Rebecca Gill is the SEO instructor at with over 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, and SEO. She teaches her students how to succeed with internet marketing by working hard, being smart, and always staying focused on the visitor and solving their problems by creating a positive user experience.
Quotes To Remember:
SEO is about helping Google figure out what is the best content.
When SEO has to trump usability, there’s a problem.
The wonderful thing about the internet today is that there are lots of resources available for learning SEO.
Over 50% of the searches now happen on mobile.
If someone has enough desire, they can learn SEO.
The people that are successful are the ones that have the follow through.
What You’ll Learn:
- Optimizing your SEO campaigns
- Finding the right keywords
- How to discover what your audience wants
- The search engine signals you need to know
- How to optimize blog posts, podcast episodes, and videos for SEO
Key Links From The Show:
Rebecca's Site
DIY SEO Courses
Answer The Public
Google's SEO Documentation
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Content Marketing Secrets by Marc Guberti
Podcast Domination by Marc Guberti
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