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How to be successful in business
Episode 10320th February 2022 • I Hate Numbers: Business Improvement and Performance • I Hate Numbers
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How to be successful in business, what does that mean to you?  When you hear people talking about being successful in business,

  • Firstly, what image floats through your mind?
  • Secondly, how does that make you feel?
  • Thirdly, do you feel a sense of achievement failure?

Not quite sure. All of those and more do you feel you're achieving your success? Do you feel like an imposter? Are you progressing to where you should be?

You're not alone. Most people feel this at some point in their business lives.  Please don't worry. In this podcast,

  • Firstly, I'm going to look at success.
  • Secondly, what people think it looks like against the reality of what it actually is.
  • Finally, I'm going to talk to you about how you achieve success and share some tips and examples along the way.

Do you feel like you're not achieving success in your business?

Lao Tzu, a life coach born over 2,500 years ago said 'The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.'

Success is about achieving what you have set out to to do. Not just getting to your own Northern Star but the steps along the way too!

How to be successful in business is not a destination, it’s a journey. Your journey takes hard work, application, and lots of perseverance. But most importantly, it takes learning from your mistakes and continuously progressing forward.

💡 Stay focused on your goals

💡 Don’t compare yourself to others

💡 Keep moving forward. Bumps in the road, and f*** ups happen, so don't beat yourself up over it.

💡 Measure, those small steps

Once you've learned what success actually is, you can start to work on achieving it in your own business. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. I promise.

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How to be successful in business is what we all aim for.  You don’t have to go through the journey alone though! Let me guide you along the path so we can both reach our goals together.

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When you hear people talking about being successful in business, what image flows through your mind? How does that make you feel? Do you feel a sense of achievement? Failure? Not quite sure. All of those and more. Do you feel you're achieving your success? Do you feel like an imposter? Do you feel you're actually progressing to where you should be? You're not alone. Most people feel this at some point in their business lives. But please don't worry. In this podcast, I'm going to look at success, what people think it looks like, against the reality of what it actually is.


I'm going to talk to you about how you achieve success and share some tips and examples along the way. Hi, folks. Welcome to another weekly episode of I Hate Numbers, the podcast that's there to improve your financial awareness, up your money mindset, help your business, make more profit, save tax and time. Let's crack on with the podcast. The idea of success means essentially accomplishing and achieving something. The key thing to have here is some idea of what your end goals are, your objectives.


If we consider somebody who may be a couch potato, used to a sedentary existence, decides that they want to improve their fitness and be more active in their lives. Now, their end goal may be to run maybe five kilometres, but in that there's going to be lots of little steps they have to take to actually achieve that ultimate end goal. Those little steps might be walking five minutes and not being out of breath. That in itself is a success. It may be a change of diet as opposed to becoming super nutritious and healthy. It may be they've introduced slowly, some better eating habits into their own dietary pattern. It's the same in the world of business.


The key thing is you need to have some idea of what your goals, your objectives, your northern star looks like. Do you have a feeling where you want to end up in the future? What you expect of your business, where you want it to take you? If you don't have an idea of what that end journey looks like, or that milestone in that journey, then you're going to find it very difficult to measure yourself and see if you're being successful. So identify your goals. Check out some previous podcasts for where we've talked about business goals and objectives.


Check out the show notes and you can check those out. So have an idea of goals and make sure you're focused on them. Having identified what your goals might be and financially they would be to earn a certain level of profit, having a certain amount of money in the bank, giving yourself a reasonable lifestyle. Financial objectives and financial goals have got to be in there somewhere. You may have other goals, personal goals, business goals, but make sure you define them and make sure you articulate them and make sure you put them and record them somewhere.


Having identified what those goals may be for your business, it's important that you do not compare yourself to other businesses. Do not take other people's goals and aspirations as your own. Define your business journey based on you, what's in your head, your ambitions, your aspirations, your resources, where you are in your business journey. Don't get sucked in by thinking that a successful business has to have a certain amount of money, yachts, cars, wonderful holidays. That may be one of your aspirations, that may be one of your ideas of success. But you must never define yourself by other people's business models is what you're comparing for yourself - that's the most important.


So don't get sucked in. It's quite easy to get sucked in by the glossiness of social media or the idea of other people having more success than you. That's only on the surface that you can see that. So define the success for yourselves and do not compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to yourself. So we're talking about staying focused on goals, we're talking about not comparing yourself to others. It's really important that we get our mindset, our attitude, our way of viewing the world set correctly so we can make sure we navigate that path with as little anxiety as possible. The first life coach that we know of, Lao Zoo, born over two and a half thousand years ago, said the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


Success is about achieving what you set out to do. Not just getting to the end point, not just getting to your own northern star but the steps along the way. Keep moving forward. Bumps in the road and mess ups are going to happen so make sure you don't beat yourself up over it. Now when we talk about micro steps, when we talk about small steps, many businesses that I've supported, the many thousands of businesses over the years, they will look in terms of where they need to end up perhaps in twelve months, where they want to be and they don't actually look at the progress they're making along that way.


If financial stability, having a certain amount of cash or profitability is one of your key objectives then think about it in these terms. It may be to get to that level of profitability, to get to that level of cash in the bank. One of the footprints, one of the steps you need to make is to improve your own credit control procedure. So if your small steps are getting invoices raised immediately, getting them sent out promptly where before you did not, that is a great measure of success and that's a tick box and that is a small micro stop that you've achieved going towards your end objective.


Make sure you identify what those smaller steps are in your future planning. If you've identified what those small steps, micro steps must be, that's what you're monitoring, that's what you're measuring. And that's what's going to reinforce the winds that you've had and also give you areas that you need to address. When you have those bumps in the road, when you trip up, when you go backwards, and when you have those times when you feel going forward is a very, very challenging thing to do.


So measure that progress in small micro steps. If we're going to continue with our analogy, if we imagine getting fit was one of your lifetime goals, going to the gym, doing those small repetitions, doing those small walks outside of the gym, all those micro steps are leading you onto the path to eventual success. Perfect ABS comes by doing continual repetitions. So we talk about staying focused on goals. We've talked about not comparing yourself to others. We've talked about keep moving forward. Bumps in the road, mess ups will occur. You will go backwards in your business journey, you’ll stall, you'll have crashes.


It's important that you don't beat yourself up over these things. And you do not dwell on those slip ups that you make. Make sure you're going along the path that you've set yourself. You are without variations on that path, but make sure you've got a plan of action. And make sure you measure and monitor those small steps that you're making, those little small milestones that you achieve along the way. Make getting to that end goal much more achievable.


If we round up this, folks, what have we learned here? We've learned that success is not a destination itself. It's a journey. It takes hard work, application, and lots of perseverance. It's as important to learn from your mistakes and continuously progress forward. There will be times in your pursuit of success that you will feel anxious. There will be times that you feel you're not achieving a great deal. If you don't have an idea or an aspiration as to what you want to achieve, then it's very difficult to measure your success.


Measure success in the steps that you take going forward. Don't measure it just because you've reached the end goal. Make sure you've got some idea of what that end goal looks like, that northern star. And that's what you have to set your compass by. Folks, I hope you found this podcast useful. If you have, I'd love it if you could subscribe and obviously share with those who you feel will get some benefit from that. Any comments that you have, I'd love to hear from them. And in the meantime, head down, figure out your northern star and best wishes for your progression towards your own success.





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