Artwork for podcast Living Well with Lipedema Surgery Simplified
Finding the Right Lipedema Specialist
18th November 2020 • Living Well with Lipedema Surgery Simplified • Lipedema Simplified
00:00:00 00:09:39

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Today I'd like to share with you my experience with inexperienced doctors, because of what they didn't know about lipedema. I've acquired at least one ill equipped doctor, and one specialist who did not even care, in my opinion, enough to provide a thoroughly enough investigation to properly diagnose and treat my condition. Once I found someone that I was interested in, my first question became, is this person familiar with the ketogenic way of eating? By then I had already lost 80 lbs on keto and I was not about to become discouraged by yet another ill-informed doctor. I hope and pray that you will embrace your authority with regards to your healthcare. This requires patient persistence but I am confident that you have the stamina to search for one who has your best healthcare in mind.

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