Artwork for podcast Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs"  Mabe
ASK THE BOSS - Episode 61
Episode 6111th January 2021 • Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe • Core Nutritionals LLC
00:00:00 01:05:53

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23:09 How should I use the Big Papa stack?

27:21 Thoughts on adding Sear to the Big Papa stack?

27:32 Do you guys plan on making bigger balls?

27:56 Any new 'Merica Energy flavors in the works?

32:29 What's the least amount of time you could train to maintain results?

33:15 Can Sear be taken twice a day before each of my training sessions?

36:17 When will you compete again?

37:07 Is that non-stim or stim on the ARN Thermo?

37:16 First BBC in 10 years - any advice?

40:18 What is the new flavor of ISO that you mentioned last week?

41:48 Any more news regarding a carb drink or intra-workout for Arms Race Nutrition?

47:06 How big of a change or effect to expect when taking Sear?

48:50 Yoga or Jiu-Jitsu?

50:50 Most iconic movie of all time?

51:25 How difficult has it been to find the right company to manufacture your products?

53:34 Personal goals for 2021?




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