Episode 84 - Travelling With Erin Hynes From The Curious Tourism: Responsible Travel Podcast
26th September 2022 • Winging It Travel Podcast • Voyascape Media
00:00:00 01:50:35

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Hello and welcome to number 84! This week I am joined by Erin Hynes who hosts the Curious Tourism: Responsible Travel Podcast. Erin's podcast is one of the leading shows in talking about responsible travel and I was delighted to get her on for an episode. We delve into sustainable travel, travel privileges, dark tourism, voluntourism, 'authentic' travel, cruise ships, Erin's personal travels (Cuba, India, Iceland, Jordan + more) and so much more. I learnt a lot from this episode and I can not wait to check out Erin's podcast even more over the coming months. You will love this episode and it will get you thinking about your own travels. You can check out Erin's podcast, blog and social media below. Thanks for listening and catch you next time.

Curious Tourism: Responsible Travel Podcast

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Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/alpaca-my-bags-responsible-travel-podcast/id1449041086

Pina Travels (Erin's Blog)

Website - https://pinatravels.org



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