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Unveiling Resilience: Navigating Health and Public Speaking Journeys With Gin Villanueva
Episode 5324th April 2024 • Speak In Flow • Melinda Lee
00:00:00 00:20:42

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In this episode of The Speak in Flow Podcast, we dive into the world of health, resilience, and effective communication with our incredible guest, Gin Villanueva. Gin is a certified personal trainer and health education coach known for her work with Kaiser and the American Heart Association. Join us as we explore her journey of resilience, successful techniques for managing life and health, and the importance of presence in public speaking.

1. Personal Journey of Resilience:

Gin opens up about her personal journey, marked by resilience, particularly in the face of a family health crisis. Through this experience, she discovered the strength within herself and gained invaluable insights into health and wellness.

2. Successful Techniques for Life and Health Management:

Drawing from her expertise as a health education coach, Gin shares practical and effective techniques for managing both life and health. From nutrition to exercise, she emphasizes the importance of creating meaningful and sustainable habits.

3. Importance of Presence in Public Speaking:

As someone who engages with diverse audiences regularly, Gin highlights the significance of presence in public speaking. She discusses how being fully present allows speakers to connect authentically with their audience and convey their message effectively.

4. The Power of Effective Communication and Trusting Your Voice:

Gin delves into the transformative power of effective communication and trusting one's voice. She shares insights on how embracing authenticity and vulnerability can deepen connections with others, both in professional and personal settings.


Join us in this inspiring conversation with Gin Villanueva as we explore the intersection of health, resilience, and effective communication. Learn valuable lessons and practical tips to empower yourself on your own journey towards holistic well-being and impactful communication.

Guest Bio:

Gin Villanueva is a certified personal trainer and health education coach for Kaiser and the American Heart Association. She focuses on helping people create meaningful, sustainable, and enriching healthy habits.


Social media: @ginspirefitness

Fun Facts About Gin:

- Gin holds black belts in two different styles of karate, showcasing her dedication and discipline. - She shares her home with a beloved cat named Halfstache and a cherished dog named Jax, who hold special places in her heart. - A passionate sports fan, Gin's loyalty lies with teams from the San Francisco Bay Area, particularly the Giants, 49ers, Warriors, and Sharks.

About Melinda:

Melinda Lee is a Presentation Skills Expert, Speaking Coach and nationally renowned Motivational Speaker. She holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, is an Insights Practitioner, and is a Certified Professional in Talent Development as well as Certified in Conflict Resolution. For over a decade, Melinda has researched and studied the state of “flow” and used it as a proven technique to help corporate leaders and business owners amplify their voices, access flow, and present their mission in a more powerful way to achieve results.

She has been the TEDx Berkeley Speaker Coach and worked with hundreds of executives and teams from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Caltrans, Bay Area Rapid Transit System, and more. Currently, she lives in San Francisco, California, and is breaking the ancestral lineage of silence.





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Melinda Lee:

Hello, dear listeners, welcome to another

Melinda Lee:

Speak In Flow Podcast. I'm so glad you're here. Today I had

Melinda Lee:

the pleasure and honour of introducing Gin VillaNueva. We

Melinda Lee:

have had an amazing, wonderful time working together. So I'd

Melinda Lee:

love for you to meet her. Gin. Welcome.

Melinda Lee:

Gin VillaNueva.: Hello. Hi, everybody.

Melinda Lee:

Hi. So as I mentioned, we had the chance to

Melinda Lee:

work together. And so I'd like for Jen to share her experience

Melinda Lee:

about what was like when we were working together and what were

Melinda Lee:

some of her results are. And but before we do that, Jim, can you

Melinda Lee:

tell us what you have done or what you do?

Melinda Lee:

Gin VillaNueva.: Sure. So I'm a certified personal trainer, and

Melinda Lee:

a health education coach, for Kaiser and the American Heart

Melinda Lee:

Association. And so I do a lot of work one to one. If, you

Melinda Lee:

know, very generally, if people say, hey, I want to be

Melinda Lee:

healthier, I really help them discover what that means for

Melinda Lee:

them and actually put that into action. And so, so currently,

Melinda Lee:

I'm doing more of a consultation, doing virtual one

Melinda Lee:

on one coaching, you know, phone coaching, or on Zoom. But I love

Melinda Lee:

it, it's something that has been very important for me, ever

Melinda Lee:

since I was a kid. And I just, every time I learned about ways

Melinda Lee:

to be healthier, I love turning it around and sharing it with

Melinda Lee:

other people. So it's been very different from my, my corporate

Melinda Lee:

job about my gosh, 10 years ago now 10 years ago, I quit my job

Melinda Lee:

and became a personal trainer, because I wanted my life to

Melinda Lee:

really be in service of

Melinda Lee:

other people. And you so do that you so do that

Melinda Lee:

you guide people in their health journey. And you are a

Melinda Lee:

relatable, honest, like caring person. And we know that health

Melinda Lee:

journey is so difficult and so challenging. And so you do that,

Melinda Lee:

and you model the way so beautifully, because we know

Melinda Lee:

that as we go on the health journey, like there's obstacles

Melinda Lee:

that come in the way and so how do we still like commit to our

Melinda Lee:

health journey, even when there's other things coming at

Melinda Lee:

us, and then be able to commit and stay committed? Absolutely.

Melinda Lee:

Gin VillaNueva.: And I think that's, that's kind of where I,

Melinda Lee:

where I actually want to kind of tell you, and if you don't mind

Melinda Lee:

me just jumping in and where or what happened to me. So, you

Melinda Lee:

know, in 2018, my, my, my sister had a stroke. And that really

Melinda Lee:

changed the trajectory of my life. Three weeks after that, my

Melinda Lee:

dad had a stroke, and he passed away two months after. So during

Melinda Lee:

that time, or right before that, I was doing personal training, I

Melinda Lee:

was teaching group exercise classes. And then I had to pick

Melinda Lee:

a pug and all of that to focus on my family. And when that

Melinda Lee:

happened, I took my eye off of my own health. And so I was

Melinda Lee:

gaining weight, I was more stressed out, I really wasn't

Melinda Lee:

like living my truth the way I wanted to. And, you know, I'm, I

Melinda Lee:

really started this when I was older, I became a trainer when I

Melinda Lee:

was 40 years old and made a huge shift then. And so, you know,

Melinda Lee:

flash forward to being older and you know, my, my body doesn't

Melinda Lee:

quite rebound the way it did. It was it was very much a struggle.

Melinda Lee:

And so, I deal with coaching for American Heart Association,

Melinda Lee:

coach, a women's group, they're called better you can bring

Melinda Lee:

offers a lot of resources experts, absolutely.

Melinda Lee:

Gin VillaNueva.: it was something that I plan I, you

Melinda Lee:


Melinda Lee:

know, I was I was still able to do in fact, my, my sister and my

Melinda Lee:

mom became participants in the program, which was really nice.

Melinda Lee:

So we were all able to do that together. But I felt that even

Melinda Lee:

though I was still able to coach, I wasn't doing that, to

Melinda Lee:

the extent that I wanted to or that and that I had in the past.

Melinda Lee:

And so, American Heart Association asked me to be part

Melinda Lee:

of a fundraiser called Women of impact. And at the time, I was

Melinda Lee:

just starting to get back into training again. And, but I

Melinda Lee:

wasn't feeling very confident, you know, I you know, I was just

Melinda Lee:

starting to move my own body again. And, and I was I felt

Melinda Lee:

like I was starting at the beginning. And, and when they

Melinda Lee:

asked me to do this program, which required a lot of

Melinda Lee:

community outreach, really putting myself out there. I I

Melinda Lee:

really was at a loss of or I felt like that was going to be a

Melinda Lee:

really big challenge for me. And and then I joined a I'm part of

Melinda Lee:

this networking group, where we have guest speakers every month

Melinda Lee:

both WT OC and in the newer one of the speakers and it really

Melinda Lee:

like made such a tremendous difference. You know, just that

Melinda Lee:

some are the exercises that, that you bought us to really

Melinda Lee:

reminded me of my, my roots, like, you know, in particular,

Melinda Lee:

like with my dad and my family and how important they are to

Melinda Lee:

me, and what kind of legacy do I want to leave to help represent

Melinda Lee:

them. And so public speaking was something that I, I was that I

Melinda Lee:

like to do. But I know that I needed to have more finesse.

Melinda Lee:

And, you know, teaching classes was pretty easy. But I do know

Melinda Lee:

that there's times where I can get easily frazzled. So this

Melinda Lee:

situation, all the conditions were ideal, that no problem, but

Melinda Lee:

you can't always count on that when you're like, in front of a

Melinda Lee:

big crowd of maybe a lot of strangers. And so that's where I

Melinda Lee:

knew that I was going to need those skills. And so that's,

Melinda Lee:

that's when I, you know, we started working together, I had

Melinda Lee:

to find my voice and my purpose and my mission, you know, like,

Melinda Lee:

really, kind of my mission statement of, of what I, you

Melinda Lee:

know, how I wanted to carry my life, you know, board. And so,

Melinda Lee:

you're such a big part of it, not only, you know, like, like

Melinda Lee:

teaching a class, and this can just like campaign that I lead,

Melinda Lee:

but then just continue to help me hone in my skill with, with

Melinda Lee:

teaching classes. In fact, I've been getting asked to teach more

Melinda Lee:

classes, which is great. And I really, you know, I think public

Melinda Lee:

speaking can really get in the way of the message that he wants

Melinda Lee:

to give people. And I think you've provided me like really

Melinda Lee:

tremendous skill in, in making sure that message is reached,

Melinda Lee:

and really, you know, connecting with people communicating and

Melinda Lee:

yeah, it's, I could go on and on, obviously,

Melinda Lee:

I love that pause there that pause that you just

Melinda Lee:

did, right. That's what it's about. Right? Again, I know,

Melinda Lee:

because you're such a go getter, high achiever, Jin. And so many

Melinda Lee:

of us that are leaders and people that I work with are high

Melinda Lee:

achievers, they're go getters. And then when we're like that,

Melinda Lee:

we want everything to go so well, right when it comes to

Melinda Lee:

public speaking. And then so we end up either either over giving

Melinda Lee:

or over speaking. And I remember you saying, Linda, I spoke. And

Melinda Lee:

I didn't, I just knew that it was enough. That you didn't

Melinda Lee:

second guessed, just like what you just did. Just now you took

Melinda Lee:

a pause. And you're like, said a couple of sentences. And then

Melinda Lee:

you're like, that's it? Yeah. You know, there's no need to

Melinda Lee:

over give, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I, and

Melinda Lee:

Gin VillaNueva.: I think that idea of like being president,

Melinda Lee:

but like, the pause, like the pause was, like, my number one

Melinda Lee:

lesson rarely go on and on, especially when you don't know

Melinda Lee:

what to do next. Yeah, and, and so one of the other things that

Melinda Lee:

I noticed was just really being present with myself, this to

Melinda Lee:

know when to pause, to know to check in and even when I lose

Melinda Lee:

the thread, instead of getting flustered or stressed out. I

Melinda Lee:

just thought, and then I pause. And, and it's okay. So I do that

Melinda Lee:

all the time. In my classes. There's times where sometimes

Melinda Lee:

technology is getting in the way or there's, you know, I have a

Melinda Lee:

dog here and my in the background, like maybe he's

Melinda Lee:

getting fuzzy, or, you know, there's there's a lot of things

Melinda Lee:

that can happen, but I don't lose my cool.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah. Yeah. I love that. Oh, my gosh, I'm so happy.

Melinda Lee:

I'm so happy. I mean, that in its nutshell, is just that you

Melinda Lee:

just owning your space and knowing, like you said, when to

Melinda Lee:

when to pause, when to not and I almost want to translate it also

Melinda Lee:

is connected to you as a work in health. Like, when do we pause

Melinda Lee:

for ourselves? There's so much that's going on and so many

Melinda Lee:

other things that are around us, like when is it to take a pause

Melinda Lee:

and take care of yourself?

Melinda Lee:

Gin VillaNueva.: Yeah, the pile. And I mean, self care is it's

Melinda Lee:

not like an extra thing that you do. It's essential. Yeah. And

Melinda Lee:

when I'm speaking, I mean, that is like there's there's a lot of

Melinda Lee:

parallels to that. Yeah. And, and even the i It's funny

Melinda Lee:

because now it was one of the things I wanted to mention was

Melinda Lee:

just the fact that you know, sometimes I might like lose the

Melinda Lee:

thread or go off on a tangent and get a little lost, but I

Melinda Lee:

could because I'm president I noticed it right away. And and

Melinda Lee:

then I take a step back, and I'm okay with that. So I give myself

Melinda Lee:

grace and allow other people to give themselves Grace too. So

Melinda Lee:

it's not an you know, it's not like hey, I'm gonna let you off

Melinda Lee:

the hook and let them fly. I'm gonna stand for for you in your

Melinda Lee:

your highest, you know. I don't like I don't know what the word

Melinda Lee:

is, but like in your highest like I just told you the highest

Melinda Lee:

regard And, and so I coach into that, although knowing that real

Melinda Lee:

life gets in the way. Yeah, and how do we navigate through that?

Melinda Lee:

So what do you do? What are some tools that you could do?

Melinda Lee:

Exactly, yeah, that's a parallel right there

Melinda Lee:

completely, like holding ourselves at the highest grace.

Melinda Lee:

Even if we get off on the tangent, even if they we go off

Melinda Lee:

track a little bit, like that's just life. It's just messy. And

Melinda Lee:

so sometimes I think public speaking people perceive it as I

Melinda Lee:

have to be perfect, I have to. And the thing is, the more we

Melinda Lee:

let go as a need to be perfect, the actual, the irony is, we end

Melinda Lee:

up relaxing into it. And we allow ourselves to fold

Melinda Lee:

ourselves with this compassion, safety, to to mess it up to go

Melinda Lee:

off to air, and then we do less of it, which then ends up

Melinda Lee:

feeling everybody feels good, and you feel good, I feel good,

Melinda Lee:

the audience feels good. And I'll open ourselves to this

Melinda Lee:

messiness. But I'd be okay with it. It's up here, ironing. But

Melinda Lee:

then you know, what, the moment, we know, the moment because

Melinda Lee:

we're present, we're here, we take the steps that we need to

Melinda Lee:

in the moment.

Melinda Lee:

Gin VillaNueva.: If I remember, when I had, so, I ended up

Melinda Lee:

winning women and back, which was really, really amazing. I

Melinda Lee:

was so proud, my team was wonderful. They, you know, we

Melinda Lee:

raised a lot of money for a great cause, and really went out

Melinda Lee:

there in the community. I mean, I think that we, I was the one

Melinda Lee:

who like, really, like, we had all these classes, and that were

Melinda Lee:

very impactful. And I saw, I had to say, a speech, you know, they

Melinda Lee:

told us all to prepare, prepare something, I couldn't tell at

Melinda Lee:

this time if it really told me because I want or if they told

Melinda Lee:

everybody else or what, but but when i i prepared and I use the

Melinda Lee:

format that you gave us. So I felt like I had like the at

Melinda Lee:

least the the outline, like a small outline in mind. So it was

Melinda Lee:

enough to have something to hold on to. But when I actually

Melinda Lee:

spoke, it wasn't from reading a script, I was able to be very

Melinda Lee:

organic. Tell the story. It was a great way to honour my dad, I,

Melinda Lee:

you know, my mom and my sister, my boyfriend, were there

Melinda Lee:

watching, there was a bunch of people I didn't know. And that

Melinda Lee:

didn't faze me. And after I, you know, I got to the point where I

Melinda Lee:

said, Okay, that's enough. You know, thank you very much, you

Melinda Lee:

know, get off the podium. And afterwards, I had so many people

Melinda Lee:

approached me and said, Oh, my God, that was such a, you know,

Melinda Lee:

that was a great tribute that you had your dad and you know,

Melinda Lee:

that it was there was just like, they really, really touched

Melinda Lee:

them. There were heart, you know, stroke survivors heart

Melinda Lee:

attack survivor there. And they relay. That message really

Melinda Lee:

resonated. And so that was so gratifying to have like that

Melinda Lee:

culmination. programme. And you know, that was that was two

Melinda Lee:

years ago. And now it continues. So

Melinda Lee:

how beautiful. I remember when you won that. And

Melinda Lee:

I remember when you Yeah, were you able to see that speech. And

Melinda Lee:

because you just had a framework, and you just went

Melinda Lee:

more from your heart, you're able to connect with audience in

Melinda Lee:

different in a way that is more deep in a way that resonates

Melinda Lee:

with them. And that's why you got came back. And they came

Melinda Lee:

back to tell you how they felt you how they felt that message?

Melinda Lee:

Gin VillaNueva.: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. It was so much in

Melinda Lee:

contrast of a different time where I had to face something.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah. And there was a lot of people. Yeah, the I was on a

Melinda Lee:

mic, but the mic was like, it was echoey. And it really threw

Melinda Lee:

me off. I couldn't hear my own voice. And I kept on trying to

Melinda Lee:

talk through it. But the more I did, the more I kept on

Melinda Lee:

thinking, I don't understand what I'm saying. I don't even

Melinda Lee:

know like what, you know, what's going on, I was so frazzled. And

Melinda Lee:

that was, it was like the complete opposite of that

Melinda Lee:

experience, you know, like that, that experience was that, oh,

Melinda Lee:

I'll never do that again. Right. Like, that's the worst case

Melinda Lee:

scenario. And then here, you know, I had a completely

Melinda Lee:

different experience. And so I know now that if I started off,

Melinda Lee:

like, like, off the way I did that time, I know, I could

Melinda Lee:

handle it better. Yeah, I know, I could, you know, like, just

Melinda Lee:

thinking like, Hey, let me pause. Let me let me you know,

Melinda Lee:

get like, you know, just just get all my bearings and then

Melinda Lee:

continue instead of just trying to power through things.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. So glad. The journey

Melinda Lee:

continues. You're able to take that with you. Take the pause,

Melinda Lee:

you know how to get the bearings like we're work with where

Melinda Lee:

you're at, I think when you're in that, in something like that,

Melinda Lee:

and you can't think we don't know what to do, but to power

Melinda Lee:

through the whole thing. So, so now you have more like presence,

Melinda Lee:

when you're you're not as afraid, or you just have more

Melinda Lee:

presence in the in the room. So you know what to do, you can do

Melinda Lee:

the problem solving if you need. So yeah, and problem solving

Melinda Lee:

Gin VillaNueva.: is actually a big thing of what I do with,

Melinda Lee:

with the my participants in the programmes I coach. So I need to

Melinda Lee:

be able to take material and then communicate it to them in a

Melinda Lee:

way where it allows, right, and not only land, but hey, this is

Melinda Lee:

something that I could, that resonates with me, and then I

Melinda Lee:

could put into action. Yeah. And, and, and because I am not

Melinda Lee:

just focusing on what I'm saying, I'm actually like

Melinda Lee:

reading the room and can be, you know, it's still via zoom, but I

Melinda Lee:

can still see if people are understanding or not, and, and

Melinda Lee:

trying to get that interaction, and really, you know, meeting

Melinda Lee:

them at the moment, though, people are asking questions, or

Melinda Lee:

they're putting their situation and I'm coaching them through

Melinda Lee:

that. I can do that on the fly, because I already feel settled

Melinda Lee:

with me now I could like look outside.

Melinda Lee:

Exactly. Yes. Oh, thank you, Gin. If people wanted

Melinda Lee:

to get a hold of you, or meet with you, or learn more about

Melinda Lee:

better you can you share more about that, and we could put it

Melinda Lee:

in the show notes.

Melinda Lee:

Gin VillaNueva.: I'm sure. So for American Heart Association

Melinda Lee:

better, the better you programme, it's, it's part of

Melinda Lee:

their go read initiative. The class is approximately 12 to 14

Melinda Lee:

weeks long. They and so every week, we talk about a different

Melinda Lee:

aspects of heart health, with an emphasis on stress management,

Melinda Lee:

and you know, we still talk about nutrition and getting more

Melinda Lee:

active, but we've, we've expanded the breadth of, of

Melinda Lee:

health, right? And so, you know, we we've included, like there's

Melinda Lee:

this path to communication, though, whether it's lifting or

Melinda Lee:

how to convey or how to, you know, speak your truth to other

Melinda Lee:

people where it lands for them. You know, that could cause a

Melinda Lee:

great deal of stress if you're not, when you're not practising

Melinda Lee:

that. And so giving them some tools around that can help

Melinda Lee:

alleviate a lot of stress and make people happier. That

Melinda Lee:

programme is in in San Francisco, they have a few other

Melinda Lee:

ones, but it's sponsored by UCSF and I, you know, I could send a

Melinda Lee:

link. I don't I think if you just look up better you the

Melinda Lee:

letter you at the end, then people can find it. And yeah.

Melinda Lee:

Awesome. I think that's it. Awesome. Gin, thank

Melinda Lee:

you so much. Thank you, and I'm wishing you the best. And I

Melinda Lee:

can't wait to sponsor also your colon awareness. Yes. Yes.

Melinda Lee:

Gin VillaNueva.: Yes. The other one is calling Cancer Coalition.

Melinda Lee:

So that's a 5k. That's starting July 14. So people want to run

Melinda Lee:

like Merced in San Francisco. It's a it's a small Well, it's,

Melinda Lee:

it's small right now, we would love to expand it. But it's such

Melinda Lee:

a great family oriented community setting we have such

Melinda Lee:

a, you know, it's a great group of people that are that we're

Melinda Lee:

we're helping and they're called Operation access and, and, you

Melinda Lee:

know, the people that have been planning and coordinating this,

Melinda Lee:

this event, and you know, they're, they're dear friends of

Melinda Lee:

mine. And, you know, we've, we're getting a lot done this

Melinda Lee:


Melinda Lee:

Great. Thank you. Thanks, Melinda. Thank you so

Melinda Lee:


Melinda Lee:

Gin VillaNueva.: And I just have to thank you, Melinda, you've

Melinda Lee:

been so amazing. I really you've made such a big difference in my

Melinda Lee:

life. And so anytime that somebody had mentioned, you

Melinda Lee:

know, whether, you know, public speaking being a fear or

Melinda Lee:

something that they're, they're dreading for work, I immediately

Melinda Lee:

think of you and I'm like here, you need to talk to her. She

Melinda Lee:

will set you straight. You'll feel so much happier. So good.

Melinda Lee:


Melinda Lee:

you. Thank you so much, Gin. Thanks. Lots of love.

Melinda Lee:

Thank you. And thanks for being here. Until next time, take

Melinda Lee:

care. Bye




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