This week, Dr Katya Miles returns to talk to us about spotting burnout and giving yourself permission to thrive.
Episode Highlights
[05:53] Overcoming Perfectionism
- We need to embrace learning through making mistakes.
- We often beat ourselves up even if nobody else knows the right thing to do.
[11:37] Factors That Lead to Burnout
- Many professionals in high-stress jobs think that stress is normal even if it’s not.
- Learn your personal red flags.
[16:29] Warning Signs of Burnout
- We stop doing healthy habits.
- We turn to unhealthy coping responses.
- Be mindful of the reasons behind our unhealthy practices.
- Having accountability helps in embedding healthy practices in our lives.
[23:43] Why It’s Difficult to Give Ourselves Permission to Thrive
- If your identity is so linked with your job, self-care is more difficult.
- We don’t reflect enough on the fact that we are all finite resources.
[33:34] Give Yourself Permission to Thrive
- Have honest conversations about your struggles.
- Reflect by journaling, creative pursuits, or being in nature.
- Think about the consequences if you don’t give yourself permission to thrive.
[38:51] Drive Zone, Threat Zone and Soothe Zone
- We spend most of our time in the threat or drive zone.
- Resting improves cognitive performance and overall well-being.
[41:32] Katya’s Top Tips
- Give yourself permission to thrive.
- Try to deliver on what you need at the moment.
- Develop the habit of looking after yourself.
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