Is my program "just another diet?" Is it just like Atkins, Keto, Whole30, or Weight Watchers? Do you have to diet to lose weight? We'll cover all of that and more.
I’m not supposed to do this episode. Anyone would tell me I’m stupid for putting this out there. But here’s the thing . . .
I always want to bring the truth. And I believe there are some things we can learn from looking at what two people said about my weight loss program.
In this episode, we’ll cover . . .
- Can you lose weight without doing "a diet"
- The foundational principle (truth) behind all weight loss
- Why losing weight is not guaranteed to improve your life
- The true definition of “diet”
- What I mean when I say “anti-diet”
It’s my sincere hope that this episode provides some tremendous clarity and leaves you feeling empowered!