Hello, darling heart, and welcome to the drink less, live better podcast. This is the podcast that helps you to see that drinking
less doesn't need to to be stressful, lonely, or boring. I'm your host, Sarah Williamson, and I decided to have a year alcohol
free as a little life experiment and haven't looked back. With my experience in training, I now help other women with their
alcohol free or drink less adventures. I'm here to tell you that you can be truly joyful without alcohol in your life. Join
me here each week to find out how. Today I'd like to tell you a story about how I find myself making my life more complicated
than it needs to be. I used to love a to do list. I had no structured way of keeping all my tasks in one place, but I tried
to keep on top of where the heck I was with frantic list writing, keeping, doing, and ticking. A couple of years ago, I was
working multiple part time jobs. One job took up the majority of my time, and I also had a small part time contract and 4
freelance jobs. Why? Well, people kept asking me and I didn't like saying no. It served its purpose at the time. I liked the
money and I liked being busy. Oh, the joy of being busy, I thought. I wore it like a badge of honour, as many people do. That
old saying, if if you want something doing, ask a busy person, I used to think that was funny. Not anymore. I realized I was
using busy as a way of keeping myself distracted, a way of not addressing the bits of my life that needed some time and attention
spent on them. If I was busy crossing stuff off my list then I couldn't possibly have the time or headspace to do anything
else. Besides, if I had written address Friday night collapsing on the sofa with a glass of 3 of wine on my list, that couldn't
have been very neatly ticked off. It was a bit messy, It needed headspace. It needed thinking about. It needed discussing
with people who might try and reassure me I didn't have a drinking problem. Or did I? Perhaps I was avoiding the issue and
I needed to put a plan in place and just do it. I now know for sure that if I'm questioning, do I have a problem here? Then
I almost certainly do, and that's all I need to know to get on and to make a change. Of course, it could be about pretty much
anything. Exercise, making the time to relax, eating well, for example. I was making everything a little bit complicated,
and I was cluttering my mind. I don't like physical clutter around me, and I don't like mental clutter either. Perhaps that
was why I had to be a list keeper so that the detail was out of my head and on paper. While I'm talking about pieces of paper,
a quick mention. Have you heard of Eisenhower's matrix? I recommend you look it up. I was introduced to this productivity
tool, and it really helped me to prioritize the tasks that were important and urgent, and also to see that some tasks could
be delegated or even eliminated. I do still suffer from allowing myself to get over busy from time to time, and the state
of my desk is a really good indicator of my inner feelings. Once I've got my desk straight and prioritized my top three tasks
for the day, I can move on much more easily. I was always guilty of thinking I could fit much more into my day than I realistically
could, and it often left me feeling unaccomplished at the end of the working day, another reason why I used to have a glass
of wine. That feeling of overwhelm was real, and it needed taking down a peg or 2 at the end of the day. Anyway, making chisel
complicated. Here is what I didn't need to have when I decided to try my alcohol free experiment. Number 1, permission from
anyone else. Number 2, additional items on my mental to do list, I e, I will also cut out sugar. Number 3, a set of commitments
to other people I didn't want to fulfil. And here is what I did need. Belief in myself, one goal, and a diary with things
in it that felt good and not at all overwhelming. In summary, don't make your mission to try an alcohol free life experiment
complicated. Keep it simple. Ask for help and support where you need it. Once I had my alcohol free life experiment safely
underway, I took the opportunity to begin to address other areas in my life that felt overwhelming, and I was able to streamline
my headspace too. What a joy. I'm a work in progress like everyone else, but I now really do feel like I'm a human being and
else, but I now really do feel like I'm a human being and not a human doing. Thank you for listening to this episode. Please
listen in again next time. You can sign up to my 5 day drink less experiment and find out about working with me one to 1 at
drink less, live better.com. I'd love it if you could 5 star rate and review this podcast. It'd be good karma. You know? Thank
you. And, PS, I believe in you.