k about the nature of work in:
Gordian dynamics, Quill health tau site nuance, Canaan, medical, and current health. Check them out at this week. health.com/today. All right. I want to give you an update on a couple of things. One is I'm going to chime Vive. , health conference, the chime and health combination is called Vive. I'm going to that next week. We're going to start doing some interviews and action. So you're not going to get news stories on every morning. You're probably going to get interviews. ,
Yep. Roughly 10 minute interviews with, , people who are engaged in healthcare. So I'm going to be doing that at the chime conference. I'll be doing that. At the, , at the Vive conference, I'll also be doing that at hymns, the following week. So for the next couple of weeks, you'll probably get interviews.
, and. Preparing for that. I actually have a couple days off. , Wednesday, Thursday, Friday this week. So you will not have a today's show on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, this week. We're going to be. A little light on the show this week so that I can get some, , get a break before we got pretty, pretty heavy through this conference. Season, lots of interviews, lots of conversations already scheduled.
My calendar looks. , incredible for the next, , two weeks. So hopefully we'll get some great interviews for you and give you an idea of what's going on in the industry. All right. Today. I was reading an article. And I thought it was pretty interesting. It's one of those articles that you read.
what was, it was published in:And the four day work week was really designed to reduce unemployment. Right. So if you, you generally, if you had a four day work week, it's only 32 hours, you're banking on the fact that you're going to get less done. And if you get less done, you need more employees. It drives unemployment down.
, there've been tests done around the world. , but they also talked about some recent tests that are going on. You have, , something that's going on in Spain. And, , you have Microsoft, Japan did this. , went to a trial for a four day workweek. , Unilever is on a 12 month trial for doing this as well. And they show some statistics.
Statistics in here that the products. Productivity in a four day workweek actually goes up. Not down. As somewhat anticipate, although I'm not sure how they're comparing it. If I really thought about it, it's probably going up over those, those 32 8 tabs for 32 hours. But, you know, comparing those 32 hours. So 40 hour is probably still below that productivity line.
Eh, you know, I read this article and it reminded me that I wanted to talk about this subject. And that is the nature of work is really influx. Right now we have a lot of different models going on. And a lot of conversations going on right now in health systems around the country of how do you manage this?
The basics have been done. We've identified the jobs that have to be on site. The jobs that can be remote. We've identified the, , states that we're looking to hire in, you know, some are looking at a regional strategy. Some are expanding just to a couple of other states. Some are going all in looking at 48 states hiring strategy and saying we are never going back into the office.
So again, a lot of health systems looking at this problem a little differently, some looking at it longterm and saying, we believe that remote work is here to stay and that we're going to be able to hire the best workforce possible if we go in this direction. So they're going all in others or. Stepping into it a little slowly, and they're saying, look,
Healthcare is a. , Healthcare is an onsite business, right? So because it's an onsite business, it means that our people have to be onsite. We want to get back into the office as quickly as possible. I was talking to a CIO who was just. Essentially delivering that news to their staff, that they were going to start coming back into the office two to three days a week.
And, you know, and then even then it's flexible. You've got to figure out it's going to be two to three days. A week. Where it's flexible or is it going to be two to three days where it's the same two to three days? When I ran that model by a couple of other CEOs, they didn't understand how the flexible.
Benefited anyone. Really, except it got people used to coming back into the, , into work. What they really want is to put people back into contact with one another in a way that they believe will lead to more productivity, more ideas, more, , You know, sharing. Of creativity and those kinds of things. There's nothing that replaces in person. And there's a belief that at some point we're going to have to bring people back in other people are looking at this in an interesting way and saying, Hey, you know what? We are going to bring people together, but it's.
It looks, it's going to look more like conferences. Or project-based bringing people together. So the team is working on a specific project and they get together and they may not get together at the health system. They may get together at a conference. They may get together at a hotel in Chicago, even though it's headquartered in, I don't know, Texas.
, because that's the, you know, the central location where everybody's, , you know, everybody's closest to. Or the flights are cheapest too. So there's, there's a lot of things that are going on that. That are requiring people to think differently about how work is going to get done in the future and what work environments are going to be. , again, I think I shared this before I saw a great chart.
It identified the states that were hardest to hire in and having hired people in multiple states now for my small company. I can tell you the process is really a lot easier in some states than other states. And there's an awful lot overhead. There's an awful lot of filing that needs to go on. If you're going to do payroll in many states.
Some organizations have looked to, or it's to companies like ADP and said, look, we're going to hire through ADP. Those people are actually ADP employees that get paid by 80 plea ADP have benefits through ADP and then worked for the health system. And I think you're going to see a lot more of those types of models.
That exists. I'm wondering what this looks like for staffing agencies. Right. We used to have to staff projects locally. So the staffing agencies. Who were say in Southern California where I was, they would say, Hey, we can get you people here who can work with your team here. Are we seeing staffing agencies start to go national people, starting to have conversations, come in and talk to the CIO and say, look.
I have people all over the country. Here's what's available. I can make them available to you. You just need to give us the credentials, give us the zoom. , access and whatnot interviews being done via zoom. I would imagine that is happening and the creative companies are probably taking advantage of that right now. As I, as I think about it, there's a great opportunity here for real estate. And we've talked about that in the past. , one, one health system sold all their it real estate.
I don't know, probably about:And, you know, and, and finding the oil in the stuff that's required to fire off that generator in the case of. You know, in the case of an outage, all that stuff is, is not core competency stuff for healthcare systems. , per se. And so you can, you, you can actually outsource that, get that over to an organization that does that. Well.
That isn't to say that we don't do that as healthcare, we do that as healthcare, our hospital buildings have some of those capabilities and we can tack onto those things. But at the end of the day, that hospital real estate is very expensive. And in high demand. So you utilizing it for a cool space to run your computers.
, didn't make sense in:There's a concern about culture. , I'm not sure it's any more than the concern they had about culture when people were all together. , we have to hire really good managers. We have to train those managers. We have to do pulse surveys to ensure that those managers are top-notch. At the end of the day, people leave organizations because they, ,
Don't like their direct supervisor. That's been a pretty common theme for quite some time. And so we still have to do the same blocking and tackling that we would do if we were onsite. , I just wanted to have this conversation. , and get some thoughts out there into the ether. Hopefully if you have some ideas on this, you know, reach out to me. If you see me at five hymns, chime, whatever we're calling, all of these things, ,
You know, Pull me aside. Let's talk about it. I'd love to hear what your system's doing. Love to hear what's working. What's not working. All right. That's all for today. Hey, by the way, if you didn't catch the webinar we did on Friday or Thursday of last week. , go ahead and hit the a this week health.com hit the webinars page.
And sign up for the on-demand webinar. We did epic to Azure in the cloud, , exceptional webinar, very well attended 260 plus people signed up for it and even more, still signing up for it to view that webinar. , well worth it to systems journeys. To systems journey to the cloud. There you go. All right now, that's all for today. If you know someone that might benefit from our channel, please forward them a note. They can subscribe on our website this week, health.com or wherever you listen to podcasts, apple, Google, overcast, Spotify, Stitcher.