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The Five Faces of Fear - Ep: 077
Episode 7723rd January 2022 • She Coaches Coaches • Candy Motzek | Life & Business Coach
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The 5 Faces of Fear. I share 5 common ways fear can show up in your life, and then I give you a simple and easy-to-apply strategy to take back control.

Download The Ultimate Guide To Becoming A Coach Here 

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Candy Motzek:

Welcome to she coaches coaches. I'm your host,

Candy Motzek:

Kandi motsek. And I'm going to help you find the clarity,

Candy Motzek:

confidence and courage to become the coach that you are meant to

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be. If you're a new coach, or if you've always wanted to be a

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life coach, then this is the place for you. We're going to

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talk all about mindset and strategies and how to, because

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step by step only works when you have the clarity, courage and

Candy Motzek:

confidence to take action. Let's get started. Hello, there,

Candy Motzek:

welcome back. I'm so glad you're here.

Candy Motzek:

Today, we're going to talk about something a little bit

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uncomfortable. And for some of us, it might be really

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uncomfortable. So if you haven't listened to last episode, I

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explained that I'm doing a small number of episodes focused on

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fear. And it was because at the beginning of this year, I sat

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back, and I had a real close look at what was going on with

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my clients, my past clients and my present clients, what was

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happening, where were they getting the results they wanted,

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were workday. And there was this one underlying piece, fear. Fear

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was the thing that was stopping them from moving forward.

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They've made so much progress. And I am so proud and honored to

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work with them. And I know that each of them experiences fear.

Candy Motzek:

So I'm creating these episodes to help my clients past present

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future clients, and all of you wonderful listeners to help you

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come into a new relationship with fear and hopefully, move

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past it so you can create the dreams that you want. So like I

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said, this one's gonna be a little uncomfortable, not

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terrible, but just a little bit. So we're going to talk about the

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five faces of fear. And we're going to talk about how to

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overcome them. I am a big believer that when we understand

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something, when we're aware, then we're in the place of

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power, and we can do something about it. That's what we're

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going to do today. So these five phases of fear, what is going on

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with those. And here's the way that I specifically see them

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showing up with both myself and in many of my clients lives. So

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the face of fear that you have the most habitual face of fear,

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often will show up in the way that you avoid things. First,

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there is procrastination, putting it off and putting it

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off and putting it off, putting off that thing that you know,

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needs to be done. You're going to do it tomorrow, or it's a

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little too late today to make that phone call. Or you know

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what my battery's low on my phone. All of those things feel

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like procrastination. The second face of fear is overwhelm. It

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might sound like this. I don't know what to do. I'm so

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overwhelmed. I've got so many different balls that I'm

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juggling. And I don't even know how it's all gonna fit together.

Candy Motzek:

Overwhelm is another really common way that fear shows up.

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The next one is decision or indecision. What do I do A or B,

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or C or all of them all at once or in what order? Maybe you're

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looking at indecision, because you've got so many options open

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to you, and you don't know which one to take. So instead of doing

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anything, you don't decide so Indecision is that third face of

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fear. The next one that I see a lot is this, it sounds like

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this. I'm tired. I'm sleepy. I'm so tired that I couldn't

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possibly do that. You know, I think I should just take it

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easy. I've been working hard. So it's another way that fear can

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show up being tired. The fifth. And another very common way that

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I see especially with the overachievers that I work with

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is busy, being super busy, just doing and doing and doing, being

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busy doing all kinds of stuff. But sometimes avoiding the thing

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that you know is important. Avoiding the thing that might be

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a little bit new or tough, avoiding the thing that you're

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nervous about. So five faces of fear that I commonly see

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procrastination over overwhelm, spinning in busyness, and

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sleepy, right, indecision, all of those I can't disagree I'm

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too tired, I'm overwhelmed. I don't know what to do. I'll wait

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till tomorrow. Those all sound familiar to us. Some are more

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your habitual face of fear than others. So, let's talk about the

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five ways that fear show up in your life. And I'm kind of

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curious, and I'd love to hear from you guys, what's the most

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common way that fear shows up for you? Send me a DM or comment

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on this episode and tell me what's your experience? So now

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that you know how some of the ways that they're going to show

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up, what do you do? How do you get past it? How do you form a

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new habit. So the first thing that we do is we acknowledge

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that fear is real. We become aware of it, this is me feeling

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afraid. And fear is real. It's there. It's present in your

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life. So instead of avoiding it, or sweeping it under the carpet,

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because sometimes we're scared of even feeling the fear of

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remembering that it's part of life, and we acknowledge that

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it's real. And I know it sounds kind of strange and kind of

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funny. But I've seen this, and I've experienced it myself,

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avoiding feeling the fear. So the first thing that you do is

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you think, so I'm scared, or I am nervous, or I am worried,

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acknowledge that you're feeling it, and acknowledge that it's an

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emotion, that is present a feeling that is present for you

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right now, there is a difference between saying, I am scared, I

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am fearful. You don't have to claim it as your identity. When

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we use those I am statements, we're claiming it as something

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that we are as part of our identity. But shifting it

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slightly, yes, we acknowledge it. But instead of saying I am

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fearful, shifted slightly to, I am feeling scared, I feel

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nervous. This is a real defining point. It's between feeling the

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feeling and owning the feeling as if it is a component of you.

Candy Motzek:

So just watch how you address it. And when you acknowledge

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that you feel the feeling, I feel nervous today, I feel

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scared, when you acknowledge it, and you allow it, then you get

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to watch it. And I know that might sound a little bit weird,

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but it's gonna move. Anytime you're feeling angry. Anytime

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you're feeling scared. Anytime you have one of these

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uncomfortable emotions. If you just breathe, and watch it, it

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will start to rise like a wave, it will crest and eventually it

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will dissipate. So you don't have to do. You don't have to

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deal with it forever. You don't have to think that fear is

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abnormal, it's normal. And it's an emotion. It's something that

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every one of us feels every single time, we're brought up to

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do something new. Fear is a function of our biology. It is a

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chemical reaction that happens in our body, when we might be

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doing something that our body thinks might be dangerous. Now,

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evolution has created those chemicals. That is how it has

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helped protect us. Most of the things these days that you and I

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are scared of are not going to cause us any real danger. Most

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of the things are not going to do anything, but make us feel a

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little uncomfortable. Maybe we'll feel a little embarrassed.

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Maybe we'll feel a little silly, but we're not in actual physical

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danger. Now, if you're talking about the fear of jumping out of

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a plane without a parachute, that is a completely different

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ballpark. And I'm not going down that path. I'm talking today

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about the fears that you might have when you try something new.

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Not when you're experiencing a real danger. Maybe you're scared

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about signing a new coaching client. Maybe you're nervous

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about doing your first Facebook or Instagram Live. Maybe you

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decided it's time to go back to the gym and you haven't been

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there for a while. Those are the kinds of nervousness we're

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talking about. Name the emotion, focus on your body and name it.

Candy Motzek:

So it will sound like this. When you notice and acknowledge that

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fear is normal, and you name it. I am feeling nervous. Then focus

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on your body. It's a physical sensation in your body. What do

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you notice? Is your stomach churning? Are your shoulders

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tight? Do you have goosebumps going up your back Do you have a

Candy Motzek:

rock in the pit of your stomach? What is the actual physical

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sensation that you fear? I know that for me, sometimes when I'm

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nervous, my legs get super tight, or they get a little bit

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jittery like they want to move. But when I focus on that

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physical sensation, and I notice it, and I acknowledge that I'm

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nervous, I just pause and give it a little bit of time.

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I can just accept that I'm having an emotion, and notice

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what's happening in my body, and allow myself to focus and feel

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that physical sensation. And in about 60 to 90 seconds, yeah,

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one minute to a minute and a half, you're going to notice the

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emotion shifts. Interesting, right? So notice, what we're

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doing is we're here present with the fear, we are not the fear,

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we are experiencing an emotion. And also because you're present

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with the fear, you're not pushing it away. You're not

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scared to feel fear, you're not trying to avoid it at all costs.

Candy Motzek:

And so you're putting a heck of a lot less energy into it. By

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not judging yourself, about those five faces, instead of

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judging yourself about procrastinating and overwhelm

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and perfectionism and being tired, you're allowing yourself

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to experience that emotion, you're allowing the emotion to

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move through you. You know, when you think about that word,

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emotion, it is energy in motion. So if we just allow it, it will

Candy Motzek:

move. These simple little tips are really going to help. And I

Candy Motzek:

hope, and trust that they will help you take the next step. I

Candy Motzek:

am so glad that you're here. And I hope that you take this

Candy Motzek:

episode and apply it in your life. In the meantime, I've got

Candy Motzek:

an interesting freebie that I created. And I'll put the link

Candy Motzek:

in the Episode Notes. It's for those of you who are considering

Candy Motzek:

becoming a coach or just starting out in your coaching

Candy Motzek:

business. It's called The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a

Candy Motzek:

professional coach. Click the link in the Episode Notes and

Candy Motzek:

get your copy today. And if you want even more help, maybe

Candy Motzek:

you're just done with trying to figure it out on your own. Maybe

Candy Motzek:

you've had enough of trying to piece things together to create

Candy Motzek:

your dream. Then we should talk we should talk about how we can

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work together. I've got some space open in my calendar for a

Candy Motzek:

few private clients. And if you're listening to this

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episode, in the future, still click that link. It's going to

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give you different options of how to work directly with me. So

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click the link in the Episode Notes. Find out how to apply to

Candy Motzek:

work with me. And I will be back to speak with you again. Thanks

Candy Motzek:

again for listening today. Please hop on over to Apple

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podcasts and leave a review. Also, I would love to hear from

Candy Motzek:

you. It's something that I say resonate. What else would you

Candy Motzek:

like to learn about? Click the link in the player and leave a

Candy Motzek:

comment on the post. This is going to give me great ideas for

Candy Motzek:

future episodes so I can help you best. Join me again next

Candy Motzek:

week. From our coaching, support and teaching to help you become

Candy Motzek:

the confident coach. You are meant to be



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