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Choose Your Overwhelm: Find Peace in Work, Relationships, and Health with Christine Jewell
Episode 633rd June 2024 • Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals • Stephen Box
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In part 1 of our 5-part series with Christine Jewell, faith-based executive coach and author of Drop The Armor, Christine shares her story of burnout and offers real tips to find peace and balance in your work, relationships, and health. Join us for the introduction to a week of insightful discussions aimed at transforming your approach to these three crucial areas of life.

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Stephen Box:

Welcome back to another episode of the Unshakable Habits podcast.

Stephen Box:

If you are someone who always feels like you are behind, that no matter

Stephen Box:

how hard you work, no matter how much effort you put in, it feels like there

Stephen Box:

just are not enough hours in the day.

Stephen Box:

It has got you feeling a certain kind of way.

Stephen Box:

Today's episode is going to definitely be one.

Stephen Box:

You're going to want to tune in for

Stephen Box:

. Intro/Outro: The right habits put you in control of your health,

Stephen Box:

relationships, mindset, and more.

Stephen Box:

But most people lack the tools to stick with those habits

Stephen Box:

long enough to see results.

Stephen Box:

That is about to change Welcome to the unshakable habits podcast with

Stephen Box:

your host habit change specialist and speaker Stephen box join us each

Stephen Box:

week as experts share their stories experiences and insights and give you

Stephen Box:

the tools to build unshakable habits so you can live life on your terms.

Stephen Box:

It's time to take your habits from unsustainable to unshakable.

Stephen Box:

I have with me today, Christina Jewell, a faith based executive

Stephen Box:

coach and author of Drop the Armor.

Stephen Box:

Christine, welcome to Unshakable Habits.

Stephen Box:

Thank you for being here.

Christine Jewell:

Thank you for having me.

Stephen Box:

So tell me what exactly does a faith based executive coach do?

Christine Jewell:

I am an executive coach as obviously is in the title.

Christine Jewell:

And so I work with C suite leaders, founders, people that are in high

Christine Jewell:

leadership positions that really want to experience more freedom

Christine Jewell:

fulfillment while making an impact.

Christine Jewell:

So they are the builders of companies.

Christine Jewell:

They're the builders of people, people that are carrying a lot of burden.

Christine Jewell:

on their shoulders.

Christine Jewell:

And I think sometimes when we carry the burden of the world, we get

Christine Jewell:

confused and we think that we need to be the savior of the world.

Christine Jewell:

And so as a faith based coach, I come in and we not only talk about high

Christine Jewell:

performance, Optimal health, all those things, relationship building, but we

Christine Jewell:

really do it from a Christ centered approach, which is very different than

Christine Jewell:

how the world teaches us to operate.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, I love that.

Stephen Box:

The thing that stands out for me, too, is that so many people, I think,

Stephen Box:

will look at different people's situations and they think, oh, their

Stephen Box:

situation is so different from mine.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

Whether you are a CEO of a large company, or you're a mom or a dad,

Stephen Box:

you have a lot of responsibilities.

Stephen Box:

You have a lot on your plate.

Stephen Box:

You have people who are depending on you, so you're going to run

Stephen Box:

into the same problems, right?

Stephen Box:

They might be on different scales, but you're running into the same problem.

Stephen Box:

And so I think so much of what you're going to be able to talk about

Stephen Box:

today is going to be applicable.

Stephen Box:

to everyone, whether they are that mom or dad at home, or they're that

Stephen Box:

executive working in a corporate office.

Christine Jewell:

I agree.

Christine Jewell:

And I think it's in all of us, even if you're leading yourself, you're

Christine Jewell:

still the CEO of leading yourself and often the hardest person to

Christine Jewell:

lead and have boundaries around and self discipline around is yourself.

Christine Jewell:

So if you can master self leadership, I believe that to whom much, who, to whom

Christine Jewell:

much is given even more is required.

Christine Jewell:

So we can learn to lead yourself well, you will be multiplied and

Christine Jewell:

receive other people to lead well.

Christine Jewell:

hopefully you lead yourself well, you get a family to lead, you get a

Christine Jewell:

family, you'll get a team and it'll continue to grow exponentially.

Christine Jewell:

So it starts at home.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

Now, I know that obviously you working with BC executives.

Stephen Box:

You are very familiar with the idea that you have all this stuff on your

Stephen Box:

plate, and it feels like there's just too many things to get done,

Stephen Box:

and it can be very overwhelming.

Stephen Box:

So I know you have a lot of experience in this area, but I'm curious, do

Stephen Box:

you have a personal story, a personal experience, that kind of helped you

Stephen Box:

get into this in the first place?

Christine Jewell:

Yeah, and again, I think overwhelm, regardless of who

Christine Jewell:

you are, regardless of what your walk is, We all know the feeling of being

Christine Jewell:

overwhelmed, of having too many things, too many dreams, too many demands, and

Christine Jewell:

we're trying to be everywhere at all times, And my own stories, I believe that

Christine Jewell:

some of us develop a high performance complex from the time we're young.

Christine Jewell:

That was my case.

Christine Jewell:

I received the love, the affection.

Christine Jewell:

from my dad for scoring goals, getting the grades, being the

Christine Jewell:

good looking one, the fit one.

Christine Jewell:

And we learned from a young age who we need to be in order to be accepted,

Christine Jewell:

to be wanted, to belong, to be popular, to get ahead, whatever it is.

Christine Jewell:

And so the program, I call it, the program we're really just walking around.

Christine Jewell:

that's what habits are.

Christine Jewell:

their programs, right?

Christine Jewell:

Their mental program, their subconscious programs.

Christine Jewell:

And so the program became perform, perform more, perform harder, do

Christine Jewell:

more things, win at more things, and you'll be more loved, right?

Christine Jewell:

you'll be finally be enough.

Christine Jewell:

And we know how that doesn't really work because the more you do, the

Christine Jewell:

more you feel like you need to do.

Christine Jewell:

And it's really how much is enough, right?

Christine Jewell:

But so the program was in me early on and I built, businesses

Christine Jewell:

since I was in my twenties.

Christine Jewell:

I was building businesses with my ex husband at the time, building teams,

Christine Jewell:

family, building businesses again after I got divorced and having the marriage

Christine Jewell:

fall apart the first time because we weren't focused on the right habits

Christine Jewell:

at home and our marriage and our relationship, becoming a world class

Christine Jewell:

athlete, like training, winning races.

Christine Jewell:

Having this highly successful health and performance business in Canada.

Christine Jewell:

But after all the years of pushing and building teams and making

Christine Jewell:

money, I was still like, what I found was I had a bunch of medals.

Christine Jewell:

I had a bunch of profit, right?

Christine Jewell:

I had beautiful kids.

Christine Jewell:

I had the home.

Christine Jewell:

I had the life.

Christine Jewell:

We were traveling.

Christine Jewell:

And I still was like chronically anxious.

Christine Jewell:

Like I was unsettled all the time.

Christine Jewell:

I would go to bed often anxious.

Christine Jewell:

I would wake up in the middle of the night, sometimes having nightmares

Christine Jewell:

that like clients would leave or the commercial property was like gone.

Christine Jewell:

and then I'd wake up anxious.

Christine Jewell:

And it always felt like there was a way more.

Christine Jewell:

To do, and I could never get out from under it.

Christine Jewell:

So I talk about this concept of what's your familiar emotional

Christine Jewell:

home, like your baseline.

Christine Jewell:

And for me, it was overwhelmed, anxious, frustration.

Christine Jewell:

Like I just hung out in that sandbox, And I finally got to the place and I talk

Christine Jewell:

about this in the book of just like face down on the ground like I was so exhausted

Christine Jewell:

and tired and like I was like, I'm done.

Christine Jewell:

Like I'm done.

Christine Jewell:

I can't seem to ever get ahead and no matter how much I win, it

Christine Jewell:

never seems to be good enough.

Christine Jewell:

for myself or everyone around me.

Christine Jewell:

And there was always something else.

Christine Jewell:

And so I just hit a moment where I was like, something's got to give.

Christine Jewell:

Cause if I continue like this, I'm going to lose my mind.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

so tell me if this resonates for you, because I know this was my

Stephen Box:

experience and I've also heard a similar story from a number of guests

Stephen Box:

I've had here on the podcast, where you get into this rhythm, right?

Stephen Box:

Where you think.

Stephen Box:

I can handle it.

Stephen Box:

And you constantly put more on your plate, and then you don't feel satisfied, and

Stephen Box:

so you think, I just need to work harder, I just need to do more, and so you just

Stephen Box:

keep adding things to your plate, you keep chasing the next goal, the next

Stephen Box:

medal, whatever, and you end up in this place where you can't see that you're

Stephen Box:

overwhelmed, because to you, you're not overwhelmed, you're overwhelmed.

Stephen Box:

Because you think you can handle the overwhelm, right?

Stephen Box:


Christine Jewell:

you're delusional.

Stephen Box:

yeah, you're delusional.

Christine Jewell:

You're delusional.

Christine Jewell:

You're like the drunk person that's had five drinks and is like, No, I'm fine.

Christine Jewell:

I can totally drive.

Christine Jewell:

And all your friends are like, you're just not though.

Christine Jewell:

you're stumbling all over the place.

Christine Jewell:

You're a hot mess.

Christine Jewell:

You're not making good decisions.

Christine Jewell:

You're saying dumb things.

Christine Jewell:


Christine Jewell:

It's delusion.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, and I think A lot of people that get here, right?

Stephen Box:

Because like you said, a lot of this stuff is programmed into us

Stephen Box:

so early that we think we have to do a certain thing, right?

Stephen Box:

You think, oh, if you're a mom, then, oh, I have to go and do 17 billion things.

Stephen Box:

I have to be super mom every single day.

Stephen Box:

If I, someone who owns a business, I have to do all these things because

Stephen Box:

all my employees are depending on me.

Stephen Box:

And there's all these different expectations that get put on us.

Stephen Box:

a lot of them by ourselves, right?

Stephen Box:

And we think we're in control of it until, like you said, you find

Stephen Box:

yourself basically just face down and just completely overwhelmed.

Christine Jewell:

I love that you said, we think we're in control.

Christine Jewell:

Cause in the book, I talk about that, like who's actually in control.

Christine Jewell:

And I use the analogy of we think we're in control of the business.

Christine Jewell:

We think we're in control of our family.

Christine Jewell:

We think we're in control of our schedule, but it's like a dog.

Christine Jewell:

if you've got a dog on the leash.

Christine Jewell:

What happens if you let go of the leash, right?

Christine Jewell:

Does the dog sit or does the dog like bolt?

Christine Jewell:

If you're afraid to let go of the leash or sit down, the dog is in control.

Christine Jewell:

The dog is the master.

Christine Jewell:

You're the slave, right?

Christine Jewell:

And so I use that analogy in the book of what, who's your master, And

Christine Jewell:

it's a really hard one, but we're told like, you can't, you can't

Christine Jewell:

love the world and also love God.

Christine Jewell:

Like you have to choose this day who you serve and who's going to be your master.

Christine Jewell:

And so it's, I had that moment where I was like, man, I say that I love God and

Christine Jewell:

I have faith and all this stuff, but in reality, I'm operating from so much fear.

Christine Jewell:

of letting go of control and having to have my pulse on everything and be

Christine Jewell:

everything that I'm really enslaved.

Christine Jewell:

I'm not free at all.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

I love that frame of reference.

Stephen Box:

It actually reminds me of something that my pastor said on a number of occasions.

Stephen Box:

When it comes to worry and anxiety, the things that you worry about

Stephen Box:

the most are the places in your life that you trust God the least.

Christine Jewell:

Yeah, exactly.

Christine Jewell:

And that is always where he shines a big old light, and those are always

Christine Jewell:

the things he's going to test us on.

Christine Jewell:

are you willing to put that down, to slow down?

Christine Jewell:

And it's, yeah, we're getting, we have faced with that, but that's why

Christine Jewell:

I start off with that concept right out the gate of who's your master.

Christine Jewell:

Cause if you're not sure, just take a look around your calendar,

Christine Jewell:

your house, what you're afraid of.

Christine Jewell:


Christine Jewell:

I, or, worrying is too much.

Christine Jewell:

praying in reverse.

Christine Jewell:

So yes,

Stephen Box:

yes it is.

Stephen Box:

so this week we're going to be talking really about this concept in general,

Stephen Box:

but we're going to really get into the specifics of three key areas that

Stephen Box:

this might show up in people's lives.

Stephen Box:

I'd say the three most common areas that are probably going to show

Stephen Box:

up in people's lives, which is work, relationships, and health.

Stephen Box:

but I'm curious before we jump into that, can you tell me

Stephen Box:

a little bit about the book?

Stephen Box:

what prompted you to actually write this book?

Christine Jewell:

the book really started at that season of my life when I was

Christine Jewell:

face down on the floor thinking my body was totally having a burndown moment.

Christine Jewell:

I was laying face down on the ground, 15 percent body fat, ultra

Christine Jewell:

fit by the world's methods, doing all these workouts and everything

Christine Jewell:

in my body was screaming in pain.

Christine Jewell:

And I needed so much rest and recovery to come back from all the years of

Christine Jewell:

really pushing my body beyond burnout, cause no pain, no gain, right?

Christine Jewell:

Second place is first loser.

Christine Jewell:

the body was the first thing that was like, I was just so exhausted, but

Christine Jewell:

then once I went into this season, like a wilderness season really,

Christine Jewell:

which lasted about 18 months, of me starting with deep rest, also looking

Christine Jewell:

at everything in my life that felt completely, misaligned, like I knew

Christine Jewell:

people God is the God of peace.

Christine Jewell:

Why am I anxious all the time?

Christine Jewell:

like God is the God of clarity, not confusion.

Christine Jewell:

Why is there so much mental fog and all this stuff?

Christine Jewell:

So I started really pressing in.

Christine Jewell:

And so for about 18 months, I spent a lot of time in prayer and just

Christine Jewell:

a lot of deep work on myself in meditation and I was journaling.

Christine Jewell:

And I really feel like God took me through this process of releasing all

Christine Jewell:

of the weight, all of the garbage, all of the programming that I had picked up

Christine Jewell:

that was creating all of this sickness, really dis ease in my body, and dis

Christine Jewell:

ease mentally and everything, right?

Christine Jewell:

And, so after I started coaching clients through their process,

Christine Jewell:

I just felt like prompted by the Holy Spirit to say, you know what?

Christine Jewell:

It's time to write the book.

Christine Jewell:

And so the book is actually came from all those journals that I'd

Christine Jewell:

kept during that time of writing and processing and everything.

Christine Jewell:

And so it's really a journey.

Christine Jewell:

The book is designed, drop the armor, meaning Drop the weight that you are

Christine Jewell:

carrying that is really blocking you from receiving what God has for you.

Christine Jewell:

Drop the programs, drop the weight of your past, ignite your faith

Christine Jewell:

in a whole new way and really step into the calling God has for you.

Christine Jewell:

Because I just want to say this, what he has for us, we got to pack light.

Christine Jewell:

We got to take only what's essential and let him provide the rest.

Christine Jewell:

We can't be bringing all our baggage because we are not going

Christine Jewell:

to make it into the good land.

Stephen Box:

it's interesting because I've had this conversation a number

Stephen Box:

of times with people about how do we know what God's will is for us, right?

Stephen Box:

How do we apply that?

Stephen Box:

And what I've heard over and over again from super successful people, because

Stephen Box:

most people, if they don't have money, they assume that when you get money,

Stephen Box:

that's going to make you happy, right?

Stephen Box:

And most people, when they've been super successful, they have the house, the car,

Stephen Box:

the family, all that, just like you did.

Stephen Box:

And they're still not happy.

Stephen Box:

The struggle becomes, how do I, Follow what God wants me to do.

Stephen Box:

How do I find this peace and this alignment?

Stephen Box:

But I also, by the way, God, want to keep my house and car, all that stuff, right?

Stephen Box:

And like you said, you have to travel light.

Stephen Box:

It's not to say that you can't have those things and live a Christ centered life.

Stephen Box:

It's that if those things are the most important thing to you,

Stephen Box:

it's going to be really hard.

Christine Jewell:

It's going to be really heavy, and again, I think there are many

Christine Jewell:

really beautiful heart centered, Christ centered, men and women of faith that

Christine Jewell:

have an abundance of physical things.

Christine Jewell:

But I believe that's really that Seek ye first the kingdom and then

Christine Jewell:

all things will be added unto you.

Christine Jewell:

But most of us have a backward Seek ye first all other things and then

Christine Jewell:

maybe the kingdom will be added.

Christine Jewell:

And so we've got an inverted.

Christine Jewell:

System, which is really like the whole thing after the fall was like, we got us

Christine Jewell:

focused on chasing the wrong things and then thinking that then we would have

Christine Jewell:

the kingdom, which is peace and freedom and joy and, but it's upside down, right?

Christine Jewell:

We think those things are the way, really, we start with the kingdom and then.

Christine Jewell:

Yeah, you can have a beautiful home and vacations and stuff,

Christine Jewell:

but you're not weighed down.

Christine Jewell:

You're not terrified of losing it.

Christine Jewell:

this is another thing I hear from people that if, have

Christine Jewell:

even a little bit of success.

Christine Jewell:

I had a meeting with someone this morning and she was saying, my

Christine Jewell:

business is now doing 30K a month.

Christine Jewell:

And for her, that's a big thing.

Christine Jewell:

And then she was like, but now I'm afraid, Of doing anything new or now

Christine Jewell:

it's and I've heard the same thing for people that are doing eight figures, like

Christine Jewell:

10 million, 20 million, eight figures.

Christine Jewell:

It's the same feeling going back to what we were saying.

Christine Jewell:

It's just just add more zeros and more things.

Christine Jewell:

The feeling is the same.

Christine Jewell:

You can have everything and be afraid most of the time that someone's going to

Christine Jewell:

come steal it from you or take it from you and you're carrying this weight of worry.

Christine Jewell:

Because you have put security in things, or people, or God knows what,

Christine Jewell:

except for the real source of security.

Stephen Box:

Yes, absolutely.

Stephen Box:

as you all can see, this is going to be a really great week.

Stephen Box:

We're going to really dive into a lot here, and we're going to kick

Stephen Box:

it off tomorrow by talking about how do you start to find this alignment

Stephen Box:

when it comes to your career.

Stephen Box:

because I know that's gonna be the sticky one for a lot of people, it's like, how

Stephen Box:

do I still maintain this competitiveness and all this, stuff I do at work?

Stephen Box:

And also find this peace in this harmony that they were talking about here.

Stephen Box:

that's going to be on tomorrow's episode.

Stephen Box:

before we end, do you have any final thoughts just on what

Stephen Box:

we've talked about so far?

Stephen Box:

that one thing that you maybe want somebody to walk away from today with?

Christine Jewell:

I just want to invite you to consider, you can be overwhelmed.

Christine Jewell:

With worry and weight and all the things or you can be overwhelmed with excitement

Christine Jewell:

Inspiration desire things that are life doing you can be overwhelmed by freedom.

Christine Jewell:

it's like everyone You know, you hear that thing like choose your heart.

Christine Jewell:

I'm gonna invite you today.

Christine Jewell:

What if I could choose my overwhelm?

Christine Jewell:

Where I can be overwhelmed with just a feeling of just knowing that I'm provided

Christine Jewell:

for, knowing that I'm on the right path, and I don't have to be so heavy.

Christine Jewell:

And that's what I want to do is just put a seed to start to go, what if?

Christine Jewell:

Because overwhelm can be a beautiful thing if you're overwhelmed by grace.

Christine Jewell:


Stephen Box:

I love it.

Stephen Box:

that's a really great reframe.

Stephen Box:

So y'all come back tomorrow and get overwhelmed with some more great advice

Stephen Box:

. And with that, I will just remind everyone that while none of us are born

Stephen Box:

unshakable, we can all become unshakable because being unshakable is a choice.

Stephen Box:

Intro/Outro: Thanks for listening to the Unshakable Habits podcast.

Stephen Box:

If you enjoyed this episode and you'd like to help support the podcast, please share

Stephen Box:

it with others, post about it on social media, or leave a rating and review.

Stephen Box:

To catch all the latest, please subscribe at UnshakableHabits.

Stephen Box:

com slash YouTube or on your favorite podcast app.

Stephen Box:

You can learn more about Unshakable Habits at UnshakableHabits.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

Until next week, be Unshakable, my friends!



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