There is no doubt about it in my eyes, our past definitely has a impact on our now - but does it dictate it? And does it dictate our future? 🤔
Just because something has been so in the past, does that mean it always has to be so?
I think NOT.
Our past experience is like a mirror - if we choose to look, it will offer us a reflection and from there, we get to make a choice if we don't like what we see... we can either succumb, tolerate, justify, and become the victim of our circumstance
...or we can choose to rise up, lean in, and heal in order to experience a whole other reality we can't even begin to imagine right now...
This week I am delighted to share the inspiring story of my personal mentor and the woman that has shown me how to believe in myself again and feel worthy of my dreams.
Sally Permezel is a beauty soul - a coach, a wife, a mother, a leader, an inspiration and a true wise woman. She has journeyed through many life experiences and has now found her happy place serving and inspiring women to move from suffering, to love, abundance and success.
Grab yourself a cuppa and enjoy this fabulous conversation.
💃 CONNECT with Sally on Facebook HERE
📖 The book Sally mentioned: Women who love too much, by Robin Norwood
If you've been waiting for a sign and there's something within you feeling inspired by this conversation, come and learn more about how you can join Sally, myself and the rest of our amazing team to step into your self worth and create life on YOUR terms 🙏🙏
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Every story starts with a dream. A dream of someone wanting more. A dream of a life that might feel so unrealistic right now yet you know deep down in your soul you're destined for. My name is Claire Markwick. Accountant, business coach, affiliate marketer, mom, wife and woman with a dream. A fierce dream rising up within me. A dream that fires my soul and a dream I am committed to making a reality. Based woman rising is a podcast that celebrates those with a dream. Those courageous enough to think outside their current reality and make what's in your heart come true. If I've learned one thing over the years, is that the only surefire way of staying stuck in a stale mediocre life is believing that's all you're capable of. Believing your own bullshit excuses and not finding the strength to stretch beyond them. I held myself back. I played safe I stayed where I was for far too long, but not anymore. I want a life of passion. Have fun adventure, laughter love. I want deep conversations belly laughs health, strength, balance. I want confidence, sexiness, fulfillment and the money to do as we please without limitation. I want the life of my dreams. So I'm here creating it. And I want that for you too. So welcome my friend, to fierce woman rising, the show that awakens your mind and kickstarts your action to creating the life you love.
Claire Markwick:Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the fierce woman rising podcast I cannot contain how excited I am for this conversation. This conversation today is with the lady who started everything off for me, Sally and I met in 2017. We were just discussing. It's crazy how the time flies. And we have gone on a journey together through coaching training, we've drifted apart, we've come back together we've drifted apart. And now we've come back together again. And I am so excited to share that story with you all today. On this amazing episode, Sally is what I would describe a wise woman she has had so many life experiences and has now found her happy place as she calls it, serving and inspiring other women to move from suffering to a life of love, abundance and success. And let's be very, very honest, like who doesn't want more love abundance and success in their life? I mean, that's it's something we should all be striving for, isn't it? So welcome, Sally, I'm so glad to finally have you here. I I'm excited for where this conversation is gonna go. Yay. Thank you, Clay. Likewise, I'm really excited about today, who knows where we'll take this. And that is what I love about it. That is what I always say on these episodes, you know, it's I have faith that they will go wherever they're meant to go. And that we will serve whoever is listening however we are meant to so let's just let's dive in. Let's just go with it. So it was 2017 when we when we met, we were doing coaching training together. So why don't we Why don't we go back there. Or we can go back even further. And maybe let's just tell everybody listening in a little bit more about yourself and how you came to be how you came to be doing what you're doing now. So that could be a whole long story.
Sally Permezel:Yes.
Sally Permezel:Okay, well, I'll keep this short as possible. So I grew up in the country, the youngest of six girls.
Sally Permezel:And we grew up in a household where our parents did not love each other. And there wasn't any abuse. It wasn't terribly traumatic or anything like that. However, we were not in a happy loving home. And I would say as a result of that I grew into an adult who had a lot of anxiety. And I grew up listening to my mother, beg my father for money.
Sally Permezel:And whenever I say that act, I still actually have a somatic feeling in my body and I almost get a bit teary
Sally Permezel:because that's what
Sally Permezel:that's what has landed with me the most out of my childhood hearing my mother beg for money to take care of her family. Wow. And
Sally Permezel:something you may obviously said that is never going to happen to me. And I got a job at the local Target store when I was 15. Ah, and I always had my own money. I always had a good job. I always had money. I was a money hoarder. Because obviously, I'd learned that to not have money was not safe. Okay. And so then time went on, you know, became a young woman met a guy ended up getting married when I was 22. And then I became a mom at 24 stopped working. And all of a sudden, I was dependent on someone else for money. Yes, and guess what? I turns out, I replicated exactly what my mother had gone through. And so I've married a man who was very controlling. And even though we had a lot of money and had a successful business, he was very controlling with money. So I ended up I was a mom with three little kids. I had no access to money. I had to ask him for money. Isn't that crazy? How, even though I grew up saying that will never happen to me. That's a Friday. Yep, boom, here I am.
Claire Markwick:And that though, like how, sorry to just interject there, but like, unfortunately, how common is that? You know, we just we replicate the patterns of the past, don't we? I was literally having this conversation with with my teenage son the other day, like, we replicate and we we find ourselves in the exact same position as our parents unhealed
Sally Permezel:issues. Yeah, yeah. There's, there's so much psychology behind that. We could be here for four days don't email. I would like to share, however, that one of the best books I've read is called women who love too much. And I believe that author is Robin Norwood. I could be wrong. Maybe we could put that
Claire Markwick:in the show notes. Yeah, yeah.
Sally Permezel:So anyway, I get to 30 years old. I've got three young children. And the marriage isn't working. It's turns out he was quite narcissistic and abusive. And we ended up we broke up. And I look back now and I think, wow, I was so strong, like, three little kids. No money of my own. And yet, I was still brave enough to say, You know what, this isn't okay. I'm done.
Claire Markwick:I'm done. I'm better than this. Yeah. Yep. Yeah, yep. Yeah.
Sally Permezel:And, you know, we had the we had the two storey house and the five bedrooms and he had a BMW and you know, on the outside it all looked perfect.
Claire Markwick:Dream the house? Yeah.
Sally Permezel:Yeah, you know, and I'd get the lectures, you know, there's something wrong with you. Any other woman would would die to be you look at everything you've got and all this kind of crap. And, anyway, so moving on, and then as we know, you know, when you split up with a narcissist, you think you've got away from the worst of it. However, the worst was yet to come. From there, actually went back to uni, I went back to uni, and that was part of it. I actually started six months before we broke up. My one of my best friends from playgroup, who is now the Speaker of the House in Victoria in the government. She had just started going to uni, and she said to me, I'd love for you to come to Why don't you come? And so I thought, yeah, I'm gonna do that, too. And so my youngest child was just about off to kinder, so I thought, okay, I can fit this in. I can do some time. Yeah. And my ex did not think that was a good idea. Surprise, surprise. Yeah. And, girl, you have
Claire Markwick:to stay just where you are. Because that's.
Sally Permezel:Yeah, exactly. So so I just did one unit in a semester, one unit of my site with my degree. And I just got put down the whole time. I was there trying, you know, doing that. And yeah, and then it was six months later that actually, I drew the line in the sand. And I said, That's it, we're done. And so from there, I went on and I finished my degree. I started with psychology, and then I ended up changing to teaching because being a single mum, obviously worked in beautifully with school holidays and stuff. So so that was great. And it was really a turning point in my life so and I started to see the past more clearly through a different filter through a different set of eyes. And I guess I got a passion and then for for, for women to really live their best life and to not tolerate you know, any any kind of abuse, be it emotional. Of course, physical and sexual, not at all. So many of us, I believe, suffer emotional, verbal, financial abuse in our relationships. And that is not okay.
Claire Markwick:And just think it's think it's just normal think it's just supposed to be. Yeah.
Sally Permezel:And you know what, when I was married, I actually used to justify my ex husband's behavior with where at least he doesn't go to the pub, like my dad, did. I use that justification, probably for the whole eight years, you know, at least I've got a nice home.
Claire Markwick:How do we, how are we, I wonder how we get to the point where we think that's okay, where we kind of where we lose touch with really believing we're worthy of what we want. And instead just going all but like you say, I'll bet at least I've got a nice house, I'll but you know, at least the at least he's not drinking it all away, or at least this or at least that. And I know where we where we where do we lose that connection, I wonder to what it is we truly want and justify, we're going to settle instead? Well, I
Sally Permezel:would say I never actually had that connection, I grew up being told, you know, to be a good girl do as you told, the seen and not heard. I grew up seeing a lot of dysfunction in my environment. And so and I always wanted a horse that was my dream life was to have a horse. And so I was constantly told I can't have one and I can't have one, I can't have one. And so I think they entered into adulthood, not even knowing that I could have what I wanted. And so I settled, you know, this guy came along and he was generally pretty nice in the beginning. And you know, there were were some appealing parts to it, obviously, or I wouldn't have married him. And then, you know, once that rings on the finger. I got Yeah.
Claire Markwick:The child wore off and the True Colors started coming out. Yeah,
Sally Permezel:yeah. And then and then becoming a mother and being dependent. Took it to another level. And next thing you know you're on your own. Absolutely.
Claire Markwick:So Where Where? Where? Where did you go from there? So now you're you're you're teaching your kids are getting older. Your Where are you at now mentally and sort of emotionally? Are you are you feeling like you're building your your inner strength back up? Are you feeling like you're just surviving? Like, where? What's happening at this stage? Yeah,
Sally Permezel:so it was quite a journey. Like there was a four year period there were well, when we when we broke up. He's he was six foot four. And he stood above me and said, I'm going to destroy you. Oh, gosh. And I just kind of said, well, if you destroy me, you're going to destroy our children. And he said, I don't care. Hmm, nice guy.
Claire Markwick:Oh,
Sally Permezel:I can pick him. Anyway, so yeah. So basically, there was a four year period there were like he bought a house, around the corner from where I lived. And that's what he set out to do. He set out to destroy me in any way he could. And he didn't succeed like I survived, I survived was very difficult. I look back now and I think how did I do that? However, I did, I survived it and moved on, got on with my life. And you know, I kind of went to that other extreme where I was like, I am never getting married again.
Sally Permezel:Yeah. Yeah. I remember it's funny. I remember telling my beautiful girlfriend that I was. Yeah, cuz I was still only 30 or 31 At that point, and I and I made an appointment and I was going back in those days. It was you know, you've got your tubes tied there. This was back in the day. And so I booked in I was going to do this. And my girlfriend said to me, you know, you're still pretty young, you might meet someone else. And I'm like, I don't care. That's their problem. Anyway, like, breathing fire. Like it served me because, you know, it got me through however it was, it was not really very functional, I wouldn't have liked to have stayed that way. Put it that way. Would have been so easy to though, it would have been easy. Yeah, it would be really easy to stay sour and hurt and burnt and in pain and
Claire Markwick:justifying that pain for being what you needed to be strong. And to get through. And this is, you know, this is how I, this is how I function now. And yes,
Sally Permezel:yes. And you know, what, if I had if he would have succeeded, that would have been destroying me, because it would have meant all of the beautiful parts of me. Got shut away, closed off. And so, you know, that's part of me coming through that is part of him not being able to destroy me. Love it. Yeah. So anyway, so as I said before, I loved horses. So my girlfriend lived in the country, and I would have every second weekend without the kids. So I would go to her place. And she said to me, these people have started a horse riding business, why don't you go along. And so I did, I went along. And there was the guy that was running it. You know, he was kind of nice.
Sally Permezel:He was really nice to me. And we spoke started to spend a bit of time together. And it was so funny, because, you know, every now and then he'd come in for the kiss or something like, you know, we might go out in the evening to dinner or something. And then he'd walk into the door. And even though I was like, young woman in my 30s, have three children right into the door, and he'd come in for the kiss, and I'd slammed literally, I would slam the door in his face. Oh. And, and then I remember one night, you know, we'd arranged that the next day, I'd go out to his property, and we'd go wood cutting and have a day, whatever. And then, you know, that night he came for the kiss, and I slammed the door in his face and actually went to bed and I started crying. And I was like, Why did like we're just getting along nicely. Why did you have to do something like that? Like, can we just be friends? No resisting. Anyway, so then the next day, you know, I got in my car, I went to go out and all the way driving out to meet him at his property all the way. I was thinking maybe I should turn around. Maybe I should turn around. Maybe I should turn around. However, I didn't, and I'm so glad I didn't. Because me you know, then like letting my defenses down. I finally let him kiss me
Claire Markwick:when to be on a property, yeah.
Sally Permezel:Yeah, we'd been horse riding. We had a, you know, hats on our Cobras. And so and then when we kiss brothers knocked our Cooper's off or something out of a movie, can you imagine?
Claire Markwick:painting it?
Sally Permezel:Anyway, so yeah, and then I'd go home and then I just miss him. Because he was so sweet. You know, this really innocent treat guy, you know? And anyway, my heart softened, and I allowed myself to be taken care of and to trust again. And yeah, it turned out to be a beautiful love story. And we got married. And we went on two years later to have a son together. So yeah, Lucky. Lucky listen to you. Yeah, and it was I have to say it was just an absolutely beautiful healing experience to have a child with a man who loved and cared about me.
Claire Markwick:Beautiful story. Yeah, yeah.
Sally Permezel:I'm just so blessed to have had that experience because I'm really sure that I would have stayed that bitter sour angry woman had that not happened unfortunately
Claire Markwick:it's it's very very easy to to play the victim to be the victim isn't it and I think it would if you were to put or if someone were to pointed out to you in that time or you know if you see someone you pointed out to them now like bond, I'm the victim but like there's so many Are people in survival mode, people who don't even realize they've got all their defenses up? Or they're they're fighting off the demons from their past or the traumas from their past, or whatever it is, and they're living life through this lens of survival and not fully experiencing everything there is to experience I think, I think I find that really sad that there's probably so many people that aren't even aware they're doing that and aren't even aware that there's more to life than where they are right now. Yeah,
Sally Permezel:absolutely. Yeah. And, and, you know, I was doing it under the veil of strength. And, you know, being the fighter and being right, and, you know, all those kind of unhealthy things. So if you if you said to my, to me at the time, you know, you've been the victim here, I would have fired out really bad and said, No, I'm not I was the victim. Now I'm standing up for myself. However, it was another form of victimhood because it was blocking me from living the life that we're all entitled to. And that I believe we're all here for which is, you know, a life of joy and pleasure and, and love and success and abundance, as I like to say, love that. Yeah.
Claire Markwick:Yeah. So where, where? Where was the transition? Then? Where, where? Where was teaching to coaching? What what was that? What was that journey? Like? Yeah, well,
Sally Permezel:I guess, you know, moving to the farm, I was then able to live out my childhood dream of having horses. And so I went on this beautiful journey of learning horsemanship, and which was a whole new world. And what I started to notice was the correlation between how will I put it the correlation between life and how we interact with a horse in order to get a successful outcome there, like there's so much pressure and release and force in the horse training space. And I was very fortunate that I started to learn from people who did things differently, including my husband, who did things from a place of patience, and compassion, and kindness and education, and learning, rather than the old, what you might call the old method of force. And, and so what I noticed was that in order for me to have a successful outcome with my horses, I had to be the person that they needed me to be, so that they could be safe to learn what what it was that I wanted them to do.
Claire Markwick:Interesting.
Sally Permezel:And then, from that space, I started to notice that I could see interactions between other women in particular, and their horse, which told me there's like a code there, which told me where they were struggling in their life, and what their resistance was and what their barriers were. And how if they were to just drop that, then the horse would relax and be safe. And, and they'd get a better outcome for themselves and their horse. The other extreme of it, of course, was women with horses that just walked all over them.
Claire Markwick:And what an interesting metaphor.
Sally Permezel:Yeah, yeah. So So I sort of went into this coaching space with these women. And they would get this result with a horse, which they could then transfer into their life with their often with their partner. And so that was really interesting. So then I started to think, wow, I actually got something here. Kind of good that. And, and so I thought, Oh, see, the bit of resistance is gonna self sabotage has got to pop up. Oh, but I'm not qualified to do this. And so, yeah, so then I just started started Googling, how could I be qualified to do this? And I came across coaching. And so of course, the rest is history. That's where we met. We did a coaching certification together and, and then then I felt like I had the certificate. Now I'm right. Now
Claire Markwick:I've got the validation I need. I've got the evidence. I need that I'm gonna be successful. I've got the piece of paper. That's it. That's it. Oh my gosh. So resume Dealing with that one. Can't do anything without a piece of paper goodness. Just believe it in myself.
Sally Permezel:That's it. Yeah, it can't be possible that I was just actually naturally born with these talents. And that that's why I'm here on earth actually share that with people and inspire them to improve their lives. And yeah, that can't be you got to have the piece of paper.
Claire Markwick:No, I mean, there's, there's good, there's certainly, there's certainly merit for pieces of paper when it comes to brain surgeons, and you know, things like that, like, you'd want them to have more than just a gut feeling that they know what they're going to be doing. Yeah.
Sally Permezel:There's a place for it. Absolutely.
Claire Markwick:So then, here we are now, you're like, right, okay. This is going to be a new business venture that I that I that I walked down, walk us through that part of the story.
Sally Permezel:Yeah, so I went and I loved it, I definitely found my passion, I was good at it, people getting results. Then when COVID happened, the hot the face to face course thing sort of wasn't possible anymore. And so then, of course, we transition on to online, so I kind of let go of the horse thing. And really focused instead on women's relationship with themselves, and their own self worth. And so yeah, I was doing that online. And that was going great. And I found what would also happen is the women would get these great results. And then that will change the dynamics in their relationship. And so then next thing I know, they're coming to me saying, Do you think you could coach my husband as well? So yeah, so then it turned into like relationship coaching, really. And then sometimes they'd also say, my kids are really enjoying who we are right now. Do you think he could do some coaching with my kids too, and so it just, it evolved, you know, and I guess the basis of it was relationships, any kind of relationship. However, that all begins with the relationship we have with ourselves. Everything starts. And whatever we see in our external experience is nothing more than a mirror image, or an expression of how we feel about ourselves. And yeah, so that was me doing that, and loving it. And then there's sort of this thing going on in the background where a couple of women I know, started putting these posts up online, about making an income online and stuff. Anyway, I just kind of brushed it off and thought, oh, yeah, they're just doing some scammy kind of thing. And and, you know, what, it just, it just kept coming up. Yeah. Wouldn't go away. Yeah, yeah. And it was really funny, because it was not funny, interesting. Because at the time I was giving money to because, you know, one of my money values is to give. And so I was giving to a charity called Charity Water. And it really resonated with me, because I live on the Murray River. You know, so,
Sally Permezel:so much abundance to beautiful, clean water, so blessed. And, you know, this thing came up with this charity water where, you know, they they build wells in third world country, because it's women, it's women's work to go and collect the water. And so these women that were living in these desperate circumstances, you know, walking up to three kilometers, whatever, a day, to fill their drums of water, and it was filthy water. And so Charity Water, they they build wells in villages for these women. And so I feel perfectly aligned. That's where I'm going to give my money. And, and then, you know, these, so that's in the background as well. And so then he's these women and some kind of water business. Oh, you know, like, and after about a month, I was like, it was just it was did my heading because I'm like, I've got to know, I've got to know the truth. So I reached out and found out about this business, this online business. And it turns out, it is the most wonderful business model in the world. And any wonder these women were thriving, any wonder they're making a change in the world for women, you know, giving them access So beautiful well water right at their fingertips any wonder because it's the most beautiful freedom business model in the world that until we see it, we don't even know it exists. And quite frankly, the skeptic and the traumatized person within us would in the beginning think that this can't be true. Yep. Yes, it's too good to be true.
Claire Markwick:Well, what did you just say it took you 18 months to even ask a question about it on all that time, I'm imagining I'm putting myself in the position of when you started and when I started watching you have just doing what is shame? She had such a good coaching business, why did she have to go and ruin it and get involved in one of these dodgy things? You know, she's such a nice lady.
Sally Permezel:And these two women I knew I was like, this such nice ladies, why are they doing this? What if they got themselves involved in
Claire Markwick:themselves to this dodgy stuff? Isn't it funny how how are like different like, it was just in the last episode, how our beach voice works, like, we just go into like, Bitch mode, and we just, like protect our ego protecting us, isn't it but like, you and I both been creating training not everybody has, like, we can't put the language to it. So we just go into judgment. And we go into like bitchiness and. And yeah, it's and
Sally Permezel:then we're just doing to protect ourselves. Yep. Because I mean, it's really mirroring back to us that we're missing out on something that we actually really want. And that's quite confronting.
Claire Markwick:It's really confronting. I remember unfollowing you for a time I was like, Oh, I'm done. I don't need to see this anymore. I'm quite alright, where I am. Thank you very much. And also I don't need to I don't need to see this anymore. I don't you know, she's she's gone off on this. Devil's tangent.
Claire Markwick:thing online? Yeah, the scam pyramid scheme. I was like, I'm not I'm not going there kind of thing. And it triggered this shit out of me. It really did. And, you know, looking back reflecting, yeah, because that there was one one, a period where I think you just got a new car. And then you shared something about some new cowboy boots. And then the next minute you were in Ireland visiting family, and I was, like, you know, like, you know, inside I was going well, how can my coaching business isn't paying for a new car and new designer shoes and trips overseas and all this and, and that judgment came in and I was like, watch, it must be something dodgy, it must be something you know, that I'm not prepared to lower myself to. I'm just going to switch this off because I don't need to see it anymore. And reflecting back. That is what made me feel safe. Because watching you grow on watching you elevate and watching you succeed. In all the areas that I wanted, it was too painful for me to watch and not have myself. So I just cut you off and decided it was safer and easier to judge you.
Sally Permezel:Yeah, absolutely.
Claire Markwick:What? Quite, quite full on that you kept going. And I'm sure I wasn't the only one that was triggered. And but you kept going regardless. And
Sally Permezel:yeah, well, it's like I think I've heard you say on your podcast before, once you see this, you can't unsee it? Yep. Ah. And that's what struck me when I saw it when when I saw how the business worked when I saw the commission structure. And when I saw the product, I was like, wow, I can take my coaching to a next level. Because not only can I guide women with their self worth, now I can show them how to make an income for themselves and no longer be financially dependent on anybody. Yes. For moms petite, like a lot of women in my team and young moms with babies and they want to stay home with their babies, they don't want to go back to work. And
Claire Markwick:also don't want to be dependent on a partner and having to get in that position where you feel you got to ask for money to do anything and yeah,
Sally Permezel:well they that I mean, when we actually allow ourselves to say it the truth is we all know and desire abundance. That is our that is our natural birthright. You know we're not born into with babies thinking can't have that can't have that can't have that. You just want
Claire Markwick:it as a baby. You just reach out and you grab it. It's there. I want it. I'm gonna take it. Yeah
Sally Permezel:When it's the big people that then turn around and start to condition us to believe that we can't have it.
Claire Markwick:And then that just that story then perpetuates and perpetuates and perpetuates. And yeah,
Sally Permezel:Next Generation Next Generation Next Generation.
Claire Markwick:It's fascinating. It's absolutely fascinating. I forget, I forget what it was that finally, for me, I think I must have there must have been other people in our, in our sort of collective circle and our wider network that started doing the same thing. And I started seeing, I started seeing posts and there was also a family that I was following who were travelling around Australia. And there was just something I was like, I'm wondering how they're funding it. And I went into like, social media, like super sleuth mode, I was like looking at all their hashtags, and clicking into things and clicking into who was commenting on their stuff and piecing things together on like, oh, that person's a mutual friend with that person. And, oh, this Kangan, this hashtag came in, this keeps coming up a lot. What's this little bang, clicking and clicking. And then I went back, and I was like, This is what Sally's doing. And I remember, I went back, and I then was scrolling through your page and your profiles, like, ah, and then I was like, okay, so by that point, I'd sort of, I think I'd seen enough evidence across a whole spectrum of different people to go, Okay, well, there's a young family here who's travelling around Australia, there's, you know, there's coaches over here that are developing their coaching practice using this as a tool. There's people over here who, you know, like you said, young mums who aren't going back to work now. I'm like, hang on, there's something to this. There's some there's some valid validation to it, I guess, because there were more people in my sort of wider circle, that were that were part of this thing, not that I even still understood what it was. And I was still viewing it through very judgmental eyes. But I was getting more curious, like you said, with the people you were following, you get more curious. And by this point, we're probably 12 or 14 months on so you know, it's a similar sort of process of
Claire Markwick:just watching, being judgmental, sitting back, and eventually, that curiosity starts to take over, doesn't it? And,
Sally Permezel:and, and do you think there's also an element of waiting for them to fail?
Claire Markwick:Possibly, yeah, possibly. But like, I wasn't seeing that I was just seeing, I was just, I was seeing growth. And and it wasn't always about, it wasn't always about money. It wasn't always about wealth. And we like when you talk about abundance. Yeah, like people can put their own. People can view abundance and wealth through all sorts of different filters, and all sorts of different lenses. And it can mean different things to different people kind of we were talking about it before we sort of started recording. But to me, I was seeing, I was seeing a woman really standing into her power. And I was seeing a woman really starting to shine and really starting to believe like I was feeling that belief through you in yourself and what you were doing. And that I think, to me, that feeling of belief, and she is so strong in herself. Like, there has to be something to this, this doesn't feel fake anymore kind of thing. And and that that then coupled with a few of the things you were talking about in your posts, that was what got to me, I was like, Okay, there's something there's something in this. And I think the more conversations I have with people that other episodes in this podcast, every single person I've spoken to, there's been a moment where there's this feeling of Alright, I've got to I've got to just go and have a look and see what this is this feeling of curiosity, this feeling of something, a pool and natural pool just draws you in, doesn't it? It does. Definitely.
Sally Permezel:And, you know, in our online training, you know, we talk about success is 80% inner work 20% strategy. So what I love about it is the 20% strategy is already done for us. It's all automated, done for us. So what determines how successful you are, is that 80% In our work, and as coaches you know, we've already already had a head start into that. And then and then anybody that we bring into our team, we have the skills to move them even faster through that inner work. And it really is even though it's a business and it's it's about making money. What I really love the most about it is it's actually about the money is simply a reflection of who you're becoming more you've become. And, and when so when you say abundance, that's what it is given me the the abundance If you like to be more fully myself, and to really get crystal clear around who I am the difference I want to make to others, how I can contribute to others how I can support others. Not because I know everything, but because of the life experience I've had. And we've all had life experience. Yep. And so therefore we all have unique gift to share with others. And create, you know, like, I call my movement, the feminine freedom movement. Because we're changing, where we're changing the life experience that women get to have on Earth right now, a lot.
Claire Markwick:I absolutely love that. I love that. Because you're you think about, think back to the start of your story like half an hour or so ago, where you were, then as a 20, something with three young children in a narcissistic relationship where you're having to beg for money and where you've got the deja vu of our shit, how did I get here? Because this is what I remember of my of my mom, you know that that transition from there, to where you are now, you've got to be pretty bloody proud of yourself.
Sally Permezel:Absolutely, absolutely. And, you know, I think that's, like we're here. As long as each generation improves their lot, a little bit more than the past than the last. I think that's a good life. Yeah. And, yeah, I mean, I could have I, and I feel nothing but empathy for my mom, because really, back in those days, she probably didn't have much choice. Yep. So I feel very grateful that I, I was born into an era where I was able to make changes. And I'm also very proud of the fact that I was brave enough to make the changes. And now I'm just, it just expands my heart so much to be in a position now where I can create the space to support others to make changes as well. To me, that's a life well lived.
Claire Markwick:Oh, hell yeah. And that's, that's the part that I really love as well, you because as a coach, like if there's other coaches listening in, like, as a coach, like, we go into coaching, because we have this feeling we have this like this, this like, feeling deep inside, that we're here to help people like that we've got a gift, like we've got something we're supposed to share, that we've got something that we're supposed to, you know, be able to utilize to lift people up and help people reach their potential. And I know, for me, I was getting frustrated, because I had that feeling. But I just, I was finding it really hard to deliver constantly, without getting burned out. And without, without sacrificing the things that I said, I was going into business to amplify, as in, you know, time and space with my family and the financial, the financial abundance, financial security, being sort of more mentally calm, and you know, a more present mom, or more loving wife, and what a happy, fulfilled person in myself, all those things that I said I was leaving my stressful nine to five, four, and starting my own coaching business I, I got to the point where I was sacrificing those because I was so burnt out trying to churn out enough services to to make that impact. And I remember Terry saying to me one time, he was like, what, like, what are you doing, like you left a stressful job for these things, yet, you're sacrificing these things now. And you're still just as burnt out and just distress and I think there's probably so many self employed people or so many coaches, but in particular, who are in that space aren't there and that's what I really love about this. Like it can be a tool to amplify our coaching and our impact and what we're here to do instead of, well, she's just sold herself out to bloody online schemes.
Sally Permezel:And you know, what you've just described, you know, it comes back to that, what's it called the Cashflow Quadrant, Robert Kiyosaki. When you're on the left hand side of that quadrant, an employee or a self employed Wait, you're never gonna get ahead, you're stuck there. That's just the reality of it. Whereas with this online business, you stepped straight into the right hand side of the Cashflow Quadrant, you become a business owner. And you have all the systems you have everything done for you. And all you have to do is show up and share your unique gifts. And basically call people in, you know, this is what I'm creating, this is the world I'm creating feminine freedom movement. If you'd like to come and join me, jump on board. Yes. And you know, it's as simple as that. And that's why I think it's, it's sometimes we can think, Oh, that's too good to be true. However, like you and I, here we are honest, down to earth, gorgeous women, mums, wives, educated, both university educated, and we're here to show that this is actually the real deal.
Claire Markwick:Absolutely, absolutely. And I think, you know, as a, as an accountant, for me, I couldn't, I couldn't unsee the numbers. But when I, you know, when when I strip that back, and I just, you know, day to day today, today, I see, so many small business owners who are working 60 7080 hours a week, seven days a week, they're just working all the time, and, you know, might have businesses that are turning over a lot of money, but like at what cost? You know, and because I could see that, and because I because I had somewhat felt I know I was never an employing business I was it was always just me. So it was a very easy thing to tweak and pivot and change. I realize if you've got a bricks and mortar business, and you're employing staff, it's it's harder. But I was beginning to feel that stress. And I was beginning to feel that pressure. And I was beginning to feel that burnout. And I see it every day. I see it every single day in the small businesses that I work with. And I was like, I don't want that anymore. Like I'm not here for that anymore. There's so much more to life than that, isn't there? And, and yeah, I just cast all dispersions aside, I think anybody who is anybody who is listening to this with any iota of curiosity, then then just reach out to one of us. And we've got plenty of stuff that we can share with you and talk to you about, haven't we? Because it's it's one of those things that as you say that once you see it, you can't unsee it. And it's not for everybody, like let's let's be very real, it's not as it but could be it could be people open to it, it could be that's the thing, you just have to be you just have to be a choice. I surprised, surprised earlier. And it was something the heck was it? It was it was like you're either loyal to you're loyal to move from moving yourself forward or your loyalty, the excuses why you can't or something like that. And you know, it's like, essentially pick what you're loyal, being loyal to. Oh,
Claire Markwick:that's so good.
Sally Permezel:My favorite quote is, make decisions based on your goals, not your current circumstances.
Claire Markwick:I love that. I love that when you drop that in our chats as well.
Sally Permezel:But really lands, doesn't it? Because if we keep making decisions based on our current circumstances, our current circumstances are going to stay the same. Hmm. Yeah. Whereas when we we dial in on what our goals are, and what it what is it that we desire, and it doesn't have to be that we desire a lot of money. You know, for me, it's it's freedom. Like, yeah, having financial independence gives freedom, you know, is a great story in our community and our wider community about a guy who was like a fly in fly out work on the minds. And his daughter, whose school age his daughter was representing, I think her state in national championships of some kind of sport, maybe swimming or something. And he couldn't go because he had to fly out to go to work. And he missed the most pivotal moment in his child's life childhood and growth and development and expansion of who what's possible for her. I mean, how do you how do you justify that?
Claire Markwick:Exactly? Exactly. It's not it's not all about and yes, there are people that that spoke about the the money in the flesh cars and the Jets and whatever I like that's fine, but it's, it doesn't have to be that that's it. It's just as it's it's memories and moments. That's, that's what it is, for me. It's is it's the ability to make memories and have those small moments every day, not just two weeks of the year when when you're on holidays, and then you're working your butt off for the rest of the time paying for it, it kind of thing. It's, you know, it's a it's having Terry and I are home, and having the boys home, and we can just decide to go and take the boat out when we want take the caravan out when we want go where we want, do what we want, live where we want. That's what it's about for me.
Sally Permezel:Yeah. And it doesn't have to be a lot of money. Like, you know, $2,000 a month can make a big difference to someone's life. Yeah. Yeah.
Claire Markwick:And how easy is that? It's,
Sally Permezel:it's, it's Yeah. And the thing I'd love to share too, is you know, it's not a get rich, quick scheme. It's a business, and it requires work. And it's a proven business. You know, the company is 50 years old, and thriving growth every year. It's not going anywhere. Like people are always, you know, obviously, the water, the main product is drinking water, people always going to need clean, healthy drinking water. And the research on electrolyzed reduced water is just going to keep growing and compounding. And it will you know, it's spreading across the world started in Japan, you can see on the map where the head offices are for Enagic offices just gently spreading across the other side of the world. And I have no doubt whatsoever that we'll get to a place where at least every second house or home has a water ionizer on their kitchen bench. Absolutely.
Claire Markwick:Absolutely. And so why not? Why not become a part of it at this early stage?
Sally Permezel:Yeah, yeah, why not? Why not? Why not? Why not? love abundance and success. We can say I want it, I'm having it. That's it.
Claire Markwick:My like my shirt says actually, I can not. Actually I can I can I can have it all I can have whatever the hell I want. I don't have to. I don't have to choose. I don't have to sacrifice I don't have to put up with where I'm at right now I can have a choice. And that's the biggest thing. I'll wrap up here. I'll ask you one final question. But that's this is my final point. That's the biggest thing that I've learned over this 12 months. It's that, that I can and I have got 110% conviction and certainty, and trust and faith in that now. Because I've got this desk behind me. And I know that that will always back me and I know that it's always going to be there and it's always going to grow. And that gives me the strength and gives me the power to then lead other people to have that belief as well. And I think that's that's truly awesome. What would be your final words of advice if there's anyone listening to this who who's just who's who's like, got that little? That little like, that little tinge in their stomach? You know, those little butterflies? There's that little thing but then that bitch voice that ego is just starting to already shoot them down before the thought has even been fully processed. What would your advice be to that person?
Sally Permezel:Yeah, obviously, you know, if someone's not happy 100% Happy with their circumstances right now, you know, they might be bored. Might be simple as they're just bored. There are women in our business who are empty nesters. And so they bought and they do the business. There's women who are in really desperate circumstances who are living week to week. And so you know, whatever it is for you. Just reach out to Claire or I and and we'll show you what's available. I love it.
Claire Markwick:I love it. And it's that simple.
Sally Permezel:Really, it's ridiculously ridiculously simple.
Claire Markwick:Sally, thank you so much. I've I've said it over numerous episodes. I've been really, really excited to finally have you on the show and to have this conversation and I've really enjoyed it and just hearing your story and your growth I think it gives has given people's such possibility, such hope that no matter where you are right now listening into this, there are ways we do live in a time where there are ways that you can change your reality and I'm I'm I'm so proud to be a part of it. I'm so proud to be part of it with you under your guidance. And I really thank you for your time this afternoon. It's been great conversation.
Sally Permezel:Yeah, thank you, Claire. Absolute pleasure. And yeah, calling in all those women who are her up for some love, abundance and success. Love it.
Claire Markwick:I'll put all your contact details in the show notes to the episode as well, as well as that book that you recommended at the start as well. So anyone listening in, it can connect with you there. And as usual, all my contact details will be there as well. So you can connect with us there. Thank you so much. Thanks, Claire. I am so grateful to have been able to share that conversation with you. It's one that I've been looking forward to sharing for a really long time. And it's, it marks a really poignant time in my journey with Enagic. And this business opportunity and sharing it now because when this episode goes live, it is going to mark 12 months of me embarking on this journey under Sally's guidance and Sally's leadership. So it seems a really appropriate time to have this conversation and to share it with you. And I trust that you got some gold from hearing Sally's story, I think it's really, it's really common to have patterns repeat themselves over and over and over in our lives. And we can leave partners, we can leave jobs, we can leave towns, we can we can try and change our circumstances. But if we're not actually leaning in and fixing the thing inside us, we're going to find that pattern repeating over and over and over. And I think it's really interesting to hear Sally's story how she had to really lean in and fix her money story and fix her belief in herself and to really learn to love herself and trust herself again, before her circumstances started to turn around before she was able to cut ties with the tribal pattern of her mother and no doubt that her grandmother and it would otherwise just kept going. So it takes real courage to lean in and break a tribal cycle. Just because things have always been that way doesn't mean they always have to continue to be that way. And it takes a very special person to be able to see that and to have the courage to make that change. And I'm really privileged and really honored to be part
Claire Markwick:of Sally's team and to be under her guidance and under her mentorship. And for that to ripple down into my team as well which I think is truly amazing. And and as coaches to be able to utilize an opportunity such as this with an object to help us to bring our visions to life it is it is just truly, truly inspirational. It's amazing. So I trust you I have got what you needed to from that episode, I would love it if you could share this conversation with someone in your network that you need to hit New think needs to hear it maybe you have a friend or a relative who you think could would really resonate with Sally story. So share this episode with them and just say, Hey, I heard this awesome podcast and I think I think it could be really beneficial for you and and just send it through to them because that is what is going to spread this message that is what is going to spread the fierce woman rising movement. And I'm really keen to really build that up this year. Because Gone are the days where women just have to settle and succumb and make sacrifices and and make choices between a career and business and earning money and a motherhood. You know we can we can do it all we actually can have it all and I think we're really blessed to be living in a time of such opportunity. So I am going to wrap it up there. All of Sally's contact details as are mine are in the show notes of this episode. We would love to hear what you loved most about this conversation. And if there is anyone listening in who is curious about Enagic about Kangen Water electrolyzed reduced water, molecular hydrogen and its health benefits or maybe you're more like me and we're more interested with the business side of things and the business benefits then just shoot me a link shoot me a message and put the word Sally in the message and I will get in touch with you and we can have a bit of a chat and I can send you whatever information it is you need to learn what you need to learn
Claire Markwick:about either the products or the business opportunity or both. Alrighty, thank you so much for lending me your ears. I will be back in them at next week and until then, bye bye