Hello, darling heart, and welcome to the drink less, live better podcast. This is the podcast that helps you to see that drinking
less doesn't need to be stressful, lonely, or boring. I'm your host, Sarah Williamson, and I decided to have a year alcohol
free as a little life experiment and haven't looked back. With my experience in training, I now help other women with their
alcohol free or drink less adventures. You can find out more about me and sign up to my 5 day drink less challenge at drinklesslivebetter.com.
I'm here to tell you that you can relax, connect, and have fun without alcohol in your life. Join me here each week to find
out how. Today, I'm here to tell you about how your words matter. There was something I couldn't do today. I listed out the
reasons which included everything you'd imagine from time to energy to, I don't know, the tilt of the planet or something.
Really, it's embarrassing, saying it out loud. Anyway, the real reason I wasn't getting the thing done was a mixture of I
didn't want to, I couldn't quite be bothered, and there was other stuff I wanted to do more. I chatted all this through with
a lovely colleague and then felt happy about not doing the thing I didn't want to do in the first place. When I was first
considering going alcohol free, I had a whole host of reasons written on the reasons why I couldn't do it. I was sure I'd
be unable to relax, unable to go out with my friends, and unable to have any kind of fun ever again. In short, I was going
to be miserable. One day, I decided to switch my language. Instead of saying I can't go out cold free or I can't be sober,
I started to use the word won't. Uh-oh. Revelation. Shocker. When I used the word won't, it bought into sharp focus the victim
mentality I had been in. I can't stop, insert ridiculous reason here, drinking, poor me. When I changed to using the word
won't, it made me realize how much power I had. I won't go alcohol free. I won't relax without alcohol. I won't have fun without
alcohol. All this made me realize I was deliberately keeping myself stuck. I won't meant I was choosing on purpose. In the
same way, I might have said, oh, I can't record a podcast. I don't have the time. Could have been translated to, I won't record
a podcast because I'm not prioritizing it, and we all know that's not gonna happen now, don't we? When we replace can't with
won't, we usually get much closer to the truth, and that's a good thing even if it's a little bit uncomfortable. The word
won't puts you in a position of power. You're no longer in victim mode. It's about stopping making excuses, taking responsibility
for your behaviors, and doing the next right thing for yourself. What is it for you? Are you still saying you can't stop drinking,
and do you mean you won't stop? Hashtag just saying. Drop me a DM if you want to talk more on this subject. I've got 3 one
to 1 coaching places available this month. If you're thinking you might be ready for some of that magic where doubt, hope,
and action meet, please get in touch. Thank you so much for listening today, and, PS, I believe in you.