*Due to unforeseen circumstances, we will be postponing the episode on Investment-linked policies to a later date. Do keep a look out for it in the coming months and meanwhile, we hope you will find this new episode useful!*
At Providend, we divide the whole process of planning for our demise into 3 stages – End-of-life planning, Legacy & Estate planning and Administration.
In today's episode, Chris delves deeper into the End-of-life planning process where he explains what Advance Medical Directive (AMD), Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and Advance Care Plan (ACP) are for and why we need to get these important documents done early, when we are in good health.
Stay tune for our next episode where we share tips on how you can plan well ahead for your children’s tertiary education, especially if you intend to send them overseas!
The host, Isaac Ong, is Associate Adviser at Providend, Singapore’s First Fee-Only Wealth Advisory Firm.
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Music courtesy of ItsWatR.