Podcast notes: As part of the 16 Days of Activism Event held at Queen’s University in December 2017, Dr Kathryn McNeilly was joined in the studio by Dr Charlotte Bishop (Exeter University), Dr Vanessa Bettinson (De Montfort University) and Jan Melia (CEO of Women's Aid Federation NI). They discussed national and international perspectives on domestic violence, and how law and policy has responded to this type of harm.
Personal Profiles:
Dr Kathryn McNeilly: https://pure.qub.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/kathryn-mcneilly(464c4e02-1d65-41e2-b872-75d0a6a58579).html
(Twitter - @kmcneilly01)
Dr Charlotte Bishop - https://socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk/law/staff/bishop/
Dr Vanessa Bettinson - http://www.dmu.ac.uk/about-dmu/academic-staff/business-and-law/vanessa-bettinson/vanessa-bettinson.aspx
Jan Melia - www.womensaidni.org/
Links for Episode Notes
16 Days of Activism –www.unwomen.org/en/what-we-do/ending-violence-against-women/take-action/16-days-of-activism
Guidance on Domestic Violence and Abuse: www.gov.uk/guidance/domestic-violence-and-abuse
24 hour domestic and sexual violence helpline:
Call 0808 802 1414
Text support to 07797 805 839
Email 24hrsupport@dvhelpline.org