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Kicking + Screaming | Ep.25
Episode 2517th November 2022 • Diaries of a 6 figure Coach • Theresa Lambert
00:00:00 00:22:51

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Most of the time we kick + scream and put up resistance to do the thing that we know will support us. It’s silly really, but why do we do it? This week I experienced this as I worked on getting the pieces in place to allow me to fully unplug while I am at a Retreat in Costa Rica. Yup while you are listening to this, I am probably at the pool, beach or in an expansive session to activate my soul and create my Vision for 2023 in my business + life. My team posted this, set up the email to go out and if you see me on my stories on my IG, you will see me having a blast and taking up space.

Tune in and let’s have a conversation about how to drop the resistance so you can get what you REALLY want. (in my case, space to play, create and show up when I want to)

About the Host:

Theresa Lambert is a Business Strategist + Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She creates unique success plans and provides strategic guidance to female entrepreneurs so they can SCALE to 6-figures and beyond while having the FREEDOM TO PLAY.

In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book  Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker, the Podcast host of Diaries of a Six Figure Coach Podcast and co-host of Dissecting Success.

Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.

Diaries of a six figure Coach isn’t only a Podcast to help you get strategic and master the precision of Success.  It’s a declaration to share the truth. It’s a commitment to keep going to make it happen, no matter what. It’s an activation and invitation for female Coaches and Entrepreneurs to play a bigger Game. Tune into short, potent and value packed episodes that are fun, raw, real, vulnerable and authentic af on what it takes to build a six figure coaching business online. It’s going to MOVE you. It’s going to ACTIVATE you. It’s going to help you access your audacity, courage and start taking the intentional actions to make your biz dreams come true while living the life you desire and making an impact online.

Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching


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Theresa Lambert:

I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but more about success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and mastered a position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast, I am your host, Theresa Lambert, and I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.

Theresa Lambert:

So we're gonna record this episode from Miami later this week, and talk to you about where I'm at with getting the team set up for takeover while I'm on vacation while I'm at the retreat the for the wildcard retreat. And, yeah, I wanted to let you know how I'm at at the end of the week tuning in from Miami New vibe, how I'm feeling about having left buenos aires. And what's happened is that I just got a notice. Tropical Storm, Nicole is heading for the south of Florida. And I may not be flying to Miami on Wednesday night. I don't know right now I'm sort of just going with the flow. To be honest, I started getting ready for packing and all of those things. But yeah, there is like some flow happening. And I don't really know. And so I decided that rather than telling myself that I'm going to be recording this in Miami, no problem. I would rather record it now while I'm still in one as Iris. And know that if I'm In Miami, perhaps a Friday and I have the two days that I had hoped I had in Miami, I'll be able to record another fabulous episode if I feel like it. And if I don't, then I feel it feels really good for me because it will just open up the space. So now that I know that this episode will be recorded for the week while I'm at the retreat. Now it's November 8, and next Thursday, this episode comes out, I'll be able to have to space to space. And this actually ties into how I feel about having just finished scheduling out the tasks for my team to post on my social media pretty much daily, Monday through Friday until November 30. And that is something that I hadn't done yet. And I had found myself resisting it a bit. And it was like Can I really plan this far out and, and you know, like I like posting on the go, I like being really spontaneous with my content. I like being super intentional with my content. And I realized that I was putting up resistance and standing in my own way to having a space open up. And it was a very bizarre experience. But now that I have it, and I've released some of the clipping and the controlling, I see how this gets to feel really good. Because by having this extra space and time open up in my calendar, I'm able to serve my clients very intentionally, I am able to create from a place of abundance really, and not pressure at all to create content, which I honestly have so much content that I don't often feel the pressure to create. I am a content creator, this is what I do. But sometimes I also get into a vortex of always creating more and more and more. And nobody ever sees the light of like, doesn't see the light of day, which I'm changing now. I'm changing now. But having this plan and embracing doing things differently and embracing and getting to support for my team. I think that's the thing too. It's like knowing that posts are going to go out and they're being being posted and scheduled out every day. And it's done already. It's done already. It feels really good. It's in line and intentional with what I want to share this month what I believe is important for you to know in your business, I'm going to sprinkle a lot of gold around content creation. I am a content creator. I have an epic content program that is that I've actually created over the summer months and because of everything that was going on, I never actually sold the program. publicly. My clients my private clients had access to it. My co club clients had access to it, but it never went beyond that until we sembly And I started talking about it on my social. So I'm really excited to talk about content creation and some of the pieces that are really important than how we can make sure that our content connects and converts and all of these pieces. And also, there was really a piece within content creation that is quite strategic, and it gets to feel good, it gets to feel good. And I think one of the really key pieces here that ties in with having the support is when we don't feel supported in our business, or when we keep doing everything on our own sometimes. But it's really that support piece, the we are quite under the pump all the time. And when we're under the pump, when we're feeling pressure, when we feel like we have to post something or do something, content creation and creation, in any sense, doesn't really flow doesn't really flow, it doesn't flow for me, it doesn't flow for a lot of my clients, maybe it flows for you. I mean, we're all different. So never say never. But generally I find content creation becomes this drag, it becomes this, like, oh my god, what am I going to post kind of scenario. And it's really because we're not held and supported, maybe not held and supported by other people like a team that can do things for us. But also, when we're not feeling held and supported by our strategy, when we're not feeling held and supported by a process or system. When we sort of approach everything in our business from Oh, I'm just gonna decide today what I'm going to do kind of scenario, rather than being more proactive and VD thinking about, you know, what would feel good and what allows me to, to set myself up in a way that creates space for me to to show up more if I want to, or to take up space for myself if I want to, and you have this capacity to serve more clients. So when we're not feeling supported, whether it's from people or whether it's in a strategy, or whether it's with a process, when we're not feeling supported, when we don't really have this plan in place, we're kind of all over the place. And this is exactly the time to where I find the kicking and screaming gets the worse, even around doing things or implementing things that would actually help you to get what you want. It's like we're fighting, the thing we need to do in order to be able to feel

Theresa Lambert:

or create, I should say, what we want to create. And to make our life easier. It's like we find it. It's like sometimes in business, we know hiring somebody hiring an expert, maybe it's myself to come into your business and actually create a strategy for you and a plan for you, Anna, and a client path for you and a product lead for you and all these beautiful things and create a scalable business model for you. That gives you the support and structure so you can grow and scale your business with more ease and have more time to play might sound incredible, but you might find yourself resisting it because you're like, oh, you know, I don't know. But then I've all destruction, and I have to do all these things. But the thing is, by actually having all that stuff in place, the doing becomes easier, it becomes more effortless, and the space and time that opens up for you to show up and do what you do best actually allows you to be more creative, to be in more flow to have more space, which is ultimately what you would want when you're bringing somebody in. Same thing, if you're hiring, hiring someone on your team, right? If you're hiring somebody to help you with your social media, if you're hiring somebody with your content creation, if you're hiring someone for for maybe graphics, like whatever it may be, when we are allowing ourselves to bringing in support and we embrace it, it gives us the thing that we want, which is often more time for us to do the things that we want to do to be focused on the things that we want to focus on. Or to play and have fun, right, you have more time and space. But having the past and coming and then changing the way we're doing things requires us to let go of stuff. And it requires us to do things differently. And that initially brings up this resistance. So we're back to kicking and screaming. So bottom line here is we can stand in our own way a lot. We can be like, ah, you know, but I had this plan, like this week, right? Like I have this plan to record this episode from Miami. I was like it's going to be great. Like, I'm going to be very in tune with how does it feel by the end of the week. And you know what, I'm there already. It's Tuesday. I've got the team set up. They're good to go to know what they're going to do for for the week. Actually, I have a plan until November 30 Things are in motion. It feels really good for me to know that this is what's happening now at the end of this week when I'm in Miami because I'm sure it'll figure itself out. I might just end up getting there. Delayed or a day later, but I'll be in Miami probably for at least a day and maybe both days. I mean you never know. But what ends up happening. I'm going to have space and time while I'm There, I'm bide record another podcast episode while I'm in Miami because it feels good, I may not, I might just relax by the pool and have a good time and get ready for my vacation and enjoy the fact that I have actually set myself up for success. And that I have a team who takes care of things, I'm going to be excited to go for all the amazing applications that came in for the mastermind and pick the 10 entrepreneurs that are going to have a spot for that 10 day experience with me, which I'm super excited about. And I can show up, I can show up and talk about what I'm up to in Miami feeling really good about the time and space. So I could have kicked and screamed about the fact that now today, I have to record an episode for the podcast. I don't have to, I could have left it. But it felt better to me to do it today. And also, I felt a bit of like, you know, kicking and screaming coming up when I got the email in about the storm. And then I was like, What can I really do? Like, if I am not meant to, to, you know, if I'm not going to be there for the full two days? Like, does it really matter? No, it doesn't, it's really just a stop in between. Now, I've not been to Miami. So I thought it's kind of cool. And I'm excited to see my first son said by the ocean. But at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. So there's no need to kick and scream, and I can just be in surrender. And I can just trust that American Airlines will tell me what's up. And if I have to make a change, and if I have to adjust my travel plans, change my hotel, whatever, like, it'll be fine, like things are gonna work out. And in the meantime, I can allow myself to do the things that make me feel supported, like recording the episode now making sure my team's ready to go now. So I can really have the next couple of days and the next week to really play and enjoy. So kicking and screaming is the highest for me personally. And that's what I see with my clients. When there is no support in place when there is no strategy in place when there's no structure in place when we don't allow ourselves to to do the things that would make our life more simple, our business more simple, our things more streamlined. That is when the kicking and screaming is the biggest. It's almost like we're resisting just just as one thing that we have to do to get there. But it requires us often to do something differently. So how often are you resisting the thing that you have to do differently? That you know, what get you what you want? I think this is a really, really big one. What is that for you? And how often do you even still find yourself kicking and screaming when you have the support because you're sort of fighting to support. Notice that notice that I think that this is a really, really key piece around receiving. But it's also going to open up so much energetic capacity, so much mental space, when you stop resisting so much when you stop kicking and screaming so much. And you allow to look at things and be like, okay, in what ways can I be more supported? What can I have in place to help me feel more supported? Who do I maybe want to bring on to my team or to help me for mentorship and coaching, as we head into 2020 free to feel more supported. Because at the end of the day, if you are looking to build a six or multi six figure business or seven or eight figure business, you are not going to be doing it alone. And you're going to be embracing their support and an auditor to be able to not just get that once but hold it and continuously repeat it and have a business model that is a repeat, rinse and repeat. And that builds and scales naturally. In flow without burning you out. You will need to embrace this support. And the more you can let go of the kicking and screaming along the way, the faster things can come in. The faster things can grow, the faster things can get easier for you. So how often are you kicking and screaming? And look, I am not immune to this. I am not immune to this. I find myself kicking and screaming when I make changes and adjustments. And then I get to the other side of it. And I'm like, wow, okay, we could have kicked and screamed a little bit less. And as I become more aware and have the clarity around that, too, it becomes less and less and less and less, I'm more likely to be like Okay, let's take a breath here. Let's breathe through this bit of discomfort, a bit of resistance. And let's make sure that I'm allowing myself to be supported. I know what I'm doing. I know what's coming up. I know what the plan is because I'm a strategist and I have that in place for my business. So it's actually very simple for me to sit down and be like boom, here's the content that I'm excited about sharing in the next few weeks. Here's what I want to have go out in terms of the sale that's coming up for my build your business, launch your business bundle. That's it. Exciting time. is right. And it feels really good to know that there is that support because what I'm continuously after is space opening up, time opening up. So I am able to show up above and beyond what I've already planned and I am able to be really intentional. But I'm also having the space time and capacity to serve the number of clients that I'm looking to serve as we're heading into the latter half of 2022. And then through 2023, I am really excited to fill this strategic mastermind with 10 Beautiful entrepreneurs, that is coming back, it is going to be ongoing enrollment starting January.

Theresa Lambert:

So I always want to have 10 people coming into it. I'm excited about filling my one to one practice with incredible clients who want to hire not just a coach and mentor, but who also want to tap into my genius and hire me as a creator and a CEO to create them scalable business models and all those beautiful things. And I desire to to really have a lot of beautiful humans and souls coming into the confidence he opened up, I'm offering monthly mastermind sessions in that now and then all my myself based program. So I'm really ready to to welcome a much larger number of people into my world. And it feels so good to know that I am good to go. And that what happened in the summer with my capacity and not like really struggling to be able to show up for it won't happen, because I have to change support because I've changed a business model because I've put on some better processes and systems that I needed for my business to be more scalable. And that feels really good to me, because now I know, not only can I grow, but I can also hold it and I can do it with less kicking and screaming. And I can rest assure to that if there is changes happening, like changing flights or, you know, who knows, you know, but I'll be for 2023. But it feels really good to know that those pieces are in place. And it feels good to know that. This reminder also that on the other side of the kicking and screaming on the embracing support more is also that opening up the receiving the really being supported from, you know, through our strategies, systems and processes, but also feeling really supported spiritually, feeling really guided there and being able to really be in the intuitive space. Because we need silence, space, peace and relaxation, to be able to really tap in and tune in and be really connected and that peace, that safety and security that comes from knowing that we are moved by something that is much bigger than us is the ultimate safety. To me, it's the ultimate safety. There is a part of me that is very, very devoted to continue nurturing, that connection, the light, and all I feel on that. But it requires me to have space and time. So I can't be bogged down with stuff. So what can I do to allow more support? And what can I put in place? When can I be proactive to make sure I set myself up so that I can really enjoy and be in the moment. And sometimes that requires us to get past the kicking and screaming and just do the things and then be like, Wow, look at that, that feels so good. And that is what I see with my clients when they get more Pinyon on site even more organized. But just when they're getting more strategic around what they're doing, whether that's what content they're posting, how they're guiding clients through that businesses, how they're showing up online, how much space they're taking up for themselves, where they're focusing on their self care, the decisions that they're making, the resistance that they're moving past and what opens up for them, when they're really allowing themselves to do the work and put it in place. So there's short term, there's comfort, the short term kicking and screaming you are in charge, the more you can surrender. And the more you can breathe through this to show that this period of kicking and screaming will be that means the less energy you're going to consume in that time. And then you can put the thing in place or hire the person if that is the case and get the support that you desire and want to be able to do the thing that allows you to get what it is that you ultimately want. So there is an action, there is an effort that's required, stay focused on that no, the resistance will go less kicking and screaming and more focusing on now we're back to focus on what we're actually trying to create and then embrace it and if I get to be a part of that for you if I get to create for you if I get to come in and be a CEO for you and really helped take some of those pieces off. So you don't have to spend capacity at a dead capacity on doing that in any way or form or if I can be a mentor for you as we're heading in 20 into 2023. I would absolutely love that and you can always reach out to me DM me on my instagram on my social media at Teresa Lambert coaching on Facebook and LinkedIn you find me on Theresa Lammott. All the social links are always below. But yeah, if I can be a part of your business of your your journey, and 2020 free will as we're finishing 2022 Don't hesitate to reach out and like to have a conversation around what's next for you, and how I may support you. So you can do less kicking and screaming. So this is a wrap. If all goes well, when all goes well, I'm having a lot of like adjusting of language today. For myself. This is interesting. When all goes well with my flight to Miami. I'll be in Miami for two full days extra Pool time for me. And then next week when this episode airs, I'll be in the jungle at the for the wild vem retreat, I'm sure a million ideas and things are gonna come through. I'm so excited. And here I am. I'm heading off. So we had another episode from one as Iris. This was a good one. I did it without kicking and screaming and she said this feels better just feels more supported to do this now. And who knows, I might have an episode squeezing in from Miami, if I feel like it. And if I don't then the next episode that you will see will be from Costa Rica from the jungle, which is also going to be epic. So I am excited. Here we go to countries I'm visiting this month alone. And then we'll be heading up to a third country. People the US over oh my goodness. It's like you're coming traveling with me. I love y'all so much. Thank you for being here. Thank you for listening. I am forever grateful truly. And this podcast means so much to me. So thank you. Thank you feeling the gratitude today and I will chat with you soon.




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