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A Picture of Worth 1000 Words: Progress Monitoring Visuals
Episode 11415th November 2022 • The Collaborative IEP • Ashley Barlow
00:00:00 00:18:45

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You keep the data. You report the data. You’re all about the data. But they still don’t listen! Have you ever tried to capitulate your child’s data in a chart or graph? This simple advocacy strategy can be super helpful and might just make a difference in your child’s next IEP meeting. In today’s episode I’ll walk you through an Excel tutorial… wait! I promise it’ll be helpful! And it won’t be terribly painful. Welcome back! Okay, I’ll show you how to use Excel to paint the picture of your child’s progress- or lack thereof- in a way that might finally get to the other IEP team members. One note: I do share my screen, so if you normally listen via audio only, you may choose to use YouTube this week! 





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