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Episode 211 – Conversations with Passion – Corey Poirier pt 1
18th January 2018 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:29:09

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Episode 211 Show Notes for Corey Poirier Interview

“Conversations with Passion”

Hello Everyone Everywhere – this is Pastor Bob Thibodeau and I want to thank you for joining us today as we are in another DUAL BROADCAST of the Everything Church Related podcast and the Kingdom Cross Roads podcast…and, are you ready for this??? We are not just doing a Dual Broadcast – today, we are doing a TRIPLE Broadcast interview – so you KNOW we have something special going on! AMEN! In addition to our two regular podcasts, beginning in January 2018, (this is being recorded in mid-December 2017, if you are listening later), We are going to publish this interview on a NEW PODCAST called “Bridge to Millions” – a Christian themed, interview based podcast that talks to successful Christian business people that have managed to transcend the perceived “gulf” between their Faith and being successful in the business world.

On today’s program, I have just such a man. Corey Poirier is a modern day Napoleon Hill! He is an author / researcher and Corey Poirier has personally interviewed more than 4,000 of the world’s top achievers, with a goal of bringing that exclusive insight to his clients from the stage every week.
Corey is a multiple-time TEDx Speaker, International Bestselling Author, Top Rated Personal and Professional Development Show Host, he appears regularly on television, on radio and in print, he writes for publications like, and he has shared the bill with the likes of Stephen MR Covey, Deepak Chopra and General Rick Hillier.
And he is joining us today…help me welcome to the program – Corey Poirier!
Corey, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to join us today…it is an honor to have you on our program.
Corey, as we get started, can you briefly tell us about the 5 Weeds in most peoples life?
I notice you “tell a story” in your presentations. How and when did you learn to do that?
Many people think that successful people, successful business people – successful speakers – basically START that way. How did you get your start? Were you already in a business environment that provided you all the contacts you needed to be a successful speaker?
If a person has a desire to make an impact in the world by speaking from a stage – What is the number one thing a person can do to secure a paid speaking gig?
Corey, I could go on and on – but we are about out of time for today. If a person wanted to reach out to you, to ask a question or even to do an interview like this – how can reach out to you?



Book: The Book of How and Why

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