Entrepreneurs are not generally known for taking time for their own well-being and fitness. On this episode with Sartre Jean-Gilles, we discuss the benefits of movement and exercise on productivity.
This is a great episode to plug into while you're working out :)
Hello and welcome back to the Be Well, Do Well podcast.
Amin Ahmed:I'm excited today to have a conversation with another remarkable entrepreneur who's a behavior change and transformation coach Sartre Jean-Gilles is passionate about working with busy home-based entrepreneurs to form healthy habits and improve their overall fitness.
Amin Ahmed:He's the founder of S J G Fitness, and today we're gonna have a conversation about all things around energy habits and behavior change.
Amin Ahmed:Sartre, welcome to the show.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Thank you so much for having me.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:How are you?
Amin Ahmed:Good, good.
Amin Ahmed:Thank you.
Amin Ahmed:I'm so excited to chat today.
Amin Ahmed:So tell me a little bit about your background.
Amin Ahmed:How you got to doing what you're doing now?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Well, I guess my background probably started when I, basically, what I think the influence of my family, having a lot of family members who are in the healthcare space definitely influenced me along with the fact that both of my parents were teachers back in, Haiti where they lived.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So they taught me, the importance of learning and teaching from an early age.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And I, I, when I was, preteen, I just, I started.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:You know, change of course as we all do.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And I started to, get interested in strength training and playing basketball.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And sports wasn't, I was a sport, I was an athlete when I was a kid.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Like I love sports, playing in the neighborhood, but I wasn't really like a, playing organized sports.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:But that kind of kicked in more so when I was a teenager.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And with that change, came an interest in, in a, in athletics and in health and that, you know, rolled into university.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:, you know, I took my human kinetics, undergrad from the University of Ottawa, and that was very interesting.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Getting a more science based background in health and fitness.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:really struck with me how important, this is and, you know, with the change in, in the population health and whatnot.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So working after that in a physiotherapy clinic.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:For a year really, solidified my interest in in health and wellness.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Though I did, have a bit of a detour taking, teaching English and Japan for three years coming back.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:after that I was in the health space again, in marketing in Vancouver, helping people, especially senior citizens with what's called the personal emergency response system.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So marketing to all of the senior citizens in that area so that they can have their, you know, if they have a fall that they can call someone, you know, going to adult day centers and whatnot.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:talking to the senior citizens.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So that population group was, that was very eye-opening too.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And, coming back to Alberta, I spent.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Just under a year there was a healthcare inquiry, so I'm getting some background in what's going on in the healthcare space and access to healthcare.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:That was a very interesting learning opportunity, being an administrator for that, and then working in the wealth, social welfare space.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:In a feeding program, which is adjacent to healthcare, I guess.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:people who are experiencing marginalization, was a manager for what's called the Feed the Hungry Program here in Calgary for six years.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And, but that's, yeah, that's what I was doing.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And then all of a sudden, about two years ago, I decided to come back into this space, which I always wanted to intended to.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:so got my certification as a personal trainer, kept certified as a kinesiologist.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And then this year I attained my finished behavior change coaching certification and here I am with my, my business.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I
Amin Ahmed:love, I love that.
Amin Ahmed:How, you know, you started somewhere, you kind of went off to Japan, you said three years, right?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Three years in Fukushima before the earthquake.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Okay.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:teaching lovely kids at three different junior high schools and then, going here and there to different elementary schools during their, they have trimesters there.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Okay.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So, . Interesting.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Was there something that you learned while you were in Japan that you weren't expecting to learn?
Amin Ahmed:Obviously the culture is very different, but like was there something that really stood out to you about Japan?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:the order.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:, I guess it's definitely something that stood out to me.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I mean, I didn't actually happen to do an internship in Osaka in the Canadian consulate, which is now closed one, some, one summer, and just going to the, you know, the train platform from my hostel to, to downtown Osaka and just, just seeing how orderly people are, in terms of lining up on my
Sartre Jean-Gilles:, these people who have developed like the homeless, they have these amazing.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:structures, homes that they've built and, and and the sense of pride.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Like even the homeless, they will put their shoes outside.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:They have a mat.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:They, cuz they don't, walking with your shoes on in Japan.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Right.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Most, a lot of cultures, you know, don't do that.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:but they especially don't do that.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And even the homeless don't do that, which that was.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:and they don't rip up garbage.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:They, Untie the garbage if they're going dumpster diving.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:everybody has a sense even the homeless have a sense of belonging in society on some level, which is, which I found astounding.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:. Amin Ahmed: Wow.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Wow.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:That's interesting.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I can only imagine that like seeing, you know, your perception coming from North America of what homeless kind of seems like here.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And then you see that there and you know that order leaving the shoes out.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So the respect that people have for each other and for themselves is amazing.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And did you find that you changed as a result of that?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I would say so, yeah.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I mean, everywhere you go there's just, just this order and.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:this calm because people know that, not to, rock the boat I guess.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And yeah, having gone there, having taken, I did judo there, which was definitely a humbling experience.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And you know, these like high school kids, a lot of them are high school kids and they're like half my size.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And I would, it would be a challenge.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And just the respect factor along the way and having to train with the first few months with like the six year olds and whatnot, you know, Yeah, it, it, it was very amazing and it definitely changed me, to the core, I would say, living there.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Absolutely.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And I, hopefully it translates into my business with terms of work ethic.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yeah.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:for example, I would be learning Japanese trying to take the, study for the.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:entrance, sorry.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:The, proficiency exam, Japanese language proficiency test.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And I would stay at school, one of the schools
Sartre Jean-Gilles:that I was working at until like 9:00 PM and the vice principal's still there.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:you know, I stay there late.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:He would be there till 9:00 PM 10 PM and he would be back there at like 5:00, 6:00 am and I was just like astounded at the, the devotion, the teachers.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:had., you know, the kids and they would be like, and this is just junior high.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And they would have like a junior high graduation.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And the way that the pe, the teachers would just be like, cuz they just, they just pour their hearts out.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Like they are, they are their parents, they are their coaches for sports, they are their teachers.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So they have so much responsibility for the kids during those, because every kid is in a, is in an after school activity for two hours after.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:after school.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So, just that devotion and just seeing them, you know, the separation at the end.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:In, in April, that's when the school year, well March, that's when the school year ends.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:It was, it was just amazing.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yeah.
Amin Ahmed:Oh, that's amazing.
Amin Ahmed:Now, this reminds me of something I, I may have not mentioned, in the intro is that you actually like learning languages.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yes, I love learning languages.
Amin Ahmed:How many languages do you know now?
Amin Ahmed:on different levels.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Seven
Sartre Jean-Gilles:. Amin Ahmed: That's amazing.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yeah.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:That's amazing.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:The thing about language learning that I find fascinating, like we, we at home speak a different language than English with our family, with our kids, but my kids also go to a French school, so they're actually trilingual.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And yes, the, the neural connections that you're making when you learn a new language, The first language.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I mean, your, your native language is easy, but then the second language you learn is a little bit harder.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:But then the third and fourth and fifth I found with our kids, like they pick it up so easily because there's common rules sometimes in language and the, you know, even the words sound similar.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So does that learning of languages translate into your, desire and, and I guess your want to learn more in your business as well?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Cuz you said you, you've combined a scientific approach to, you know, the practical approach from fitness.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I would say, well, I'm doing these, they call it in social media marketing.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And you definitely know.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I'm just saying for the audience though, they call it, affinity posts.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:. So every Sunday I'm affinity posts kind of talking about things other than fitness and nutrition.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:and I've been posting about, language learning.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Just, you know, little bit about me.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So I'm, I'm, I'm picking a language each week and just talking about it and what's the little nugget that I'm learning, that I could learn from my approach and my relationship with that language.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And, you know, what it's taught me.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And yeah, I agree with what you said about, you know, the language rules.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Like what I did with, with Spanish was I actually revised the entire French, grammatical, all the tenses about two months before I picked up Spanish because it's all the same.
Amin Ahmed:Yeah.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:the patterns are the same.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I mean, the way that the suffix they're different, but they're still the same pattern.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So I did that three months before I started.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I picked up Spanish because I knew that it would help me immensely.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:and yeah, there's just different in terms of languages, you know, it.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:it's, it's similar to fitness in terms of giving yourself a little bit, doing a little bit here and there.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So much better than not doing it at all.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:you know, I try and do micro studies throughout study sessions throughout the day, with my languages because I know that just hitting it a bit each time and then going away and letting my brain process it, it's kind of, it's the same thing as, motor learning.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Let's say if you just, if you just, cuz there.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:. I'm not the best at calisthenics in terms of like high rep, I'm good, but like relatively, but like skills, like balancing and all that.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Not the best.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:. And so always trying to unlock some skills.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And in terms of motor learning, it's just like languages.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Do a little bit, walk away, let your brain process do a little bit, walk away.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:so yeah, there's definitely trans, no pun intended, but you can translate some, some context.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Definitely.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:. Amin Ahmed: So that's, that's cool.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Let's, let's talk about the fitness and the business side of it in relation to that.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:When it comes to learning a language, you said, you know, do a little bit, come back to a little bit, and that's just building that habit of continuously practicing it, right?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:, when you have a client, and, maybe I'm asking this from a selfish reason, but if you have a client that's trying to lose weight, somebody in their midlife, 45 year old male or female, they're trying to lose weight, but they're busy, entrepreneurs.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Maybe they work at home and they, you know, they have kid responsibilities, aging parents.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Is there some small habits that you get them to start with when you're helping them with their fitness?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yeah, so I mean, this, the research is in, in terms of not being sedentary versus being active.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:. And so you can kind of combine that.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So not being sedentary, what, you know, we all know what being active is.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:You should be active.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And in terms of the science, about 150 to.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:, 300 minutes of moderate to vigorous cardiovascular exercise, or about 75 minutes of vigorous exercise.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:That's per week.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:. And then about two strength training sessions, two stretching sessions per week.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:that's according to the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:the gold standard in Canada Now.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:, that's in terms of being active, in terms of being s not sedentary.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:It's getting up every 20 minutes for about 90 seconds.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So I talk to my clients if they're too busy, I say, well, why don't you, you know?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And then there's also research in terms of doing, of going for about a 10 minute walk after every meal.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:If you, if you three meals a day, that's 90 minutes, that's, sorry, that's 30 minutes of walking per day.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:That gets you to 210 minutes of at least moderate walking.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Right.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:every week.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And so, you know, I do this sometimes during the, during the weekend, sometimes I'm working on my business, but I don't feel like doing a hard out session.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So I'll get up every 20 minutes and instead of just not being sedentary, I'll actually just do.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:, I'll do a string training movement, maybe with my bands or with the kettlebells or something, or, or whatever, for 90 seconds.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And I do that throughout the day.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:so if you are like an entrepreneur and you're home based and you have that flexibility with your job, you should really give that a try.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:try walking for 10 minutes, if you have that opportunity.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And then also maybe every 20 minutes break out because you, your body, I mean, there's, there's also the fact that we say that, you know, our attention spans are 20 minutes.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Mm-hmm.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:, and then here we are.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:The research in terms of physiology is that every 20 minutes, the markers, the blood markers, triglycerides, blood, Starts to go up, it starts to change at 20 minutes.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:It's literally like your physiology is telling you to get up and move.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:We're not meant to sit around for that long.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:there's also research saying that human beings are supposed to move around for eight hours.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Moderately.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Like very moderately.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yeah.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:but we can't all do that.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So that's the other, the other option that I'm giving you, I think helps to mitigate the fact that, modernity has us sitting around.
Amin Ahmed:Yeah.
Amin Ahmed:As an entrepreneur myself, you know, I work at the computer a lot and so, you know, eight, 10 hour days are normal for me and I've got a smart watch or any watch would work that has a timer, but now, This is where it starts to get a little bit, your mind starts to wonder like, which direction do I go?
Amin Ahmed:Because there's studies that show that if you want to get into flow and deep work that you need to sit in a session for 90 minutes.
Amin Ahmed:But then from a health perspective, we're saying that you need to get up every 20 minutes.
Amin Ahmed:And yes, I understand it's 90 seconds.
Amin Ahmed:So do you think those two can coexist at the same time, like getting into flow where you're working on a certain task for 90 minutes, but also.
Amin Ahmed:getting up every 20 minutes and working, or do you think they're opposed to each other?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:You know, I, that's a, that's a good one.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I think that one thing we can do is look at it in, in a more holistic sense.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Mm-hmm.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:. And I think also, I've been trying, and it's hard, it's a new muscle that I'm trying to really get good at, is I try to not even have music, like, not even instrumental music now.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Okay.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:really working that muscle I think will help.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And looking at it in a holistic sense, there's also the Pomodoro method Which kind of coincides more with, with the timer of 20 minutes on three minutes or whatever, you know, 20 minutes on few minutes, break 90 seconds,
Sartre Jean-Gilles:90 minutes is very interesting to me.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I wouldn't really find myself having that much of an.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Breaking it up every 20 minutes and then maybe have a long, because also the Pomodoro says, I think after four.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yeah, you take a 10 minute break.
Amin Ahmed:I think it's five in between and then 15 for the long break.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Okay.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:15.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So that would kind of coincide more with your 90 minute, but with tiny little breaks in between.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:You know, I, I can, I can get in that full state too.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:that's definitely true in terms of 90 seconds.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So I think if the, I think it's kind of up in the air now.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I would rather honestly get up every, every once in a while.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:It, it, it's hard though, you know?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I understand because you're like, you get in the zone, right.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And then you want to get up, but I really think that people over the very long term, yeah.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:If you have that sedentary job and.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:If you're, you know, you, you really need to figure out how to, how to build in, physical activity, into your life.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:These aren't like, it's not like all or none.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:It's not necessarily you have to do the 20 minute thing or you have to do the 150 minutes or the 200, 300, you know, find what works for you.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:but incorporate it.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Don't you know too many people I'm running into who, who don't incorporate anything?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:and they're so far gone and they're in their fifties and
Sartre Jean-Gilles:You know, it's like, well, you know, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's take a step back now.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:so there's a lot of people in these spaces that I'm, that I'm running into a lot of that are trying to help people in the workspace, which I'm interested in.
Amin Ahmed:Yeah.
Amin Ahmed:Yeah.
Amin Ahmed:Interesting.
Amin Ahmed:What do you think of standing desks?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I think they're awesome.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I think they're awesome.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I would rather also incorporate a standing desk.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:with a treadmill.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:With a treadmill that doesn't have bars like a low treadmill.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Okay.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Okay.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Because I, I personally like to span is kind of hard for humans.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yeah.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:like to just stack in one spot, in one spot and not move your limbs.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I think that's kind of, that's kind of hard for a lot of people, especially if you have back problems.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:But if you.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:You know, it doesn't, if you're moving at like five , you know, just a slow walk to just keep the, the limbs moving and then all of a sudden you're at 15,000 steps at the end of the day, 20,000 steps.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And you don't even have to do that 10 minutes after dinner or go to the gym or anything.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:so standing desks are amazing.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I think honestly, businesses should really look into this.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I know the profits won't necessarily be showing.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:within like, you know, a week or a quarter or whatever, but over the long term, like 20, 30 years, if you have employees that can have a standing desk, if they could do that, if they have a treadmill, maybe you give them some bands and throw them and they could have some bands in their office, let them dress, not business casual, but like athleisure.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:if they're not having a meeting, you know, so that people can get those little nuggets of exercise.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I think really, companies should start looking.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:in a more holistic sense and your employees, they're gonna be more productive.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:They're gonna be ecstatic.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:A lot.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:A lot of them, some of them might not, might not be their style, but a lot of them to not have to go to the gym cuz oh, I, I got 26,000 steps just while working at my desk today.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:, you know, so things to, things to consider.
Amin Ahmed:Yeah.
Amin Ahmed:Amazing.
Amin Ahmed:Now some people are probably really hesitant to change, right?
Amin Ahmed:They say, well, you know, this is what I've always been doing and I, and I go for my one workout a week.
Amin Ahmed:Let's talk a little bit about the behavior change side of it, cuz you, you learned this, you studied behavior change.
Amin Ahmed:Is it as simple as just telling somebody you need to do it and they do it?
Amin Ahmed:That I'm sure there's more to it than that.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:No, it's definitely talking to somebody and figuring out, well, what their why is, so the behavior change.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:coaching certification that I got.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:It's out of, IFBC.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:It's out of London, the Institute of Fitness Behavior Change, established by Tim Drummond, and he was a personal trainer.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:he had a client.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:personal training, client wouldn't necessarily do their homework every single, week.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:and he would meet him once a week, maybe twice a week, and he finally, sat him down and started coaching him rather than training him.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And he developed this.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And there's different, different bodies have different, behavior change coaching certifications now.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:it's starting to grow in the, kinesiology and personal training space.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I have a 12 week program, and so, you know, we start big, you know, look at, rather than like taking pictures of, rather than like counting calories, take pictures of your meals, just do more exercise than you did the week before.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:A little, like very broad things.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So, if you, the analogy of, you, when you have a bucket, you gotta put the, the boulders or the big rocks in and the pebbles and the sand.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So, we, that's the, theme.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And how it progresses.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Throughout those 12 weeks and interspersed throughout those 12 weeks
Sartre Jean-Gilles:There are different coaching tools, so, you know, helping people to, figure out who they are.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:, what are their goals?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So what is their outcome goal?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:What is their behavior goal?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:The outcome goal is more like, I wanna lose 10 pounds.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Behavior goals.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I wanna be exercising X amount of time per week.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:we do these different values assessments.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So what are your values?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:who you envision yourself to be?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Who you envision yourself to become?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:what are some limiting beliefs, right?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And then what are some reasons why things will work for you?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So all these different.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:coaching tools throughout the 12 weeks helps to, give that person that sense of why
Sartre Jean-Gilles:and it helps them to adhere and to maintain the, the, the transformation that's occurring after those 12 weeks.
Amin Ahmed:That's amazing.
Amin Ahmed:So the, these aren't quick fixes.
Amin Ahmed:12 weeks is, is a duration, right?
Amin Ahmed:It's not just like three weeks and you lost weight and then you go back to gaining weight again.
Amin Ahmed:Can you share if, if you have any success stories, whether or not you wanna add names to it, but do you have any success stories about somebody that you've worked with that's really shown the effect of this?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yeah, absolutely.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:My one client, I've got, I've got some posts about him on my Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:He is amazing.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:He, was my peer personal training planned for about a year.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Didn't, really progress that much, in terms of weight loss and.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:. What we did was we added on another training session per week and the behavior change coaching.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:This was 17 weeks ago.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So the first 12 weeks.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:He lost 30 or something, and now he's, he's probably weighed in today.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yesterday we had our behavior change coaching session and he was at 46 pounds in 17 weeks.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:so yeah, He's doing really good.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So he is been my, poster child, I guess, in terms of this program.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:so yeah, he re-upped.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So we're a few weeks into the second 12 week, sessions we have different markers, It's not about just BMI.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:BMI is not the be all and end all.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:You have to at least look at BMI with waist circumference and then, you can look at like waist to height ratio, which he's in the healthy range.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Now it's 0.45 to 0.55 in terms of your waist circumference to your height.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So it should be roughly half.
Amin Ahmed:And just, just explain maybe what BMI is if somebody doesn't know.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Oh yeah.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So the body mass index is.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Kilograms over meter squared.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So it's looking at your mass over your volume You need to look at it with waist circumference, Because LeBron James is over overweight.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:He's obese technically.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And you look at him, he's made outta granite.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So, You have to look at it with waist circumference.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Different population groups have different bone densities, muscle densities, so you know, a lot of people are like, oh my God, my B m I is 28.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Well, what does that mean?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Like, look at you.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:You're, you're fit.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So it doesn't really correlate.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So people don't get to worried about that.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And of course you don't have to look.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:, you know, he's gonna take his blood pressure, like I'm sure it's gonna be a lot lower.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:His rest, resting heart rate's very important.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So his is seven, so that's, that's in the healthy range.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:60 to hundred for resting is good.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Really athletic people might have a resting heart rate in the, in the high forties.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:so it, yeah.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And then you blood work too, so you gotta look at everything.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:It's not just weight.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Mm-hmm.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:people are very stuck on that number, but it's not everything.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:How you're performing too.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:How are you performing?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Are you progressing in your, in your movements?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:and how do you feel?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:How are you sleeping?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:you gotta look at everything.
Amin Ahmed:I used to exercise a lot when I was in school, and that was a regular thing for me.
Amin Ahmed:And I think back on it now, university, I did engineering and university and it was demanding.
Amin Ahmed:There was a lot of schoolwork.
Amin Ahmed:There was a lot of homework afterwards, and.
Amin Ahmed:in hindsight, the exercise is probably what helped me with the energy levels of being able to keep up and cope with all of that.
Amin Ahmed:As I got older and I, you know, started working a professional corporate job, I wasn't exercising nearly as much and my energy tanked.
Amin Ahmed:Then I left my job, became an entrepreneur about 11 years ago, and I started exercising again.
Amin Ahmed:So clearly exercise has an impact on.
Amin Ahmed:, and you've talked about, the gold standard, right?
Amin Ahmed:As every day of the week you're moving, and some days you're stretching, some days you're doing weight training.
Amin Ahmed:if somebody wasn't ready to jump in and work with you, is there a self-guided way for them to do that?
Amin Ahmed:That you have, that you can, you know, lead them through a routine?
Amin Ahmed:Maybe it's, you know, a couple of weeks, maybe it's 12 weeks, but is there a way that they can do it self-guided with your help, but without one-on-one?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yeah, definitely.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:even if they just wanna do one session with me or two sessions with me and I could assess where they are.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:, give them a program and they could run with it.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I could tell them to get to this amount and then, you know, this, this type of workload, this amount of reps, and then maybe they revisit it.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:That's one way in terms of the personal training and then in terms of the behavior change.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yeah.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I do have a self-paced version of my program on my PT Distinction app portal.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:it's an app on the app stores and they can do it on their own with my videos and all of the coaching tools are included.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So giving people different levels of service and that's something that I'm building into my business.
Amin Ahmed:Okay.
Amin Ahmed:That's awesome.
Amin Ahmed:We'll put a link down, in the show notes for that.
Amin Ahmed:Is there a target demographic that you like working with?
Amin Ahmed:Like, is it moms that stay home with their kids?
Amin Ahmed:Is it, you know, wanna be athletes?
Amin Ahmed:Is there a certain demographic that you really enjoy?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I'm thinking in terms of age range, people in my age range and I'm 44, so people between 40 and 50.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I've done a lot of networking on Zooms and there was a lot of independent professional women.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So I've worked with them a lot for the past year, still working with them a lot.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And then I've been angling my, yeah, my posts and my marketing to men a lot because mm-hmm.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:they're not getting the service that they need to.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I'm, I'm working right now with both men and women between 40 and 50 who are busy professionals, especially, home based professionals.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:That's, that's where I'm, I'm at because that's where I am.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And that's whom I enjoy working with.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:so it's been great.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Working with these individuals and seeing the changes.
Amin Ahmed:That's cool.
Amin Ahmed:I love the fact that you've got, this background in language, you've traveled to Japan, your current business.
Amin Ahmed:What do you do when you're not working?
Amin Ahmed:What's your hobby or things that you enjoy doing outside of work?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Languages.
Amin Ahmed:Is it languages.
Amin Ahmed:Okay.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Languages.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Even when I play, yeah, it's, yeah.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I, I've not been really busy with my work, so it's.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Dwindling a bit, but even though I still get my micro studies sessions in right.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:because it's, it's just I'm such a cusp with these languages that I really wanna get somewhere with them.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So they're, they're just a passion of mine.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Long walks.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I love walking, and now when I walk I don't even listen to anything.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I used to listen to podcasts, but now I just, I let my brain just ruminate and defragment, I have this video game that I played and I played in French, just so I'm not wasting my time.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:, Amin Ahmed: that's awesome.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:You know what I mean?
Amin Ahmed:That's perfect.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So trying to do things where you're not totally Expending your time on, on, you know, frivolous stuff.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I think that's, that's important.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:you know, I'm at that point where I'm like, let's go, you know, time is It's the most important resource that we have.
Amin Ahmed:Absolutely.
Amin Ahmed:So, yeah.
Amin Ahmed:Yeah.
Amin Ahmed:No, that's cool.
Amin Ahmed:Thanks for sharing.
Amin Ahmed:Are, are there any books that you're reading right now that you couldn't recommend?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:well, I'm not really reading any books right now, but I've got some good books right here that I have read.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Mm-hmm.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:and.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Here's three OB obviously, and of course I read in Spanish.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:rich, poor Dad, of course.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yeah.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:that was a good one.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And this is a good one.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Happy pocket full of money.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:This is more the energetic side of money.
Amin Ahmed:Who's the author on that one?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:David Cameron Gikandi.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:G i k a n d i.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:That's a good one.
Amin Ahmed:Full of money.
Amin Ahmed:Okay.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And then the Big Leap.
Amin Ahmed:Yes.
Amin Ahmed:That's a great book.
Amin Ahmed:I haven't actually seen that in such a long time, but Gay Hendrix, tell us a little bit about that.
Amin Ahmed:That's one of my favorite books actually.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:It's really about making the big leap in your life.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yeah.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:and not getting stuck with these limiting beliefs.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:that you can't get anywhere, that you won't find that person, that partner, that life partner and whatnot.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So that is a good.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I really recommend to reread it though.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I did have an impression.
Amin Ahmed:That's a great one.
Amin Ahmed:It's a big leap.
Amin Ahmed:Happy pocket full of money.
Amin Ahmed:And Rich Dad, poor dad.
Amin Ahmed:Great suggestions.
Amin Ahmed:is there something that your friends would be surprised to learn about you that they don't already know?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Hmm That's a good one.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Well, I guess like, My, my friends, my friends from high school and, and, and whatnot.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I'd love to take them to Japan and tell them stories about my life there.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:My three years there, because I mean, I was 27, when I went 20 something, when I went there, 29, I think when I left.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So I was like, wow, I, I just spent 10 years of my life in this.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I would tell my Japanese coworkers, like, I just spent 10 years of my life here, . 10 years, I'm sorry, not 10 years.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:10%.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:10%.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yes.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I'm like, wow.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:That's, that's a lot.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And it's just so many things that, you know, happened there that I could just take 'em around Fukushima City, Osaka, you know, Tokyo.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And just, just tell them stories like, like when I went to Tokyo, and I was there with my f my, my two, my two Brit friends and my Kiwi friend.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:We were going to, going out for eating at a teacher's, teacher's, conference.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And we, it was just lunchtime.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So, and I'm a Haitian descent and here I am walking down the street and I see this Haiti, a Haitian restaurant in Tokyo,
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I was like, what is going on?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So I was like, guys, I know where we're eating.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:We're eating right here.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yeah.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Like, cuz you know, my friends have had my mom's food and, and whatnot, so awesome.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And it was obviously nothing like what my mother has , you know, but yeah, it's the attempt.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Oh.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And I was teasing the cooks, you know, I'm like, you got pressure, you got a Haitian here, so, real deal.
Amin Ahmed:That's funny.
Amin Ahmed:That's funny.
Amin Ahmed:Do you eat sushi at all?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Not as much as I did so the train stations in Japan, like all the small towns cuz it's all like one corridor, right?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yeah.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:They really protect their wildlife.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Like Japan's is like a corridor of, of of, cities.
Amin Ahmed:Interesting.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Along the train line all the way down.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Cause Japan's like this long archipelago, right?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So every train station is also a mall.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Not every train.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:The, sorry, the main train station in each town is also a mall.
Amin Ahmed:Okay.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And so there also, there's also a kitan sushi usually, which is, means the revolving sushi kitan.
Amin Ahmed:Okay.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:so I would get two nigri sushi, for like, for a hundred yen, 150 yen for 200 yen.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So about two bucks.
Amin Ahmed:Okay.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So I would eat that all the time at the train station.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I don't eat too much sushi here since I've been back.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:but I do like it.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I mean, I lived in Vancouver for five years and they really, those sushi restaurants really jazz it up.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Like it's a lot simpler there in Japan, when you just go, it's just really simple rice fish.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:But yeah, no, I don't eat it like I did.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I love it.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:My, my favorite.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Japanese, entree would probably be kasu kare, which is rice, Japanese curry, cuz they imported curry in their early 19 hundreds from India.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Okay?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:And they integrated into their culinary, foods, right?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:So, rice curry with like potatoes and carrots and pork or something, or chicken.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:The pork cutlet, which is like a fried pork cutlet.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Breaded on the side.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Absolutely delicious.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:. Amin Ahmed: They're making me hungry and then I'm gonna go for a workout, back at work.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:That's pretty good.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I love that.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I love that.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Well, if somebody wanted to get a hold of you or learn more about you, where can they do that?
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Well, they can email me at my, my simple email is sjg@sjgfit.com.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Okay.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:They can email me to that one and they can find me on LinkedIn.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:sartejeangilles no hyphen.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:S A R T R e J E A N G I L L E S.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:That's my LinkedIn or at sartejeangilles at Facebook or sarte.jeangilles on Instagram or SJG Fitness.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I just changed my handle at SJG Fitness on YouTube.
Amin Ahmed:All right, perfect.
Amin Ahmed:We'll put all of those in the show notes here, so if anybody wanted, they could just click on it.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Yeah.
Amin Ahmed:Wonderful.
Amin Ahmed:This has been really fun and it was nice to learn more about you and your, adventures through life
Amin Ahmed:It's exciting and I appreciate your time so much.
Amin Ahmed:Thanks a lot.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:Thank you so much, Amin.
Sartre Jean-Gilles:I appreciate it.
Amin Ahmed:All right.
Amin Ahmed:Have a good one.