Football Is Family is part of the Sports History Network - The Headquarters For Your Favorite Sport's Yesteryear.
When it comes to the NFL, we tend to think about the 32 teams and the markets they make up. 32 different helmets. 32 different team names. 32 passionate fan bases.
But, out of those 32 teams, how many of them are actually still in their original market? How many fan bases have had their hearts broken due to stadium issues, television deals, and/or disagreements between owners and city leaders?
Maybe you can relate to those scenarios. My team (the Tennessee Titans) didn’t begin in Nashville. Instead, they began in Houston, came to Memphis, and then finally landed in Nashville. But, even then, there was talk a few years ago about the Titans moving to Oakland to fill the gap that the Raiders would make when they moved to Las Vegas.
The NFL is a living, breathing creature. There’s a lot of moving parts involved in this creature, and sometimes those moving parts literally move to other cities.
When I was growing up, I remember how neat it was to know that the city of St. Louis had two teams in two different sports known as the Cardinals. The football Cardinals played in St. Louis for 28 years. They made the playoffs 3 times, and had an overall record 187-202-13. But, due to lack of attendance, success on the field, and an older stadium, the Cardinals moved to Tempe in 1988.
Today we get to talk to a fan of the St. Louis Cardinals. I’m going to let him introduce himself and talk about why he is the fan of the St. Louis Cardinals. It is a fun interview, with several points I had either forgotten about or never knew about the Cardinals’ time in St. Louis.
Read the entire episode blog post and check out some other cool info regarding this episode here.
Football Is Family is all about the love fans have for their teams.
Do you bleed your favorite football team’s colors each weekend? Does the difference of a W or L in the box score dictate how you respond for the rest of the week? Or do most of your conversations with your family and friends revolve around your favorite football team?
If you answered yes to any (or maybe all) of these questions, then you are in the right place. The host of this podcast truly believes that “Football Is Family” and he is on a mission to share the stories of other fans out there sharing how they have been touched by the greatest sport on Earth. Listen below to the trailer and learn more about the host and show. is L
Jeremy McFarlin is your host, and you can follow him @jeremy_mcfarlin. or message him if you want to share your reasons why your football team is family.