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Uncovering hidden savings in your business
Episode 202nd May 2024 • Eavesdrop on Us • Jessica Terzakis
00:00:00 00:30:26

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We see so many business owners run themselves ragged trying to bring in more revenue and almost always new revenue, too. But have you examined who your business is “donating” to… a.k.a. those pesky subscriptions that you’re paying each month and aren’t using?

In January, we did an inventory of all the potential “extras” we had been paying for on a monthly basis.

We trimmed the fat, saving well over $2k per month by just hitting the cancel button on these subscriptions we don’t use! That’s $24k per year back in our pocket without the stress of figuring out how we’re going to cover those expenses. 

In this week's episode, we share...

  • how you can do an inventory and decide which subscriptions to cut,
  • how much you can save
  • and how it will remove that frenetic energy of feeling like you need more sales to cover your expenses




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