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Blogging For Success with Yaro Starak
Episode 1530th August 2023 • The Online Hustle with Jake Hower • Jake Hower
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Jake Hower:

You're listening to the multimedia marketing show.

Jake Hower:

This is episode number 15.

Jake Hower:

In today's show, we bring on Yaro Starak from Entrepreneur's Journey.

Jake Hower:

Now, Yaro was one of Australia's earliest.

Jake Hower:

Bloggers, or should I say one of Australia's earliest bloggers to monetize.

Jake Hower:

So we take a look at the history of Yarrow and how he's gone about

Jake Hower:

creating such an amazing brand.

Jake Hower:

We talk also about blogging 2.

Jake Hower:

0 and what that is.

Jake Hower:

This is a phrase that Yarrow has coined and it's quite an interesting topic.

Jake Hower:

And we also then discuss a little bit about how he goes

Jake Hower:

about marketing and monetizing.

Jake Hower:

So let's get stuck straight into that interview right now.

Jake Hower:

Yarrow, how are you?

Yaro Starak:

I'm really good, Jake.

Yaro Starak:

Thanks for

Jake Hower:

having me.

Jake Hower:

No problems.

Jake Hower:

And thank you very much for coming on.

Jake Hower:

I really appreciate that.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Listeners today, what we're going to look at that Yarrow is one of the pioneers,

Jake Hower:

really, particularly in the Australian scene with blogging and certainly blogging

Jake Hower:

for profit and what I'd love to really speak to Yarrow about today and provide

Jake Hower:

you with this information is we're going to really run through what blogging

Jake Hower:

was and what blogging is becoming.

Jake Hower:

And I think that's a really interesting topic.

Jake Hower:

And Yarrow is the man to be discussing this with.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Yerro, for those listeners who don't know much about you, do you

Jake Hower:

mind giving us a little bit of

Yaro Starak:


Yaro Starak:


Yaro Starak:

The hard part here is being concise.

Yaro Starak:

So I went to the University of Queensland here in Brisbane and I

Yaro Starak:

did a business management degree.

Yaro Starak:

And it was while I was there that I got my first taste of the internet.

Yaro Starak:

We're talking late nineties.

Yaro Starak:

So I got my dial up account.

Yaro Starak:

Prior to that, I was a Nintendo Sega kid, so I didn't have computers quite so much.

Yaro Starak:

And i fell in love with the internet that was the dawn of my experience started

Yaro Starak:

a website i enjoyed having some sort of destination online started to make

Yaro Starak:

a bit of money from it was about a card game called magic the gathering that i

Yaro Starak:

played while i was in high school and university and i started trading forum

Yaro Starak:

and e commerce store on that site and I almost, had a magazine style blog there,

Yaro Starak:

even though it wasn't a blog, because blogging hadn't been invented technically

Yaro Starak:

yet then the dot com boom happened, I really wanted to get a bigger business,

Yaro Starak:

so I got into a proofreading service that was basically connecting university

Yaro Starak:

students with People who are very good at academic writing to help with editing

Yaro Starak:

and proofreading and I acted as the middleman connecting those two groups,

Yaro Starak:

which is partially inspired by reading the book about how eBay got started.

Yaro Starak:

I was looking to have a business that could scale, we could have as many

Yaro Starak:

people buying as you can have selling.

Yaro Starak:

So that was exciting to me at the time.

Yaro Starak:

And that all went well, made some money from that.

Yaro Starak:

That was my sort of first full time income after university, which.

Yaro Starak:

Led to blogging, surprisingly enough because someone told me that a blog

Yaro Starak:

was good for searches and rankings.

Yaro Starak:

This is about the year 2004.

Yaro Starak:

So just before it became mainstream.

Yaro Starak:

And I started one for the proofreading business, but it wasn't the most

Yaro Starak:

exciting subject to write about.

Yaro Starak:

And it quickly died.

Yaro Starak:

But I did get the blogging bug.

Yaro Starak:

So I started my own blog as a hobby site just to talk about what I really

Yaro Starak:

enjoyed, which was entrepreneurship.

Yaro Starak:

And since I already spent the last.

Yaro Starak:

It's sort of seven years having these two successful online businesses.

Yaro Starak:

And I also had an English school that wasn't so successful, but it was a

Yaro Starak:

learning experience as an entrepreneur.

Yaro Starak:

I took all that experience and content and put it into the blog

Yaro Starak:

and wrote it really as a hobby.

Yaro Starak:

But amazingly enough, people started reading it and then

Yaro Starak:

it became my main business.

Yaro Starak:

And long story short, I ended up selling everything else off.

Yaro Starak:

Continue to produce entrepreneurs journey my blog and that spun off

Yaro Starak:

into some training products as well as I'm a software service.

Yaro Starak:

I'm running more currently and I've been doing that for the last seven years now.

Yaro Starak:

So it's the second half of my career.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, that's really interesting.

Jake Hower:

Certainly what really jumps out at me is the fact that you were

Jake Hower:

writing e commerce back then.

Jake Hower:

What was it

Yaro Starak:


Yaro Starak:

When I say I'm writing e commerce, I had a list of cards for sale and I bought

Yaro Starak:

a little bit of wholesale product as well from a distributor down in Sydney.

Yaro Starak:

And then I'd run to the post office every day, sending cards in the

Yaro Starak:

mail and I'd get checks in the mail.

Yaro Starak:

I get kids sending me like, 5 bill, 10 bill in the mail as

Yaro Starak:

well to pay for their cards.

Yaro Starak:

And, it was great for a while.

Yaro Starak:

The margins were terrible, but because I would win cards at actual tournaments,

Yaro Starak:

I could make some money from it.

Yaro Starak:

And then I got hit by credit card fraud from some people in Thailand and that

Yaro Starak:

pretty much shut down my business when all was said and done because I just

Yaro Starak:

was naive and I didn't really consider the fact that these could be purchases

Yaro Starak:

coming from stolen credit cards and they turned out to be that way as I

Yaro Starak:

found out six months later when The chargeback started coming in and that

Yaro Starak:

was a pretty dark period actually because i just graduated university and i found

Yaro Starak:

myself in debt to about the tune of eight thousand dollars so not a good

Yaro Starak:

way to finish your university career.

Yaro Starak:


Jake Hower:

Not at all it's amazing how far we've come since even the early

Jake Hower:

two thousand just incredible i can do now operating pretty much everything

Jake Hower:

off a mobile phone and even run transactions through the phone as well

Yaro Starak:

it's just crazy yeah there was no mobile when i was.

Yaro Starak:

Maybe just actually, probably certainly not smartphones.

Yaro Starak:

We were talking the old gray and black screens with a centipede running on them.

Yaro Starak:

That was it.

Jake Hower:

All right let's go a little bit deeper into entrepreneurs journey.

Jake Hower:

So you're talking about it was a hobby.

Jake Hower:

So I guess how often were you posting to the site back when you first

Yaro Starak:


Yaro Starak:

When I first started I was almost daily it was weird actually, I didn't

Yaro Starak:

Think of that as something I had to do.

Yaro Starak:

It was just something I wanted to do.

Yaro Starak:

I was enjoying writing and I was a bit lucky.

Yaro Starak:

I still kept a casual job at a help desk at the University of Queensland while I

Yaro Starak:

was making money from my other businesses.

Yaro Starak:

But I don't know, I didn't have a lot of places to go to, so it was a

Yaro Starak:

great job, paid well, I kept at it.

Yaro Starak:

But the best thing about it was I got to sit in front of a computer for long

Yaro Starak:

periods of time and I'd actually use that time to moonlight by writing my blog.

Yaro Starak:

And I just had these stories in my head and I want to get them out.

Yaro Starak:

I, I had this magic site, which I had started from scratch.

Yaro Starak:

So I talked about how I built it, how I got traffic to it.

Yaro Starak:

I had this English school and I talked about how I got office space for it.

Yaro Starak:

And then I started this proofreading business and I talked about how I was

Yaro Starak:

learning about customer service and learning about marketing with posters

Yaro Starak:

and whatever I was interested in, it was purely a passion based subject

Yaro Starak:

because I was loving entrepreneurship.

Yaro Starak:

I was still.

Yaro Starak:

I guess lost a little bit in terms of not sure where a stable income source

Yaro Starak:

would come from and I didn't love my businesses, like all aspects of it.

Yaro Starak:

I like parts of it, but I didn't like until I hit blogging and teaching.

Yaro Starak:

I found that I wasn't really hitting all the things I wanted to do with an

Yaro Starak:

online business, but As a blogger, I was sitting there every day, telling a

Yaro Starak:

story, 1, 000 to 2, 000 words, roughly.

Yaro Starak:

And I kept that up for probably the first year.

Yaro Starak:

Maybe not every day.

Yaro Starak:

I might have had weekends off, I think.

Yaro Starak:

But pretty much, probably more so because I didn't have much of

Yaro Starak:

a life as well outside of that.

Yaro Starak:

Writing my blog was a bit of a highlight for my day, I think.

Yaro Starak:

And one of the biggest areas I could socialize, ironically

Yaro Starak:

enough, because it was online and sharing with people that way.

Yaro Starak:

Yeah, that's really

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So you talk about, you didn't have a clear monetization strategy.

Jake Hower:

How did it come about that this become your full time earner?

Jake Hower:

And did he follow like a particular path, like a, for me, I would

Jake Hower:

think a traditional path would be something like an AdSense into

Jake Hower:

your own products and away you go.

Jake Hower:

What's what sort of path did you follow?

Yaro Starak:

Yeah, you're right.

Yaro Starak:

I definitely saw AdSense as the way to go about it because pro blogger

Yaro Starak:

Darren Rouse had just posted up his 15, 000 ish AdSense check from his

Yaro Starak:

photography blog on his church blog.

Yaro Starak:

So that was impressive and he was the first person to really

Yaro Starak:

publicly talk about making money with blogging on a public scale.

Yaro Starak:

There were other people doing it but not talking about it.

Yaro Starak:

And I'd also had my previous experience, I'd run this Magic cards

Yaro Starak:

website, which I'd made money from selling banners directly to sponsors.

Yaro Starak:

I had an email list through the forum, so I had made money sending

Yaro Starak:

advertisements out through the email list.

Yaro Starak:

And of course I had the e commerce store as well as a way to make money.

Yaro Starak:

And the forum also was a place where people bought and sold cards

Yaro Starak:

and I could sell cards there too.

Yaro Starak:

So I got how websites could make money.

Yaro Starak:

Blogging was a bit different because it was a content based medium.

Yaro Starak:

Use this new format called a blog.

Yaro Starak:

So I first had to learn what made blogging different to running

Yaro Starak:

just the standard website.

Yaro Starak:

So once I got my head around that, I really did start to read a lot about

Yaro Starak:

other people making money with blogs.

Yaro Starak:

And in general, actually that's when I started to also read

Yaro Starak:

about internet marketing.

Yaro Starak:

So I started studying.

Yaro Starak:

It's funny.

Yaro Starak:

It was two groups of people that Turned out to be very distinct groups

Yaro Starak:

of people that I actually ended up being like a mix of the two.

Yaro Starak:

And when I say two groups, bloggers and internet marketers.

Yaro Starak:

So people who write blogs and put up ads and that's what they do.

Yaro Starak:

And then you have internet marketers who grow email lists

Yaro Starak:

and promote affiliate products.

Yaro Starak:

And it's all about getting people onto that subscription.

Yaro Starak:

And it seemed to me that these two groups really didn't talk

Yaro Starak:

to each other at the time.

Yaro Starak:

They didn't.

Yaro Starak:

Direct response email marketers really didn't do any sort of ongoing

Yaro Starak:

content creation in a blog, maybe in a newsletter, but really they

Yaro Starak:

didn't have a presence beyond that.

Yaro Starak:

And bloggers were like these content machines who were just putting

Yaro Starak:

out so much stuff, but not getting nearly as much return on investment

Yaro Starak:

compared to an email marketer.

Yaro Starak:

Cause like an email marketer could send 1 email for a promotion and make 10 back.

Yaro Starak:

Where a blogger would spend the entire six months period writing,

Yaro Starak:

20, 30, 40, 50 posts a month over six months to make half of that money.

Yaro Starak:

So I was like I wasn't sure, which is the right path, but I was enjoying

Yaro Starak:

blogging and I started to mix the two.

Yaro Starak:

And that's why I did eventually start a newsletter after a year of blogging.

Yaro Starak:

But to answer your question, AdSense.

Yaro Starak:

Just didn't work for me, so I tried that first, and I made

Yaro Starak:

about a dollar a day at best.

Yaro Starak:

This is when I really did start to look more at the internet marketers, and

Yaro Starak:

I started affiliate marketing next.

Yaro Starak:

And initially, that kind of bombed as well, but it slowly started to work a

Yaro Starak:

little bit, and I saw the potential.

Yaro Starak:

If I increased my traffic, then I could make more money.

Yaro Starak:

For example, my first ever affiliate promotion was for Perry Marshalls.

Yaro Starak:

Package, which included the definitive guide to Google AdWords and a

Yaro Starak:

bunch of CDs and things like that.

Yaro Starak:

It was like a 25 product.

Yaro Starak:

I get, I think, 20 commission.

Yaro Starak:

Actually, probably like a 40 product and I get 20 commission.

Yaro Starak:

And I wrote a blog post promoting it, saying it's a great offer.

Yaro Starak:

Harry's stuff is amazing.

Yaro Starak:

I published it and I went to bed and I expected to wake up

Yaro Starak:

with, 600 in my PayPal account.

Yaro Starak:

Or at least in emails telling me I made money.

Yaro Starak:

When I woke up to zero, so I got a bit disheartened from the potential

Yaro Starak:

to make money with blogging and, to be fair, I only had maybe 3 to 400

Yaro Starak:

daily visitors, but still, that's hard even to get up to that level.

Yaro Starak:

I only ever reached about 500 daily visitors with my magic site.

Yaro Starak:

Starting to get close to that number again with my blog and I was disheartened, but

Yaro Starak:

I decided, you know what, I'm enjoying blogging for the fun of blogging.

Yaro Starak:

And a sale came through two days later.

Yaro Starak:

I got my 20 commission email came through and I was like Okay, this is working.

Yaro Starak:

And then another sale came through and another sale.

Yaro Starak:

I think I ended up making four or five sales from that one blog post.

Yaro Starak:

And then I did the math.

Yaro Starak:

So I thought, okay, if I can make four or five sales from this one blog

Yaro Starak:

post with three to four hundred daily readers, what if I have a thousand daily

Yaro Starak:

readers or two thousand daily readers?

Yaro Starak:

Does my income double, triple from each of these promotions?

Yaro Starak:

And that's what happened.

Yaro Starak:

I just kept working, kept growing my audience, started

Yaro Starak:

to test more affiliate offers.

Yaro Starak:

And there was a period actually where I remember I was out playing pitch

Yaro Starak:

and put golf with some friends and I had a blackberry and it was the first

Yaro Starak:

time I ever had email on my phone and by that stage I had more money coming

Yaro Starak:

from affiliate marketing I still hadn't released any of my own products on

Yaro Starak:

my blog but I was doing better with affiliate stuff and Perry had this

Yaro Starak:

offer that was for a an event that he was charging two thousand dollars for

Yaro Starak:

and he was giving away a laptop because I think he was having trouble selling

Yaro Starak:

tickets so he basically got a free mac.

Yaro Starak:

But pro or something if you join his event for two thousand dollars and a commission

Yaro Starak:

as an affiliate was like seven hundred dollars us and back then you know as an

Yaro Starak:

australian seven hundred dollars us when we're talking five or six years ago was

Yaro Starak:

probably about a thousand dollars when it was converted so it's a one one sale

Yaro Starak:

i get a thousand dollars which is huge because i could have to work a job for

Yaro Starak:

two weeks to make that kind of money.

Yaro Starak:

And I remember sitting there with my Blackberry and this email comes

Yaro Starak:

through and it said you'd made a sale and it was for one of these

Yaro Starak:

tickets and it was 700 and I was like.

Yaro Starak:

I'm living the dream i'm playing golf with my blackberry getting an email saying i

Yaro Starak:

just made seven hundred dollars when i wasn't doing any work for it i think that

Yaro Starak:

was probably still is the most single exciting moment i've ever had an internet

Yaro Starak:

marketing because you get a little bit.

Yaro Starak:

Maybe I don't want to say used to it, but you get a little bit more

Yaro Starak:

numb to it because the first time it happens, it's wow, this is amazing.

Yaro Starak:

It actually works.

Yaro Starak:

And then it starts happening more often and more frequently

Yaro Starak:

and you get blase about it.

Yaro Starak:

You really shouldn't.

Yaro Starak:

It's an absolute gift to go to make money this way.

Yaro Starak:

But that led to, really going down the blogging path.

Yaro Starak:

And I did eventually create product as well as I don't know if you want

Yaro Starak:

to talk about that, but certainly affiliate marketing and not AdSense.

Yaro Starak:

Still don't use AdSense, but I did start selling advertising directly to

Yaro Starak:

sponsors using banners and text links.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, that's really interesting.

Jake Hower:

And for me, what resonates are these two camps, the bloggers and the internet

Jake Hower:

marketers, because I've followed both camps relatively closely because I

Jake Hower:

enjoy both camps and it's almost like now we're seeing these guys on each

Jake Hower:

side of the coin coming together.

Jake Hower:

And it's almost like everybody realizes that the bloggers are probably writing

Jake Hower:

that content is king and bloggers are realizing, oh, okay, these guys

Jake Hower:

over an internet marketing space are right in that you need to look at what

Jake Hower:

you're doing as a business and focus on these other things, which they

Jake Hower:

potentially weren't in a few years

Yaro Starak:


Yaro Starak:

Yeah, the internet marketers are a lot better at making money.

Yaro Starak:

I think, no offense to bloggers, but bloggers work a lot harder and

Yaro Starak:

get a lot less in return most of the time, as a, a generalization,

Yaro Starak:

certainly in my experience.

Yaro Starak:

And internet marketers do better because they're just better at conversion.

Yaro Starak:

They just know how to make a sale and they go for things that have a higher return

Yaro Starak:

on investment like create a product and sell it for a thousand dollars and you

Yaro Starak:

know you make your hundred sales and you just made a hundred thousand dollars where

Yaro Starak:

a blogger will sit and spend the entire year writing an article a day, never

Yaro Starak:

creating a product, never even necessarily doing an email list and just hoping to

Yaro Starak:

make enough money from AdSense and maybe make, 20 grand at the end of a year.

Yaro Starak:

So there's an opportunity for both to learn from each other, I think,

Yaro Starak:

and that's what I tried to do.

Yaro Starak:

I've never been the highest trafficked blog in my space.

Yaro Starak:

I have a good personal brand and I got a lot of people talking about me, but

Yaro Starak:

it's never been, I've never had a site that's had 5000 visitors a day even with

Yaro Starak:

my blog, but I've been able to really Take what internet marketing's taught

Yaro Starak:

me and build an information product business around my nice little core group

Yaro Starak:

of followers and because of that, turn over a million dollars over a few years

Yaro Starak:

where I don't think most bloggers with the kind of traffic I had would even get

Yaro Starak:

close to that because they wouldn't have the email list, they wouldn't create

Yaro Starak:

the products, they wouldn't do product launches, they wouldn't have affiliates

Yaro Starak:

promoting their stuff, all that extra layers that you put into effort as an

Yaro Starak:

internet marketer, not as a blogger.

Yaro Starak:

But certainly the lines are getting blurred because yeah, like you said,

Yaro Starak:

finally, internet marketers and bloggers are it's funny, internet marketers need

Yaro Starak:

to learn from the content creating world because I think it's certainly in our

Yaro Starak:

space in making money online topics and blogging for profit topics and

Yaro Starak:

anything to do with that sort of space.

Yaro Starak:

There's a, it's a very mature customer, so they're very used to the launch formula.

Yaro Starak:

They're, they want more for.

Yaro Starak:

Their attention nowadays.

Yaro Starak:

So you can't really use what internet marketing used to use

Yaro Starak:

with just one email saying here.

Yaro Starak:

This is a great product.

Yaro Starak:

Click here and buy it.

Yaro Starak:

And you get the commission just because you signed up with someone onto an email.

Yaro Starak:

Now there's a lot of distrust.

Yaro Starak:

There's a lot of jadedness and what bloggers are great

Yaro Starak:

at doing is building trust.

Yaro Starak:

And that's why they make the sale because they've And they spend all

Yaro Starak:

this time building a relationship and they have the trust, but they just

Yaro Starak:

don't get the conversion as well.

Yaro Starak:

So if you can mix those two, which and I've always been teaching people then

Yaro Starak:

yeah, it can work out really well.

Yaro Starak:

Yeah, that

Jake Hower:

really, it is very interesting because that is one thing that I see,

Jake Hower:

the internet marketers are all about traffic and as you say, conversions,

Jake Hower:

but they're not building bloggers are.

Jake Hower:

Pretty much the opposite.

Jake Hower:

They focus on building this relationship with their readers and have almost

Jake Hower:

in the past forgotten about trying to sell them something or feel like

Jake Hower:

they can't sell them something.

Jake Hower:

So yeah, I think it's really amazing.

Jake Hower:

And it's an interesting time for us right now.

Jake Hower:

So what does brand Yarrow.

Jake Hower:

Right now entail what does it look

Yaro Starak:

like you caught me at an interesting time actually jake i've been

Yaro Starak:

working i was in maintaining my block that's something that i never stopped

Yaro Starak:

doing i like to blog i like to do podcast interviews like we're doing now i'm just

Yaro Starak:

recently i've added more video to what i'm doing i'm definitely trying to get all

Yaro Starak:

three formats of written audio and visual content happening on a regular basis my

Yaro Starak:

grand plan from the blogging information publishing side of the fences to.

Yaro Starak:

Really practice what I preach this year and build a proper sales funnel and

Yaro Starak:

by that I mean have a product suite that targets the main things that I

Yaro Starak:

know my customers need help with and I always have something of my own.

Yaro Starak:

That's a value that I can recommend and have a front end series of products

Yaro Starak:

in a back end series of products and then link all that together with

Yaro Starak:

a an effective marketing system.

Yaro Starak:

Yeah, Which starts with a really great blog at the front end, which gets them

Yaro Starak:

onto a really great newsletter with a really great free report, all great free

Yaro Starak:

information, building trust relationships.

Yaro Starak:

So I have a lot of that built, but I haven't got all of it done.

Yaro Starak:

So that's what I'm doing a lot right now behind the scenes while maintaining

Yaro Starak:

my value that I give to people.

Yaro Starak:

So doing all that content creation, but I've also spent the last about

Yaro Starak:

two years now working on a software startup, which was a completely

Yaro Starak:

different experience for me.

Yaro Starak:

I Just basically two years ago, I said, you know what, I've had enough

Yaro Starak:

of being an information marketer.

Yaro Starak:

I want to have a startup.

Yaro Starak:

I want to do something that could be potentially much larger

Yaro Starak:

than just me teaching and it's obviously like the dot com boom 2.

Yaro Starak:

0 at the moment, a little bit with maybe not all the false dreams and

Yaro Starak:

hopes and companies that don't make money, but certainly a lot of investment

Yaro Starak:

money, a lot of talk about it.

Yaro Starak:

And the crows are talking to the, okay.

Yaro Starak:

So to start a software company was something I wanted to do

Yaro Starak:

and I got a couple of partners.

Yaro Starak:

One's a developer and one's a designer and we created this thing called

Yaro Starak:

cranky ads, which is an advertising management system for bloggers.

Yaro Starak:

So I'm staying in my space.

Yaro Starak:

So though we are opening it up to all website owners as well.

Yaro Starak:

It's basically something I've wanted for my own blog for a long time.

Yaro Starak:

A simple tool to rotate.

Yaro Starak:

Banner ads, text link ads and video ads and hopefully soon sponsored

Yaro Starak:

reviews as well, but really make it simple to use and have a few strong

Yaro Starak:

marketing psychology pieces in there.

Yaro Starak:

Like the way I sell ads and I have sold ads on my site since the very early days.

Yaro Starak:

That first magic site was.

Yaro Starak:

Primarily making money from banner ads and that's 10 years ago plus now so

Yaro Starak:

actually 13 years ago now to be actually honest so i've always had advertising as

Yaro Starak:

an income source so having this tool is very synergistic with what i've done over

Yaro Starak:

the years so that's working on the side.

Yaro Starak:

I had some problems with that, it's a whole new experience.

Yaro Starak:

It's a lot hard to make it work because software development is a

Yaro Starak:

lot difficult compared to writing an article or producing a course.

Yaro Starak:

It's something I can't do, I can't program and it just takes a lot more work than

Yaro Starak:

I thought to get something out the door.

Yaro Starak:

Like we're about to reach, I think in the next sort of six months, we will reach

Yaro Starak:

the point in Cranky Ads development that I thought we'd be at about six months.

Yaro Starak:

Eighteen months ago, so it's a bit of a development lag there and that there's all

Yaro Starak:

kinds of reasons and a huge back story.

Yaro Starak:

I could tell you about that, that's probably a separate interview

Yaro Starak:

altogether, but personally, I'm spending a lot of time building out

Yaro Starak:

my information product funnel and just getting my stuff out the door again.

Yaro Starak:

I got my blog mastermind course and how to make money.

Yaro Starak:

Blogging has been closed for 18 months because it needs to be redone.

Yaro Starak:

I've got a membership site training program.

Yaro Starak:

Same story.

Yaro Starak:

I'm trying to get that.

Yaro Starak:

Out the door again and a current, so I just want all of this to

Yaro Starak:

be built on a solid foundation.

Yaro Starak:

I, one of the things that I've trying not to do this time is be launch

Yaro Starak:

based because a lot of my marketing in the past was all about 2 weeks of

Yaro Starak:

excitement and releasing great free information and having affiliates

Yaro Starak:

promote me and then here's my course.

Yaro Starak:

It's only open for a couple of weeks, then close it down and that's

Yaro Starak:

brilliant like Jeff Walker and his product launch formula that it's.

Yaro Starak:

Really a great marketing system and it's a great way to make a lot of sales

Yaro Starak:

quickly which i've done now probably ten to fifteen times through opening campaigns

Yaro Starak:

and closing campaigns and reopening campaigns and specials and deals and so

Yaro Starak:

on and so forth but i don't want to be.

Yaro Starak:

And it's not a great way to run a sustainable business because you have to

Yaro Starak:

always be creating and doing launches.

Yaro Starak:

So I'm trying to build something a bit actually closer to an ebony pagan system.

Yaro Starak:

Like he's got his double your dating david de angelo product or rich chef friend

Yaro Starak:

with his strategic profits and he's got.

Yaro Starak:

Webinars that go automatically so once the parks created once the sales

Yaro Starak:

funnels built your job is just to get new leads and if you ask me what's my

Yaro Starak:

goal here in terms of the big dream is i want to do what i do already sitting

Yaro Starak:

cafes and live the laptop lifestyle write articles do interviews just have

Yaro Starak:

fun creating content knowing that.

Yaro Starak:

When I do, so the machine behind my content is really a well

Yaro Starak:

converting machine and I've got valuable products that help people.

Yaro Starak:

I make sales, I make money.

Yaro Starak:

It's just all about me producing more content to make it work.

Yaro Starak:

And that, that I like.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

Jake Hower:

And that's what I personally noticed this and I guess in a very basic

Jake Hower:

way, trying to implement it myself.

Jake Hower:

And it seems to be that the product launched.

Jake Hower:

It's almost like you've got this really small funnel, which are trying

Jake Hower:

to funnel all these traffic into and coming in this, there's only

Jake Hower:

one entry point into the funnel.

Jake Hower:

And then at the backend is the upsells or whatever, but it

Jake Hower:

now seems to be a lot broader.

Jake Hower:

It's almost like you've got different points in the funnel customers

Jake Hower:

can enter when they're ready.

Jake Hower:

And that seems to be, to me, it seems to be.

Jake Hower:

A lot better way to do it because you're not burning customers out as quick or

Jake Hower:

you're not burning them out as all because you're offering them value and you're

Jake Hower:

not forcing them to make a decision when they're not ready to make a decision.

Yaro Starak:

I never met a really good point when you talked about launches

Yaro Starak:

and he said there's no better brand or company or even personal brand.

Yaro Starak:

Launching tool creation tool like if you want to say hello i've arrived this is

Yaro Starak:

what i'm a specialist that this is what people trust me and enter the marketplace

Yaro Starak:

with a big hello and make a lot of money make a lot of sales and do that if you

Yaro Starak:

wanted to have an ongoing sustainable business you have to move beyond launches

Yaro Starak:

and come up with basically something with the numbers work so you can always go out

Yaro Starak:

there and even buy traffic at a dollar per lead knowing you'll make a dollar ten.

Yaro Starak:

On the back end through the system, so you know your numbers, you've

Yaro Starak:

got everything lined up and working well, but the launch process like

Yaro Starak:

I have to give it a lot of credit.

Yaro Starak:

I think most people who know me is because I wrote the blog profits blueprint.

Yaro Starak:

The reason why they got in touch with the blog profits blueprint

Yaro Starak:

was because I did a launch.

Yaro Starak:

Which included at the time, we are going back to 2007, six years ago, it had

Yaro Starak:

Darren Rouse, pro blogger, recommending it, and John Chow recommending it, it had

Yaro Starak:

Brian Clark from Copyblogger recommending it, it had all the names, the biggest

Yaro Starak:

names at the time in the blogging space, as well as a few internet marketers

Yaro Starak:

Jeff Walker eventually promoted me and so did Rich and a few others, and

Yaro Starak:

lots of affiliates, it has been great.

Yaro Starak:


Yaro Starak:

They helped to put my name as a guy who teaches people how to make money

Yaro Starak:

blogging out there now it's harder to do that now because it is more of us be

Yaro Starak:

people are more hesitant to promote the launches because like you said there's

Yaro Starak:

a burnout effect you don't want to basically ruin all your relationships by

Yaro Starak:

just promoting stuff after stuff which some people still do but most bloggers

Yaro Starak:

won't do that they don't want to do that.

Yaro Starak:

And most bloggers finally, certainly the people I just mentioned there, Brian

Yaro Starak:

Clark and Darren Rouse and John Chow, they've all got their own products now.

Yaro Starak:

They promote their own stuff.

Yaro Starak:

It's, why not?

Yaro Starak:

It makes sense.

Yaro Starak:

They get to keep 100%.

Yaro Starak:

It's they're in control of the product.

Yaro Starak:

There's no risk about customer service because they control it all.

Yaro Starak:

In a lot of ways, everyone's caught up with the internet marketing

Yaro Starak:

world and the product creation world and they've got big businesses.

Yaro Starak:

Brian Clark's got a huge business behind Copyblogger now.

Yaro Starak:

All of his plugins and SEO services and hosting and WordPress

Yaro Starak:

themes and everything like that.

Yaro Starak:

And yeah, it's like I couldn't get Brian to recommend the Blueprint now.

Yaro Starak:

Unless we were really close buddies hanging out every

Yaro Starak:

weekend, it's not going to happen.

Yaro Starak:

You do have to find different ways to launch yourself into a market.

Yaro Starak:

But it's still possible.

Yaro Starak:

Look at Pat Flynn.

Yaro Starak:

He's a guy who came not by doing a launch, just by working hard through blogging,

Yaro Starak:

through podcasting, through video.

Yaro Starak:

Really finding, I think, a resonance with where a lot of people are at.

Yaro Starak:

Choosing the best keyword you can ever think of, passive income online.

Yaro Starak:

If I had my chance again, I would not name my blog Entrepreneur's Journey.

Yaro Starak:

Pat nailed it.

Yaro Starak:

He puts passive income in it.

Yaro Starak:

And just obviously being a genuine nice guy, which is

Yaro Starak:

resonating with a lot of people.

Yaro Starak:

But also doing some really good.

Yaro Starak:

Experiments that show people how he's making money and that's always worked.

Yaro Starak:

Case studies have always been effective and through a combination of, I think,

Yaro Starak:

just consistent exposure through multiple channels, like being interviewed on

Yaro Starak:

podcasts, getting invited to talk at events, he slowly built up the name and

Yaro Starak:

the brand and he's done in two years what one launch would potentially do for you.

Yaro Starak:

But, it's just as effective and perhaps more sustainable long term as well.

Yaro Starak:

He's got a lot of people who will just follow Pat regardless of what he does.

Yaro Starak:

And he doesn't need to launch a great product.

Yaro Starak:

In fact, he doesn't even really have his own product.

Yaro Starak:

He's the guy who bucks the trend in a lot of ways.

Yaro Starak:

But it does show that it's possible.

Yaro Starak:

But I still think melding the two worlds is the best way to go.

Yaro Starak:

I'm not against launches.

Yaro Starak:

I love what Pat does.

Yaro Starak:

But I also think For a lot of people, it's not accessible to, to get his result.

Yaro Starak:

They just won't replicate that.

Yaro Starak:

So you do need to get better at your marketing, especially because you're

Yaro Starak:

going to be working with smaller numbers.

Yaro Starak:

So if you don't have as big numbers and you don't have the exposure,

Yaro Starak:

you need a tighter message, you need better marketing, you need

Yaro Starak:

to launch techniques and you need direct response marketing techniques.

Yaro Starak:

But yeah, I think we've I've gone off track a little bit here.

Yaro Starak:


Jake Hower:

this is good though.

Jake Hower:

I think it's all very valuable and yeah, I totally agree with

Jake Hower:

everything you've just said there.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, exactly right.

Jake Hower:

Now, why don't we continue down this path about how you go about

Jake Hower:

building this great marketing funnel?

Jake Hower:

And I guess it's a phrase that you've coined recently, blog content 2.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

What is this?

Yaro Starak:

I've been a teacher of a good blog writing since the early days

Yaro Starak:

and I coined the phrase pillar content and to my surprise, it caught on as a great

Yaro Starak:

way to describe what you can hope is an outcome from writing blog content or any

Yaro Starak:

kind of blog content you produce and.

Yaro Starak:

It's changed since i did the initial coining of that phrase in two thousand

Yaro Starak:

and seven the outcome from it hasn't changed i should really be to actually

Yaro Starak:

correct the term it hasn't changed because when you do something that

Yaro Starak:

creates a pillar event all that means you get an influx of readers you get

Yaro Starak:

a lot of people sharing your content.

Yaro Starak:

Back in the day, they might have shared it through email and through posting

Yaro Starak:

on their blog, where today they do it by liking it on Facebook and sharing

Yaro Starak:

it by retweeting it and adding it to their Pinterest or putting it on stumble

Yaro Starak:

upon whatever, the tools they use.

Yaro Starak:

So the tools have changed, but the outcomes haven't.

Yaro Starak:

Plus, of course, you've still got the power of Google

Yaro Starak:

and getting search results.

Yaro Starak:

So the more people who share.

Yaro Starak:

And the more links that come in, the more likely that content will rank

Yaro Starak:

well and have long term traffic.

Yaro Starak:

That was really the two goals with the pillar, a rush of traffic to your

Yaro Starak:

blog content and long term stable.

Yaro Starak:

Not quite as big as that initial rush of course, but hopefully, 10, whatever it

Yaro Starak:

is, visitors per day will keep coming from search to that article and then, interact

Yaro Starak:

with your blog, join your list, etc.

Yaro Starak:

So for me I've been writing about writing, teaching the meta, how to do

Yaro Starak:

good blog content was one of my subjects.

Yaro Starak:

And I felt that it needed to be updated.

Yaro Starak:

Like for me, I think we all know what our options are for content creation.

Yaro Starak:

We hear it every day.

Yaro Starak:

Create a podcast, do YouTube videos, write great blog articles with lots

Yaro Starak:

of pictures, put a lot of research into them understand your audience.

Yaro Starak:

So you're getting the exact subjects that they want and combine all those mediums

Yaro Starak:

into one piece of content where back in the day, you could write a 700 word

Yaro Starak:

article with six dot points, publish it.

Yaro Starak:

It would get shared across a bunch of sites.

Yaro Starak:

As soon as you hit the front page of life hacker or tech crunch or whatever,

Yaro Starak:

you've just suddenly got, or back in the day it was dig, you just get 10,

Yaro Starak:

000 visitors and away you go, that's.

Yaro Starak:

That was like a launch for a lot of blogs.

Yaro Starak:

I think John Chow got his start by really gaming dig in a lot of ways.

Yaro Starak:

That's not the same.

Yaro Starak:

It's not as easy.

Yaro Starak:

It's not as multimedia as it seems to be required today.

Yaro Starak:

That being said, in certain markets it's always going to

Yaro Starak:

be the value of the content.

Yaro Starak:

The medium is it's the magnifier.

Yaro Starak:

If you have a great idea, the idea itself is what sells.

Yaro Starak:

But if you do release that idea through video, through audio, and through text,

Yaro Starak:

then you hit all modalities of learning.

Yaro Starak:

So you can reach more people.

Yaro Starak:

And that's been actually my own experience.

Yaro Starak:

It's been interesting for me.

Yaro Starak:

I've increased video.

Yaro Starak:

That's the one area where I've been doing more than what I used to do.

Yaro Starak:

I've always done writing and I've always done podcasts, but videos increased.

Yaro Starak:

And I have had people who watch these videos and they're not like, most

Yaro Starak:

of my videos are me talking in front of the camera for five minutes, just

Yaro Starak:

about whatever I've done that day.

Yaro Starak:

It's not high production value.

Yaro Starak:

It's record upload done, but people.

Yaro Starak:

Who don't read my blog who don't listen to my podcast are watching the videos because

Yaro Starak:

they're video people and they leave comments on the video that you too, they,

Yaro Starak:

I have conversations where they say, yeah, I was watching your videos and I realized

Yaro Starak:

I'm tapping into a third channel there that I really didn't have before, which

Yaro Starak:

certainly is exposed me to new audiences.

Yaro Starak:

So as a content creator, you've got all these options and I

Yaro Starak:

want to be careful here because the concept of blog content 2.

Yaro Starak:

0 just means that you're.

Yaro Starak:

Providing more value through more mediums, and I don't want people

Yaro Starak:

to think that they have to master all these mediums straight away.

Yaro Starak:

In fact, I think if anything, the biggest lesson that I

Yaro Starak:

think compared to the old days.

Yaro Starak:

Writing five times a week, getting something out the door

Yaro Starak:

was the most important thing.

Yaro Starak:

That's still the most important thing if you're a news blog.

Yaro Starak:

Most people I think listen to this won't be news bloggers, they'll be a

Yaro Starak:

specialist at a certain subject area, so they're trying to establish their

Yaro Starak:

brand, build up a nice following of what I I don't, I didn't coin the

Yaro Starak:

phrase, the 1, 000 true fans or the tribe, Seth Godin from, for tribe and R.

Yaro Starak:

Kelly for 1, 000 true fans.

Yaro Starak:

And That's not a lot of people, but they have to be really focused evangelists

Yaro Starak:

for you and what you stand for and what you do and what you produce and

Yaro Starak:

obviously buy everything you do produce.

Yaro Starak:

That's how you make your money from your business.

Yaro Starak:

So in order to get that sort of following, it's actually more effective if you.

Yaro Starak:

Touch them really powerfully once or twice with your content, even if you

Yaro Starak:

just do it once or twice in a month.

Yaro Starak:

So I think the way blog content is changing and where I would teach now is

Yaro Starak:

don't necessarily do it five times a week if you can't, like we have to factor in

Yaro Starak:

people's lives into the equation here.

Yaro Starak:

It's just not realistic for some people, but if you do produce content,

Yaro Starak:

let's say once a week, make that once a week article really kick ass.

Yaro Starak:

So put the video in as well.

Yaro Starak:

Convert it to an audio file, write 2000 words instead of 700, put in

Yaro Starak:

some amazing pictures I recently wrote an article on blog content 2.

Yaro Starak:

0 and I pointed out some formulas, you can use what are they called

Yaro Starak:

Those graphics infographics, yeah, so there's really long pictures of, they

Yaro Starak:

explain an idea often statistically, or they visually present an idea, and

Yaro Starak:

one I recently republished was the one on how sitting down can kill you,

Yaro Starak:

and there's been all this research into that, and there's a very long

Yaro Starak:

infograph about all the factors of that, so that's something that's been

Yaro Starak:

shared a lot, so you can do things like infographs, you can do things like that.

Yaro Starak:

Thank you.

Yaro Starak:

You can do entire video series, five videos to cover a topic in one blog post.

Yaro Starak:

That's a lot of work, but that blog post will more likely hit a lot of people,

Yaro Starak:

especially if it's a fundamental subject, like how to do something that's really

Yaro Starak:

important in your market using audio.

Yaro Starak:

I think like you're doing this podcast, and I think the people who are really

Yaro Starak:

going to do well in the future, I think david siteman garland is a good

Yaro Starak:

example of this with this rise to the top podcast, which is one of the

Yaro Starak:

most successful ones at the moment he's had success because he decided

Yaro Starak:

to do daily or at least he was daily.

Yaro Starak:

He decided to do video interviews not just audio like i'm you and i doing audio

Yaro Starak:

right now i've always done audio but he's prepared to sit in front of the camera and

Yaro Starak:

get someone face to face which is slightly better plus he releases it as audio as

Yaro Starak:

video in two different streams and itunes.

Yaro Starak:

As well as obviously having a transcript and it's hitting every single medium

Yaro Starak:

there, so you have the text people, the video people, and the audio people,

Yaro Starak:

the portable people, the people who want to sit in front of your computer,

Yaro Starak:

the iTunes subscribers, the RSS subscribers through blog content.

Yaro Starak:

You're just giving yourself the chance to reach everyone.

Yaro Starak:

These sorts of ways to augment.

Yaro Starak:

Just what you do when you produce good ideas is how you can really have more

Yaro Starak:

of an impact on the world, but you don't have to do it as frequently.

Yaro Starak:

That's really the message here.

Yaro Starak:

Better value, less frequently Tim Ferriss, one of the best examples, his

Yaro Starak:

blog, it's sometimes updated once a month, but man, when he publishes a blog

Yaro Starak:

post, it's always wow, that's really 5000 words long, or a mini documentary

Yaro Starak:

sort of video or something like that.

Yaro Starak:

But yeah.

Yaro Starak:

It's really engaging and interesting stuff and he's got probably more traffic

Yaro Starak:

than 99% of all blogs on the internet has, but he doesn't write every day.

Yaro Starak:

He's not a TechCrunch or a Mashable or, Verge or whatever, these media sites are.

Yaro Starak:

He's just an individual who has a great following because of

Yaro Starak:

his books, but, I don't know.

Yaro Starak:

The blog is not updated frequently.

Yaro Starak:

Of course, there's always the counterintuitive person like Seth

Yaro Starak:

Godin, who writes, what is it, 100 words for blog post every now and then.

Yaro Starak:

And he's massive, but that's because he's massive from all

Yaro Starak:

the book writing he's done.

Yaro Starak:

So everything has a combination of things that result in an outcome.

Yaro Starak:

And you have to figure out what works for you, what works for your lifestyle

Yaro Starak:

What works for the way you produce content and build that platform.

Yaro Starak:

And I think for most people, that goal of 1000 true fans is really

Yaro Starak:

the most important thing to look out for and try and reach that point.

Yaro Starak:

Cause then you can have a full time income from your online business.

Yaro Starak:

And that's the most important thing.

Yaro Starak:

Yeah, definitely.

Yaro Starak:


Jake Hower:

really is.

Jake Hower:

It's so interesting, the different strategies you can take and Seth,

Jake Hower:

just from the sheer volume that he puts out means that he's going

Jake Hower:

to be producing amazing stuff.

Jake Hower:

But I reckon probably 50% of the stuff he does put out isn't

Jake Hower:

fantastic, but because it's.

Jake Hower:

I'm such a regular schedule you almost forget about it because you got a

Jake Hower:

new piece to focus on the next day

Yaro Starak:

and it's him i mean yeah you know if the some guy with no reputation

Yaro Starak:

posted these little smart ideas every day they're not going to reach that

Yaro Starak:

many people and certainly not short term maybe eventually but he built a platform

Yaro Starak:

through books that's the thing that everyone has a breakthrough mechanism

Yaro Starak:

some people use books some people use a tv some people use live events.

Yaro Starak:

Talk about events, some people get it through other people like for

Yaro Starak:

example, I just listened to Pat's recent interview and he gives credit

Yaro Starak:

to my interview with him as his flashpoint for putting him on the map.

Yaro Starak:

And I certainly think for me that my flashpoint was the release of the

Yaro Starak:

blog prophets blueprint and having all these other bloggers talk about me.

Yaro Starak:

And that was six years ago.

Yaro Starak:

So everyone arrived somehow.

Yaro Starak:

And then people pay more attention to you.

Yaro Starak:

That's the important part.

Yaro Starak:

Why are people paying attention to you?

Yaro Starak:

And then you get to play around with the different formats and find

Yaro Starak:

something that suits your style.

Yaro Starak:

In Seth's case, 50 words a day.

Yaro Starak:

It's all you need.

Yaro Starak:

All right,

Jake Hower:

Let's shift gear a little bit.

Jake Hower:

And let's go back to the platform you're using to be able to build your funnel.

Jake Hower:

I'm really interested in the systems that run a business, and I recently

Jake Hower:

saw that you've posted about you moving from Aweber across to Office Autopilot.

Jake Hower:

How did you learn that?

Jake Hower:

So that was in a video, wasn't it?

Jake Hower:

It was.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, so why did you decide to move from just a traditional email broadcast

Jake Hower:

and autoresponder system to something more complex like Office Autopilot?

Yaro Starak:

Before I answer that question, I'm curious about, Jake,

Yaro Starak:

do you read blog posts or do you?

Yaro Starak:

Mostly do read, watch videos or listen to podcasts.

Yaro Starak:


Jake Hower:

personally, my consumption time is while I'm

Jake Hower:

driving, I drive 40 minutes each way into work five days a week.

Jake Hower:

So that's the best time for me to consume.

Jake Hower:

I can't work and listen at the same time.

Jake Hower:

I tend to zone out of what's in the background and focus on work.

Jake Hower:

And video is the same thing.

Jake Hower:

I need to have 100% focus.

Jake Hower:

So for me, audio is.

Jake Hower:

Probably my best mode for learning because I can actually be doing something and

Jake Hower:

listen, have a good decent block of time where I can tune in and listen to what's

Yaro Starak:

going on.

Yaro Starak:

So my YouTube video where I talked about moving to Office Autopilot, was that

Yaro Starak:

just playing the audio somewhere in the background while you were driving?

Jake Hower:

No, that's quite interesting and I think the different forms of

Jake Hower:

media are best in different formats and your videos, James Shremko's videos,

Jake Hower:

are small enough you can consume them.

Jake Hower:

In a 10 minute break somewhere here and there throughout the day.

Jake Hower:

So that's generally where I'll consume it on YouTube, subscribe to

Jake Hower:

a number of people on YouTube and I'll two or three times a day, just

Jake Hower:

head across there and watch something else if there's something new.

Yaro Starak:


Yaro Starak:

No, I do very interesting.

Yaro Starak:


Yaro Starak:

I find the different modalities cause I can't stand watching videos

Yaro Starak:

most of the time, like it's so slow.

Yaro Starak:

I want to fast forward, but they don't have the technology

Yaro Starak:

to make that easy to do yet.

Yaro Starak:

But anyway I just.

Yaro Starak:

Just trying to make the point I guess that you do hit people like I would have not

Yaro Starak:

touched you with that content video last year because I wasn't doing it and it does

Yaro Starak:

surprise me how often you underestimate the people that are ignoring you because

Yaro Starak:

you fail to transcribe your podcast as an example or you're like most people is

Yaro Starak:

what I'm not doing right now but I want to is I want to get an audio version of

Yaro Starak:

every blog post I write and get it into iTunes and get it as a video in YouTube.

Yaro Starak:

Which shouldn't be that hard to do.

Yaro Starak:

I'm working on that at the moment to develop a system to

Yaro Starak:

get that happening automatically.

Yaro Starak:

Very much profit hacks from Pete Williams and Rich Jeffrin.

Yaro Starak:

But anyway, to go back to your question, Jake the switch.

Yaro Starak:

Yes, like you said, I am moving from AWeber, which has been my email

Yaro Starak:

autoresponder for the last eight years.

Yaro Starak:

Something like that.

Yaro Starak:

It's a scary move because it's been my main income source for that time too.

Yaro Starak:

I have most of my money comes from my list.

Yaro Starak:

So the reason why I decided to move to office autopilot is because I'm

Yaro Starak:

building that sales funnel like I told you about earlier in the interview.

Yaro Starak:

So if I want to do more advanced things, for example, really have some structured

Yaro Starak:

tunnels for people to go through.

Yaro Starak:

So As an example, my front end will be, join my newsletter,

Yaro Starak:

get my blog profits blueprint.

Yaro Starak:

It flags people as interested in making money with blogs.

Yaro Starak:

That's my main positioning strategy.

Yaro Starak:

That's my best subject to teach on.

Yaro Starak:

I've got the most experience.

Yaro Starak:

It makes sense.

Yaro Starak:

I can help those people the most and it's a popular way to make money.

Yaro Starak:

So it's meeting a need as well.

Yaro Starak:

Then when people come into my funnel, I want to have tunnels that

Yaro Starak:

branch out depending where they are.

Yaro Starak:

So I will be having a basically an entry level ebook on mindset and productivity

Yaro Starak:

because I think that's the first area where people usually go wrong.

Yaro Starak:

We'd stop some succeeding and everything else they do from that point forward.

Yaro Starak:

So I want to promote that first whether or not they buy, I

Yaro Starak:

don't know, but it'll be there.

Yaro Starak:

And then I want to have, I will have a guide on buying and selling blogs and

Yaro Starak:

websites because again, at the entry point of this, you either decide to

Yaro Starak:

build a site from scratch yourself if you're new or if you've got a little bit

Yaro Starak:

of cash available, speed up the process by buying a blog or buying a website.

Yaro Starak:

So I want that option to be made available and I have content on that

Yaro Starak:

subject and I've done it myself in the past so I can teach that area.

Yaro Starak:

Then often what happens is once you've got your blog, whether

Yaro Starak:

you bought it or you create it yourself, the next issue is traffic.

Yaro Starak:

So I've got an intro introductory guide on building traffic to blog.

Yaro Starak:

So all those are my front end guidebooks and each of those will have a follow

Yaro Starak:

up sequence if they buy that product.

Yaro Starak:

And I've also got a subscription.

Yaro Starak:

Club i'm on the back end is an upsell to each of those products now one of the

Yaro Starak:

wonderful things but office autopilot is being able to tag people based on actions

Yaro Starak:

they take it to the granular level like if they click a link in this email move

Yaro Starak:

them from this list to this list even if they click this link on your website

Yaro Starak:

move them from this list to this list or add them to this another list one of the

Yaro Starak:

best examples i can think of that i'd really like to do is because i have a.

Yaro Starak:

A training product on how to make money with blogs, but also a training product on

Yaro Starak:

how to make money with membership sites.

Yaro Starak:

I'm not known as a membership site trainer, but I've done a couple

Yaro Starak:

of those and I've got a product that's got some good stuff in it.

Yaro Starak:

But I don't want to be promoting.

Yaro Starak:

Membership site training to people interested in making money from blocks.

Yaro Starak:

So what will make sense is that in my sequence at some point it's it'll be

Yaro Starak:

like click here to download my guide on how to make money with membership

Yaro Starak:

sites and that'll then flag them as a person interested in membership

Yaro Starak:

sites and i can have them go on to.

Yaro Starak:

And you follow up sequence on that subject telling them my membership site product

Yaro Starak:

so this is a lot of control like if you actually get to play around with office

Yaro Starak:

autopilot there's a lot of different things you can do especially with the

Yaro Starak:

if then actions not just moving from one list to another but you can also have

Yaro Starak:

them get sent a postcard in the mail.

Yaro Starak:

You can have them get moved to a different type of membership sites because it's

Yaro Starak:

integrated with membership sites as well.

Yaro Starak:

And I'm talking like in hypothetical speak as well, because I haven't

Yaro Starak:

built most of these features yet.

Yaro Starak:

I am very much at the transition point where I've just moved all my contacts

Yaro Starak:

from a webber into office autopilot.

Yaro Starak:

And in fact, today I'll be sending my first ever.

Yaro Starak:

Large broadcast using Office Autopilot instead of a Weber, so it's a pretty

Yaro Starak:

big, pretty monumentous day in terms of testing Office Autopilot and seeing

Yaro Starak:

how if I get the same response in terms of my emails being opened and my emails

Yaro Starak:

being clicked and things like that.

Yaro Starak:

So I'm excited to do that.

Yaro Starak:

But what I'm really excited about is it is an all in one solution.

Yaro Starak:

If it can do what it claims it can do.

Yaro Starak:

I won't need to use anything else other than Office Autopilot for my

Yaro Starak:

email, for my shopping cart, for my affiliate system, for sending direct

Yaro Starak:

postcards in the mail, which is something I'm not done, but I would

Yaro Starak:

like to do more of that sort of thing.

Yaro Starak:

For drip feeding content through a membership site, there's two plugins

Yaro Starak:

that work directly with WordPress, so I'm already a WordPress user.

Yaro Starak:

Theoretically, it should handle my entire information product business.

Yaro Starak:

And I have high hopes, because I know For example, Marie Forleo and Eben Pagan, and

Yaro Starak:

I just saw recently Frank Kern is using as well as a lot of people who seem to

Yaro Starak:

have decided to go with it as opposed to maybe Infusionsoft, which was like the

Yaro Starak:

next level up for most people from Aweber.

Yaro Starak:

They almost always would switch to Infusionsoft, but.

Yaro Starak:

So many people struggled with it, like they just find it too confusing, and I

Yaro Starak:

didn't even bother looking at it for that reason, because I knew if these people

Yaro Starak:

were struggling it's going to be too hard for me as a one man sort of operation,

Yaro Starak:

because I I don't want to be the person that's doing all the work, I want to know

Yaro Starak:

how my system works at least, so that when you lose a person or something like

Yaro Starak:

that, you can go in there and, fix things in emergencies and things like that.

Yaro Starak:

So far, from what I've been working with Office Autopilot,

Yaro Starak:

I get it, I understand it.

Yaro Starak:

So that's a really good sign.

Yaro Starak:

I can see how I can use it.

Yaro Starak:

So it's nice to be in a position right now where I see this sort

Yaro Starak:

of castle that I have to build this year and the tools are there.

Yaro Starak:

It's just a case of sitting down and building everything step by

Yaro Starak:

step, making sure it all works.

Yaro Starak:

And hopefully by the end of 12 months time from now next year.

Yaro Starak:

If someone comes to my blog or any of my landing pages and opt into my newsletter,

Yaro Starak:

there will be a sequence of messages and a sequence of products that's optimized

Yaro Starak:

and delivers a lot of value, converts really well, makes a lot of money, and

Yaro Starak:

I can just sit and write articles and do interviews and reach more people

Yaro Starak:

knowing that They will enter that system and the machine will deliver the value.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, definitely.

Jake Hower:

I, and what really excites me about these marketing automation tools is

Jake Hower:

that in essentially the same way that you can add people to funnels into

Jake Hower:

sales funnels, you can actually remove people based on their non actions and

Jake Hower:

put them back into a nurture funnel.

Jake Hower:

They're not ready to buy it because they're not showing

Jake Hower:

interest in the clicks.

Jake Hower:

So you can put them back into a more of a nurture funnel,

Jake Hower:

deliver extra awesome content.

Jake Hower:

And then when the time comes where they are showing interest, they can.

Jake Hower:

Pop them back across into one of the ad

Yaro Starak:

sales funnels.

Yaro Starak:

I really some of this is so laborious to set it all up, but what you can do

Yaro Starak:

with office autopilot is if they opt into the newsletter, but never click

Yaro Starak:

the link to go download the actual resource you give them, you can have

Yaro Starak:

them move to a list that then says, why haven't you downloaded the resource yet?

Yaro Starak:

So you've got.

Yaro Starak:

So many granular levels of response that you could like if you really got

Yaro Starak:

good at this every single action if it's not taken you could have a reminder

Yaro Starak:

series to go what are you doing why aren't you acting on this so you can

Yaro Starak:

try and keep people more active than otherwise like i've certainly been

Yaro Starak:

slack in the past my email sequence has been here's some content here's some

Yaro Starak:

content here's some content not really.

Yaro Starak:

Sort of caring whether they click the links.

Yaro Starak:

I look at the numbers, but I haven't been proactively trying to improve them.

Yaro Starak:

Yeah, it's really

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

It's obviously literally taken a plunge a few weeks going into Infusionsoft.

Jake Hower:

So I'm enjoying the exact same thing that you're talking about here.

Jake Hower:

So it's

Yaro Starak:

You obviously haven't found it too confusing then.

Jake Hower:

No, I haven't.

Jake Hower:

The learning curve was initially, it felt steep, but three or four weeks into

Jake Hower:

using the software, I probably liken the learning curve to that of WordPress.

Yaro Starak:


Yaro Starak:

They just raised some funds.

Yaro Starak:

So I'm sure they're, anyone who complains about things, they're well aware of it.

Yaro Starak:

And I know that's been the biggest complaint people have had, they

Yaro Starak:

call it confusion soft for a reason.

Yaro Starak:

But yeah, I expect.

Yaro Starak:

People will get a better and better user experience with it over time now.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, we better move on from this subject.

Jake Hower:

So I'm sure we're boring our listeners.

Jake Hower:

It's a mad scientist side of the marketing and I really enjoy

Jake Hower:

it, but it's not for everybody.

Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

We've been going for close to 50 minutes now, so I really appreciate

Jake Hower:

you taking the time you have.

Jake Hower:

So you're setting up your funnels again.

Jake Hower:

Where do you see blogging going into the future?

Yaro Starak:

It depends on your goals.

Yaro Starak:

I think, blogs will always be multimedia and not say multimedia, but the new media

Yaro Starak:

source for the big sites, but that's.

Yaro Starak:

Not really relevant for most of us i don't think most of us want to start a

Yaro Starak:

new tech crunch or whatever it is in your industry it's possible i love the case

Yaro Starak:

study from one of my friends with his card vice blog here in australia which was

Yaro Starak:

one guy just writing articles about cars.

Yaro Starak:

And now it's a team of 20 and a whole writing team, and they're covering every

Yaro Starak:

news event they get flown into Europe.

Yaro Starak:

It's worth 20 million dollars.

Yaro Starak:

It's a magazine online.

Yaro Starak:

And that's amazing, and that's a possibility.

Yaro Starak:

I've got a couple of examples of people I've worked with

Yaro Starak:

who've reached that point.

Yaro Starak:

And that's huge.

Yaro Starak:

It doesn't work for most people though, because getting to that

Yaro Starak:

level of traffic is very difficult, especially as an individual.

Yaro Starak:

You ramping up your content creation if you follow that model.

Yaro Starak:

So I think for most people, if you're interested in making money

Yaro Starak:

with blogging, getting better at internet marketing is so important.

Yaro Starak:

You really do need to get more from fewer people because you're not going to have

Yaro Starak:

tens of thousands of daily visitors.

Yaro Starak:

You need to be able to make a living off of your 1000.

Yaro Starak:

Daily visitors and, build the newsletter, build a funnel behind it.

Yaro Starak:

That converts, find out where your best point of leverage is,

Yaro Starak:

where you provide the most value and then go deep in that area.

Yaro Starak:

Too many bloggers, I think, follow that formula of just produce more and get

Yaro Starak:

more eyeballs and I'll make more money from advertising or I'll make more

Yaro Starak:

money from selling affiliate products.

Yaro Starak:

But if you actually build a funnel behind it.

Yaro Starak:

Your visitor values much greater, like a blogger who has a thousand readers

Yaro Starak:

who just has advertising affiliate income, they're often making 20 cents

Yaro Starak:

on average per user, where if they turn that to an information product

Yaro Starak:

business with a series of products.

Yaro Starak:

It gets into the multiple dollars per visitor instead because one person buys

Yaro Starak:

a 20 ebook then goes on to a 50 a month subscription and then maybe if they're

Yaro Starak:

really an ultra responsive dedicated 1000 true fan type person, they're going to

Yaro Starak:

buy your 500 course and attend your 2, 000 live event if you go down that path.

Yaro Starak:

And that's the difference between making an okay income from a blog to

Yaro Starak:

you're now making six figures, multiple six figures, even seven figures.

Yaro Starak:

And that's, I think an outcome for anyone who's interested in

Yaro Starak:

making money from a blog, if they can really learn all these steps.

Yaro Starak:

And most of it just comes down to making sure you understand what market you're

Yaro Starak:

going after, getting your positioning really right, getting the problem

Yaro Starak:

and understanding it really well.

Yaro Starak:

Then going through a process that all of us have to go through of slowly building

Yaro Starak:

the platform that can make you money.

Yaro Starak:

I think in the future, just as today is the future for me compared to six

Yaro Starak:

years ago, and I started blogging or I started blogging about eight years ago,

Yaro Starak:

but when I started making money from it and seeing the ways to make money back

Yaro Starak:

then, the fundamentals didn't change.

Yaro Starak:

It's still about audience attention, still about conversion points and selling

Yaro Starak:

things, the tools we use to reach.

Yaro Starak:

People and the tools we use to analyze those things, the conversion

Yaro Starak:

points, they've changed, they've increased the social media.

Yaro Starak:

There's really good metrics tools.

Yaro Starak:

There's really good shopping carts and customer relationship management tools.

Yaro Starak:

Like we talked about this before, there's new blogging tools and it's really

Yaro Starak:

possible to reach so many more people now because there's so many people online.

Yaro Starak:

But if you don't get the fundamentals right, it doesn't really matter.

Yaro Starak:

You're not making any money from it and you're not reaching any people.

Yaro Starak:

So you learn the fundamentals.

Yaro Starak:

And then decide which of the tools you want to use.

Yaro Starak:

If new tools come along, you can decide to use them.

Yaro Starak:

Like I decided to use Twitter and Facebook, but I decided to pretty much

Yaro Starak:

ignore LinkedIn and stumble upon, but some people love LinkedIn and stumble upon.

Yaro Starak:

So it's up to you how you use what you use.

Yaro Starak:

Just get the fundamentals, right?

Jake Hower:

That's a fantastic summary of it all.

Jake Hower:

All right, Yarrow, thanks very much for coming on.

Jake Hower:

Where can our listeners find out more about you?

Jake Hower:


Yaro Starak:

tell people to Google my name, Y A R O, because it's

Yaro Starak:

easy to remember and I'm trying to be like Oprah and Madonna.

Yaro Starak:

My actual website is entrepreneurs journey.

Yaro Starak:

com, but that word entrepreneur tends to throw people.

Yaro Starak:

So if you just remember Yarrow, Y A R O, you'll find everything, my

Yaro Starak:

blog, my YouTube channel, my podcast, just by looking around for my name.

Jake Hower:

That's brilliant.

Jake Hower:

Yara, thank you very much for coming on the episode.

Jake Hower:

You've shared with our listeners a whole heap of really awesome

Jake Hower:

content and I really appreciate that.

Yaro Starak:

Thank you very much for having me, Jake.

Yaro Starak:

I've enjoyed the chat and I hope everyone got something from it and can

Yaro Starak:

go out there and make some money from whatever they're doing with blogs.




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