What’s not to love with a day that starts out with biking and free breakfast?? Ditch the car and commute by bike on June 28th to get the benefits of this annual Colorado Springs event.
It all started with a grant to improve air quality and brought us all a little closer together as a biking community. For over three decades Colorado Springs has been taking part in Bike to Work Day Breakfast. Hear from local organizers and participants in the Annual Bike to Work Day Breakfast for all of the details about this year’s event – from how to sign up yourself or your company, to the resources available to find the breakfast stops along your route, what they’re serving, other perks, and tips to ensure success
Listen in and find out just how easy and fun it can be to commute by bike in and around our city, not just one day but hopefully inspiration for a lifestyle change benefitting you and our community.
Host: Torie Giffin, owner of the Buffalo Lodge Bicycle Resort
- Tim Roberts, Transportation Planning Manager with the City of Colorado Springs
- Karole Campbell, owner of Madwoman Marketing
- Allen Beauchamp, Community Engagement Mgr with Trails and Open Space Coalition
- Cully Radvillas, Communications Director Bike Colorado Springs
Bike Colorado Springs https://www.bikecoloradosprings.org/
Bike to Work Day Breakfast https://coloradosprings.gov/biketowork
Buffalo Lodge Bicycle Resort http://bicycleresort.com
Buffalo Lodge Bike Tribe https://www.facebook.com/groups/129303757785031/
City of Colorado Springs https://coloradosprings.gov/
City of Colorado Springs Bike Maps https://coloradosprings.gov/bikemap
Colorado Springs Cycling Club https://bikesprings.org/
Colorado Springs Philharmonic https://csphilharmonic.org/
COS Racing https://cosracing.com/
Criterium Bike Shop https://www.criterium.com/
Fountain Creek Brewshed Alliance https://www.fountain-crk.org/fountain-creek-brewshed-alliance
Manitou Spokespeteanddel@gmail.com
METRO Mountain Metropolitan Transit https://coloradosprings.gov/mountainmetro
Pike Ride https://www.pikeride.org/
SOCO Velo Southern Colorado Velo https://socovelo.com/
SRAM Colorado Springs https://www.sram.com/en/company/about
Trails and Open Space Coalition TOSC https://www.trailsandopenspaces.org/
US Olympic and Paralympic Museum https://usopm.org/
WMBA Women’s Mountain Biking Association of Colorado Springshttps://www.wmbacos.org/
Pedal the Springs is produced by the Buffalo Lodge Bicycle Resort, the only bicycle-themed lodging and must-stay for cyclists coming to Colorado. Check us out at https://www.bicycleresort.com for more information.
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