Artwork for podcast Color My Life Happy
Should you believe the professionals and the experts?
Episode 3529th March 2023 • Color My Life Happy • Maria Lesetz
00:00:00 00:49:24

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This episode is longer than usual, but a juicy one - packed with loads of Law of Attraction wisdom around whether you should trust the experts you consult with when it comes to giving you guidance around your life path! Astrologer, Jen Williams, joins me during this episode to discuss how to best assimilate the knowledge shared in an Astrological reading coupled with our own inner guidance and gut feelings around any area of our life that we desire to change. No professional or expert is off limits - from doctors to financial advisors to even coaches/consultants. I share with you the best way to navigate the advice you get from others to ensure that you are truly choosing the right life path FOR YOU (and you only)!




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