let's see what you got. And I don't, maybe they have a lot of time on their hands.

time to try to help you, and [:

What you're telling me now. And so my flaw is I can lose my cookies with people, that just I forget, wasting my time. I don't understand people that waste their own time. It's okay when I talk to somebody and they go, no, I have no interest in entrepreneurship. Okay, that's perfectly fine, or listen, I hit a rough patch over the last two years with the pandemic and other things in my personal life, and I really don't have any money to invest in a franchise opportunity. Great, no problem.

Or any other reason right now I'm taking some time off. I really want to think about what I want to do next. I guess it's the professional courtesy of being honest and upfront and transparent and some people are just not that way.

years young. Refuse to say [:

Yeah, I understand that. I don't even know that I would consider that a flaw that's like, that's just professional courtesy, right? Be honest about what you want, what you're getting out of it and what you're looking for. So I appreciate that.

And I do the same thing. When people tell you they wanna do something and then they show up differently than the way that they told you they were gonna show up. It's bothersome too. I would imagine most entrepreneurs and I guess the question I always ask myself is, what am I doing at the beginning?

can find ways to improve my [:

Yeah, I mean, you know, I find it very disrespectful when people don't respect your time. You know, I get people that sometimes go on my Calendly and schedule a call with me and they'll tell me why, and then they don't show up, nor do they have the professional courtesy and decency to go, Hey, Eddie, by the way, we're gonna have to reschedule this. Or I've, you know, changed my mind.

That's fine. Not showing up. I've now carved out time to speak with you, and that's time that I'm not doing something else. Right? So people that do that really get on my flawed bad side.

uled, a simple text will do. [:

You don't even need to have to give me an excuse. Just tell me you can't make it. Let's reschedule for another time. But it's frustrating. It's frustrating, but there are people that just. Behave in certain ways, right, Richard?

Absolutely. So I wanna to shift gears and talk about something. Something different, which is your common enemy.

And, you know, every superhero has what I call an arch nemesis, right? And it's a thing that they constantly have to fight against in their world. In the world of business, it takes on a lot of forms. But generally speaking, I like to put it in the context of your clients, the people that are hiring you to get something done and it's a mindset or it's a flaw that you're constantly having to fight to overcome so that you can actually get them the result they came to you for.

to help people actually get [:

I can give you a one word answer, fear. People get extremely fearful about exploring business ownership, especially people that have never owned their own business. People that have lived in corporate America, you know, all their lives, but are fed up with it for a million reasons. Start exploring, you know, franchise ownership with me and my office, and undoubtedly at some stage of the service that we provide, that word, you know, comes up fear.

They start to get scared. I always use the analogy of the groom or the bride, you know, about to walk down the aisle and say, I do forever. And they're like, oh my God, this is forever. Holy crap. I've got a, like, this is a big commitment, whatever.

hat happens a lot. Fear. So, [:

So what I do is try to get them to understand. Listen, there are 120 other franchisees in this system around the country. A number of them are top performers, making money. Right? What makes you think that you can't be another one of those people? I understand you're investing your hard-earned money, so I understand that, that's something that is a big decision, but if you're fearful of it, you know, I'm working with these tech clients right now that thought they'd never get fired from Google or Meta or Microsoft, and well, guess what?

rning and one sentence gone. [:

You can make things happen and nobody can fire you. So it becomes a coaching, a patient coaching process of getting people. I draw them out to explain what are you fearful of? What is it that you really are afraid of? And, you know, some are afraid of, you know, I get the funny answer. My spouse will kill me if I don't succeed.

, who knows the reason, but. [:

One of the biggest things that I have to overcome in the work that I do is drawing people out so that they tell me what they're afraid of and me coaching them to understand how to overcome that fear.

Yeah, makes a lot of sense. And the, especially with if you're moving from the corporate world into the entrepreneurial world, that's a big shift.

And so, I'm curious if you deal with the same thing with people who are, you know, they're experienced entrepreneurs when they move into, if they shift their entrepreneurial work into franchise ownership. If you deal with the same kind of fear for those kind of folks as opposed to people coming from corporate admin moving in.

There's generally less fear from people that have been business owners because they've, you know, they've done it. They know what it takes. They understand that there are gonna be pitfalls.

your job, a question that I [:

Correct? Right? Business is the same. No different than a job. There are times where your business is rocking, you're having fun, you're making money. Everything seems to be on autopilot, and sometimes that's not gonna work that way.


So it's very analogous, you know, and people sometimes, or I get people go, well, the same time that I'm exploring what you're presenting to me with franchise ownership, I'm also, you know, applying for jobs.

So what I have to do as a coach is go great. Terrific. Go for it. You do know that it's apples and oranges, right?


ou have an apartment to live [:

Same thing if you really want to own something. If you're considering a job at the same time, you really are looking at two very different things. So, but a lot of that comes from fear as well, you know, people, and I get it. I have a guy that I'm working with right now from Texas, if he's listening and he knows what I'm talking about, that just surprised me today by saying, you know, I just started to interview again after at the consultation call, he told me I'm fed up with corporate America.

Absolutely fed up. So then you go, wow, you told me you were fed up and you never wanted to work for anybody again, but you're interviewing for a job.

So it's easier to go with the pain you know, than to choose you don't.

the company merged was sold, [:

So I've never understood, and again, I'm guilty, I'm a serial entrepreneur, I hate working for anybody. But when I think through like, wow, you just lost your job. Maybe for the second or third time you told me you fed up with corporate America, but you're interviewing again.

To me it's almost like the definition of insanity. Like, you keep doing the same thing and you're expecting maybe a different result. It's like, so I bring that up because I do try to enlighten the people that I talk to that it's great you can interview for another job. Just keep in mind apples and oranges, you're looking at two very different opportunities to consider.

rk, or Batman fights to save [:

What is it that you fight for at the Franchise Tailor, what's your mission?

You know, honestly, the most important mission, Richard, is what I have up on my whiteboard, which is my mission really is to help people find their best next life that they haven't even thought about. My mission is to try to determine what makes somebody tick. They're telling me what their goals are and what they want to achieve.

their business, everything's [:

Thank you so much. I'm so happy building this business. And that's a big payoff for me. It's a really big payoff to have that kind of impact. On somebody's life or helping. I've become an expert at helping those Visa candidates, immigrants that want to bring their families here to escape persecution or whatever they're escaping and they want a better life in America.

And to help them find a vehicle for them to apply for their Visa. And then they get here and they build their new business while they're building their new life. And they're very grateful. Well, that's, really gratifying as well. So from a mission point of view, both are the same.

n really, to help people and [:

I love it. I love the idea that you can use business like the product is business as a way to help people, cause generally speaking, most of the people we're talking to generally are founders of a business and this is the product or service they're using to is gonna help people. But you're actually using the product is business.

You're using business to help people, which is kind of a cool way to think about what you do.

Exactly, exactly. I mean, I literally had a gentleman recently that really doesn't need to work anymore. Big, big executive, millions of dollars net worth. But, you know wants to be in the wellness, like mental health, and you know, so wanted to do something good in his community and we found him an opportunity that does that.

be in their system. And then [:

Absolutely. So I'm gonna shift gears and talk a little bit about something very practical. I call this the hero's tool belt. And just like every superhero has their tool belt filled with awesome gadgets, like batarangs, and you know, web slingers and laser eyes, or their magical hammer, I wanna talk about the top one or two tools that you couldn't live without in your business.

Could be anything from your notepad to your calendar, to something you use for your marketing, or something that you use to actually deliver your service to your clients. Something that you think is essential to getting your job done on a day-to-day basis. What's the top one? Maybe tool thing, two things that you, you couldn't live without to do what you do.

right fit business for them. [:

So that's by far the best tool. They also provide us with, you know, I'm affiliated with a group that provides me with tremendous technology support so that I can provide you with the information that you require to evaluate those brands. The other tool is probably the relationships that I've built in the industry that nourish my knowledge of how to help people, how to think about certain industries that are trending in certain market areas.

You know, you and I live in Florida. There are businesses that are, you know, our state business-wise is doing very well. But there are certain sectors that do very well and certain sectors that don't. But that doesn't necessarily apply the same way in Ohio or in other parts of the country.

d of sectors, businesses are [:

They get storms and hurricanes and rain and all that stuff. Well, maybe a a mitigation franchise that repairs, you know, fire or flood, mitigates flood damages. And I'm just throwing ideas out. So we, I'm blessed to have a wide swath of industry experts, and especially in my executive action team, where we share best practices and knowledge to understand different market needs. And then I have this portfolio of bullets in my holster with all these brands and opportunities. So those are my superhero bullets.

in my business over the last [:

And I think entrepreneurs a lot of times forget how potent relationships can be in making big shifts in profitability or operations or understanding of the market, knowing the right person or knowing that someone that's in your space, has your back can make all the difference in the world.

Yeah, I mean, I always tell people that try to learn something new every single day. You know, reach out to your peers. We hold weekly, you know, Zoom meetings with other top level consultants in the industry and we share best practices. We share lots of ideas cause we're all trying to help people. Like I've illustrated to you.

ing it. I think having that. [:

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaking of heroic tools, I wanna take a few minutes to tell you about a tool we built that Powers the Hero show and is now this show's primary sponsor.

Hey there, fellow podcaster. Having a weekly audio and video show on all the major online networks that builds your brand, creates fame and drive sales for your business. Doesn't have to be hard. I know it feels that way because you've tried managing your show internally and realized how resource of intensive it can be.

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Push Button Podcasts, a done [:

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Again, that's See you there.

You're listening to the Hero Show, unlocking the power of influence and success.

hero has their mentors. You [:

Who were your heroes? Were they real life mentors, speakers, authors, peers who were a couple years ahead of you? How important were they to what you've accomplished so far?

iginal immigrant from Cuba in:

So I often like to say, even to my wife, imagine having to just pack up, and leave with what you have on and maybe a one piece of luggage to go to a country where you don't know anybody. You don't know the language, you don't know the culture. You really don't know [00:46:00] anything to start your new life from scratch. You have no idea what you're gonna do or what's gonna happen. I can't think of a bigger hero, you know, than anyone that has the gumption, the wherewithal to go, you know what?

I'm gonna do this because it's the right thing to do for my family and for me. And yes, we're gonna struggle a little bit, but we're gonna make it happen. And so my father is my hero. He came to this country, learned English became the biggest flag, waving America, loving immigrant you've ever imagined.

ays appreciated what America [:

And he worked his tail off to build a nice life. He wasn't a billionaire or anything, but he was an amazing father, an amazing husband, and built an amazing life in America. So the older I get, he becomes a bigger hero to me. I mean, it's amazing to think, and I also told you that I get a little nuts when I hear a lot of immigrant bashing that's going on in our country right now because I'm often reminded of my father.

Who all he did was work his tail off, honestly paid his taxes and adored America. While he was an immigrant and he employed people and he paid taxes, and all he did was bring us here to build a better life. And thank God we all have, including my brother. And so he's my big hero.

nd I appreciate that he is a [:

And you know, it reminds me that I have the same responsibility somewhere or someone, maybe it's my children, maybe it's people I work with, they look up to me and think, He's a hero. And I always wonder to myself, am I living up to that? So it's a good reminder for me, so I appreciate it.

You're welcome. Thank you.

Yeah. So last question for you is your guiding principles. One of the things that makes heroes heroic is that they live by a code. For instance, Batman never kills his enemies, he only ever puts them in Arkham Asylum. So as we wrap up the interview and talk about the top one, maybe two principles that you live your life by, maybe something you wish you had known when you first started out as an entrepreneur.

not like you. They might not [:

You're honest, you're forthright. You live with a lot of integrity. That's the way I lived my life as a father, as a husband, as a franchise consultant, as a friend, as a brother. And again, my hero always taught me that, you know, and he would hate seeing people that lied or did under handed things, and he often worked much harder to do things the right way.

You know, but that's what he taught me. And that's my underlying kind of life light that guides me live my life with integrity.

Integrity is potent. And to me it is one of my favorite things about running this show is I ask that question to every single person I've had on, we've had over 200 people on the show and probably 90, 95% of the time the answer is integrity.

's part of the reasons why I [:

And I've always hated that because it's wrong and it's not actually the way, it's not a reflection of reality. And, you know, you could pick out 999 out of a thousand business owners on the planet. And you ask them what their guiding principle is, they'll tell you it's integrity.

l or, you know, whatever, to [:

Because those are the people that employ people and serve the community. And you're right, business ownership is essential in the system that we live in anyway. So yeah.

Absolutely. I think that is a fantastic point to end our interview on. But I do finish every interview with a simple challenge. I call it the Hero's Challenge.

And I do this to help get access to stories I might not otherwise find on my own, because not everyone else is doing the podcast rounds like you or I might do. So the question is simple. Do you have someone in your life or in your network that you think has a cool entrepreneurial story? Who are they?

First names are fine. And why do you think they should come share their story with us here on the Hero Show? First person that comes to mind for you.

Oh my British dear friend, Keanan Duffty.

And why should he come share his story with us?

, an artist and he abides by [:

And I find him to be a very interesting wonderful, loving human being. And but he's like a master of so many different things, you know, and the fact that he's been a fashion designer a musician that's worked with some of the biggest musicians in the world, including David Bowie.

And is now a dean of a school. He loves to help kids better themselves. He's a cool guy and if you were lucky enough to get him on your podcast, he's also a very interesting person. So yeah.

Well, will reach out afterwards, see if we can get connected. Maybe we'll get a yes. We don't always, but when we do, they end up being really cool stories, so I appreciate that.

light up the bat signal, so [:

And more importantly, who are the right types of people to do that? Who are the right types of people to light up the bat signal and ask for your help?

Yeah, it's Eddie, E-D-D-I-E at The Franchise Tailor. Tailor from my previous fashion experience. If you're gonna tailor your coat, so

The website is All my contact info is in there. A typical person that I work with is somebody that's in transition, life transition. What do I do next? What do I want? Do I want to build a business as a second income stream? Do I want to change course? Do I want to really do something totally different and build a different life professionally and personally?

That's it. That's who I try to help.

hance to hear him today. You [:

So I, again, I appreciate you coming on and sharing your story with us today, Eddie, do you have any final words of wisdom for my audience before hit this stop record button?

No, other than the talent, you were awesome. I've done quite a few of these and I've loved, you know, speaking to you and your audience today.

And I love that you talk about heroes because I really believe that all of us should aspire to our heroes. And hopefully they're all of the ones from the people that are listening today, were as good as my dad. So thank you, Richard. I've enjoyed it.

Thank you, Eddie.






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