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193: Always be connecting - with Lauren Marsicano, Esq.
11th December 2019 • Social Capital • Lori Highby
00:00:00 00:35:44

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About Lauren Marsicano, Esq.

Lauren Marsicano, Esq. is the founder of the Networking Maverick community where she helps her clients turn their networks into net worth. Lauren has been recognized as a “Top 40 under 40 Lawyer in the Nation” by the American Bar Association and has been named “2019 Florida Super Lawyer, Rising Star.” She received her law degree from the University of Miami and has studied at Oxford University. For more helpful tips and motivation, join her mailing list at


In the age of social media, do you believe in-person networking is obsolete?

“I have always thought that in-person networking is where the magic happens. I think social media and social media networking should always be a subsidiary of it. It should support it and be kind of a subset of what you're doing. Because I think it's undeniable nowadays. If you don't have an online presence, you don't have social capital, right?”


For the introverts out there, what advice do you have for them on how to network and make connections?

“For introverts, my biggest tips are number one, if you already made the effort to go to an event, just think that you already took that initial step, right? So, your heart is in the right place. Your mindset is in the right place. Maybe you're just failing to plan effectively. So, I did release a Networking Maverick pocket guide that kind of goes through steps and guides you, but I think the biggest things that hold introverts back, is they get overwhelmed.”


What is something people always ask you when starting a new business?

“People kept asking how are you doing this? How are you making money from it? I feel like this is a drain I should just do online networking. I'm wasting time. And I kept saying it's how you plan it out. It's how you're strategizing that is lacking. Do you actually really know your target market? Do you know your target market’s target market? Because your target market is going to events to target their market. So, why not go to those events?”


Can you share with me your most successful or favorite networking story/experience that you’ve had?

“I had an event on Monday and it was my first big event in by big event. I mean, more than 100 people, 150 people ended up coming. It was amazing. The turnout, the energy, everything. But it was my first time planning that size event...”


How do you stay in front of or best nurture your network community?

“This is where social media has come in a lot. I think that it really allows you to nurture your audience when you're not able to.”


What advice do you have for the professional on growing their network?

“Well, I definitely think social media presence is great, but you need to be getting out there and doing in-person networking. And I can't stress that enough.”

“My five steps for it are identifying, researching, planning, showing up and follow up. So, if you're not doing those things, you're not making money from it. You're not making connections from it. You're not turning your network into net worth.”


If you could go back to your 20-year-old self, what would you tell yourself to do more or less of regarding your career?

“What I neglected because between my 20s and now I've still moved probably six times. And I did not keep in touch with new addresses as much. And, you know, now it's easier you can get emails and, and that sort of thing. But when I was in my 20s, I wasn't keeping track of it as much as I should. And people have moved and I've lost touch with them.”


We’ve all heard of the 6 degrees of separation… Now, who would be the one person you’d love to connect with, and do you think you could do it within the 6th degree?

“The person right now that I'm trying to manifest that I'm going to meet in the next year is Marie Forleo.”


What book are you reading right now?

“I listen to a lot of audiobooks. I don't read as much hard books anymore, just so much easier to listen to podcasts or listen to an audiobook. The one I'm listening to right now is called Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.”


Any final words of advice for our listeners?

“You’ve got to get yourself out there, and the more you do it, the more comfortable you're going to get.”


You can get in contact with Lauren at:

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