This series was supported by the Pulitzer
Sarah James:Center.
Don Young:I'll tell you, Mr. Chairman, I want to believe the
Don Young:people. Not the Gwich'in because they're not the people.
Amy Martin:Welcome to Threshold, I'm Amy Martin, and
Amy Martin:we're just going to pick up right where we left off. No
Amy Martin:intro this time. We're listening to Don Young, Alaska's sole
Amy Martin:representative in the US House, speaking at a congressional
Amy Martin:hearing about drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Amy Martin:This is March of 2019.
Don Young:I'm talking about the Inuits that live there. That's
Don Young:their land. It always been their land, and to totally ignore
Don Young:them, and any mention of their occupancy is wrong in this this
Don Young:report and including you in your written statement. It's wrong.
Amy Martin:So what is going on here? Well, the Gwich'in are an
Amy Martin:Alaska native tribe who are pretty united against drilling.
Amy Martin:We're going to hear from Gwich'in people in our next
Amy Martin:episode. And this hearing was on a bill sponsored by House
Amy Martin:Democrats aimed at stopping drilling in the Arctic National
Amy Martin:Wildlife Refuge. The bill was mostly symbolic. It's now dead
Amy Martin:in the water in the Senate, but this hearing was pretty
Amy Martin:fascinating. Picture six people kind of squished together at a
Amy Martin:table, shoulder to shoulder, preparing to speak. All of them
Amy Martin:are indigenous, and all of them have flown thousands of miles to
Amy Martin:be at this hearing. But Don Young's message to his
Amy Martin:colleagues is not to listen to some of his own constituents.
Don Young:Not the Gwich'in. That's my tribe. My wife was
Don Young:Gwich'in, my daughter's a Gwich'in in we have a few
Don Young:Gwich'in that make a living out of this by promoting something
Don Young:that's wrong, by saying we want to take away from their
Don Young:brothers, that's wrong. You've divided two tribes, two tribes.
Don Young:Listen to the people who live there. If not, you're not
Don Young:representatives at all. That's all I ask you to do. Listen to
Don Young:them. Hear what they say. Not someone who's living in
Don Young:Fairbanks, not someone that does not kill a caribou and 10 years
Don Young:and probably doesn't have a license. That's wrong. Think
Don Young:about that when you say, "we want to save the culture." Save
Don Young:the culture of the people, not those that are foreigners or
Don Young:living away from the area. These are not the native directly
Don Young:affected with that. I yield back.
Amy Martin:There's a lot to unpack here. First, Gwich'in
Amy Martin:leaders released a statement after this hearing, saying Don
Amy Martin:Young does not represent their people, and asking him to stop
Amy Martin:claiming he's Gwich'in. Second, when Don Young says that the
Amy Martin:Gwich'in won't be affected by drilling, he's presuming that he
Amy Martin:has the authority to decide for them what affects them, and he
Amy Martin:doesn't. Many Gwich'in people say they will be impacted by
Amy Martin:drilling, and again, we're going to hear more from them in our
Amy Martin:next episode. But what fascinated me the most here is
Amy Martin:this whole bit about listening to the people. There are just so
Amy Martin:many layers waiting to get peeled back. There's the irony
Amy Martin:of Congressman Young shouting at his colleagues to listen to some
Amy Martin:people while simultaneously telling them not to listen to
Amy Martin:others, but at the same time, he is pointing to something real
Amy Martin:here. Some conservation groups and politicians who are opposed
Amy Martin:to oil development have kind of ignored the Inupiat, often
Amy Martin:describing the Gwich'in as "the" indigenous people of the refuge,
Amy Martin:when in reality, they're one of the indigenous groups of this
Amy Martin:region. In fact, at this very hearing, Democrats had invited
Amy Martin:eight witnesses to two different panels, and none of them were
Amy Martin:Inupiat. But this same game is played from the other side too.
Amy Martin:Pro oil groups and politicians try to lift up certain Native
Amy Martin:voices that back up their position- exhibit A, Don Young's
Amy Martin:testimony here, so both pro and anti oil factions are probably
Amy Martin:guilty of promoting select groups of Alaska Native people
Amy Martin:and ignoring others. The antidote to all of this is
Amy Martin:obvious. Go to the source. Let indigenous Alaskans speak for
Amy Martin:themselves. And when you do that, when you go to Kaktovik
Amy Martin:and listen to the people who live closest to the drilling
Amy Martin:area, some of them say things like this:
Carla SimsKayotuk:I really believe that there's enough oil
Carla SimsKayotuk:fields open already. We've got oil fields all along the coast.
Amy Martin:This is Carla SimsKayotuk and she lives in
Amy Martin:Kaktovik. Again, this is the only village located inside the
Amy Martin:1002 area where drilling has been approved.
Carla SimsKayotuk:That first time I really, maybe understood
Carla SimsKayotuk:what's going on was maybe in high school when they started
Carla SimsKayotuk:having the seismic teams come through and and then I remember
Carla SimsKayotuk:not liking it then.
Amy Martin:Why didn't you like it?
Carla SimsKayotuk:I just, I just didn't like the possibility
Carla SimsKayotuk:of what it meant could happen here, and just having an oil
Carla SimsKayotuk:field around here, I just, never appealed to me.
Amy Martin:Carla grew up here, and she loves this place- Barter
Amy Martin:Island, where the village is located, and the coastal plain.
Carla SimsKayotuk:To me, it's very beautiful. It's probably
Carla SimsKayotuk:the most beautiful place on Earth, is this area. There's so
Carla SimsKayotuk:much life out there. The birds come here. They're from here.
Carla SimsKayotuk:They lay their eggs there. They have their babies here, then
Carla SimsKayotuk:they fly out for the winter. So this is their home.
Amy Martin:Carla has been on a whaling crew in the past, she
Amy Martin:says caribou are really important to her. In fact,
Amy Martin:everything about this part of the world seems to have deep
Amy Martin:meaning for her.
Carla SimsKayotuk:When you go up in the springtime or in the
Carla SimsKayotuk:winter and it's, it's all white and everything it's, it's just,
Carla SimsKayotuk:it's beautiful. I mean, like God created all of that. It's just,
Carla SimsKayotuk:you can't deny the beauty of it all out there, and he placed us
Carla SimsKayotuk:here for a reason.
Amy Martin:Even though Carla never liked the idea of oil
Amy Martin:development in this place that's so precious to her, she says she
Amy Martin:mostly kept her thoughts to herself. For a while.
Carla SimsKayotuk:I was always quiet about my personal views,
Carla SimsKayotuk:until I heard a radio broadcast with one of the past mayors of
Carla SimsKayotuk:the North Slope and they were talking about developing in the
Carla SimsKayotuk:Teshepuk Lake area.
Amy Martin:The top elected office of the North Slope
Amy Martin:borough is mayor, and Teshepuk Lake is an area close to where
Amy Martin:this former mayor was living.
Carla SimsKayotuk:And he was like, it's not gonna happen in
Carla SimsKayotuk:my backyard and and everything. I was like, whoa, wait a minute.
Carla SimsKayotuk:Let me turn this up and listen to this. And I was just like,
Carla SimsKayotuk:wow, it's okay for you guys to push to open up ANWR, which is
Carla SimsKayotuk:where I live, and but yet you don't want it in your backyard.
Carla SimsKayotuk:I'm sorry. I'm not going to be quiet anymore. I'm going to
Carla SimsKayotuk:start voicing my concerns and my opinions, and I haven't stopped
Carla SimsKayotuk:since then.
Amy Martin:Like Nora Jane Burns, one of Carla's biggest
Amy Martin:concerns is how oil development might sprawl across the coastal
Amy Martin:plain. The law that authorized drilling says production and
Amy Martin:support facilities would be limited to 2000 acres, which
Amy Martin:sounds like a small portion of the one and a half million acres
Amy Martin:of the coastal plain. But Carla says,
Carla SimsKayotuk:I don't trust what they say. I just don't
Carla SimsKayotuk:believe it. Yeah, they'll find loopholes. They'll find ways to
Carla SimsKayotuk:to get around it.
Amy Martin:And she has reasons to be suspicious. Pro oil people
Amy Martin:like to say that 2000 acres is a smaller footprint than many
Amy Martin:airports, but that's not a fair comparison, because the 2000
Amy Martin:acres of development on the coastal plain doesn't have to be
Amy Martin:continuous. It doesn't have to be one chunk of land with
Amy Martin:everything else left untouched. Only certain things are counted
Amy Martin:toward the 2000 acres. For instance, fence posts, which
Amy Martin:touch the ground would be counted, but not the fences
Amy Martin:themselves connecting the posts. Same with pipelines, the pads
Amy Martin:for the support structures that hold up the pipelines would be
Amy Martin:counted, but not the actual pipes, because they don't rest
Amy Martin:directly on the ground. So this 2000 acres gets broken down into
Amy Martin:these tiny little pieces, which can be spread out over a huge
Amy Martin:area, five feet here, 10 feet there, maybe two acres over
Amy Martin:there. Instead of an airport, a more accurate visual might be a
Amy Martin:toddler's playroom with Legos streaming across the floor.
Amy Martin:Sure, if you add up how much space each individual Lego is
Amy Martin:taking up, it might sound like a small percentage of the room,
Amy Martin:but that doesn't really matter, because you can't walk across it
Amy Martin:without stepping on one of those sharp little pieces. And to
Amy Martin:Carla, all of these technicalities can obscure the
Amy Martin:obvious. She says, if people want to know what oil
Amy Martin:development in the refuge would be like, all they have to do is
Amy Martin:look around.
Carla SimsKayotuk:You just look to our neighbors and family over
Carla SimsKayotuk:in Nuiqsut area, and they told them it was just going to be
Carla SimsKayotuk:just this little spot. They're now almost completely 360
Carla SimsKayotuk:surrounded by oil development and the structures and
Carla SimsKayotuk:infrastructure and stuff over there.
Amy Martin:Nuiqsut is an Inupiaq village on the other
Amy Martin:side of the Prudhoe Bay oil field. Huge oil and gas deposits
Amy Martin:have been found near this community, and like Carla said,
Amy Martin:it's basically surrounded by industry now, and that is not
Amy Martin:the future she wants for Kaktovik.
Carla SimsKayotuk:Do I want it in my backyard? No, I don't want
Carla SimsKayotuk:it in my backyard. Like no one else wants it in their backyard.
Carla SimsKayotuk:Do I think another oil field needs to be opened? No, I think
Carla SimsKayotuk:there's plenty of oil fields opened already. We don't need to
Carla SimsKayotuk:be opening any more. Complete what's out there already and and
Carla SimsKayotuk:try and find other sources to power everything.
Amy Martin:Carla is a shareholder in the Arctic Slope
Amy Martin:Regional Corporation, the biggest Native corporation in
Amy Martin:this area, and she says she stands up at shareholder
Amy Martin:meetings and tries to remind people that their most important
Amy Martin:job is to protect the land, water and animals they depend
Amy Martin:on.
Amy Martin:What kind of response do you get when you say that kind of stuff?
Carla SimsKayotuk:What do they say? They tell me that they need
Carla SimsKayotuk:the revenue to continue to have the things that we have, the
Carla SimsKayotuk:running waters, the schools, the fire department, the health
Carla SimsKayotuk:care, that's the way for our revenue to keep the slope going.
Carla SimsKayotuk:And I'm like, well, I think our people are smart enough to where
Carla SimsKayotuk:they can find other ways to earn that revenue than to keep
Carla SimsKayotuk:growing economically. I think, I think we're smart enough to find
Carla SimsKayotuk:other ways to survive.
Amy Martin:An organization called Voice of the Arctic
Amy Martin:Inupiat has been very active in supporting oil development in
Amy Martin:the refuge. Their website says the purpose of the group is to
Amy Martin:establish a unified voice for the Inupiaq people of this
Amy Martin:region. Carla says this bothers her, because there isn't just
Amy Martin:one voice here, but at public hearings on oil development,
Amy Martin:members of this group sometimes hold signs saying we stand with
Amy Martin:Kaktovik, which gives the impression that the whole
Amy Martin:village supports drilling.
Carla SimsKayotuk:They're taking our voice and speaking
Carla SimsKayotuk:for us. And so I find it really ironic that they get really
Carla SimsKayotuk:angry when they say the Gwich'in are speaking and they shouldn't
Carla SimsKayotuk:be speaking, and it's like, hey, you're you're taking my voice
Carla SimsKayotuk:away and trying to say you're speaking for me when I don't
Carla SimsKayotuk:think you should be speaking for me.
Amy Martin:This is the dark side of any call for unity. It
Amy Martin:can be a mask for other intentions, like silencing
Amy Martin:dissent.
Carla SimsKayotuk:You can have conflict but not be mean and
Carla SimsKayotuk:everything about it. I think you can voice your concerns and
Carla SimsKayotuk:still try to work together to come to an agreement or
Carla SimsKayotuk:something, but avoiding saying something just to avoid conflict
Carla SimsKayotuk:is also not healthy.
Amy Martin:Yeah, and do you think that's a cultural value
Amy Martin:too?
Carla SimsKayotuk:It should be. You should always be honest.
Carla SimsKayotuk:Yeah.
Amy Martin:So how do we differentiate between a healthy
Amy Martin:unity and a coercive one? That's a problem people in every
Amy Martin:culture struggle with. It's behind the protests that have
Amy Martin:racked Hong Kong this fall. It's being hotly debated within U.S.
Amy Martin:political parties in the run up to the 2020 election, and it's
Amy Martin:something we all face as individuals too. How do we have
Amy Martin:conflict without breaking up families or friendships? How can
Amy Martin:we be real with each other about who we are and what we think,
Amy Martin:but still have atauchikun, a foundation of togetherness?
Amy Martin:In December 2017 when the tax bill got passed that allowed for
Amy Martin:drilling in the in the refuge-
Carla SimsKayotuk:That was a sad day.
Amy Martin:Was it?
Carla SimsKayotuk:Yes, I thought it was a very sad day.
Amy Martin:Carla said she remembers posting something on
Amy Martin:Facebook expressing her sadness. Now, almost two years later, her
Amy Martin:grief about this decision is still very close to the surface.
Carla SimsKayotuk:I just think it's it's going to change the
Carla SimsKayotuk:whole dynamics of our area, the ambience, the social structure,
Carla SimsKayotuk:our places, of where we can go and hunt and subsist and
Carla SimsKayotuk:probably even camp. It's going to have an impact.
Amy Martin:Some of the land owned by the Kaktovik Inupiat
Amy Martin:Corporation, or KIC is right here on Barter Island, where the
Amy Martin:village lies.
Carla SimsKayotuk:And that's just, that's just like, right
Carla SimsKayotuk:out here. I mean, like, not even a mile from from this house and
Carla SimsKayotuk:you're gonna see it. I mean, I don't understand how people
Carla SimsKayotuk:think we're not going to be impacted. The pipeline is going
Carla SimsKayotuk:to be up on the tundra that's right along the coast. I mean,
Carla SimsKayotuk:KIC lands are right there on the mainland, on right, right, close
Carla SimsKayotuk:to shore. And that's where we do all our hunting, all our camping
Carla SimsKayotuk:during the summer time and spring time. And it's, it's
Carla SimsKayotuk:gonna change.
Amy Martin:iI's really personal for you.
Carla SimsKayotuk:It is, that's all where we go camping, where
Carla SimsKayotuk:my family goes camping and and everything. And I use that time
Carla SimsKayotuk:to get away from, I know we're in a small community, but
Carla SimsKayotuk:there's a lot that we have to deal with here. And so I used
Carla SimsKayotuk:that camping time to to get out and and just renew myself and
Carla SimsKayotuk:and I. Sorry. It's going to be hard. I just I hope that I'm
Carla SimsKayotuk:wrong, that we're not going to be impacted the way I think we
Carla SimsKayotuk:will be, but we'll see. So, I feel for the coming generations
Carla SimsKayotuk:that's going to have to deal with it all. Sorry.
Amy Martin:Carla and I kept talking for quite a while, but
Amy Martin:eventually I packed up my gear and I was about to head out when
Amy Martin:she told me this, as much as she is opposed to oil development,
Amy Martin:what she wants the most is for Inupiaq land to be in Inupiaq
Amy Martin:hands. That's her top priority, sovereignty. Even more than
Amy Martin:stopping development, she wants her community to have control
Amy Martin:over their land. We'll have more after this short break.
Amy Martin:Hey, I want to take a minute to thank you for listening to
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Amy Martin:Hi Threshold listeners, do you ever find yourself wondering
Amy Martin:what businesses are doing and what more they should do to
Amy Martin:confront climate change? Then you should check out Climate
Amy Martin:Rising, the award winning podcast from Harvard Business
Amy Martin:School. Climate Rising gives you a behind the scenes look at how
Amy Martin:top business leaders are taking on the challenge of climate
Amy Martin:change. The show covers cutting edge solutions, from leveraging
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Amy Martin:action. Recent episodes feature insightful conversations with
Amy Martin:leaders like Netflix's first sustainability officer, Emma
Amy Martin:Stewart, who discusses how the global entertainment giant uses
Amy Martin:its platform to promote climate awareness. You'll also hear from
Amy Martin:CNN chief climate correspondent, Bill Weir, about the importance
Amy Martin:of integrating climate change into news coverage. Each episode
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Dallas Taylor:I'm Dallas Taylor, host of 20,000 Hertz, a
Dallas Taylor:podcast that reveals the untold stories behind the sounds of our
Dallas Taylor:world. We've uncovered the incredible intelligence of
Dallas Taylor:talking parrots.
Unknown:Basically bird brain was a pejorative term, and here
Unknown:I had this bird that was doing the same types of tasks the
Dallas Taylor:We've investigated the bonding power
Dallas Taylor:of music.
Unknown:There's an intimacy there in communicating through
Unknown:the medium of music that can be really a powerful force for
Unknown:bringing people together.
Dallas Taylor:We've explored the subtle nuances of the human
Dallas Taylor:voice.
Amy Martin:We have to remember that humans, over many hundreds
Amy Martin:of thousands of years of evolution, have become extremely
Amy Martin:attuned to the sounds of each other's voices.
Dallas Taylor:And we've revealed why a famous composer
Dallas Taylor:wrote a piece made entirely of silence.
Unknown:I think that's a really potentially quite useful and
Unknown:quite profound experience to have.
Dallas Taylor:Subscribe to 20,000 Hertz right here in your
Dallas Taylor:podcast player. I'll meet you there.
Amy Martin:Wow, this is the closest we've gotten, for sure.
Amy Martin:Welcome back to Threshold, I'm Amy Martin and producer Nick
Amy Martin:Mott and I are with polar bear guide Robert Thompson again.
Amy Martin:We've just come upon a mother and cub out for an afternoon
Amy Martin:stroll.
Amy Martin:So mom and baby are walking right in front of us and
Amy Martin:cuteness explosion.
Amy Martin:Everything around us is gray- gray sky, gray ocean, gray sand,
Amy Martin:except these two creamy white creatures exploring the beach.
Amy Martin:It's like an ivory, slightly yellowish white, and she looks
Amy Martin:big and healthy. And baby's nose is a lot flatter and rounder
Amy Martin:around her face and just tooling right behind her mom, and you
Amy Martin:can definitely see the hunter in them, and she's looking right at
Amy Martin:us right now. She looks incredibly powerful, just really
Amy Martin:happy to be in a vehicle right now.
Amy Martin:Robert says oil development in the refuge poses a direct threat
Amy Martin:to mothers and cubs like this pair, even before any wells are
Amy Martin:drilled. As we talked about earlier in this series, seismic
Amy Martin:testing is usually the first step in oil exploration, and the
Amy Martin:way that it works is a big truck, commonly called a thumper
Amy Martin:truck, drives across the exploration area, stopping
Amy Martin:intermittently to lower a metal plate, which sends a vibration
Amy Martin:deep underground. Decades ago, these heavy trucks did damage to
Amy Martin:the tundra that's still visible today, tire tracks that tore up
Amy Martin:the fragile Arctic soil. To mitigate that, seismic
Amy Martin:exploration in this area is now limited to the winter months,
Amy Martin:when the ground is frozen, but this attempt to address one
Amy Martin:problem created another, because winter is when polar bears make
Amy Martin:dens under the snow. Females give birth to their cubs in
Amy Martin:these dens and nurture them there for many months without
Amy Martin:eating or drinking anything themselves. Then they emerge
Amy Martin:with their cubs in March or April, extremely hungry and with
Amy Martin:new mouths to feed.
Amy Martin:They were playing with some stuff before, kind of tossing
Amy Martin:around the air, and then the baby's like a quarter of her
Amy Martin:height, moving behind her, kind of copying her movements.
Amy Martin:The thumper trucks used in seismic surveys can be equipped
Amy Martin:with infrared technology designed to detect polar bear
Amy Martin:dens, but Robert says the bears could still be disrupted at a
Amy Martin:very vulnerable stage in their life cycle, or even get missed
Amy Martin:by the infrared and crushed in their dens, and right now, he
Amy Martin:says the last thing polar bears need is another threat.
Robert Thompson:I'm an Eskimo person from North Slope being
Robert Thompson:rained on in February. I don't need any more scientific
Robert Thompson:evidence, we're being affected. We're losing species. We will
Robert Thompson:never hunt musk ox again. We had musk ox here, and the polar bear
Robert Thompson:on the way out, and other species are moving in, and the
Robert Thompson:ocean currents are changing, and this whole fish situation is
Robert Thompson:changing, and usually it's not for the better.
Amy Martin:Robert's not a shareholder in the two Alaska
Amy Martin:Native corporations that have the most to gain from
Amy Martin:development here, but he is a shareholder in a different one,
Amy Martin:and because all the Alaska Native regional corporations
Amy Martin:share some of their profits, he does still stand to benefit
Amy Martin:financially from drilling.
Amy Martin:Is there a part of you that's like, well, that money would be
Amy Martin:really nice. Maybe it's worth it. Have you ever been tempted?
Robert Thompson:No, no, never.
Amy Martin:Why not?
Robert Thompson:I'm happy without that money, I probably
Robert Thompson:wouldn't be happy. There are stories on people who won
Robert Thompson:lotteries and everything, and almost at a person they run
Robert Thompson:through it and their life falls apart. No, I've been poor
Robert Thompson:before. I can be poor very well. I don't need that money. Plus,
Robert Thompson:I'm involved in ecotourism, and I like that, and it's enjoyable,
Robert Thompson:and it's not harming the environment, and it's fun. So
Robert Thompson:why should I sit there getting dividends, and I don't need it.
Robert Thompson:I wouldn't miss it, and I'd rather have the land like it is.
Amy Martin:I have to look through the binoculars again.
Amy Martin:Wow, it's really cool to see her through the binocs, she's
Amy Martin:beautiful. Her face is kind of dirty and greenish brown.
Nick Mott:Aww, sharing.
Amy Martin:She's licking his face. She licked his face a
Amy Martin:minute. Sweet.
Robert Thompson:Well, I hope people listen to this and
Robert Thompson:realize, hey, it's amazing to see these bears, but they're
Robert Thompson:probably on the way out because of climate change. You got to
Robert Thompson:look at, you know, reality. And I don't know if we can do enough
Robert Thompson:to mitigate it, but we couldn't do anything to take what they
Robert Thompson:have left away. Who knows might turn around and a miracle will
Robert Thompson:happen.
Amy Martin:In our first episode from Kaktovik, we heard from
Amy Martin:Fenton Rexford, one of the people in the village who
Amy Martin:supports drilling. He was speaking at that same hearing
Amy Martin:where we heard the tape from Congressman Don Young earlier.
Amy Martin:In fact, Fenton was invited to that hearing by the congressman.
Amy Martin:I want to replay part of what Fenton had to say.
Fenton Rexford:We are not an exhibit in a museum, Nor should
Fenton Rexford:the lands that we have survived and thrived from centuries be
Fenton Rexford:locked away for the peace of mind from those from far away
Fenton Rexford:places. This school of thoughts amount to nothing more than
Fenton Rexford:green colonialism, a political occupation of our land in the
Fenton Rexford:name of environment, while others exploit the idea of
Fenton Rexford:wilderness for economic gain.
Amy Martin:Fenton and Robert know each other, of course.
Amy Martin:Everybody knows everybody in Kaktovik. They're of the same
Amy Martin:generation, I'm guessing they have a lot in common, but they
Amy Martin:see this issue of drilling in the refuge so differently.
Amy Martin:Robert sees drilling as a direct assault on Inupiaq culture, and
Amy Martin:Fenton sees it as an expression of Inupiaq sovereignty. That's
Amy Martin:big stuff to disagree on, and yet somehow, the people in this
Amy Martin:small village are making it work as a community. I was there for
Amy Martin:less than a week, I can't begin to say I understand this whole
Amy Martin:situation or how they're getting through it, but it seems like
Amy Martin:they have some combination of airing out of differences from
Amy Martin:time to time, while mostly focusing on what they have in
Amy Martin:common instead of what divides them. Nora Jane Burns, the
Amy Martin:former mayor of Kaktovik, who we met in part one of this episode,
Amy Martin:extends that attitude beyond the village. She's a big advocate
Amy Martin:for dialog with their closest neighbors, the Gwich'in.
Amy Martin:Nora Jane Burns: I know that they always try to say that
Amy Martin:those folks are not from here, but, but when you look at the
Amy Martin:map, their Arctic Village is really close borderline to the
Amy Martin:Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. So maybe work with them and come
Amy Martin:up with some kind of solution. There's always a possibility of
Amy Martin:solutions of how they can work together. Working together would
Amy Martin:be the best way and everybody would win.
Amy Martin:Inupiaq territory is on the northern part of the
Amy Martin:refuge which in territory is to the south, on the other side of
Amy Martin:the Brooks Range and the Porcupine Caribou Herd, which
Amy Martin:both tribes have deep ties to, moves between these two regions.
Amy Martin:They migrate from which in to Inupiaq lands and back again.
Amy Martin:Nora Jane says, a quick glance at social media provides all the
Amy Martin:evidence you need for how much these animals unite people here,
Amy Martin:regardless of their tribe or their opinion on oil
Amy Martin:development.
Amy Martin:Nora Jane Burns: Because they all, everybody, if they all,
Amy Martin:you'll see posting, oh, I had caribou this, I had caribou
Amy Martin:this, and they all like to eat caribou.
Amy Martin:That's kind of the connecting thread.
Amy Martin:Nora Jane Burns: That's the connecting thread. That caribou.
Amy Martin:So that's what I like to see them, is just to at least sit
Amy Martin:down and just listen to them, listen to their concerns.
Amy Martin:Because if you flip it, if it was flipped, if their country
Amy Martin:had lot of oil and we didn't have anything, and we know our
Amy Martin:animals migrate to their land, I think I would be concerned too.
Amy Martin:They're are people like us. They eat the same animal we eat.
Amy Martin:At that hearing in Washington, DC, Congressman
Amy Martin:Young accused his colleagues of dividing the Gwich'in and the
Amy Martin:Inupiat.
Don Young:You've divided two tribes, two tribes. Listen to
Don Young:the people live there.
Amy Martin:But who or what has divided them and how divided are
Amy Martin:they really? Maybe it's appealing to make a nice, simple
Amy Martin:story in which one tribe wants oil development and the other
Amy Martin:doesn't, then all you have to do is pick which side you're
Amy Martin:rooting for. But that narrative only works if you ignore Carla
Amy Martin:SimsKayotuk and Robert Thompson and Nora Jane Burns and Vebjorn
Amy Martin:Aishana Reitan, who we met in our first episode and many
Amy Martin:others.
Amy Martin:Nora Jane Burns: Working together would be the best way,
Amy Martin:and everybody would win.
Amy Martin:I didn't hear anyone in Kaktovik or in Arctic
Amy Martin:Village, where we're going next time, describe this situation in
Amy Martin:these binary terms, as a fight between one group that wants oil
Amy Martin:development and another that doesn't. Instead, I heard
Amy Martin:Inupiaq people and Gwich'in people talking about the pride
Amy Martin:and pleasure they take in their cultures, their food, their
Amy Martin:languages, their ways of being in the world. I heard them
Amy Martin:describing the painful effects of colonization and racism and
Amy Martin:ignorance and arrogance from outsiders, and how they're
Amy Martin:dealing with those things as individuals and in their
Amy Martin:communities. And I heard people with very different opinions on
Amy Martin:oil development express a strong common value, a determination to
Amy Martin:survive.
Sarah James:We're not going anywhere. We're here to stay.
Sarah James:God or creator put us where we are today, as Gwich'in people to
Sarah James:take care of this part of the world, and we did good, and we
Sarah James:like it, and we're going to stay. We're not going anywhere.
Sarah James:We're here to stay.
Amy Martin:This is Sarah James, a Gwich'in leader from Arctic
Amy Martin:Village, Alaska. We'll meet her next time on Threshold.
Sarah James:Our reporting was funded by the Pulitzer Center,
Sarah James:Montana Public Radio, the Park Foundation, the High Stakes
Sarah James:Foundation, the William H and Mary Wattis Harris Foundation,
Sarah James:and by our listeners.Our work depends on people who believe in
Sarah James:it and choose to support it, people like you. Join our
Sarah James:community and find pictures from our trip to the refuge at
Amy Martin:The team behind this episode of Threshold is Nick
Amy Martin:Mott, Eva Kalea, Michelle Woods, Caysi Simpson, Brooke
Amy Martin:Artziniega, Lynn Liu and Megan Myskofsky. Special thanks to
Amy Martin:Andrew Stemp, Frank Allen, Hana Carey, Dan Carreno, Michael
Amy Martin:Connor, Kara Cromwell, Katie DeFusco, Matt Herlihy, and
Amy Martin:Rachel Klein. Our music is by Travis Yost.