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A Very Special Interview With Teresa And Paul
Episode 10020th January 2020 • Your Dream Business • Teresa Heath-Wareing
00:00:00 01:00:46

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Welcome to episode 100 of the podcast, time has gone so fast! I wanted to make sure this episode was special, so for this episode only I have got someone else taking over. The reason being, they are going to be interviewing me and my wonderful husband. So, for this week only, I would like to hand you over to Biz Paul.

  • When I first started my podcast there was growth but it wasn’t until month nine that my stats experienced that ‘hockey stick’ growth. It’s taken time and money, but it’s worth it because I can teach so many people at once.
  • Without the podcast, I wouldn’t have been able to get in front of the people I have been able to. From Michael Hyatt to Amy Porterfield, I’ve had some incredible guests. It’s invaluable.
  • Learning how to have a positive mindset is incredibly important in the early days of your business.
  • When working with a partner, patience and support are really important.
If you’re selling something that is of good quality, you don’t have to apologise for trying to tell.
  • Hello from Biz Paul – 01:27
  • #1 How Does It Feel to Reach 100 Episodes? – 03:48
  • #2 Why Did You Decide to Do A Podcast and When Did You See Growth? – 04:58
  • #3 What Is the Biggest Outcome from Your Podcast for You? – 07:17
  • #4 Getting to Know (My Husband) Paul – 08:34
  • #5 The Story of Teresa and Paul At Home – 13:56
  • #6 Paul and the Business – What Does He Do? – 20:00
  • #7 Sharing Your Life on Social Media – 35:15
  • #8 Have Your Lives Changed in Anyway? – 38:30
  • #9 What Would Your Life Be Like if Marketing Didn’t Exist? – 47:00
  • #10 Would You Have Done Anything Differently Over the Last 5 Years? – 50:00
  • #11 What Are Some of Your Biggest Mistakes? – 52:00
  • #12 What Does the Future Hold? – 56:40
Transcript below


Hello, and welcome to episode 100 of the podcast. Wow, I can't believe we're at 100 already. It feels like ... I don't know. Well, in some ways it feels like two minutes since I started, and then also feels like I've done it for a million years as well, which is odd. Anyway, I wanted to make this episode different and special and interesting because it's 100 episodes and I didn't want to do what I do every other episode.

For this episode only, I have got someone else taking over, and the reason I have someone else taking over is because they're interviewing me and my very wonderful husband. I would like to hand you over, very nervously, to the amazing BizPaul, who is going to be looking after the show today. Please enjoy.


Hello from Biz Paul


Well, hello there. A super warm welcome to this very special interview with the lovely Teresa Heath-Wareing, and her husband, Paul Campbell. It's such a pleasure and an absolute honour to have been asked to talk to Teresa and Paul today because, just like you, I'm an avid listener to the Marketing That Converts Podcast, and I know that everyone has different ways of listening, but I tend to listen on a Monday morning during the commute to the office.

I love hearing the amazing guests that come on this show and the lessons that Teresa shares, her experience with everybody. Because I guess it doesn't matter whether you're an entrepreneur just starting out, or a more experienced marketer. Other people's experiences are really valuable to hear. Without further ado, Teresa and Paul, welcome to the podcast.



This is the weirdest thing ever. First off, and I've got to be really conscious that I don't take my own podcast back off of you, BizPaul, but that was a little bit like we were about to get married. "I'd like to gather you here today in the witness hall."

It feels a bit like I'm presiding over your podcast for a bit. I am genuinely honoured that you've asked me to talk to you guys.

There was no one better to do it, BizPaul.

Thank you. It's just that weight of responsibility. I'm representing the listeners here, so I'm just going to ask you everything-

I was going to say you crack on.

You go ahead.

How does it feel to be on the other side of the question?

Do you know what? If I was on someone else's podcast, then that's fine. I think I'd be fine. The fact that this is mine feels ... It's exciting, but I am scared because I'm a control freak and I like to know what's going on and I have no idea what's going on.

Don't know what the questions are.

Obviously, to have a podcast with Paul with me is very odd as well, but wonderful.

It's strange to me because I listen to your podcasts in the car when I'm driving around and stuff. Yeah, you always ask me questions, so I need to answer them, so yeah. It's going to be really interesting to listen to myself in the car, which is weird.

Well, I hope I do a good job because this is a very special episode. It's the 100th episode of the podcast. Let's talk about that for a moment.



#1 How Does It Feel to Reach 100 Episodes?


How does it feel to have reached the milestone of 100 episodes?

You know what? It's really odd because I don't even think I thought about getting to that point or what that would mean in terms of time, because it basically means I've almost done this for two years, which is crazy. I just love it, so it's almost flown by, that you wouldn't even know that we'd got here. I wanted to mark it with something a bit different, a bit special. I've had some amazing guests, and that's the other thing, actually.

Because as I was running up to the 100, I was like, "Right, who have we had on? What sort of things have we talked about?" and, honestly, the people I've had on, I could not be more honoured to have half of those people. They were a phenomenal half ... I mean all of them, but you know what I mean. The other half are rubbish. I'm joking, but honestly, that was amazing. I love doing the podcast, to think that I'm at 100 is crazy. Let's get to 200.

It takes some doing, doing a podcast. There's a fair amount of effort in full, from the organisation to the recording and the editing and the publishing and the promoting of it as well.


#2 Why Did You Decide to Do A Podcast and When Did You See Growth?


I'm not sure if anyone's asked you this directly, but why did you decide to do a podcast in the first place?

I'd done a blog. I was terrible at a blog. I hate writing, I've talked about that before, not a good writer, and I talk too much, so there we go. Perfect.

That was easy.

Just thought I'd see how it went and I don't think I ever thought it would go the way it has in terms of being successful it has. I just thought, "Let's see what happens," and yeah, just started it, just thought, "I'll give it a go," and love it. Other people seem to like it, which is awesome, and people say nice things about it, so yeah.

You're still going.

I'm still going.

Because one of the things that people often talk about when it comes to podcasts is being consistent and sticking at it because it takes a while to grow their audience. I know that in previous episodes you've spoken about that hockey stick effect where, all of a sudden, it goes through the roof. You've had that experience, and can you remind us maybe of how many episodes that took before that happened?

Yeah, it was month nine.

Wow, okay.

It was nine months of doing the podcast, and don't get me wrong, there was growth and I saw bits of growth and people were saying good things about it, so I was still encouraged, but I always said, "One year, I'll do it for a full year. I'll see how it goes," and literally, month nine, like I said, hockey stick. I remember talking to Paul about it and he's like, "What have you done?" I said, "No idea. I don't know what's happened. Why has it suddenly gone so amazing?" but it had, so you do need to be consistent.

The other thing is it is hard work, and some people do seasons and that's cool if they do seasons; that's obviously their bag, but for me, I wanted to get to the point where every week, every Monday, you knew that there was something to listen to because everything's about habit, isn't it? If I get into a habit of listening to something, or if I get into a habit of doing something, I want people to miss it if it's not there.

For me, even though it is hard work and it does take a huge amount of time to do it, and money, and I've been really honest about that, but it's the most expensive content I could do other than maybe video. It does take time and money, but it's really important and it's a great way for me to do teaching and teach so many people, which is amazing.


#3 What Is the Biggest Outcome from Your Podcast for You?


It's not a vanity project, is it? Is it must have some impact in your business and how you're perceived, or maybe it helps you build relationships with people. What's the biggest outcome for you?

Do you know what? I think for me the biggest thing is I could not have got in front of those people I've got in front of without this, so let's take Michael Hyatt. I can't even imagine what he costs for an hour of his time. I'm sure you couldn't buy him for an hour of his time, and yet I got to sit there and pick his brains for a whole hour. The same with Amy, the same with Pat, the same with James.

Phenomenal people that ordinarily would be really hard to get in front of, and suddenly you're having a really personal one-to-one conversation with them. Granted, we might be on a screen, he sat in his office, I'm in mine, but we're still looking at each other, we're still talking to each other, and that's invaluable, I think. That for me has been massive in terms of growing my brand and growing me as a person.

Again, there's no way on this earth I could have done what I've done with a blog what I've done with the podcast.

As you say, it's a format that works for you, so we're expecting this to go way beyond 200, 300.

Yeah, for sure. This is your thing, mate.

Well, you have had some amazing guests, but let's talk about today's guests. Well, I suppose you are a guest on your own podcast, but we know quite a bit about you, Teresa.

Yeah, a little bit.


#4 Getting to Know (My Husband) Paul


Paul, we know less about, so Paul, tell us a little bit about you.

Okay, so I come from a totally different world to Teresa, such as in work and everything you've probably heard from Teresa's past podcasts. I've just retired from the military about 25 years, and whilst 25 years in the military you get very closed-minded to a lot of things, as in it's just all military. You socialise with military people and it can be very closed-minded to anything else. However, meeting Teresa a some good few years back now has opened my mind to social media, marketing, all that stuff, and meeting amazing people like you, Paul.

It's opened my eyes to all of this podcast kind of thing and everything, so before I wouldn't even know what a podcast was, so now it's great. I find it really interesting and exciting, especially the journey that she's come on through. It's obviously the 100th episode, so pretty good.

That's nice.

That is nice.

I wonder whether this could get really emotional, actually.

Yeah, so what's some TV shows where they try and make you cry?


Yeah, don't do that, BizPaul.

We could put some background music on, in back of us. Some violins.

Ugly cry face. You wouldn't want to see it.

Now, Paul, I introduced you as Paul Campbell and I did that for a reason, because there's been some confusion, hasn't there, in the past as to who's called what?


You want to tell us about that?

Well, you continue.

Okay, so when I started the business, I was a bit of a fool, and I started it very quickly and I used my name at the time, which is Teresa Heath-Wareing, except that was part of my ex-husband's name, so my unmarried name, my maiden name is Teresa Heath. I got married and my surname changed to Teresa Heath-Wareing, and then I got divorced, but I'd already started the business during that time and my name is so unique.

You can google it, you can find me, I'm easy to find. When I met Paul, I was still Teresa Heath-Wareing, and then when I got married to Paul, I changed my personal stuff to Campbell, but in terms of my business world, I'm still Teresa Heath-Wareing, and everywhere we go, they always speak to him and call him Mr. Heath-Wareing.


Yeah. Well, I can understand why. However, it's a little bit grating sometimes. We were in a hotel the other day or something, it was Mr. Heath-Wareing, and actually he called me something else, didn't he?

Called you Keith Wareing.

Keith Wareing, so that was even worse in some case, so I have to bite my tongue and laugh it off, really ...

Yeah, but it's a bit awkward just because if it wasn't my ex-husband's name, if it was just my maiden name, it would probably be okay.


It got in the way of your American visa, ESTA thing, didn't it, as well?



We had a slight issue when we were going to Nashville, flying first class. First time ever on planes, always make that clear, and forgot to update my ESTA, went to check in, we were both so excited and my ESTA was in the wrong name, so yeah. We had a bit of a nightmare. Nearly missed our very first first class flight.

Did you keep it together, Paul?

We both stayed very calm.

We were amazing.

Internally, that was another thing. It was very stressful, but it all came good in the end.

Yeah. I do find that, having known you, Paul, that you are a very calm, almost Zen-like figure, which is what works, I think, from knowing you both. Would that be fair?

No, I think so, yeah, because especially our life at home can be quite erratic and having two kids at home and now two dogs at home, it can be very busy so I try and keep everything calm and cool, because obviously Teresa is super busy most of the time, so I try and keep everything else in the background nice and calm.

Yeah, sorry. Also, bearing in mind, Paul's worked in jobs that none of us can understand, so we get stressed about marketing or social media or someone has a breakdown because you've forgotten to do a tweet or something, and Paul flies to Iraq, exactly, some very dangerous places, and his life is in jeopardy at times and has to keep calm when something's going wrong. I guess for him, he must look at the stuff that we melt down about and be like ...

Eye roll.

Yeah, exactly, like, "Really, do you want to sort yourself out?" I think that's one of the things that helps him maintain his calmness.

Yeah, I think so. Through the experiences I've had through the military world and trying to keep calm in stressful situations, because if other people see you get stressed, then the people get stressed as well. Internally, I might not be as calm, but externally I keep it all cool.

If I may say so. I think there's an online course right there.

Really? My next career.

Yeah, being calm.



#5 The Story of Teresa and Paul At Home


Tell us a little bit about home life, then. Let's get some more backstory into this. Tell us maybe a little bit about how you met or what home life is like now and the setup that you have. Because if I was in your situation, I'll be honest, I wouldn't be bringing an extra dog into it, but obviously that's what you decided to do, so tell us a bit about how that works.

Okay, so we live at home with my daughter, who lives with us every other week, and my stepson, Paul's son, who lives with us full-time. We have two dogs now, we have a new puppy, which is hard work, and Paul's job is always taking him away. Even though he's left the Air Force, he's moving into a new role, which will take him away again, so it's very busy, very stressful at times because there's a lot of logistical nightmares.

If anybody's got kids, you'll know what logistical nightmare is like anyway, especially as they're growing up, because you don't actually know where they are half the time. Then, like the other day, I called upstairs to my stepson, Harvey, and was like, "Are you having dinner?" and he answered me like, "Yes, stupid," and I thought, "Well, I don't know whether you are," and half the time he doesn't. It just is a bit manic at times, but Paul is amazing. I am a very lucky lady. He does a lot of stuff right in my eyes.

How does it work in terms of that organisation, then? Because, as you said, Paul, you've been working away and will continue to do that, I guess. Teresa, you go all over the world with work and speaking and all that kind of stuff, and people in your academy are in different time zones, and then you've obviously got Harvey, he's clearly not putting his appointments in the shared Google Calendar for the family. How do you manage those logistics?

Actually, with you saying that, it actually highlights how manic it really is, because when you're in the situation, we try and just get on with it, but with you just saying that, it's like, "Gosh, how do we deal with it?" Like you were saying in the calendar, we do have a calendar and I get told off numerous times for not checking things when I book things in, and I forget the calendar's there, but yeah. The calendar helps massively, but we just get through it. I don't know how, really.

We try really hard not to plan too much when I have Bea.


Obviously, that's not always easy done. If I'm speaking somewhere, if it's something that someone's booking that I can't change the date, then sometimes it falls on a Bea week. Ideally, if we're booking stuff, I try and make it when she's not with us. I am very lucky in the fact that my ex-husband is very good at having her. He has her when we don't have her, so he is pretty flexible as well, which helps us massively, and Harvey is growing up, which is great. He's almost 17.

He's very independent. We've got close friends, close neighbours, so he's pretty good at looking after himself, but it is a case of being organised. We literally have a rundown every week of where are we, who are we seeing, what are we doing, who's looking after this person? Also, as well, Paul's parents are amazing.

Yeah, really lucky with that. With one of the dogs now, and we wouldn't expect them to look after the new one, but one of the dogs, the first dog, Charlie, they will always drop everything and take him whenever we need to, so we're really lucky with that. Even stuff around the house, they come and help out with.

It's hard work.

I'll tell you what this reminds me of. You're a team. The way that you're talking about it now, you've got a process about maybe you have your team meeting of the week to see what's going on. I've met Harvey, and total credit to you, I think he's really cool. It sounds like there's a team there, that you all understand each of those roles, you know what the priority is. You've got a system that might appear on the surface a bit manic, but actually you are in control of that.

Yeah, and I think for me, the fact that we are a team really helps me out in the sense of I dictate a lot. Slightly high maintenance. For instance, if I am recording a podcast, obviously we're at Role Based Media...




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