Episode 89 – Show Notes for Marty Angelo Interview
Marty Angelo now heads up “Once Life Matters” ministry.
Marty worked in the entertainment business for 15 years starting back in the mid 1960’s…when free love was the mantra…rock music was making it’s hey day…and drugs were the popular thing…so it was, as the saying goes – “Sex, drugs and rock and roll.”
Marty was a record promoter for a rock band called “Raven” – and a top 40 rock group called “The Grass Roots” that had Rob Grill in the group. He hung out with people like George Harrison, Janice Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and people like that…definitely the “upper echelon” of Rock music in the mid 60’s and 70’s…
Marty promoted numerous hit albums, singles and the ever popular DISCO 45’s…
He was featured and interviewed on many radio and television programs and interviewed by various magazines.
But all of the success soon became a nightmare.
Marty succumbed to (the all to prevalent) drugs and alcohol. Soon, he had a “habit” and that began the spiral downward until he lost everything he had – even to the point of being arrested and sent to prison.
Nobody had warned him about the lifestyle and life choices he was making…nobody offered him any alternative direction. When faced with a lengthy prison sentence – he received Jesus….and what could have a “Life” sentence was miraculously reduced to just a few years. Now, Marty hopes his story will help others to learn by his mistakes…to seek a better life and to not make the same choices he did…
Marty Angelo, besides his numerous record deals…and being interviewed by magazines and newspapers….he has told his story on a number of television programs, such as
AOL Television; CBN’s 700 Club three times; CBS “Sunday Morning”; CNN’s True TV – “In Session”; on Daystar’s Television network program “Celebration” with Marcus and Joni Lamb; Gospel Tube; I’m Just Sayin’ Show; he has been on Larry King Live; Life Story, Trinity Broadcasting’s “Praise the Lord” – and the list just goes on and on…
Marty talks about:
His first “big break” into the major leagues of “Rock and Roll.”
How he tried to commit suicide…
How he was led to the Lord…
How his prison ministry began…
He is the author of 10 books…
He is very active in “Celebrate Recovery”
He has a very large presence in jail and prison ministry…
He is currently working on a book to be released later in 2017 called “The Names, Titles and Manifestations of God”
How he ministered to Lindsey Lohan during her times of addiction and recovery…
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