What Is Strength
Melissa Krechler and Cheri Dixon discuss the struggle we face when we don’t know what strength really is and if we are strong ourselves.
Sponsored By: The Women Supporting Women Network
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Guest Speaker is Cheri Dixon
Cheri Dixon is a public-school educator turned life and growth coach. She always knew she was going to have an impact on the world, which started with teaching children so that they could grow up with options in their lives. Cheri decided to shift her career and help women live their best lives. After going through many ups and downs in her own life, she now empowers women to build a life they love with the right support system by their side. Cheri is also a mom, author, podcaster, and host of an online talk show!
Website: www.findagirlandherdog.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cheri.dixon.35
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/agirlandherdog19/
Host is Melissa Krechler
Identity Coach, Spiritual Teacher, Business Mentor and Creator and Founder of The Women Supporting Women Network.
Take Back Your Life Today!
Website: www.melissakrechler.com
#gysttalivetv #gysttalive #melissakrechler #talkshow #podcast #wsw #womensupportingwomen #womensupportingwomennetwork #amistrong #whatisstrength #strong #strongwomen #strength