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The Single Biggest Factor In Lowering Your Risk Of Chronic Illness.
Episode 5819th March 2022 • Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call! • Melissa Deally
00:00:00 00:34:17

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Chronic Illness is at near epidemic levels in the Western World today, if you don’t want to be yet another diagnosis tune into this episode to learn the factors that have driven us to this point AND what you can choose to do in your own life to counter the reality of living in our modern world.  You can choose to be empowered in your health and take simple steps today to start improving your health outcomes. This episode is more than any other that is why I named my podcast “Don’t Wait For Your Wake Up Call!”. You have a choice, don’t just assume because everyone else in your family has a chronic illness, you will too, you can learn how to take control of your health today and get started by clicking the link below to “Discover Your Toxic Load Quiz”. 

Discover Your Toxic Load Quiz:

Your Guided Health Journey Membership – 1 month FREE Trial:

Health Kickstart Program:

Complimentary 15 minute consult:

About the Host:

Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issues.  Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements.   Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. 

Melissa is the winner of the 2021 Quality Care Award by Business From The Heart and is also the recipient of the Alignable “Local Business Person of the Year “Award 2022 for Whistler. 

Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, the Aim Higher Summit, and many more!  She has also guested on over 60 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get get started.






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Melissa Deally:

Imagine getting up every day full of energy is

Melissa Deally:

if you were in your 20s. Again, what would that be? Like? What

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would that be worth to you? What is your health worth to you?

Melissa Deally:

Think about it. Your health isn't everything. But without

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it, everything else is nothing. And yet too many of us are

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taking it for granted. until something goes wrong. No one

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wakes up hoping to be diagnosed with a disease or chronic

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illness. And yet, we've never been taught how to be proactive

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in our health through our school system, or public health. As a

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registered health coach and integrative health practitioner,

Melissa Deally:

I believe it is time this information is made available to

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everyone. Combining new knowledge around your health and

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the ability to do my functional medicine lab tests in the

Melissa Deally:

comfort of your own home will allow you to optimize your

Melissa Deally:

health for today and all your tomorrow's don't wait for your

Melissa Deally:

wakeup call.

Melissa Deally:

Welcome back to the don't wait for your wake up call podcast.

Melissa Deally:

And this episode is coming out in late March 2020. To come

Melissa Deally:

rounding out the theme of the power with in. And what I mean

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by that is the power within our body to heal. And so today I

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want to talk to you about how our health has shifted in the

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last 50 to 100 years alongside our food having shifted our

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toxic load having shifted etc, etc. Because when we understand

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all of this, we can understand why we have the chronic illness

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that we have in the planet today. And if you don't want

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that to be your health outcomes, then you'll also realize you

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have choices in what you're putting in your body and what

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you're also helping your body get out in order to avoid your

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cells turning on your or triggering your genes to turn on

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disease. So we know from the science of epigenetics that's

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come out in the last 10 years or so that our genes are not the

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only factor that dictate our health outcomes. It's in fact,

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our genes plus the environment and lifestyle factors that

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impact our health outcomes. And our genes are only five to 10%

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of that equation. And our lifestyle factors and the

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environment we create inside our body is 90 to 95% of that

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equation. And that's really powerful and really empowering

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to me, because it means you have a choice, you don't simply have

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to live your life as dictated by your genes believing that, you

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know, my parents had high blood pressure or heart disease or

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breast cancer, whatever it was, therefore, I'm going to get it

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as well. We know that is no longer the case. And instead

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it's like, okay, they had these diseases. But I can choose to do

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something differently for the health of my body, the one and

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only body that I get in this lifetime, in order to ensure

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that my cells do not trigger those genes to turn on.

Melissa Deally:

And so how do we do that? Well, there's many factors here that I

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want to talk to you about today. But the biggest factor is

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inflammation in the body. It is the inflammation in the body

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that triggers ourselves to turn on those genes. And yes, the

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body needs some level of inflammation, we want healthy

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levels of inflammation, inflammation that will go to a

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sprained ankle to help it heal inflammation that goes to a

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wound to help it heal. We don't want to be living in a place of

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chronic inflammation. And yet unfortunately, because of our

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lifestyle factors, that is where so many of us are living today.

Melissa Deally:

Inflammation is caused by a higher toxic load toxins that

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get into our body that our body can't cope with. And they get

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stored in our body. And over time that causes inflammation.

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Inflammation can be triggered by us eating foods that we have

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food sensitivities to and that triggers an immune response. And

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when we do that day in and day out every day that causes an

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inflammatory response. inflammation can be caused

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simply because of an imbalance between the number of omega

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threes and Omega sixes that we are getting in our diet and our

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body doesn't make them so we have to get them through our

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diet. That's why they're called essential fatty acids. But Omega

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six is the inflammatory one is in everything so it's very easy

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to get through our diet and omega threes the anti

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inflammatory count During essential fatty acid is harder

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to get through our diet today. And as a result, we can become

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out of balance and be inflamed. Omega threes we get through our

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fatty wild fish like salmon and mackerel and anchovies, and

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sardines and oysters. And if you're not eating those four

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times a week, is probably not enough to counter the Omega

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sixes that you're so easily getting through your diet. And

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that leaves us inflamed. Poor sleep can leave us inflamed.

Melissa Deally:

Digestive struggles and issues poor stomach acid caused by high

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stress, maybe there's a beer fighting a pathogen, maybe

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there's a parasite in your belly, maybe you're, you've got

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bacterial overgrowth, or you've got Candida or yeast in your

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body, all of that causes inflammation as the body tries

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to heal. And when we have all of this going on all at the same

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time, on an ongoing basis, it causes our inflammatory levels

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to be higher, and it increases our risk of our cells triggering

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those genes to turn on disease. Many people have been diagnosed

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with chronic illnesses and told that they have to take a

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prescription drug for the rest of their life in order to mask

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the symptoms and have them feeling better. And they've also

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been told that they're going to have this for the rest of their

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life. But the reality is that dis ease of the body doesn't

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have to be a life sentence, that we can actually undo that by

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bringing the body back into balance, lowering the

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inflammation levels. And I just want people to know that that is

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absolutely possible. Yes, it takes some effort. Yes, it might

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take some dietary changes, yes, it might take some lifestyle

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changes. But if you want to heal, and you want to get off

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the drugs, and you want to get back to living life fully and

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feeling amazing again, you can do it. And if you don't ever

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want to be diagnosed with a chronic illness, you can choose

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that too. Because remember, 90 to 95% of that equation is

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triggered by the environment you choose to create inside or

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inside your body. And you just might not have ever been taught

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that before. And the other factor, of course, is that we

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can't see what's going on inside our body. And we don't

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necessarily pay attention to the symptoms that our body is giving

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us. As a society, we're very quick to write off symptoms as

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aging, and genetics, and seasonal allergies, and keep

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pushing through. Whereas those symptoms are our body's way of

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asking us to do something differently. And the sooner we

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tune into those symptoms, and try to discover what our body's

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trying to let us know and what it's asking us to do something

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differently, the sooner that we can come back into balance, and

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lower the inflammation level on the body.

Melissa Deally:

So I just want to dive into some history here that I learned

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recently. And I thought this was very interesting. And I hadn't

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actually realize the numbers or as drastic as they are. But if

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we look at heart disease, for example, which by 2010, which is

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still 12 years ago, now, it was already the cause of 32% of the

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deaths in North America, that's one in three people were dying

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of heart disease. If we go back to the 19th century, only eight

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people worldwide were ever reported to have had heart

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disease or died of heart disease, eight people in the

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19th century. And now, in the 21st century, it's 32% of the

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entire North American population. It was in the 1930s

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that it became the leading cause of death. So what changed

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between the 19th century to the 1930s to 2010. That triggered

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heart disease to become the number one cause of death. Then

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if we look at type two diabetes in the 19th century, it was

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rare. In 9919 35.37% of the population was diagnosed with

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type two diabetes. Now it is over 10% of the population

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that's diagnosed, but insulin resistance is actually impacting

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90% of the US population nine 0% and Many people just haven't

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been diagnosed, they don't realize that they're on that

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path to type two diabetes. When we look at obesity, in the 19th

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century, 1.2% of the population was obese. By 1960, that was up

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to 13% by 1999. So another 39 years later, it was at 30.5%.

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And by 2021, another 22 years later, is that 42.4% As

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statistically obese, that's not even just overweight, that is

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morbidly overweight, obese. And then we look at cancer in the

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19th century, around 1811, one out of 188 people died of

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cancer. By 1900, it was one in 17. And by 2010, it was one in

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three. So you can see from the 19th, century two now, these are

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awful statistics in what's happening with our health. It's

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declining rapidly. And we have this incredible medical system

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that is amazing when it comes to acute health needs. But it

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doesn't seem to be helping us when it comes to these

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lifestyle, chronic diseases. So what's changed in this time?

Melissa Deally:

Well, let's talk about toxins. 144,000 manmade chemicals have

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been introduced into our world since World War Two. And the

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human body was never designed to have to deal with that level of

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toxic burden. That didn't exist in the 19th century. To that

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degree. In today's world, our babies are being born toxic, you

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can go to ew and look at their 20 minute documentary

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called 10 Americans. And they did a study on just 400 Toxins

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not even 144,000 toxins and found that of the 400 toxins

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they were testing for that on average babies were being born

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with over 200 of them, because they're traveling through the

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placenta for a month. So in today's world, our babies are

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being born toxic.

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With 144,000 manmade chemicals getting into our body to our

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waterway, our airways being put on our skin, and when we put

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them on our skin, they get into our bloodstream in 26 seconds.

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And the average woman is using putting over 200 Toxins onto her

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skin every morning before she goes out the door to work just

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using personal care products that you can buy in the local

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drugstore and pharmacy and etc etc. Straight to the bloodstream

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are liver was never designed to have to deal with this toxic

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load. Our daily life is literally overloading the liver.

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And our liver is the epicenter of our body trying to stay clean

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and healthy is charged with over 500 reactions in the body in

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order to help us stay clean and healthy on the inside, including

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cleansing our blood every six minutes. But when it gets

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overloaded and bogged down, it can't do its job as well. So

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besides just those toxins, let's talk about other things that are

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bogging down our liver, alcohol intake, excessive workload and

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the stress triggered by that bogs down are our liver,

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smoking, prescription drugs and over the counter medicines. The

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liver has to try and process them as well detox them from our

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body after the fact. infection and illness whether it's acute

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or chronic stress, psychological and emotional, processed foods,

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sugar and white flour products and what else is in those

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processed foods, GMO foods, chemicals in order to extend the

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shelf life of those processed foods as well as environmental

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toxins, heavy metals, pesticides, etc. Our own

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allergies and food intolerances put extra stress on the liver.

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Poor nutrition and poor eating habits eating on the run. No

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even allowing our body to properly digest our food that we

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are eating, and then coffee and energy drinks. So, as you can

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see, our liver is really overburdened in today's world.

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And our liver actually has two phases of detoxification. And in

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phase two, it is when it is D, it is converting the toxins to

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being water soluble so that we can excrete them through our

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skin, through our bowels, through our urine and even

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through exhalation. But if it can't convert them to phase two

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and into being water soluble, it can't excrete them from the

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body. And so in that case, it will store them in our adipose

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tissue, or our fat closets. In order to prevent those toxins

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from getting into our bloodstream. It's simply doing

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the best it can with what it has to work with. And part of the

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reason that it can't, or it struggles to convert our toxins

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to being water soluble, so that we can excrete them is that it

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takes very specific nutrients in order for the liver to be able

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to do that well. And guess what, we also live in a tile and a

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time of nutrient deplete soils. And so as a result, the

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nutrients that the liver needs are not in our soils, therefore

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they're not grown into our food, therefore, they're not getting

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into our body. So basically, we have an under nourished and over

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burdened liver, trying to cope with what we are doing to it. Is

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it any wonder that there are so many people with fatty liver

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disease and different types of liver issues as well as chronic

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disease, because these toxins are building up inside our body

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causing inflammation, and then causing ourselves to turn on our

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genes and triggering some kind of disease. But here's the great

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news is you can do something about this, you can support your

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liver in helping get these liver the toxins out. This is what I

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talk about a lot. If you're a longtime listener to this show,

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you know, this is what I teach. Because I truly believe that

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when we support our liver and doing what it's supposed to do,

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that we can create a body that is inhospitable to disease, or

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liver just needs more support. And the education needs to get

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out there to let people know this.

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It's not taught through public health. It's not taught through

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our mainstream education system. We've been taught that we need

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to shower and wash our outer body for good health and good

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hygiene. But we haven't been taught how to look after our

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inner body. And detoxing is still something that is

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practiced to this day through Ayurvedic medicine in India,

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traditional Chinese medicine, the Latin American cultures. And

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where do you see most of the chronic illness in the world

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today? Yes, it's in the first world countries where we don't

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have these practices anymore. And I love how responsive our

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human body is when we create an environment in which it can

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heal. When we create that environment, it starts healing

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so quickly, when I guide people through a 21 day detox. Every

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single one of them in side 21 days, which three weeks notices,

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health improvements. For some of them, it's been long standing

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issues they've been dealing with. And then they realize,

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Wow, there is something to this. I'm on the right path and my

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body is finally starting to heal. Again, that's so

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empowering for them. health improvements from things like

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aches and pains go away. You know joint pain, muscle pains,

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headaches go away. They're sleeping better, sleeping more

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deeply. They no longer need daytime naps to brain fog goes

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away. Great mental clarity comes from lowering the inflammation

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on the body, too. I had one lady recently that couldn't get out

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of bed in the morning and walk barefoot on her bedroom floor.

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It hurts so much. It felt like I've actually had two ladies

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they had different feelings of this one lady said it felt like

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she was walking on rocks. And now that feelings gone away, and

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another lady who had to put special shoes on to walk on her

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hardwood floor and Now she doesn't have to. As the

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inflammation has lowered in the body, the body has started to

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heal, and they are regaining movement and regaining their

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life as a result. So is it any old detox that you can do? Well,

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if you want the best results, I highly recommend that you do a

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functional medicine detox that's created by a functional medicine

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doctor or a naturopathic doctor. And that's what I offer. And

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it's very specifically designed so that people can do it in

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their average everyday life. So you don't have to take vacation

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to do this. Instead of doing a six or seven day water fast,

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because for somebody who did that, first of all, most of the

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world wouldn't want to. And secondly, by the end of day two,

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you're not really functioning well enough to be at an optimal

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level to be at work, right. So we fast but we fast two days,

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two and a half days of each week, over three weeks, long

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enough to get the body into a state of autophagy, or deep

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cleaning, so that it can clear out those toxins. And it can

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start to get rid of dead cells and damaged cells. And then the

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human growth hormone kicks in and starts to generate new

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healthy young cells from which you get new vibrant energy. And

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by supporting phase two of liver detoxification with very

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specific herbs and supplements, that phase two can start

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happening and the body starts detoxing. When I guide people

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through this program, we talk about poop, it's important to

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talk about poop because we need to make sure those toxins are

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coming out. And people notice in three weeks, the difference in

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their poop and how that changes over that time. And they're

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fully aware of their body releasing toxins. So fasting is

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an important part of this and fasting for long enough. But

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doing it in a way where the body is still nourished, so that you

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can still go about your daily life. And so that's what I offer

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in my program is we use a shake powder, so that you're getting

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some protein, you're getting some vitamins and minerals,

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where you're getting a lot of vitamins and minerals, actually

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everything that your body needs, when not having any food so that

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you won't starve, you might have a little bit lower energy,

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because you do have a lower caloric intake. But we're

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keeping the body in that state of autophagy. And we're not

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turning on digestion, because we're having this through the

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course of the day and four shakes that you sip slowly, so

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that the body can just really easily absorb all that goodness

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without having to turn on digestion. The moment we start

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turning on digestion, the body comes out of that deep cleaning

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mode. And it's indigestion.

Melissa Deally:

And where do you spend most of your time these days, especially

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if you're working from home and have done so for the last two

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years and the refrigerators just over there, and we're constantly

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grazing all day long. On average, it takes two hours for

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a meal to be digested. And if it's a steak or something that's

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harder to digest, it could take three hours or if you have slow

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motility, it could take even longer. And so if you're putting

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more food in before the last food is fully digested, your

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body never gets to go into that deep cleaning state between

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meals and do what it's supposed to do. And so it's just more

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food and more toxins constantly going in and no time to clean

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up. And yes, the body is supposed to detox overnight. But

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are you allowing it enough time to do that? Are you getting

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enough sleep? Are you going to sleep with your meal, your

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dinnertime meal fully digested already so that digestion isn't

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happening when you're going to bed or you eating right up until

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bedtime and your body's still in digestion mode and not able to

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get into detox mode to properly detox overnight. In even when

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you are allowing your body to properly detox overnight, that's

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awesome. But if you're not getting those nutrients, for

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phase two of detoxification, the body has a harder time getting

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those toxins out of the body. So doing a 21 day detox has

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profound benefits for everyone that I've ever guided through

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it. And I love this program because when I guide you through

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it, I also support you with recipes and meal plans and show

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you or teach you how to be set up for success and support you

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throughout the program. So when you have questions, you can get

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them answered. Yes, you can go to a store and buy a detox kit

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and start doing it and then your brain starts going, what are you

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doing? This is different. Why are you eating these foods? Why

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aren't you eating those foods? Why don't you have some ice

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cream or whatever it is that you normally like to have. And so

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often we give into those voices in our head because it does feel

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hard and we don't even know if what we're doing if we're doing

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it right if it's going to benefit at us, et cetera, et

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cetera. But when you're on a guided programming, you

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understand all those benefits and why it's set up the way that

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it's set up. And you can get your questions answered when you

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have questions. Can I have this? I'm not sure what about that, or

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I'm going to this restaurant, how do I go to the restaurant

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and have a nice time with family and friends that still stick

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within what I'm allowed on this detox program. Because we can do

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that. That helps you stick with the program, and helps you get

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the best results. Those results I mentioned earlier, for from

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all of those people that love, love, love how they feel when

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they finish the detox and start loving how they feel even

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partway through the detox. And then we make it a lifestyle

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factor. Because you can't just detox once in today's world and

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think I'm all done. The reality is the toxins are here to stay.

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So we have to recognize that we have to just accept that and go

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okay, so what more can I do in order to help my body get these

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toxins out, I can't avoid them. But I can support my liver. I

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can give it added nourishment, in order to help get those

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toxins out. And I can do it on a regular basis so that it's not

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getting bogged down. So Quarterly, we do a seven day

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detox because those toxins are always coming in. So we want to

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always get them out. People love the results that they're

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getting, because they feel so much better. It's extremely

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powerful, it is not difficult to do. And it makes such a

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difference on your health outcomes. Because when we get

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those toxins out, we're significantly lowering the

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inflammation in the body. And then we are not having our cells

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trigger our genes to turn on disease. It's in fact a complete

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reset for the body. A detox like this, because our liver is also

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charged with detoxing excess estrogen in the body. So it

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starts to rebalance our hormones, which can be really

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important for so many women out there today who are struggling

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with symptoms of pms and menopause, because they have too

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much estrogen in their body.

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And that happens very easily in today's world because we have

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toxic estrogens coming in, we get estrogen through our food,

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our body makes estrogen and then there's a lot of Xeno estrogens

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are copycat or estrogen mimicry coming in through toxins into

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our body through plastics and water bottles, and etc, etc. And

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if the liver can't get rid of all that excess estrogen, it

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puts our hormones at a balance relative to our progesterone,

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which can be lower because of high stress levels. And we have

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symptoms of pms and menopause, that we simply tolerate thinking

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it's our lot in life. And it's not again, we can do something

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about this, we just need to know how. So toxins weigh something,

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a lovely benefit of a detox for many people is actually losing

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some weight. And also resetting our metabolism, understanding

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the timing of the way that we eat so that we can eat and

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digest and deep clean and eat and digest and deep clean. And

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when we eat nutrient dense foods, foods full of nutrients

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instead of our processed foods that have very few nutrients in

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them, we actually can sustain ourselves from one meal time to

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the next meal time without having to snack and graze in

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between. So we lose some weight. And we can maintain that weight

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loss because of these newfound habits coming out of the

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program. So there are so many wins from clear skin to you

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know, the aches and pains have gone away, etc. More mental

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clarity, which means we can actually be more productive

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because when we've got that clarity, we've got that focus,

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we can get more things done, to clearing out our body and just

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feeling lighter as a result, better sleep because the body

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doesn't have to struggle so hard to detox during the night

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because all of our systems are working better, to releasing of

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symptoms of hormonal imbalances, etc, etc, etc. It's a win, win

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win. So I'm sharing this podcast with you today because again, it

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comes back to that power within the power of our own body when

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we respect it, when we learn about it when we understand how

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it functions. And when we create give it the environment when we

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create the environment in which it can heal. It will heal so if

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something's going on for you, health wise, you're looking to

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feel better or maybe you're just looking to optimize your health

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Maybe you're of the mindset that you want to live as long as you

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can, and not spend 10 years in a nursing home at the end of your

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life, which is how long the average North American spends in

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a nursing home. To me, that's not living longer, they might

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say, we're living longer, but you're not really living. If

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you're in a nursing home, unable to truly care for yourself. I

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love to help people, we're set them on a path to be living

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longer and dying shorter. And that's what we can do when we

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start to pay attention to the insides of our body, keep the

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insides of our body clean, respect our health, and our body

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as our greatest asset. You look after your house, you vacuum you

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clean, etc, etc. you upgrade you renovate, you replace broken

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things, because you can see the inside of your house. So you

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take care of it, you do the same for your car, you take it for

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regular services, change the tires, do oil changes, etc, etc,

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etc. What do you do for your body? Most people probably have

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a shower daily. That's what we do for our body. And we eat

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three times a day for food and energy, I should say, right? But

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what is it that we're putting inside our body in that food, if

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it's processed food, it has only 17 of the 90 nutrients that are

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needed for optimal health. So right there we're lacking. But

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even if you're eating really well, because of our nutrient

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depleted soils, your body might not be getting everything that

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it needs. And so that's where supplementation comes in. Again,

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something we can avoid in today's world. In between giving

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our body what it needs to supplementation, and helping our

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liver do its job and getting out what we don't want all of those

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toxins. That's how we can put ourselves on a path of

Melissa Deally:


Melissa Deally:

This is something you'd like to know more about, feel free to

Melissa Deally:

reach out, go to my website, your guided health

Melissa Deally:

click on the Contact Forms, send me an email, I run regular detox

Melissa Deally:

programs for people. I love guiding people through this is

Melissa Deally:

such a critical piece on our health journey. And I just want

Melissa Deally:

to continue getting this message out. Because when you know this

Melissa Deally:

information, then you have a choice, you have a choice to say

Melissa Deally:

you know what, I think I might need that. And step into that.

Melissa Deally:

Or at least book a call to talk to me a little bit further about

Melissa Deally:

your own health issues. And how I might be able to help you

Melissa Deally:

don't just accept the way your feeling is normal, and keep

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going. Because the symptoms will build. And as I've said time and

Melissa Deally:

time again, initially, the body whispers to you gently in the

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touch of a feather. And if you don't listen, it might come

Melissa Deally:

along and thump you with a brick. And if you still don't

Melissa Deally:

listen, it might show up and whack you with a wrecking ball.

Melissa Deally:

And I don't want anyone to get to that state I would much

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rather work with people at the whispering of the feather or the

Melissa Deally:

thumping of the brick stage. Because we can be empowered in

Melissa Deally:

our health. So thank you for listening. Thank you for joining

Melissa Deally:

me please share this episode with anyone that you think it

Melissa Deally:

might benefit. And I look forward to having you join me

Melissa Deally:

again next time.

Melissa Deally:

Thank you for investing this time with me on the don't wait

Melissa Deally:

for your wake up call Podcast. I'm so glad you joined in. If

Melissa Deally:

you can take two minutes to share this episode with someone

Melissa Deally:

you think can benefit and have a positive impact on their life.

Melissa Deally:

That would be wonderful. Please leave a review by going to your

Melissa Deally:

favorite podcast listening app. And let me know what you enjoy

Melissa Deally:

or would like to hear more of it will support me in my effort to

Melissa Deally:

bring the possibility of natural healing to a wider audience and

Melissa Deally:

help disrupt the sick care system we have today

Melissa Deally:

and make human health the global priority. Health is your true




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