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Marketing Smarter Not Harder - Marco Torres pt 2
Episode 2518th September 2023 • Faith Based Business Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:32:40

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Marketing Smarter Not Harder

Marco Torres pt 2

Whether you are in ministry or retail; counseling or coaching; online sales or traditional retail – you are marketing. You are marketing your church, your ministry, your store, your products, your books. You are marketing your brand. You are marketing yourself in the process.

How well you handle this responsibility will determine your success. 

I’ve seen pastors of churches, some that have been around for decades, still struggle to have 25 people in attendance on Sunday mornings. I’ve seen others set up in a coffee shop on Sunday morning and two years later are building a church building and paying cash for it.  WHY?

The same thing can be said for someone working for themselves. In business, online or traditional. They may work for years, barely getting by. Someone else comes in and within a few months or so, they are the big player in town or in the niche online or whatever.  WHY?

Well, it all revolves around marketing. 

And to help us with understanding some of the nuances, is my guest today, Marco Torres.

Marco Torres is the Founder of, he has helped thousands of business owners worldwide boost sales and scale their businesses by as much as 5-fold through the use of incentive-based marketing. He teaches entrepreneurs how to soar sales & marketing through the use of “Value-Add-Incentives” instead of discounts. His Facebook Group is home to more than 27,000 active business owners who are raking in sales with his advice and amazingly affordable subscription program.

I believe these concepts we will discuss today will apply, of course to businesses, coaching, etc., but it can also be applied to your ministry and church growth with just a few little tweaks. 

Let me give a disclaimer here…I interviewed Marco about 18 months ago at the time of this recording… and I was so impressed by what he is doing, I signed up our ministry for this program we will be talking about today. Some of you may have seen us promote some trips or restaurant vouchers from time to time – and this is where it all started… a conversation with Marco Torres. Amen!

I speak to people every single day doing interviews. Almost every person has a lead magnet to draw people into their system, collect names and emails, etc.  This type of system really would not work as a lead magnet… it would seem a bit incredulous if you were to give away a 5 night trip to Hawaii in exchange for opting into an email list. Am I right?

These incentives can be used by churches, etc. to raise funds. In fact, last time you were on, you shared a marvelous story of how someone used this to raise the money for a church. Can you explain how that worked?

These certificates, for the hotel stay and the restaurant discount vouchers – even the hotel discount vouchers – they are emailed to the client, correct?

Let’s say someone receives one of these vouchers. Is there an expiration date?

Is there a limit on the number of hotel trips or hotel discount voucher or restaurant vouchers a person can send out?

How do you incentivize them to give you a review about how their experience went?

Marco, this is so interesting. I could talk to you about this for hours because I know this works. Amen!  If someone listening right now would like to take advantage of signing up for Marketing Boost, and using these incentives, how much does it cost?

Folks, this is something that Pastor Bob implemented last year. We worked into a few of our promotions and during the last half of the year and it worked extremely well. We have increased our use of Marketing Boost in the current year and seeing similar results. I want to encourage you test it out for yourself. 

Drop down into the show notes and click the link right there for Marketing Boost. Now, this is an affiliate link for our ministry. It does not affect your price at all if you decide to join Marketing Boost at any level. This is something that just adds a bit to the bottom line of the ministry and helps us to keep the lights on. Amen!

But drop down below and click the link right there. You will see all the amazing destinations that are available. 

And, if you have a podcast and you do interviews – or you are a guest expert and looking for podcasters to connect with to do interviews, click the link to check out FaithCasters Connections. For this episode, anyone who adds their profile to our platform, will receive a $100 restaurant discount voucher, just for signing up. Amen!

Marco, thank you for taking the time to come back on the program today. I do appreciate your time in catching us all up on all that you have going on with Marketing Boost! 

Folks, that is all the time we have for today. For Marco Torres and myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!



Marketing Boost Website

Mentioned in this episode:

FaithCaster Academy

Take your business to the next level and check out FaithCaster Academy! Helping Christian entrepreneurs to reach a wider audience, grow their business and increase their revenue - all while serving the Lord in their God-given calling! Amen!



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