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Wake Her Up: Navigating Perimenopause with Marcella Hill
Episode 23616th October 2024 • The ReLaunch Podcast • Hilary DeCesare
00:00:00 00:39:44

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Join us on an empowering journey with Marcella Hill, a bold entrepreneur and advocate for women's wellness, as she shares her transformative experience with hormone therapy. Marcella's story is one of strength and resilience, moving from enduring pain and disconnection to reclaiming her vitality and hope. Her courage to embrace change has not only reshaped her own life but also led her to create a supportive community for women facing similar health challenges. Through her advocacy, Marcella brings attention to the often overlooked issues surrounding hormone therapy, shining a light on the emotional and physical struggles women face due to inadequate medical guidance.

Marcella's journey teaches us the power of self-advocacy and the importance of finding inner peace amidst life's challenges. She shares how meditation became a source of calm during her most difficult times, bringing profound changes and clarity to her life. By sharing her story, Marcella inspires us to embrace our own journeys of transformation, emphasizing the importance of informed decision-making and the strength found in community support. Her work encourages open conversations about women's health, empowering others to seek the care and healing they deserve.

Key Takeaways

  • Dismantling the barriers of misinformation and accessibility and empowering women to make informed decisions about their health.
  • When life seems overwhelming, there is potential for awakening and reclaiming one's vitality and sense of self.
  • How mindfulness can help navigate emotional challenges and lead to profound personal growth.
  • The significance of self-advocacy in health and well-being.
  • The power of collective support, that no woman needs to face her health journey alone.

About Our Guest:

Marcella Hill is the founder of Wake Her Up, the largest global directory for hormone therapy providers and a powerful advocate for women's healthcare in midlife. With a raw and spicy approach, Marcella shares her personal journey of self-discovery, awakening, and empowerment during this transformative life stage. Her entrepreneurial spirit ignited at the age of 10, selling Girl Scout cookies, and has since led her to establish successful ventures, including the global toy company Peek-a-Boo Stuff and the sustainable clothing brand Love Woolies.

Marcella is also the author of the Amazon bestseller, Wake Her Up, which inspires women to embrace their health and vitality during midlife. As a leader in her field, she has cultivated a vibrant community of over 1 million social media followers and 50,000 engaged members within the Wake Her Up community. Her impactful story on perimenopause has been featured by Oprah Daily, and her insights gained further recognition in Oprah’s Hulu weight loss special. She has been featured in numerous media outlets such as the Balance Documentary, Gloria Magazine, Healthy Women’s Magazine and beyond.

Passionate about inspiring women to truly wake up and live, Marcella is a dynamic public speaker and enjoys problem-solving, writing, dancing, and trying new things. She is dedicated to living in such a way that serves as an example for women to find their voice and strength through midlife and beyond.

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Marcella Hill:

But I started crying, thinking, Wait, I don't have to slowly die from here. I get to live. I don't have to hurt every day. I can like my body can match my soul. And I just that was one of the most awakening moments of my life.

Hilary DeCesare:

Welcome to the ReLaunch podcast, and oh so good everyone. I mean, I don't know what you're doing, but you're gonna want to really like listen in. Think about this conversation, think about the impact that it will have in your life. That's how good this is going to be, because today I have an incredible guest joining us. Her name is Marcella Hill. She is a fearless entrepreneur advocate for women's empowerment, and after navigating a series of life altering relaunches, she changed everything, and we're going to get into that she has redefined what it means to embrace change her viral Tiktok was a story that she got on and basically was talking about how she was feeling. It. It went into hormone therapy, sparked a movement, leading her to create a community of over just in one area, I think there's like 800,000 in another, there's 50,000 I mean, and it just grows massively every day. And you're like, What is she talking about? What is she doing? You know what she's doing. She is literally doing what we're all thinking, and she's making it possible through the world's largest global directory for hormone therapy providers. Oh yeah, you got it. We're going into perimenopause, menopause. We're going to be talking it up. We're going to get you to understand that you are not crazy. And she is here to share her journey, to let us know that it's all going to be okay. So I gotta say, Marcella. Marcella Hill is here, and I have been looking forward to this specific show because I've gotten to know you. And even before we hit, you know, go time on this one. I am like, jonesing to find out more. So thank you again for being here. Oh

Marcella Hill:

my gosh. I feel like, who are we talking about? Did I do?

Hilary DeCesare:

This is you? Girl? I am like, so fired up because this the fact that your numbers speak volumes for what is going on in the minds of women. And I think you you say it's like 35 plus. And I love because you're kind of tapped into Brene Brown, who says midlife is 35 until you die. And so here we are. But this has not been your journey along. You haven't just been like, hey, I want to help women in their health and really get them through. It started a lot long ago with your significant relaunch. And I know there's a ton of them that we've discussed, but what do you think was the most significant relaunch story for you that brought you to where you are today?

Marcella Hill:

Oh, wow. There's so many. But probably the most recent was, well, oh gosh, I'm like, gonna say it, and then I'm like, but the other one,

Hilary DeCesare:

that's the problem. There are so many relaunches as you and I discuss, and we have so many, like, overlapping ones. We're like, I could talk about that.

Marcella Hill:

I could talk about that, you know, honestly, this obvious, obviously, the reason why I'm here is two years ago, I felt like I didn't know myself anymore. I felt off. It was so subtle. There were all these little things that I couldn't get myself out of bed. You know, I'm an entrepreneur. I'm excited about life. I was writing a book, I was doing all these things, and I felt like I had done all this work to find myself. I felt peace in my soul. I was excited about who I was, but my body was not okay. I was falling apart, and it was so frustrating. I felt like I was dying. I felt like I had osteoporosis. Everything hurt, and it kind of didn't matter how motivated I was. I literally could not function. And I'd say that when it sounds so crazy, but when I started hormone therapy, it was like a few weeks in, I was out for a long walk, I realized my body didn't hurt anymore, and I thought maybe I could jog again. And I started jogging. And we're

Hilary DeCesare:

not there yet. We're not ready to take the dog. This is the good part. Okay, keep going, keep going, and then I'm gonna go

Marcella Hill:

backwards and we're gonna go back. But I still. Crying, thinking, Wait, I don't have to just slowly die from here, I get to live. I don't have to hurt every day. I can like my body can match my soul, and I just that was one of the most awakening moments of my life in the sense that we don't just have to slowly hurt and sacrifice and die and just survive and endure life like I can feel good. And that was probably a bigger relaunch to me, stepping into my life and wanting to wake up in the morning, wanting to live than even like leaving my first husband and getting a divorce, like that, moment of hope was the biggest moment of hope in my life.

Hilary DeCesare:

So when you started to think about, like looking back, and I always think, you know, hindsight so great for all of us to go back and say, Wow, you had the divorce when you and I spoke, you said, on the surface, you had a new husband. Everything was gray. You're What are you 44 is that right? Yep, you're 44 years old, and this all happened. When do you think things started to change for you with your body,

Marcella Hill:


Hilary DeCesare:

so think about that. We've got nine years. Is that nine years? Yeah, 3648 years. We've got eight years. And when you start to look at you, you had it all right. You had all this great success. You had the new husband. And you and I talked that. On the surface it looked fantastic, but inside you're like, ah, what were you feeling at that point? What was really going on? What were the symptoms? What were you experiencing?

Marcella Hill:

I think the first one was that I had no libido, I had no attraction, I had no desire. I literally thought I don't love my husband anymore. So obviously, I think for a lot of women, when your marriage isn't going well, it's overwhelming. It takes over everything. It's it really determines your mood, your motivation. It it is blinding when your significant relationship is not going well. And, um, that was the loudest thing in my life where my marriage was not working no matter what I did, no matter what he did, it didn't seem like there was this wanting, this attraction, this desire, this thing that I remembered having for him just wasn't there anymore. And I thought,

Hilary DeCesare:

and how long were you guys together at this point?

Marcella Hill:

Let's see. So we've been together 14 years total. So it would have been, you know, what a good six, seven years in, okay,

Hilary DeCesare:

so it's still, you know, I mean, relative like, okay, the fact that you're like, wait, I'm not sexually attracted. And there was more going on with how you were feeling. Because, as you said, when we've got eight years ago and before that, was it a slow roll into this, or was it kind of sudden? What? What went down?

Marcella Hill:

Well, all these things, they seem separate, right? So when you get out of bed and your feet hurt, you're not thinking that your feet hurting has anything to do with your libido, right? It's a separate issue. So you're taking ibuprofen. When your scalp starts itching, you're thinking, oh, I need to switch out my shampoo. Like, right? It's it. You're not connecting your dry scalp to your feet hurting. Those are different issues. Libido is a whole other issue. So you're dealing with these issues individually, like my legs itching every night. I'm not even thinking that has anything to do with my scalp itching, my legs just it. My legs itch. So I'm just thinking I need to drink more water, I need to change my lotion, then you have brain fog. So now I'm, you know, dementia runs in my family. I am googling early onset dementia. I don't think dementia or my lack of remembering my passcode, you know, to whatever has anything to do with my feet hurting right like none of these Connect for us. We're all dealing with them on individual levels. We're scheduling individual doctor's appointments for every individual issue, because nobody ever told us that this is just a transformation of midlife and hormones affect every single thing. If we knew that, we'd be like, Oh, this is all hormonal. But we don't know that.

Hilary DeCesare:

We don't, and we're going to go more into that. But back. Running, and you are crying and you're saying, you know, this is all like happening from that point. Super interesting. Because, as you said, that's really where the significant relaunch came in. Can you share with us how that led you to where you are right now and making such an impact. I'm sure there's people listening right now saying, my legs are itchy, you know, I'm having this, oh my God, my feet hurt, you know, my messaging, what's going on so? But there's that time period, and it's so like, it's not a long period. It wasn't a long time ago. This is something that you have literally, masterfully gone through and figured out. And I know people are saying, like, Okay, how, how'd you do it?

Marcella Hill:

Well, I mean, I got lucky. A lot of women find out they're in perimenopause, they go to doctors, they ask for help, the doctors aren't helping. So that's a typical experience for a lot of women. I got lucky that I had gone to my gynecologist. I asked her to check my hormones. She did. She came back. She said, everything looks normal. So of course, I'm thinking, well, then it's for sure, my marriage, right? For sure, I need more ibuprofen. For sure, I need to work out and lose weight, and you have better habits and you know, like all the things, the

Hilary DeCesare:

things that we're taught that that's, that's the, that's the problem, right? Yep, and

Marcella Hill:

I got, I was talking to a friend, I literally asked, Where do I go to get antidepressants? Because I I'm scared, I don't want to get out of bed in the morning. I don't know how bad this gets. I guess this is where we're at. Depression runs in my family. I just thought, well, here it is. It's my turn. And she said, didn't you get a hysterectomy about a year and a half ago? And I was like, yeah. She goes, you sound like me. It's your hormones. I was like, nope. My doctor said it's fine. She goes, No, no. You need to go to a hormone specialist, like, a this, this other place that does, like Botox. And I was like, Are you out of your mind? What are you kidding? And she's like, trust me, just go. At this point, I didn't care. I called this clinic that does, you know, sexual wellness, hormone therapy, and I was the first person where I listed all of these symptoms, she asked me more symptoms. I didn't even know we're connected. And she goes, Yes, we help with that. And I just cried on the phone, like, Are you kidding me? I'm not crazy. I can just come in next week and you're gonna help fix me. And she's like, Yep, and that's what I did. And it was weeks later that I had that experience running, but what shifted significantly for me is that I ended up sharing this story on Tiktok, and I was nobody on Tiktok. I happened to tell this story, and the next day, 9 million views. Do

Hilary DeCesare:

you hear that? Everyone 9 million views, because there it is, like the invisible crisis that's going on with women today. And you opened it up and said, You know what this is? This is what happened to me.

Marcella Hill:

It makes me emotional every time I think about that day, because up to that day, I did not know that I lived in a world where women felt dead inside. That was the day my world broke. I didn't know I was walking into 40 with a world full of women that felt like shit. I didn't know that that was our fate. I didn't I had no idea. And then we wake up to hundreds of 1000s of comments of women saying, Wait, I feel dead inside. Wait, I I have no drive. I don't want to get out of bed. I have no hope. My body hurts. Everything hurts. I'm not sleeping. My doctor said this is just getting old. My doctor said, just suck it up. My doctor said, Just do it anyway. My doctor said, Just drink wine and watch porn and just That's your job.

Hilary DeCesare:

I didn't watch oh my god, yeah,

Marcella Hill:

it I was devastating. And I'm

Hilary DeCesare:

watching you. I'm watching you right now, and how emotionally raw this still is, and how people out there right now are literally, like, probably crying out loud as they're listening to you. Why are we dealing in such a pre, you know, prehistoric era around women and our bodies. And why don't you're saying the doctors. Are saying the doctors. And hey, you know, my audience knows I've had, I've had issues, you know, with a lot of things down there, I'm still in perimenopause, like, what? What the heck do. Yeah, and yet I'm like, you know, like you were being, you know, you just, I think, oh, symptom, symptom, all these different things I'm doing, all these different things. You talk about hormone therapy. Tell us more, for those that don't really understand what this is and how this really is shaping and helping people's lives.

Marcella Hill:

Well, this is the crazy thing, right? Like, I'm just a regular girl in the middle of this whole thing, I didn't do any research before I went out and got I was just like, put it in my body, like anything. I didn't care, right? So when I went down this rabbit hole, and I'm finding out that they're all these women aren't getting help. I just started picking the phone and calling all these clinics that looked like mine, right? Because women are saying where to go, where to go. And I'm thinking, like, how hard could it be? Like, just call it one of these clinics. And this is what sent me down the rabbit hole of learning the disaster that we're actually in that this hormone therapy, or hormones in general, just aren't readily available for women. I started calling these clinics asking doctors, what is the problem? Why don't they build Why don't people know about you? Why can't we find you? And in the end, all of these clinics that offer this type of help are just word of mouth, so a lot of women, if you're not in the cool girls club circle, you don't know that these exist. The other insurance

Hilary DeCesare:

does insurance pay for it? Not typically. So this is why I'm saying pres, like prehistoric WHAT THE HECK

Marcella Hill:

like? So this is a massive, like, confusing conversation and and I'm probably not like the best well versed in this. This has just been from my view and my experience, but your directory,

Hilary DeCesare:

what you created, came out of this confusion of like women, why don't people know, why don't they know where to go? And that's where this passion, how many years ago. Did you set up the directory?

Marcella Hill:

So it's two years ago.

Hilary DeCesare:

I mean, come on, everyone, this has been like, two years. That's it. That's it. And so I've got to ask you right now, so again, when you said you were calling these places, how can people don't know what, what light bulb went off in your head. Well, honestly,

Marcella Hill:

what happened is all these women were like, where do we go? Right? And there was a woman said she commented and said, Oh, is this where I go? I'm in Pennsylvania, and she had linked something, and I remember looking at the clearing room. I was like, I don't even know what that is. Do not go there. I have no idea we're talking about, like, men's testosterone clinics or something. And I'm like, Oh, I don't think that's where you want to go. And as I'm in this mix, I realize these women, how do we know where to go? There's no directory. I keep calling around, being like, where's the link? Where do I send all these women? And I had written a book called wake her up, and this was had nothing to do with hormone therapy. Was just like my personal awakenings of finding my soul. I had a Facebook group called wake her up. That was there for my book, right? And all these women were like, We have to meet. We we gotta hang out together so that we can compare notes. And I'm like, Well, I have this Facebook group over here if you want to come up, come hang out over here. That group is now over 50,000 women across the globe. And what ended up happening, we all filtered in, and everyone's just started sharing their hormone therapist. Like this is where I go. This is the doctor that helps. This is the products I'm using. This is what's effective. And I just started gathering it and putting it on technically a link list, right? So you would go to my link tree, and it'd say California, and they would have a link to a hormone therapist. It just got bigger, bigger, bigger. So where there was 100 links in my link tray, and I was like, Okay, we're gonna need to move this to a website where people can put in their zip code and actually find a doctor that a woman has recommended. And so we just built the site, and now you can go to wake her and it's ended up being the largest directory in the world of hormone therapy providers that have been recommended by women.

Hilary DeCesare:

So I got to go back, because this is people are still probably thinking, Well, what is the hormone therapy? What will it do for is, is this? Is this something that every woman should be doing? Is this like? When do you say, hey, this might be right for me?

Marcella Hill:

Well, this is where it gets really confusing. So I have to back up way a long time ago, because the question right now is that, is it safe? A lot of doctors, for the last 20 years have been taught that it's not safe, and that goes all the way back to a policy, a research study that's called the NI NIH policy, and that was done in 90s. And if you go and do the research on that, what ended up happening is they did this massive study on estrogen, and basically came out the study was done wrong. They have now since rescinded it, but they didn't go back to all the doctors for last 20 years and say actually that study was. Wrong, but told us that hormones cause cancer. So it was presented wrong. It was done wrong. The information was wrong, and in one day, all of a sudden, estrogen was taken off the table. Everyone thought hormones caused cancer. They threw it in the garbage. And for the last 20 years, nobody's had access to hormones, and now all of this research is coming out that it helps prolong your life, like if you felt follow people like Kelly Catherine or Dr Mary Claire, they get into the details of you know what hormones are and all the benefits of it, but it helps with your bone health, your brain health. It helps fight against osteoporosis, and also your Alzheimer's, right? It is drastically beneficial to women's lives. Now what I speak about is my own personal experience, and then all of these women that are in my groups their experience, right? Like three months into testosterone, all of a sudden I feel awake, alive. I'm falling in love. I like my husband again. I want sex.

Hilary DeCesare:

I hope he listens to this. I want sex.

Marcella Hill:

He knows. He knows, and it's and it's not unique to me. That is what happens when women take testosterone. They have energy, they have their brain back. They want to go do things. They have motivation. They feel sexual energy. And when we talk about libido, it's not just sex, we're talking people. Women want to connect. They want to be with their friends again. They want to make new friends. They want to go out. They want to do fun things. I get messages from one or like pictures of them going on a first solo trip to Maine eating a lobster roll at a lighthouse, and she's like, Look at me. Look at what testosterone has done for me, right? Like It's waking women up and and so you can read all the research studies, but that's what's interesting about me and the group, is that we're looking at this in a massive real time situations where it doesn't really matter what the research says, I could show you a 1000s and 1000s of women that that is what's happening, right. And and I just think it's wild to me that women, it's not really wild. I mean, women just, we get shit done, right? We just create the solutions that we need. And women just we were sick of feeling like crap. We're sick of feeling dead inside, and we're sick of waiting for the research that really put us in this place, in the first place, right? I mean, we can't really trust anything, but we can trust other women's experiences,

Hilary DeCesare:

and what we're finding is nobody wanted to talk about it, right? Nobody. I mean, it was the most taboo conversation. And finally, and it's interesting how celebrities start to talk about it, and then all of a sudden, it's like, well, wait a second, that's me, but now what you're doing not only the Naomi Watts and I Halle Berry, but they're opening it up, and what you're saying is, you know, even before they came out and started talking about it, you had already gone on 9 million on your tick tock. The first thing that you know, you weren't a person on there. You weren't doing anything around that. And there was such a need for a conversation around it. And you provided that, and then you opened it up with your Facebook group, giving people the ability to talk about this. Share, right? Women like to share. I want to tell you about my experience. You tell me about yours. And as you said, then you can make a kind of that, that all right, this makes sense for me, for my body. I mean, I remember, I went, I was in a Facebook group, and I was trying to figure out if I get a hysterectomy or not, because they found a a tumor that we didn't know if it was cancerous or it turned out last year they took it out. I did not have the hysterectomy because too many people were like, don't do it. Hillary, you don't need to do it. Let's go this path. But you have to do what's right for your own self. You have to do what's right for your own body. And now, where are you with this next rev of your next relaunch? Where are you going? Like, what's next for you? What's next for what you want to do from an impact perspective.

Marcella Hill:

Well, we haven't even touched the surface yet. You know, all of this happened just because it just happened. I had no plan. Here we are. It's been wild to me that we're still even having this conversation. I mean, just one year after that video is when Oprah came out and started talking about menopause, and re shared my story, and I'm on her weight loss Hulu special. Like all of this is just happening so fast, and I did not have a plan for it, so just now is what I'm like, Oh, what are we doing with this? And try.

Hilary DeCesare:

To figure it out on the fly, like, okay, there's something here. We know it. We have validation. I

Marcella Hill:

mean, for me, personally, I'd like to write another book, because when I wrote my first book, I was still in my Mormon religion. I have since left my Mormon religion. I have since gained all this, like, new understanding of sexual energy and feminine energy. I didn't have any of that context before.

Hilary DeCesare:

So I know people are thinking, hold on, Hillary, you got to ask the question. So I will ask the question. You get you you left the Mormon religion, and this all came after the run, the tears. You're like, I'm

Marcella Hill:

why the whole process, Tell us.

Hilary DeCesare:

Tell us what happened there. There's

Marcella Hill:

probably a whole other podcast. But quite frankly, when I started kind of losing myself, before the hormone therapy, I lost myself. Didn't know who I was. I started doing a lot of meditation to try to just sit with myself and settle myself and kind of find myself, and in that, I came to an understanding that I am I'm not waiting for heaven anymore. I'm trying to earn heaven. And the Mormon religion teaches that we're here to be tested to earn our place in heaven. And I didn't subscribe to that anymore, and it was very bizarre, and it really it changed everything. It was another relaunch, like I live in the world for the first time. It feels like I feel like I'm a brand new human in this world, and experiencing it in new ways that I never, ever believed that i i Just every day it feels like, oh my gosh, you guys have been out here doing this this whole time. It just feels very new and exciting and thrilling and to live without shame. It's a totally different way of living.

Hilary DeCesare:

So Marcella, one of the things that I know people we're being, we're being like, it's the barrage of like everyone you should be, you know, meditating, meditating, meditating, and there's, there's still so many that come to me saying, Hillary, I got so much noise in my head. I can't I can't do it. I can't do it. But you struggled with that as well. We talked about this until, like, let's just talk about that. Let's give people something that they can actually focus on initially, which for me, it's what I call in my book The pause principle. It's just slowing down enough so that you can hear and listen to yourself, because that intuition, that everything is within you, but you came at it in such an interesting way where you just kept giving yourself that time. Tell us more about that.

Marcella Hill:

Yeah, so I had a significant situation where my oldest moved out to live with her dad. And that was another relaunch moment.

Hilary DeCesare:

She was, how old? A 15? Yeah, 15 years old. And she decides, hey, I'm gonna go live with that

Marcella Hill:

happy situation. It was like a f you I'm out right? And also, on my part, being like, great, like, leave, you know? And it was not, not my shiniest moment. It was devastating. And that was a moment where I thought, I I don't know how to put this back together. You know, everything up to that point, it was like, oh, better goals. Take better care of myself. Like, put it back together. You can't put that back together. Like she was out of my house, and I didn't know how to be her mom when she wasn't here. And that forced me to figure out something else. I couldn't just, you know, diet that back together. And so that launched me into sitting in the morning without i I traded my gym for sitting, and I would sit in the basement, and I'd be like, I'm gonna figure this out. I'm gonna figure out how to turn off my brain, because everybody's out here yelling that meditation is super beneficial, and I can't figure out how to do it. And I sat in my basement in a crappy camping chair, and I would time myself. I'd put like, five minutes on the clock, and I'm like, Okay, we're gonna sit here and not think and of course, it'd be like, I love that part. That's

Hilary DeCesare:

what we all do. Don't think, stop thinking. And

Marcella Hill:

I'd be like, grocery list and marketing and all the things and, you know, and then I'd be mad at myself, and then I do it the next day and the next day and the next day. And there was a period of time where I thought, this doesn't work for me. I can't do this.

Hilary DeCesare:

How long wait? How long did you do when you're like, This doesn't work for me. How many,

Marcella Hill:

like, you know, eight sessions where I was like, maybe not. And I remember going to a yoga class. I was like, maybe we need to go to the professionals. You know, I went to a yoga class, and those girl just happened to say the words, if you are somewhere else, if you are doing. Uh, like, grocery lists and things like that. I invite you to not shame yourself, allow those to be here, but just come back to your body like you don't need to be doing that right now. Just Just walk your way. Great way to say it. And I was like, I love that. And then she also said, breathe louder, you know, like, focus on your breath. I could not breathe loud enough to dumb out my thoughts like that was not working for me. And she finally said, if that doesn't work, she said, say, in your mind, breathe. I am breathing in, I am breathing out. I am breathing in, I am breathing out. And I don't know why, but for me, that was a moment. That was a moment because my brain needed something to say. Apparently it needed something to say. It needed something to do. And as soon as I just gave it that I am breathing in, I am breathing out, that is when I'm gonna get emotional again. That is when all of a sudden, the thoughts were gone, and I can honestly say, and then there I was, you exist differently. When you know that you exist without thought, when you know you exist without money, without your house, without people, when you know that there you are in the middle of the day laying on a mat with no thought, and you exist. It changes everything and all sudden. Yeah, right, it's just I didn't have to pray one more prayer. I didn't have to serve one more person. I didn't have to bring another person a meal. I didn't need to go to church one more time I existed. All of Me existed, none of it was broken. And that threw me into understanding the power of meditation, and I would wake up earlier and earlier and earlier to practice just sitting and being period just being and the truths that I got from just sitting, just from my own soul, were so significant, my life started changing drastically. I started feeling discontent in some relationships. I started feeling growth in others. I started feeling quiet inside, right, like you talk about the tornado and the fluster of like, figuring everything out, and it's so much stuff to figure out that all of a sudden it just got quieter and quieter and quieter, and now I live my same life. I live in my same house, with my same people, my same situations, and I exist very, very differently, like it's so quiet in here most of the time, and I think we try so hard to change everything outside of us, and we forget that we really can drastically change what's inside of us, and that changes your entire world and without anything.

Hilary DeCesare:

Ah, Marcella, you are such a beautiful soul. I mean, there's just, I'm sure people right now are saying, you know, where can I find you? We've talked about your your waker up Facebook group, but where else? What else can they do to be in contact with you? Couple

Marcella Hill:

things. You can go to Marcella, and download my the free intro to my book, and that's where you can find wake her up as on Audible and Barnes and Noble. And then you can also go to wake her that's where you're gonna find the all of the good stuff, like the blog, the podcast, the

Hilary DeCesare:

and again, that's wake her Everyone and you will get there. Yep,

Marcella Hill:

yeah, I'm on social media. You know, you can find me at being Marcella Hill. Being

Hilary DeCesare:

Marcella Hill, which these days, is pretty darn good. I love it. Well, again, I am so privileged to have you in my world now, and I do have something exciting to share with everyone, because before we wrap up, I want to remind our listeners about something that we're putting together and it's coming up. It's called the midlife relaunch, candid conversations on hormones, menopause, empowerment. You're going to be a part of it. Dr Michelle Sands is going to be a part of it. It's happening November 11, 6pm Mountain Standard, 8pm Eastern. Learn, and we're going to share everything about it. You're going to want to tune in for this, because as as you were talking, there were so many more questions, so many more important discussions that we need to be having, and there's going to be ways for people to send in questions for that. What's relevant to what's happening now, what changes are on the market right now? What's, you know, what's the direction? Where are we going? How can people do all of this now? So super excited for that event. I mean, oh my gosh, good. Oh my gosh. It's coming up. It's like November 11. It's like 1111 which is such a perfect date to have this happen. And we're going to make sure to share that with everybody. It's

Marcella Hill:

going to be so good. It's made different than I know, a lot of menopause conferences are happening. A lot of these things are happening. This is going to be different because, because what I talk about is listening to yourself. You know, everyone's looking for the Buy Now button. Everyone's looking for that next trick. And what I hope women come to get out of it is themselves. I hope they leave being hopeful that, Oh, there I am. That's really what we're looking for. You're looking for you, and that's what I hope you get enough answers to go take some action, but also leave feeling like, Oh, I'm not lost, oh, I'm still here. That's what we're doing, and, you

Hilary DeCesare:

know what? And that's why we, the three of us, are going to, are going to get into things that, yeah, aren't normally discussed. And it's not, you know, I talk a lot about the head, the heart, the highest self, right? We're gonna we're gonna talk head. We're gonna talk from Michelle, Dr Michelle, about what you know, what really is going on. We're gonna talk heart, getting to know yourself, but really putting it all together so that the highest self, your soul, making sure you can relaunch into you and that next best version of you, which is so desperately waiting inside to come out. So super glad to have you here. And I always say, live now. Love now. Relaunch now. And there's no better time than to go check out Marcella Hill, check out what she's working on, what she's talking about, so that today can be the day that you're like, wait a second, I'm I'm not crazy. I don't need to keep this, you know, with just within myself, I can talk about it, I can ask the questions. And you have to be your own advocate. You have to be the one that's leading the charge, because nobody else will. So Marcela, Big hugs to you, girl. So excited to see you again soon.

Marcella Hill:

What an honor to be here. Thank you so so much for having me and giving me space to tell my story.

Hilary DeCesare:

Thanks again. And don't forget everyone. We will be back next week with another ReLaunch journey. See you then see.




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