A Golden Pen – Mark Sias pt 3
Mark Sias is a licensed nurse practitioner who was, to put it bluntly, working himself to death. But, one day, all of the changed. He and his wife, Grace, authored a book titled, “A Golden Pen” and is sharing his concepts with others. Mark is here today to share with us some of these concepts (of entrepreneurism), some great and very affordable ideas that could help you generate additional income and to share all about his book, “A Golden Pen.” Amen!
Mark & Grace Sias own and operate a small legal services & signing services business in Port Orange, Florida called Noble Notary & Legal Document Preparers. But it’s not just about becoming a Notary Public. You just have to hear what Mark is about to share.
This is the conclusion of a great three part interview that will bless YOU with some ideas to generate some additional income!
Another area that you are in was especially interesting to me. As a retired police officer, I’m well acquainted with how to roll finger prints. That is an area that you seem really enthusiastic about in your book, “A Golden Pen.” What kind of demand is there for “finger printing” in our society today?
I really loved the live scan machine we used. It was so much better than the ink pad and cards. If you messed up on the last finger with the card, you had to start all over again. But with the Live Scan, it tells you if it is wrong and you simply reset and reroll. In your book you mention they make portable machines now. Is that what you use?
You also help folks prepare some legal documents. I always thought you had to hire a lawyer to do these things. But you provide information in your book about, “The Scrivener Exception.” What is that and how does it apply?
I’ve had to use a mediator and an arbitrator before. Many, many years ago in a class action suit that I was part of. You also reference this in your book, “A Golden Pen.” I was surprised in that you reference that these are not “lawyers” doing the mediation. That just about anyone can do the training and become a mediator? Is that right?
I know your book, “A Golden Pen,” has more examples in it, but I want us to get to this next part.
Coaching. That is something just about anyone can do because everyone is good at “something.” It may be anything from baking pies to quilting or golf to – becoming a notary, praise God. But the thing is, there are people out there that need help in many, many areas and they are willing to pay for the help. Am I right?
There is another business I want to ask you about, “Apostille Services?” I had never heard that term before. Can you explain what that is and why there is such a demand for these services?
Mark, this has been so interesting. I could go on and on, but we are about out of time. Your book, “A Golden Pen,”how can someone obtain a copy of this great book? Is it on Amazon?
If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question, check out your coaching program or maybe just to do an interview such as this. How can they do that? How can they get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this down in the shown notes.
Folks, as I started this program, it is so important that you are not 100% dependent on your employer to take care of you. That is called slavery.
The Bible says we are to work. Yes. But it is also very, very important, to learn how to help meet the needs of others and take care of yourself and your family and help to “Get the Word Out” into all the earth at the same time. For many people, they have discovered the world of entrepreneurship. Being your own boss. Amen.
I urge you to get in touch with Mark Sias today. Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Mark. Ask you questions. Check out his website. But you absolutely need to check out his book, “A Golden Pen.” It contains a lot of ideas that can you implement relatively easy and affordably that could, I emphasize, COULD, because it depends on how active you are in promoting your services… they COULD make you financially self-sufficient. Amen!
Get your copy of Mark’s book, “A Golden Pen,” today and reach out to Mark and check out his coaching programs, ask your questions and start to turn your financial life around right now.

Email: Mark.Sias@gmail.com
Website: https://legaldocprepnotary.com/
Book: “A Golden Pen” – on Amazon
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