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5 tips to Big thinking
Episode 112nd August 2021 • The BraveHearted Woman • Dawn Damon
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Dawn Damon 0:07

Hey beautiful women. This is Dawn Damon the brave heart mentor and you're listening to the brave hearted woman. This is a podcast designed to help you find your brave so you can live out your beautiful vision. I have been working with women for years. And now I want to help you too. I'm here to awaken the brave heart inside of you so you can ignite the flame of your vision you can reach your goals and achieve your dreams. Come on this get brave.

It is a wonderful day and a wonderful day to be with you brave hearts today. How would you like to learn five tips for increasing big thinking? You know, we all know the power of negative thinking. We've learned how small mindedness can trap us really in a box and how unbelieving, and having a mindset of unbelief will limit us even destroy us at times, right? But learning to identify our pattern of thinking, well, that's only the beginning of change. And it is point one, we are going to look at identifying the pattern of thinking, we want to move beyond the pitfall of pessimism. And we must do more than just recognize it that does exist we have to take and make a conscious effort to replace our thinking with new, more intentional and desire thoughts. It's not enough just to pull out what we don't want, we have to add in what we do want. Hey, Braveheart Is it time for you to enlarge your expectations, press the boundaries of your faith, remove these limitations that you've placed on yourself, or perhaps that others have placed on you through the things that they have said to you. Now for me, I've discovered that I dare to believe for things that are possible, even probable. So that's not really faith at all, is it? But I think for me, it's time to press the limits. And to go beyond the line of feasible into the wide open expanses of just as unfettered, unlimited, untamed space. I want to live my best life I think you do, too. That's, that's why you're listening. That's why you Come on. And there's a scripture Bible verse in the Bible. It's called the New Testament in the book called Ephesians. That I love. And I'm going to read it to you right now, because it really gives me some hope. Talking about God, who is able to carry out his purpose and do super abundantly more than all we dare ask, or think, infinitely beyond our greatest prayer, hope, or dream. Wow, that gets me excited. All of Heaven is cheering for me, God and God's universe, the way God created. Everything wants me to have an abundant life. But all too often, I think we're thinking small. So what about you? Do you have the same problem? Do you have some mini expectations? Because if it's something that you can accomplish, well, then it's really not a dream. It's not really faith, is it? So here's our five tips. We're gonna get right into them. And I already kind of mentioned the first one one, mind your mindset. Consider the way that you are thinking, and what about your dreams? take an inventory of your thoughts for a moment. Do you find them exciting? Are your thoughts filled with audacity, courage, bravery, grit? Are they hopeful?

Or do you find that you fit the statistic that says 90% of us wake up with negative thoughts? In fact, I think the statistic says 69% of all of our thoughts in the morning are negative unless we replace them. So that's why having a season of gratitude every morning when you wake up is so important. How about you? How are your thoughts? Are they limited? Are they within the realm of possibility? even more dangerous than that? Are they average? Are they apathetic? Are they mediocre? Are they negative? Where you can overcome these negative thoughts? But you've got to identify them. So is your thought life filled with defeat? Do you have low or no expectations? Do you think I'm not really going to be

accessable in this life,

or I just have to settle for where I am. A lot of us think, Hey, I don't really want to have big expectations because I have a happier life when I don't have any expectations because then people can't fail me and let me down. I kind of agree with that. I understand that. But I'm not talking about expectations on other people. I think that can be dangerous. But I'm talking about an expectation of your success and expectation of your growth and your ability to in untap your potential and to live your greatest life. So number one mind your mindset. How about number two? Once you identify your mindset, can you push it up a level? I'm talking about supersize your dreams 10 exit? What would your dream look like if you supersized it if you if you talk to me about your dream, and then you went ahead and made it even bigger? Someone might say I want to end I want to earn $10,000 a month. That is an amazing dream. Good for you. Now what if you took that dream? Why say $10,000 a month? Because that's really kind of doable, isn't it? I want to earn $20,000 a month. So you can cause the power of Get ready. We're going to coin a word here. mega tiv thinking? How about negative thinking supersized thinking I'm not thinking negative. I'm thinking mega ative, I want to crowd out doubt and fear. So right I'm not just trying to get rid of something. I'm trying to crowd it out. Because I'm adding something, you're not thinking big enough. Then if you're not thinking big enough, press the limits crowd out little small thinking by practicing this thing 10x your dreams, everything that you're dreaming for maybe what's on your vision board? What would happen? If you 10x did what would happen if you mega tiv mega sized it. So try that plan for big things get ready to expand, you're getting ready to be increased and enlarged.

Here's the third thing. Once again, we've talking about patterns of thinking and you're you've already you're going to mind your mindset, you're going to push it up a level that once again, can you see if there's any patterns or triggers that bring you back into small thinking. Look at your goals. The goals that scare you are the ones that are worth pursuing. The goals that scare you. They're the ones that are going to make you better once you decide to go after them. It was Napoleon Hill who wrote Think and Grow Rich, this book. It's many years old now. But he said whatever the mind can conceive and believe you can achieve. Well the Bible says something very similar. Without a vision people perish. But with faith Didn't we just read it? We can we serve a God that can go beyond our wildest expectations, dreams, beliefs, things that we would even dare ask for. So whatever the mind can conceive, can you see it in your mind, we have got to let it into your mind. don't edit your soul. don't edit your dreams. And don't let negative thoughts take up space in your mind. We're pushing that out with mega ative thinking, think about how you're going to become the most successful person you can possibly be. Think about how you're going to go to the next level in your skill set in your your book proposal in your business proposal. In your health. You don't build a muscle by continually pushing the same way you build a muscle by increasing the weight and forcing your muscle to break down from its current place to then remember itself and be stronger. So that's the fourth tip that I want to give you today. Set big goals. Average is your adversary. mediocre is your enemy. That's going to keep you small and ineffective. In fact, I'm going to go back and I'm going to supersize some of my goals, I have to add negative thinking to my vision board. So I think some of my things on there might be safe. So let's break off the self imposed limits right? And let's dream Let's set big goals. Now. There's something that happens in the brain when you set a big goal because your brain is a problem solving machine. It's a target hitting

machine, your brain wants to know a target. And it understands the way things are. And the way things are that you say the way you speak in the present tense. So I don't just say one day, I'm going to be this, I say, I am a New York best selling author. My brain now has a gap. And it is going to go to work for me to seal that gap. It's going to go to work to bring what is and what should be together into a reality for me. So when you say your goals out loud, you say them in the present tense as if they're already happening. What would happen if you you supersize your goals as they sit right now, your brain starts finding solutions, it brings you creativity, but not only that it identifies roadblocks and problems. And so rather than shrinking back and say, no, that's not possible. When you supersize your goals, you start thinking, what would it take for me to actually reach that goal? What would it take for me to accomplish that? What would it take for me to do that? And so you get really creative and innovation starts happening for you. ideas come at a whole new level, innovation starts flooding in where you once maybe didn't even consider that. Now it just kind of comes to you as inspiration in a moment. And by the way, speaking of inspiration, all of these things, removing limiting beliefs, adding mega ative thinking supersizing your goals and dreams becoming aware of your patterns in your thinking. It takes intentionality for you to become a student of yourself, doesn't it? It also takes some time for you to sit alone with a journal and to reflect a lot of people just blur themselves through life running so fast, not giving any consideration or any time to the way that they're thinking. And that takes intentionality. It takes setting aside some invested dedicated time to yourself to say, let me really become a student of me. Let me really stop a moment from all the running and the chasing. Let me listen to the words of my mouth. Let me listen to how many things Am I saying that are cursing myself accidentally? negative words, limiting words, discouraging words. Someone once said, you should never speak anything that you don't want to have happen or become true. Because you're going to get what you speak. Our mouths are powerful, their creative forces, the tongue speaks life or death. And we get to choose based on what we're going to speak what we're going to meditate on what kind of words we're going to release from our mouth. So you want to say I am a successful person. I smash all of my goals and dreams. Here's some affirmations. I have favor in my life. I am strong, I am fit. I am brave. I am creative. I am financially stable, I am wealthy, all of my needs are met and I am out of debt. So those are the kinds of things that need to be coming out of your mouth Bravehearts right. Yes. Thank you. Appreciate your agreement right there. That's good. So we're saying goodbye to small and limited thinking and we're saying hello to pressing the boundaries, pushing it up a level supersizing 10 acts the way we think here's the last tip that I want to give you today. develop new habits, it's going to start happening automatically because you'll find out once you become a student of the way you're thinking the words that are coming out of your mouth, the patterns, your triggers, perhaps that bring you into a negative system. I want you to interrupt that pattern. I want you to stop those thoughts. You can do it with a word, you can do it by changing your physiology. When you find yourself in the middle of a negative narration that's going on inside your head or even with a person stop snap your fingers if you have to start breathing. There's a breathing exercise that you can do really fast in from the nose and out from the nose like snoring. It's

whatever stand up and do some jumping jacks but you must interrupt that pattern. And make a note of it that this word this feeling this emotion this this interaction that I just had. It triggered me into a daily barrage of negative thoughts.

I want you to create some new habits. Because one thing is very clear accomplishing your dream requires you to evaluate what you do. And what triggers you. And the habits. Do your habits serve you? Well? What's your morning? Like? We're going to have a whole show dedicated to that the more the power of morning routine, the power of routine. But when you wake up, what are the things that you do, there are five things that successful people do every morning before probably 7am, some of them before even 6am. But most of the time, your current habits they fail to support where you want to go, they're not going to be what it takes to get you for what you want to get these audacious What is it Jim Collins who talks about the B hag the big, hairy, audacious goal B hag, these habits are not going to help you get to that goal. And so you have to develop some new habits and some new behaviors. And yes, it won't be comfortable at first. And your rational brain will try to talk you out of it very quickly if your brain is designed to keep you comfortable. And there's a difference between, you know, uncomfortability and unsafety. And you're not not safe, you are safe, but your brain will make you think you're in danger. So that's your primitive brain telling you stop what you're doing right now. But no, it's not dangerous for you, you're creating a new habit, and good habits improve the quality of your life. And you will never get off the wrong track with habits that don't serve you. And you'll never get off the right track. When you have powerful habits, that after a while.

They I'm interrupting myself, but they say that neurons that fire together, wire together. And so if when you wake up in the morning, you see your tennis shoes right there, you put your tennis shoes on or your journal is laying right there, or your Bible is laying beside you, or a big glass of water. When you wake up for your gratitude journal. By the way, neurons that fire together wire together, I wake up, I put my gym shoes on now my brain starts giving me those healthy indoor endorphins that are going to help me exercise my body is craving it I've become addicted to it. Or I'm going to start writing in my journal. When I write there's a brain and hand connection. I'm going to start writing, guess what I'm going to start tapping into how am I feeling this morning? What am I thinking? Is there any I'm doing a scan in my brain and my body? Is there any pain? Is there any sense of discouragement today? Because your neurons have fired together and wired together. So these habits, they become addictive to you in a good way in a powerful way. And they keep you doing the right things go in the right direction. Man, that's just good stuff. Right? Don't we want to do that? This is your moment Braveheart. This is your minute and moment to live the best life you've ever had. It's time to say goodbye to unfulfillment. We're not living there anymore. We're going to supersize our thinking we're going to have mega ative thinking. So today is your personal invitation into this realm of negative thinking. It's time for you to pull up the stakes. Have a small tent a small space and enlarge yourself. Press out. Get into this wide open space. Why not you? Why not now? Why not this moment? Why not today? Give me one good reason why you can't start down this pathway today. Have a positive mindset with big goals, audacious goals, believing for great things in your life, shedding the old skin of mediocre mediocrity,

unbelief, doubt, pessimism, negativity, no more. Today's your day. And you know what? This is kind of cool, because I'm recording this right now.

I'm recording this July 4 weekend, which speaks of liberty and freedom. And so this is your moment to get set free, from average, no longer chained to that existence. This is your moment to start believing and saying, This is the day. This is the weekend that I'm breaking out. I'm getting set free. And I'm going for going for the gold. All right. Well, that's what I have for you today. I hope this has helped you pick out one thing that you're going to take away from this podcast.

Write it down. Look at it every day. Put some new habits into your life. And until we meet again, this is Dawn Damon Hey, take a moment to check out my website Dawn and my course my 90 day transformation journey available for you there. Go out and make it a great day. Ladies, uncover your vision and live brave.

Thanks for hanging out with me today and becoming brave. If this has helped you, be sure to share it with someone and subscribe so you never have to miss another episode. For more about me my books, my coaching or online courses, visit Dawn and as always be brave and live your vision

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