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Spiritual Update on The War in Israel – TS Wright
Episode 141011th December 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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Spiritual Update on The War in Israel

TS Wright

As we watch Israel battle the Hamas terrorists and try to eradicate this evil threat from their midst, it is amazing to me to see the amount of anti-Semitism being waged against Israel.

Israel was not the ones who launched an unprovoked attack against families, raping and killing women and teenage girls, beheading babies, ripping babies from their mothers wombs and doing things that would amount to “crimes against humanity” if it was anywhere else except, it seems like, warring against Israel.

Things are changing on the ground in this war, almost on a daily basis. Unfortunately, there is also a time delay between when we record these interviews and discussing things as we see them today – and the actual airing of these episodes.

We are trying to get this information out to the you as fast as possible, but what is really important is not the “what is happening now” portion of the interviews – but what does it mean in the “big picture” of “End Time” scenarios.

To help us with this discussion about these topics, I’ve invited our good friend, TS Wright back on the program today. Amen!

Scott Wright is a prophecy expert and author of the God Centered Concept Journal. He is back today to discuss the events happening right now in Israel and, as I said, relating it to the “big picture” of End Time Events.

Help me welcome back to the program, Scott Wright.  Scott, it’s great to have you back on again today. A lot more has happened since we last talked about a week ago.

Israel has now launched their ground campaign and moving into the Gaza Strip. They are launching more bombing campaigns than ever before prior to them moving into an area to conduct ground operations.

I heard one commentator relate to the exact opposite of a “blitzkrieg” operation in WWII.. he called a “slow creep.” They are only moving about 100 yards at a time. Bombing and destroying the buildings in front of them. They then move into the area and begin a search, discovering entrances to the tunnel system and then moving down into the tunnels.

From what I can relate to, they are pushing Hamas out of these areas or destroying them if they stay. This “slow creep” is also allowing civilians to try and flee the area as well, limiting the number of unintended casualties. Have you heard anything about this?

This is war. War is terrible. Unfortunately, in war, there are non-combatants who will die or they will be injured. War is not meant to be “neat and tidy.” It is a last resort because it takes casualties on both sides.

Israel has bent over backwards trying to appease Hamas, Hezbollah and these other factions. But this unprovoked attack that murdered over 1300 Israelis went over what they could tolerate any longer. I believe last time we were on, we discussed and equivalent number, based on the population comparison between the United States and Israel, would be if a neighboring country which we were having an issue with, snuck in and killed over 50,000 of our citizens overnight.

If that happened, what would the United States be forced to do? We’d deal with it. Quickly. Decisively. There would be nobody that could tell us to “be nice and send them aid.”

This is what Israel has had to remind the United States of recently. What are your thoughts on this?

The last time we talked, you referenced what we see happening as God moving the pawns around on His chessboard – setting things up for the final move (Check-Mate). What do you think is being set up in the Spirit realm that we are witnessing right now?  Has He started moving some Rooks or Bishops around yet?

I never thought we would ever see such anti-Semitism just erupt like we have in the past week or two. Especially here in the United States. But, this just goes right along with what the Bible describes as “every nation will be against Israel” in the last days.

How does all of this play into what the Bible says we should be looking for?

As I stated, I know things change on a daily basis right now. I’d love to have you come back on in another week or so and we can discuss the most recent events as they unfold. Would you be willing to do that?

Folks, these events Scott has been sharing with us today are not something that is new. These events have been building for decades but we are now witnessing – as Scott put it – a chess match being played out in front of us.

These end time scenario events are just like that. Jesus Himself said there would be signs, etc. that occur PRIOR TO the End Times. And He gave some examples, in addition to the Book of the Revelation which He had John write about.

Pay attention to what you are seeing on the news. Pray for Israel. Pray for the Palestinian civilians that are trapped. Pray they would all come to know Christ as their true Savior. Amen!

I want to remind you that in these days and times in which we live, we are reminded to “Look up – for our redemption IS drawing near!” Amen!



Book:  “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.”  - on Amazon

Podcast:  The God Centered Concept

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