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Drocella Mugurewera talks diversity | DFS 263
Episode 2639th October 2023 • Destined For Success • Jennifer Takagi
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Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Drocella came to the USA as a refugee and it took a year to get her husband to join and 2 more for her children to join.  She has been influential in helping organizations embrace diversity and make it STICK!

In this episode you will learn:

  • How you can promote diversity in your organization
  • 5 steps to create sustainable change

Learn more and keep in touch with Drocella Mugurewera



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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

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Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at


Jennifer Takagi:

Okay. Welcome to destined for success. I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

your host Jennifer Takagi and I have another amazing guest.

Jennifer Takagi:

Today's Potter Palooza Day and we get to meet all kinds of

Jennifer Takagi:

amazing brilliant people. And now I have dress Sela Moo Gauri

Jennifer Takagi:

wetter did I get close?

Jennifer Takagi:

Giselle is in Knoxville, Tennessee. She's joining us from

Jennifer Takagi:

there, the power of the internet and electricity, all the things.

Jennifer Takagi:

So I loved your, like your mission in the world is

Jennifer Takagi:

diversity in action global movement. I've been asked if I

Jennifer Takagi:

have a movement, if I have a mission, I kind of don't yet

Jennifer Takagi:

like I do. But I don't have words for it. So I love that you

Jennifer Takagi:

have clear words. And your top title is baking diversity for

Jennifer Takagi:

profit within organizations. You have me all the way around

Jennifer Takagi:

wrapped into that, why don't you tell us a little bit about

Jennifer Takagi:

yourself and how you got into this.

Drocella Mugurewera:

My name is I'll just say Drucilla Magara

Drocella Mugurewera:

Werra. My name is diversity trust builder. Because I do

Drocella Mugurewera:

believe that when, when there is a trust between people, they can

Drocella Mugurewera:

do business together, they can grow together, they can just do

Drocella Mugurewera:

anything they want together. And I'm originally from Rwanda, and

Drocella Mugurewera:

I came to America in 2009 as a refugee, so I fled my country

Drocella Mugurewera:

because of persecution based on my opinion. And then I was

Drocella Mugurewera:

separated from my children for two years, my husband for a

Drocella Mugurewera:

year. And I'm grateful that through the US refugee program,

Drocella Mugurewera:

America, not only welcomed me, but they facilitated also the

Drocella Mugurewera:

family reunification, all the children are here. They're great

Drocella Mugurewera:

professional, they're growing, my son made me a grandma. And

Drocella Mugurewera:

I'm so happy. So when I came to America, even if I was a member

Drocella Mugurewera:

of government and parliament in Rwanda, I was hoping that with

Drocella Mugurewera:

my experience, I will come to America, and then I can

Drocella Mugurewera:

transfer, what skills and talents I had. Surprisingly, my

Drocella Mugurewera:

first job was $6.55 an hour. And I didn't have a right to refuse

Drocella Mugurewera:

or to wait to see if there is another opportunity, because by

Drocella Mugurewera:

government's policies, you have just to accept the first job

Drocella Mugurewera:

they are getting to. So then I moved from $6.55 an hour to

Drocella Mugurewera:

$8 $12. In 2015, the agency that will come to me wanted an

Drocella Mugurewera:

executive director and I said, Yes, understand the background

Drocella Mugurewera:

of refugees, I have a story to tell, I have credibility. Why

Drocella Mugurewera:

don't I apply? So I didn't apply three weeks without any

Drocella Mugurewera:

response. I said, I did 100 applications, this one is same

Drocella Mugurewera:

like others. Fortunately, they say you can just come for an

Drocella Mugurewera:

interview. And then the second time, the second interview, they

Drocella Mugurewera:

scared of the dead. And then they pull it closer, they said

Drocella Mugurewera:

they may need me. So I wonder position and I served as

Drocella Mugurewera:

executive director for bridge refugee services for six and a

Drocella Mugurewera:

half years. And then later on, I felt like I had a bigger call,

Drocella Mugurewera:

just not to sort of refuges. But I felt a call to work with

Drocella Mugurewera:

African Americans, the police department, and then serving

Drocella Mugurewera:

refugees and immigrants. And then when I was saying, God, how

Drocella Mugurewera:

would I do this. And then I met a branding coach Sammy brindle.

Drocella Mugurewera:

And we work together. And I said, This is who what I see,

Drocella Mugurewera:

and what I want to do. And then she said, I want to do something

Drocella Mugurewera:

in diversity, because I see a lot of lacks, and I can be the

Drocella Mugurewera:

bridge to build the trust between the authorities, and the

Drocella Mugurewera:

communities they serve. And then she said probably can name you

Drocella Mugurewera:

the diversity trust build. I didn't even know what a firm

Drocella Mugurewera:

name is. But now when I say Drusilla diversity trust

Drocella Mugurewera:

builder, you can guess what am I about? You know, so last year

Drocella Mugurewera:

2022. In June, I resigned from the executive director position

Drocella Mugurewera:

to come to build this global movement, and to speak about

Drocella Mugurewera:

diversity, resilience, but also embracing change. So this is why

Drocella Mugurewera:

I'm here and I want to help CEOs and other corporate decision

Drocella Mugurewera:

makers committing to embracing and now baking diversity in

Drocella Mugurewera:

their organization to show them the steps not only to launch the

Drocella Mugurewera:

initiatives, but also to sustain so I showed them five steps,

Drocella Mugurewera:

starting from declaring that they are committed because all

Drocella Mugurewera:

start from commitment, but you can Meeting data cannot just be

Drocella Mugurewera:

words or new hearts, you have to tell the public, you have to

Drocella Mugurewera:

tell the world why diversity matters for you. And then you

Drocella Mugurewera:

have to tell the story, how did you get to that? Realization.

Drocella Mugurewera:

And the second phase step will be to just work on to define

Drocella Mugurewera:

your goals and metrics, because you have to measure from where

Drocella Mugurewera:

you are to where you want to go. If you don't measure and you

Drocella Mugurewera:

have indicators, it's like you are stagnant. The third step is

Drocella Mugurewera:

just to find resources. You know, sometimes you put your

Drocella Mugurewera:

position there for somebody who's in charge, but you don't

Drocella Mugurewera:

give them money. But I'm talking about not only the personnel,

Drocella Mugurewera:

the finances, but the infrastructure, if you have to

Drocella Mugurewera:

change the building, if, for example, I speak five languages,

Drocella Mugurewera:

there are many people who are losing money on the table,

Drocella Mugurewera:

because they don't leverage linguistic diversity. So what

Drocella Mugurewera:

infrastructure you're putting into place. So people can be in

Drocella Mugurewera:

feel included and belonging, really. And then you have to

Drocella Mugurewera:

have a training plan. There are many things you know, and they

Drocella Mugurewera:

don't know, and your staff, your partners, and your clients

Drocella Mugurewera:

should be trained about diversity and how people can

Drocella Mugurewera:

work together to increase revenues and profit. And after

Drocella Mugurewera:

having all that in place, if you have that training plan. So have

Drocella Mugurewera:

to deliver and then celebrate success and celebrate your team.

Drocella Mugurewera:

So in this is a continuous process, because you evaluate

Drocella Mugurewera:

and you adapt. And you see when you have to be flexible with

Drocella Mugurewera:

your staff and your clients. So then you can just have enjoy

Drocella Mugurewera:

your business and value everybody under Tim.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh, there's so much there. I love

Jennifer Takagi:

this so much. And I'm also a baker. And I love the fact that

Jennifer Takagi:

it's baking diversity, for profits. And so when you have a

Jennifer Takagi:

recipe, I always follow the recipe exactly when I first get

Jennifer Takagi:

it like step by step exact measurements. And then once it

Jennifer Takagi:

comes out, I'm like, Oh, wait, what if I did this? What if I

Jennifer Takagi:

made a change. So I love the fact that when you get to the

Jennifer Takagi:

end, you need to evaluate and adapt, because that recipe might

Jennifer Takagi:

be really good, but you might need to tweak it. So I love that

Jennifer Takagi:

you threw that in and celebrating your team. I've done

Jennifer Takagi:

some change management training. And, you know, that's one of the

Jennifer Takagi:

key components that's left out, we we don't take the time to

Jennifer Takagi:

celebrate the change the implementation, the actual

Jennifer Takagi:

result, like if it's a project that comes to fruition, it's

Jennifer Takagi:

completed. Yeah, don't jump up and down and celebrate. And I

Jennifer Takagi:

think that's where people get burned out. Yes. To the next

Jennifer Takagi:


Drocella Mugurewera:

Yeah. And they don't feel like they are

Drocella Mugurewera:

valued enough. And some people say on this, some people are

Drocella Mugurewera:

recognized, I read the book, the joy in business, and I think I

Drocella Mugurewera:

had a copy here from joy ride ridge. And she did recommend,

Drocella Mugurewera:

like, what if an organization or a company, his because of you a

Drocella Mugurewera:

word in this award will circulate. So you do something

Drocella Mugurewera:

good. In tomorrow, it's can be Drusilla. After tomorrow, it can

Drocella Mugurewera:

be Jennifer and then can be John, it can be Joe RAM, you

Drocella Mugurewera:

know, and everybody will feel like they are celebrated in the

Drocella Mugurewera:

enjoying. And then when they are motivated, they're more engaged.

Drocella Mugurewera:

And then this is where the productivity is also increase.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love that we just, we just don't do it

Jennifer Takagi:

enough. So I'm just gonna kind of go backwards just a little

Jennifer Takagi:

bit, because we just celebrated that we did it. But to get to

Jennifer Takagi:

that point, you have to have a learning plan. And have you

Jennifer Takagi:

found that some organizations don't give their personnel

Jennifer Takagi:

enough time to adapt to the change?

Drocella Mugurewera:

Yes, many, many organizations, they just

Drocella Mugurewera:

want to do this and this, even like the onboarding process is

Drocella Mugurewera:

like brand you know, you don't take the time to show the

Drocella Mugurewera:

process to see if it is the Jested you just pump, pump pump.

Drocella Mugurewera:

And this is how people get burned out and then the

Drocella Mugurewera:

turnover, you know, in trillions of dollars now in companies so I

Drocella Mugurewera:

think we're actually the process of enrolling people, training

Drocella Mugurewera:

them if the training plan exists, and if it is followed if

Drocella Mugurewera:

it is evaluated, so I agree with you. So Oh, yeah.

Jennifer Takagi:

Along those lines, I often found in my

Jennifer Takagi:

career that we didn't necessarily know why we were

Jennifer Takagi:

doing it or why we were doing it that way. And so to go back to

Jennifer Takagi:

the kitchen metaphor, the daughter gets married, she's

Jennifer Takagi:

gonna make a ham, she goes to cut the end off the ham, and she

Jennifer Takagi:

calls her mom, she goes, Mom, why don't we cut the end off the

Jennifer Takagi:

ham before? The mom says, Oh, well, because your grandma did.

Jennifer Takagi:

And she goes, Well, why did grandma because I don't know,

Jennifer Takagi:

call your grandma. She goes on. She said, why don't we cut the

Jennifer Takagi:

end off the ham. And she said, Oh, my hands are too big, they

Jennifer Takagi:

wouldn't fit in my casserole dish. So I had to cut the end

Jennifer Takagi:

off. So it would fit. Now the daughter has a bigger pan, she

Jennifer Takagi:

doesn't need the end of the hand. But it's the same way in

Jennifer Takagi:

business, like somebody somewhere knows why doing it

Jennifer Takagi:

this way, or this process is important. But when we don't

Jennifer Takagi:

take the time to pass that down to the people actually doing the

Jennifer Takagi:

work, then their motivation goes out the door, their commitment

Jennifer Takagi:

goes out the door. And so, building that into that learning

Jennifer Takagi:

process and giving people a time to really adjust to it is so

Jennifer Takagi:


Drocella Mugurewera:

And why not one of the things I noticed that

Drocella Mugurewera:

is very valuable, just going even beyond the job description,

Drocella Mugurewera:

you know, you are more than the job description when you apply

Drocella Mugurewera:

for a position. So what I have done as a director, but which is

Drocella Mugurewera:

a best practice, you ask your employees what else what are

Drocella Mugurewera:

other skills and talents they have? They want to use because

Drocella Mugurewera:

when they do that is benefits you it benefits them because

Drocella Mugurewera:

they feel fulfilled.

Jennifer Takagi:

So I, I was fortunate. I always volunteered

Jennifer Takagi:

if any training came up, I was volunteer to do it. Because I

Jennifer Takagi:

enjoyed it. I enjoyed really learning the material and then

Jennifer Takagi:

sharing it with other people. And so that ended up being

Jennifer Takagi:

critical in my life. Because I had done it so much. I got

Jennifer Takagi:

called and asked to train for a year across the country. And I

Jennifer Takagi:

did well. And then I worked myself out of a job because they

Jennifer Takagi:

had a major reorganization. So I left I was given two options,

Jennifer Takagi:

retire or relocate. And I ran out the door. Somebody

Jennifer Takagi:

recognized I had a gift and a talent for teaching and

Jennifer Takagi:

training. And they let me do that in addition to my regular

Jennifer Takagi:

job, like it wasn't my daily thing that came up, I was the go

Jennifer Takagi:

to girl. Yes, it's important to know what their talents are. And

Jennifer Takagi:

if you don't spend time with your people, you don't

Drocella Mugurewera:

you don't know. You don't know. I love

Drocella Mugurewera:


Jennifer Takagi:

Okay. And then the resources, we saw a lot of

Jennifer Takagi:

trouble because they'd come up with these brilliant ideas,

Jennifer Takagi:

these brilliant plans, but then there was no money, or no people

Jennifer Takagi:

or neither. And so how critical is that to the overall

Jennifer Takagi:

implementation of a any type of change plan or diversity type

Jennifer Takagi:


Drocella Mugurewera:

So if you don't allocate resources, you

Drocella Mugurewera:

you stay where you are, you're doing the business as usual. So

Drocella Mugurewera:

this is why you have to find resources. And even if they are

Drocella Mugurewera:

not enough, doing just something with the letter and then

Drocella Mugurewera:

tomorrow, when you get more, you have to continue to go to the

Drocella Mugurewera:

next step. And also what I have seen within nonprofit world, for

Drocella Mugurewera:

example, people think that there is a lot of competition, but the

Drocella Mugurewera:

uniqueness people do not transcend their uniqueness and

Drocella Mugurewera:

how they deliver services. And this is what in even the

Drocella Mugurewera:

coaching and the speaking, you know, many people were telling

Drocella Mugurewera:

me, oh, Drosophila, there is a lot of experts in the diversity

Drocella Mugurewera:

area. They wanted to scare me. But as I said, nobody will bake.

Drocella Mugurewera:

You know, my UPS is mine. Nobody will teach the way I teach.

Drocella Mugurewera:

Nobody will share the story. What the way I said the story,

Drocella Mugurewera:

nobody will share the experience the way I shared it. So I think

Drocella Mugurewera:

just people are afraid of things they don't know or what they

Drocella Mugurewera:

listen, just in hinder their development. So but resources,

Drocella Mugurewera:

being human being financial being physical infrastructure,

Drocella Mugurewera:

all that is needed to make progress in the technology. You

Drocella Mugurewera:

know, the technology.

Jennifer Takagi:

Yeah, you've got to have it, and it's got to

Jennifer Takagi:

work. Yeah, yeah. And then defining goals. And matrix like,

Jennifer Takagi:

it's that old story of where do you want to go? Like all paths

Jennifer Takagi:

lead somewhere? Which path you want to get on? And where do you

Jennifer Takagi:

want to go?

Drocella Mugurewera:

Yeah. It's not enough to say I am pro. Now.

Drocella Mugurewera:

Yes, you are? How, with what? You know, how we get there? The

Drocella Mugurewera:

steps, the investment, all those things, and then how you will

Drocella Mugurewera:

measure that you move from A to Z?

Jennifer Takagi:

Yes. And we need to know and your people

Jennifer Takagi:

need to know, right? I mean, they need to know that there are

Jennifer Takagi:

peace. Because everybody in the organization has a very

Jennifer Takagi:

important role to get you towards that matric and that

Jennifer Takagi:

commitment, I want to spend a minute on this commitment,

Jennifer Takagi:

because you talk about the commitment and telling the story

Jennifer Takagi:

of how you got to where you are. But the piece I really love is

Jennifer Takagi:

tell the world, we had a little piece of our project was writing

Jennifer Takagi:

your change story, like why change is needed? Either I was

Jennifer Takagi:

super slow, or it wasn't explained? Well, because I did

Jennifer Takagi:

not do a good job writing like change story. But why does it

Jennifer Takagi:

matter to tell the world I have my own ideas, but I'm just dying

Jennifer Takagi:

to hear why that is the number one thing that they need to do

Jennifer Takagi:

is the commitment and telling their story to the world.

Drocella Mugurewera:

So in our world, we were talking about

Drocella Mugurewera:

technology and infrastructure, say your your website is your

Drocella Mugurewera:

official house. If I want to work with you, I will come to

Drocella Mugurewera:

see the company's values the company's the story. And if I

Drocella Mugurewera:

see that there is no commitment about diversity, how you treat

Drocella Mugurewera:

your people, your clients, your your partners, and if I would

Drocella Mugurewera:

have a word, if I wouldn't be celebrated, do you think that I

Drocella Mugurewera:

would tend to I said that is not a welcoming environment I want

Drocella Mugurewera:

to be in. And this is why people even who are committing to

Drocella Mugurewera:

embedding diversity in their organization, they have to

Drocella Mugurewera:

remember that people will not find out if they don't tell the

Drocella Mugurewera:

world that this is who we are, what we believe in how did we

Drocella Mugurewera:

get here? And why it does matter for us to promote diversity

Drocella Mugurewera:

within our organization.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love it. I love it. So how do you work with

Jennifer Takagi:

people? Do you work with individuals or just mostly

Jennifer Takagi:

organizations? How do you work with people,

Drocella Mugurewera:

though my motto is business to businesses.

Drocella Mugurewera:

So I mostly want to work with corporations. And I, as I told

Drocella Mugurewera:

you, I had a call to talk with police department. And I want to

Drocella Mugurewera:

help them to see how, for example, in diversity, the

Drocella Mugurewera:

language and verbiage matters. If you see the tension between

Drocella Mugurewera:

the police and the minority, what are the words, for example,

Drocella Mugurewera:

should come from the mouths of a policeman pulling over a black

Drocella Mugurewera:

man who is traumatized when by seeing just a police car? So

Drocella Mugurewera:

what what can they do? And then how can they have joint

Drocella Mugurewera:

activities, sometimes non uniform, because when I say

Drocella Mugurewera:

you're in uniform, I see you as on the job, I don't see you as a

Drocella Mugurewera:

human being like me. So this is why I think working with

Drocella Mugurewera:

corporations, because when they when our communities also when

Drocella Mugurewera:

if they leverage diversity in their organization, and then

Drocella Mugurewera:

they have profit and revenues, where they will they will give

Drocella Mugurewera:

back to the communities. And then if the communities trust

Drocella Mugurewera:

the organization, they will be loyal, they will be more

Drocella Mugurewera:

productive, more engaged. And then they get benefits, it will

Drocella Mugurewera:

benefit the employees and then to benefit the families, the

Drocella Mugurewera:

communities where they come from. So I think it's a win win.

Drocella Mugurewera:

And people do not have just to fear about diversity. Because

Drocella Mugurewera:

even those one who are thinking that they are liabilities, I

Drocella Mugurewera:

know Americans click most of the time in liabilities. But it's

Drocella Mugurewera:

like having legal advisor for everything. So you have legal

Drocella Mugurewera:

advisor for something if something happens, and you have

Drocella Mugurewera:

insurance that can cover things, but you don't plan based on

Drocella Mugurewera:

fears. You know, if there are risks, no risk, no reward. So

Drocella Mugurewera:

you just go and then if there are risks that are happening,

Drocella Mugurewera:

you manage them.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love it. So as we have audience members

Jennifer Takagi:

listening, some are entrepreneurs and small business

Jennifer Takagi:

owners, and some people work in organizations. If we wanted to

Jennifer Takagi:

refer you to someone or you know, add an organization that

Jennifer Takagi:

you could help, how would we get ahold of you? You?

Drocella Mugurewera:

Yes, my website is draw I am

Drocella Mugurewera:

on LinkedIn and a Drusilla McGorry, where are the eye, the

Drocella Mugurewera:

eye a diversity in action. And then my email is simple

Drocella Mugurewera: So I made it easier for people to reach

Drocella Mugurewera:

out. And if want to have more conversation, we can schedule a

Drocella Mugurewera:

15 minutes. And to keep conversation going, I wouldn't

Drocella Mugurewera:

be interested to learn what they hear from the communities, what

Drocella Mugurewera:

are the challenges, assumptions, worries, and then opportunities

Drocella Mugurewera:

also are there so I am planning to organize or so like diversity

Drocella Mugurewera:

in action, right roundtables, and I am looking for ambassadors

Drocella Mugurewera:

who will share those tables, and convinced sessions everywhere.

Drocella Mugurewera:

This is why I'm building global movement and having a network of

Drocella Mugurewera:

ambassadors of diversity.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love it. So anyone listening, if you are a

Jennifer Takagi:

solopreneur, as I am, I may not need as much of this like as

Jennifer Takagi:

building my business, right? But I know people who do so you,

Jennifer Takagi:

sir, to spread the word and Jessa I'm so happy to have

Jennifer Takagi:

gotten to know you today and to hear your story and your message

Jennifer Takagi:

of immigrating. And finally getting your husband and

Jennifer Takagi:

children with you and your new grandbaby. So, thank you so much

Jennifer Takagi:

for your time and sharing your story with us. Um, thank

Drocella Mugurewera:

you. And so for solopreneurs you know, you

Drocella Mugurewera:

have funnels, think about one of the thing I am concerned about

Drocella Mugurewera:

is like generational trauma and poverty. So think about

Drocella Mugurewera:

different levels, you know, of development. When you develop

Drocella Mugurewera:

the funnels when you speak. Who do you invite? How do you

Drocella Mugurewera:

communicate? How do you share the information so many people

Drocella Mugurewera:

will know about what you do, because of the discrimination

Drocella Mugurewera:

and other things I saw Sometimes I'm in the room as just one

Drocella Mugurewera:

African American and I think we're we're adults, and I wonder

Drocella Mugurewera:

if the information was well communicated. But I do invite

Drocella Mugurewera:

everybody, just such for somebody who doesn't look like

Drocella Mugurewera:

you or who never grew up in your neighborhood and start a

Drocella Mugurewera:


Jennifer Takagi:

I love it. Thank you so much for your time.

Jennifer Takagi:

Thank you too. I'm Jennifer by Jennifer Takagi and I look

Jennifer Takagi:

forward to connecting with you soon.

Drocella Mugurewera:

You too.




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