[WARNING - THIS ONE’S A BIT CONTROVERSIAL!] Should you take time off your business to spend with your kids this summer?
That’s exactly what you’ll find out in this solo podcast with me, Janet Murray.
Even if you don’t have children, this episode is definitely worth a listen. It might challenge you to think differently about how you spend your summer.
Key moments
[1:15] The problem with taking the whole summer off (and it’s not ‘cos you should be hustling!)
[2:01] Why summer is NOT a bad time to invest in training/coaching
[2:49] How being smart with content planning in the summer can help you have a more profitable final quarter of the year
[4:18] Why you shouldn’t give up on your content this summer
[5:45] Ditching the mum guilt and what judgy parents/family REALLY think
Key links
Janet Murray’s website.
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