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Say Yes To Your Soul with Tessa Lynne Alburn-Ep.153
Episode 1539th July 2023 • She Coaches Coaches • Candy Motzek | Life & Business Coach
00:00:00 00:22:33

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My guest Tessa and I talk about intuition. We emphasize that everyone has the ability to access their intuition, even if you feel disconnected from it due to societal expectations or past experiences. Tessa defines intuition as an inner knowing that is based on an energetic connection to our inner guidance. We provide practical steps for developing intuition, such as connecting with nature, practicing meditation or deep breathing, and asking specific yes or no questions to one's higher self.


  1. Intuition belongs to everyone and can be accessed with the right tools and practice.
  2. Many people feel cut off from their intuition due to societal pressures and a focus on mental capacities.
  3. The acceptance of intuition is growing, even though it may not be easily measurable.
  4. Recommendations for developing intuition include connecting with nature and creating internal space through meditation or deep breathing.
  5. Building a connection to something greater and listening are crucial first steps in discovering intuition.
  6. Practicing intuition creates neural pathways and can lead to shorter commutes, improved relationships, and greater connection with others.
  7. Trusting intuition involves asking questions, listening for responses, and taking action.
  8. Cultivating intuition enriches life and enhances relationships, and there is no reason to fear it as long as trust is developed through practice.

Featured on This Show:

Tessa Lynne Alburn

Tessa Lynne Alburn is a certified life coach and soulful mentor for women. With a background in healing and decades of experience leading live and virtual events, Tessa now helps highly creative introverted women who are determined to stand out in the crowd, have a deeper connection to their specialness, strengthen their Intuition, and express their true voice. Tessa believes in women having their own divine connection to the Universe, bringing themselves and their ideas into the world - free from traditionally masculine systems - and becoming personally powerful as a co-creator and standing up for their birthrights. Tessa mentors you to create the life you truly want and lead and maintain your important relationships while also saying “yes” to your soul. If you want to be freer, happier and more courageous in life, Say Yes To Your Soul!


Free Gift: Say Yes to Your Soul!





Candy Motzek:

Hey welcome to she coaches coaches, I'm your host Candy Motzek. And I'm going to help you find the clarity, confidence and courage to become the coach that you are meant to be. If you're a new coach, or if you've always wanted to be a life coach, then this is the place for you. We're going to talk all about mindset and strategies and how to because step by step only works when you have the clarity, courage and confidence to take action. Let's get started. Hey, coaches and welcome to she coaches coaches. I have another special guest special guest episode, and I'm interviewing today Tessa Lynne Alburn. Let me tell you a little bit about her. She believes that everyone can live an empowered life with the right tools and guidance. She's a certified life and business coach for women. Tessa brings her extensive experience as a trainer facilitator of live and virtual events along with her background in healing and soul retrieval. To help women who are determined to express their true voice. She guides you to access your intuition, make better decisions, and live with great joy and confidence. Tessa is intuitive, compassionate, and unexpected. Her favorite pastimes include hiking, solo, scuba diving and stargazing. And her top four values are beauty, variety, spirituality, and compassion. Tessa Welcome to she coaches coaches, how are you today?

Tessa Lynne Alburn:

I'm doing really well. And thank you for having me here today. Candy.

Candy Motzek:

Yeah, I'm looking forward to our conversation. Now, for the listeners, Tessa and I have never actually spoken. So you are just going to be part of the same kind of organic conversation. We have no idea where it's going to go. And that's what makes us so much fun. Right?

Tessa Lynne Alburn:

Yes. And that speaks to my value of variety. We just, you know, and sort of adventure as well. No, that's fun.

Candy Motzek:

Yeah. We were going to talk a bit about intuition. Where would you like to start? Huh.

Tessa Lynne Alburn:

I'd like to start with just the thought around or the belief that I have around intuition belonging to everybody, everybody can have it. Right? Even if they're feeling cut off from it, even if they've been told, Well, you're, you know, this Myers Briggs type, so therefore, your intuition is not going to be very good. Or you're going to always have to do it this way. And so I think if people just have the right tools, and some time to practice them, then they too can access their intuition.

Candy Motzek:

Right? And let's rewind even slightly. How do you define intuition? You know, so this podcast is for newer coaches. And so I get all kinds of listeners, I get people who are super tuned in to their intuition, and those who are not that tuned in, or used to be and are no longer they've trained their selves themselves away from it. How do you define intuition? And oh, I've got all the questions. Sorry. I'll just start with that.

Tessa Lynne Alburn:

That's great. I think I define intuition as knowing it's an inner knowing. And it may include other senses, but, and other skills. But it is based in connection and energetic connection to what we know, is our inner guidance. And so this can be a this is different than a lot of what other people seem to think intuition is like, for example, following your gut is not always a great idea. And we can talk a little bit more about that in a moment. So I think when people first work with me, they're feeling cut off, they're feeling lost. They think there's like some magic thing out there that they are supposed to be doing and they can't there's something wrong with them. But really often it is just that they've had to put on some protections in life. And they've been told to build out their mental capacities and their facilities and not focus on those other pieces of information that they're getting because it doesn't fit the status quo, or what is expected of them by others,

Candy Motzek:

right. And as with many things that maybe like intuition used to be considered more woo than it is now. It's really, it's really gaining a lot more social social acceptance. But I think a lot of it is tied to how finely tuned the instruments that measure it are, you know, like they say, Well, if you can't measure it, it doesn't exist. But it's only because we don't have those instruments yet to measure the effect. And so for any of you who are curious, and maybe think you don't have a lot of intuition, what would you what would you recommend,

Tessa Lynne Alburn:

I would recommend choosing a way to be open to your, your intuition, and see what happens there. And a lot of the people that I work with a lot of the women that I work with, especially need to feel first, they need to start feeling comfortable in their body, and connected to something so can I would say something greater than themselves. So one way to do that would be to get greater connected with nature, to give themselves peace and quiet and create some internal space. So a baby step towards discovering intuition might be starting a meditation practice, or a deep breathing practice daily, for five or 10 minutes. That's it, and we'll just waiting at the end of it, to listen to anything that's arising. So those would be the very first steps right as connection to something greater, and listening.

Candy Motzek:

And so, as you said, the connection to something greater could be nature. So it could be go to the forest, go to the park, go to the beach. And then another pathway to practice is in a brief meditation, or just some relaxed breathing, where you're connected more in a more centered way. And then notice, and then once you do that, then what? Right because we always want to prove it. So and I have to, I have to tell you this, I am super intuitive. So like, I get this, from my standpoint, but I really want somebody who listens to this episode that, you know, they've heard the word intuition, and there's getting to be quite a few books written about the validity of intuition. I want them to sort of start taking those steps, because it grows them as a coach, it grows them as a human, and it makes your life so much more meaningful, right. So that's why I'm curious. So I'm playing this. Absolutely,

Tessa Lynne Alburn:

yes. And I think I'd like to share with you one of the things that really helped me develop my intuition in the beginning, which was after establishing the connection and the centeredness. Then I started to ask my higher self for guidance. It was really specific. It was a yes or a no answer.

Candy Motzek:

That's it.

Tessa Lynne Alburn:

No stories, no nothing else. So I was very choosy, I was very selective about what I would ask. And at the time, I was becoming an entrepreneur in the area of jewelry design. And I didn't really have a business plan, but I was like, just had all this creative energy and I had some time and I was starting to make things but what was happening was an old childhood pattern was getting in the way. And I would become very stressed out within a few minutes of just like, deciding what I was going to make or you know, I couldn't commit, right like, here I want to make this necklace and it's like no if I do that, then this and I gotta have all this or I go into a bead store and I would cry. Oh, I was freaked out. I know. Yeah. Because you know, and this is just from childhood stuff and all the stress around having to perform and do it right and be perfect. So what I did when I realized what was happening, I was like okay, I just need some guidance with us and my way was to get really still and literally go shopping with myself and say blue bead, yellow bead and Then wait, I would close my eyes in the store. And, and I would be like drawn to one of them, I would just feel where I was drawn to. Right, and then I and she'd say blue bead, or I would just be drawn to that bead, I'm like, okay, blue bead. And then there of course, there were 5000 blue beads. And so then I would do the same process, big bead, little bead, this one, that one, and I would then land on something that I felt happy with. And I'm like, oh, okay, that's what I'm gonna buy. Okay, and that needs a little something to support it on this beautiful bracelet or necklace, whatever I was gonna make. And then I would do the same thing over and over and over. So I this, this process really helped me clear my stress and to feel greater confidence. And I think that's what can get in the way of intuition or when intuition is actually happening. We might dismount, dispel it by telling ourselves, oh, it's not working, it's not really good. Good enough. So a yes or no practice of some kind. And it might even be something as simple as journaling, asking yes or no questions, and waiting and listening for the response. And then asking another question, and waiting for that response. And then we must take action. So the only way we know if intuition is going to work, and it is a practice, so lots of spaciousness, because we all make mistakes.

Candy Motzek:

And one of the things that I like about your bead story is that, you know, like I heard you that there was a lot of emotional activity, emotional charge. But overtly, you knew that it was pretty small stakes, big beads, small bead, BlueBee yellow bead, right. And so that allows you to sort of play in an area that didn't appear to be huge stakes. Yes, repetitive over and over and over. And building that pathway into like building that question. Listen, action, trust, it's not quite the right order. But it's sort of the sort of the path. So what opened up for you like, what changed in your life, because you have practiced intuition and created a skill?

Tessa Lynne Alburn:

Well, in the early days of intuition, like the first few years, little things became easier. Like driving to work and which route I was going to take, my commutes became shorter, and more filled with ease. And I was happier when i By the time I got to the office, or the by the time I got home, because I would do the same thing in the car, oh, this way or that way. And I would just enjoy whatever way I went on. And so I was creating pathways, neural pathways, just constant positive reinforcement. And then after, after some time went by, let's see what what the next phase would be. My ability to sense what was happening with the people that I cared about, you know, my close relationships, that ability was enhanced. Now, I always had some sense of that. But I would say that it was really slanted towards like bad stuff. So if I was like, oh, somebody might be not feeling well today. So I'm gonna reach out to them or, you know, something like that. But this opened up other connections, more positive connections with the people that I cared about. And I was able to hear more in the conversations we were having. So they will be sharing something and then I could see, it was almost like I could see more energy, but I wasn't really seeing energy. In my mind, I could feel it, I could sense it. And it helped me create greater connection with others. And I also got to feel more connected with them as well. Ultimately, yeah, so now it's become part of it's just in my life, like everywhere, and I've had times in my life where I've met messed up, and I had intuition come to me in a way that I wasn't expecting. Like getting signals, if you will, from the universe that something is about could occur if I don't pay attention, and then that thing occurred, and I overrode it in the moment. And I'll always remember that saying, No, I don't need, oh, that's silly, you know, I'm not gonna pay attention to that. And that moment was very defining for me, I fell down a staircase as a result of not listening to my intuition, and broke cracked ribs. That was no fun to get over. But now it's part of my business. It's part of how I am with women that I work with. And so sometimes I can be at a total like, mental. I don't know, right? Like the mental I don't know how to help this person right now with this problem. But if I practice my connecting deeply inside, this is partly intuitive. And connecting with Source Energy, the answers come. Or the questions come?

Candy Motzek:

Yeah. There is a question here, and I'm just trying to hear it. So I'm always curious, your thoughts on? Are you when you're hearing and you're knowing? Who is the? Who is the message coming from? Is it your higher self? Is it divine? Is it your guides? You know, do you know? Or is it the guides of the person that you're talking to? I don't know. Like, I know, that's kind of a random question. But I'm curious. I'm always

Tessa Lynne Alburn:

an interesting question. Yeah. And I don't always make the distinction of where it's coming from. But one of my practices, one of my rituals, actually, is when I'm working with someone is to intentionally connect to the highest good for all concerned, and also connect my ask my higher self to connect with theirs. And so I know that that works. And so information may come through those high selves, or it may go over here and over there, and eventually, but eventually, it comes to me, however it does. And so when I'm working with people, I tend to relate more to my highest self, but it doesn't mean that I won't receive information in some other way.

Candy Motzek:

Well, I like it. So for the listeners, Tessa has given you some really great insight on how to start accessing your intuition. How to know, that is intuition, as opposed to just being a worry or worrier, right? How to use intuition to improve your life, as well as connect with others in your life. And so to enrich your life, just enrich your life with more meaning and more connection and more depth in your relationships. And there's also an element of trust, here, you know, true, trusting your inner voice learning to trust yourself. And I have to say, there was something that you said earlier in the conversation, you know, that we're sort of trained to get very cerebral, right. And that, and to trained it, the world is a random word, but it's, you know, the, it trains us to only validate the cerebral as opposed to that inner knowing that we all had when we were children, and then we just turned the volume down on, but we didn't turn it off. We just turned it down. And so building that trust so that you can start to turn the volume up. And for me, just just how you've described it, Tessa, I just feel like why wouldn't you cultivate your intuition? Like there is nothing but good from this, right. Like, it's Can you think of anything other than that? Right, like, just

Tessa Lynne Alburn:

to know that all right, yeah, I think some people are a little afraid of it.

Tessa Lynne Alburn:

You know, like, it might tell me to do something that I couldn't be possibly ready for or there. But it comes down to the trust element. And by doing these little practices over and over and trying out new things, and creating that sense of connection within ourselves first, then that we know that we're going to be okay, whatever happens, right, and intuition is deeply enriching our lives.

Candy Motzek:

Oh, I love it. I can't think of any more questions except for one. So for the listeners who have heard This interview and thought, oh, I have to find out more about Tessa, how can they find out more about you? How can they come and join a community where they can learn more,

Tessa Lynne Alburn:

they can go to

Tessa Lynne Alburn:

Tessa free te SSA free And I will have a soul connected gift for you all and them. And it changes from time to time but that's the easiest way to connect with me. I am also on Facebook and Instagram and I believe they're both Tessa have realized soul realized soul is my website. So people are also welcome to

Candy Motzek:

check that out if they want. Oh, that's wonderful. And I'll make sure to put all those links in the Episode Notes. Thank you so much for coming and joining me and it's been such an interesting conversation. I've really enjoyed it.

Tessa Lynne Alburn:

It has been Thank you for having me as a guest today and I look forward to more conversations with you candy.



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