Artwork for podcast The Online Hustle with Jake Hower
How To Build A Highly Engaged Audience with Chris Brogan
Episode 729th August 2023 • The Online Hustle with Jake Hower • Jake Hower
00:00:00 00:18:40

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Jake Hower:

We have got Chris Brogan from chrisbrogan.

Jake Hower:

com and human business works on the call today.

Jake Hower:

We're going into something which I feel is incredibly important to building a

Jake Hower:

presence online and multimedia marketing.

Jake Hower:

Now the purpose essentially of all of our marketing.

Jake Hower:

For A's is essentially to build a community and to make sales or

Jake Hower:

generate sales in your business.

Jake Hower:

Now, the best way I feel to do that is to build an engaged audience.

Jake Hower:

So rather than focus on any of the different forms of multimedia

Jake Hower:

marketing, I thought it's really important to get a good framework

Jake Hower:

about why you're doing this.

Jake Hower:

And that's where I thought of Chris Brogan.

Jake Hower:

He's a.

Jake Hower:

A published author of a of a number of books, and he's an

Jake Hower:

expert in building an audience.

Jake Hower:

He's got a huge audience, and I thought bring him on this episode

Jake Hower:

to discuss how you can go about building your own audience and how

Jake Hower:

you can stay engaged with them.

Jake Hower:

Tune in to that in just a second.

Jake Hower:

And after the episode I'm going to run through a couple of different sites and

Jake Hower:

apps that I've been using lately, which I think you would really appreciate.

Jake Hower:

We've got Chris Brogan from Human Business Works on the line.

Jake Hower:

Chris, how are

Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:

Thrilled to be here, Jake.

Chris Brogan:

Thanks for having me.

Jake Hower:

No, and thank you very much for taking the time to

Jake Hower:

come on the episode and to share your knowledge with our listeners.

Chris Brogan:

Oh, I'm so glad to be here.

Chris Brogan:

And it's really cool that more people are getting interested now in doing different

Chris Brogan:

kinds of marketing via multimedia.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Now that's certainly the premise of this show is generally we'll

Jake Hower:

interview or bring on a guest each week to discuss a form of multimedia

Jake Hower:

that they're really dominating in.

Jake Hower:

I could obviously bring you on and discuss just about any of those forms of media,

Jake Hower:

but I think before even doing that, there's one really important aspect.

Jake Hower:

To, to doing this type of marketing and it's about engaging with

Jake Hower:

your audience and this is where I really think you shine through.

Chris Brogan:

Very you to say, I think that is in a lot of ways,

Chris Brogan:

that's where everyone falls down because they'll work really hard

Chris Brogan:

on making something really good.

Chris Brogan:

And then I think that the opportunity is a little bit that, you make great

Chris Brogan:

media, but then you have to follow up with it or it just goes dead.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So what's what we're trying to do for our listeners is essentially lay a very

Jake Hower:

strong foundation so that any of their marketing endeavors that they take that

Jake Hower:

they roll out are actually going to be, yeah Going to have the maximum effect.

Jake Hower:

Chris, what I'd what I'd like to do is for those listeners who don't know a

Jake Hower:

lot about you, if you could maybe give us a brief history of what you were

Jake Hower:

doing leading up to where you are right

Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:

Thumbnail sketches that I was back into the land of bulletin board

Chris Brogan:

services way back in the eighties.

Chris Brogan:

In 1998, I started blogging in 2005 or so I started a podcast and then

Chris Brogan:

in no six, I ran an event called pod camp with Christopher S pen.

Chris Brogan:

And from that, I really started to realize that there's just so

Chris Brogan:

much more business opportunity.

Chris Brogan:

And I left my background in telecom and wireless telecom and joined the circus

Chris Brogan:

and started running some events in the space of Media making a video on the net

Chris Brogan:

was the first one I did with Jeff Pulver.

Chris Brogan:

And then since there I've, I started in sold a consultancy and now my company,

Chris Brogan:

human business works does courses around helping people do the work they want to do

Chris Brogan:

only better, mostly in the digital space.

Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:


Jake Hower:

That's fantastic.

Jake Hower:

And so essentially so for the last few years you, you've got a fantastic personal

Jake Hower:

blog, which is is it still it's top five in the ad age marketing blogs, I believe.

Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:

Usually it bounces around with a few other folks in the top five, top 10 or so.

Chris Brogan:

Let's just take a look at the time of our recording.

Chris Brogan:

I'll probably be way down bottom or something and be miserable.

Chris Brogan:

Hang on.

Chris Brogan:

I'm three.

Chris Brogan:

I'm ahead of shoe money and copy blogger, but I'm behind ads of the world and PSFK

Chris Brogan:

both, by the way, who have something like, a dozen or more people writing for them.

Chris Brogan:


Jake Hower:

So what we're going to run through in this episode is that

Jake Hower:

we're going to, I think, first, I'd love to ask ask you some of your your

Jake Hower:

experience in how you've gone about building your own community and how

Jake Hower:

you're engaging with your own community.

Jake Hower:

Then we are gonna deliver some some action points that our listeners

Jake Hower:

can go away and roll outs in their own marketing endeavors as well.

Jake Hower:

But before we do that, I've got a quick question going back to the

Jake Hower:

heyday of the internet and you said you've you were playing around with

Jake Hower:

some some journaling and stuff online.

Jake Hower:

How did you, was there any interaction with your Raiders?

Jake Hower:

Did you know you'd

Chris Brogan:

had any Raiders?

Chris Brogan:

No, because there weren't comments back then and there weren't

Chris Brogan:

really very easy ways to do that.

Chris Brogan:

So I, way back when I had like a guest book I don't know if you even

Chris Brogan:

remember that technology, but it'd be like, come sign my stupid guest book.

Chris Brogan:

And that was like as close as we could have to like any kind of

Chris Brogan:

human interaction and truly it just.

Chris Brogan:

It didn't even make sense to me that there should be interaction, but that I, I think

Chris Brogan:

like a lot of writers and authors, I think there's that thing where we're really

Chris Brogan:

craving feedback and, we're just sitting around as like needy as people could be.

Chris Brogan:

And so I, I kept really abreast of those kinds of tools, what sorts

Chris Brogan:

of tools would allow us to do better interactions with people.

Chris Brogan:

And that's how I.

Chris Brogan:

Made it roll.

Chris Brogan:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And that's it's amazing how quickly we've come so far in the

Jake Hower:

last few years in terms of that

Chris Brogan:

as well.

Chris Brogan:

Oh, truly.

Chris Brogan:

It just every single day seems to bring us something new to to add to the potential

Chris Brogan:

for connectivity as well as to give people the set of tools that will allow them to

Chris Brogan:

disenfranchise their community as well.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

Let's let's lay the foundation for our listeners.

Jake Hower:

I want to get your experience in how you've built your community, but

Jake Hower:

before you do that, can you give us some stats or some some information

Jake Hower:

around what your community now entails?

Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:

So on my blog, I get around 200, 000 unique monthly views.

Chris Brogan:

And that took me a really long time for anyone who just blocked out that number.

Chris Brogan:

It took me eight years to get my first 100 readers.

Chris Brogan:

So don't forget that.

Chris Brogan:

On twitter, I think I have 227, 000.

Chris Brogan:

About 22, 000 on my personal newsletter, which comes out every Sunday.

Chris Brogan:

My favorite thing, by the way.

Chris Brogan:

And then various other places like Google plus I have over a hundred

Chris Brogan:

thousand and I don't much use Facebook or LinkedIn for business.

Chris Brogan:

So neither one of those counts to me.

Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:

I have no

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

That's great.

Jake Hower:

So that gives us a little bit of perspective.

Jake Hower:

So it took you a number of years to get your first hundred readers.

Jake Hower:

How'd you go about engaging these

Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:

Eventually I got smart enough to put my email address on the website before

Chris Brogan:

there were blog comments and so that I could get people to write me and

Chris Brogan:

say, Hey, I really liked that story or I liked that thing you shared.

Chris Brogan:

And when I switched perspectives, the other thing that got a lot of engagement.

Chris Brogan:

Was I first used to write for myself and I learned that's great

Chris Brogan:

if I want to impress myself.

Chris Brogan:

And when I started learning how to write for other people and write to

Chris Brogan:

serve a community, that's when things really lit up because people would want

Chris Brogan:

to engage because I was giving them more tools to do their work better.

Chris Brogan:

So really from a long ways back, once I caught onto that perspective, the life

Chris Brogan:

of, my world just got so much better.

Chris Brogan:

Okay, fantastic.

Jake Hower:

So it was essentially you're able to engage in by just realizing

Jake Hower:

that you need to write for the right for your reader or your your community.

Jake Hower:

Now tell me did you get to, or have you ever felt you've gotten to a stage where.

Jake Hower:

Your community has grown to a size that you can't actually handle.

Chris Brogan:

No, and again, at 200, 000 or so people, and with the 20, 000 plus

Chris Brogan:

email list, what happens every Sunday morning, which is when my newsletter

Chris Brogan:

comes out, I'll get somewhere between 300 and 500 replies, because I strongly

Chris Brogan:

encourage replies in the email newsletter.

Chris Brogan:

And so some people are like, 300 to 500 mail, what are you doing?

Chris Brogan:

But I love it because what people are, when people are complaining,

Chris Brogan:

I'm saying, wow, that's three to 500 possible impressions.

Chris Brogan:

I can give people of what kind of a person I am, that I'm there, that I'm

Chris Brogan:

listening, that I'm there to serve them.

Chris Brogan:

And then oddly, when I have something to sell, the person will choose to buy it

Chris Brogan:

because one of the laws of influence is that people buy from people they like.

Chris Brogan:

And so by getting the opportunity to show people that I might well be the

Chris Brogan:

kind of person they like, they have better opportunity to go forward.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, that's that's incredible.

Jake Hower:

And as you say, it's fantastic that you take that mindset considering how large

Jake Hower:

your audience is and you're exactly right.

Jake Hower:

People buy from people.

Jake Hower:

And here's the thing for, from my perspective, you only need 50.

Jake Hower:

Engaged customers to run a business and to run a very profitable business.

Jake Hower:

That's a, it's an incredible way to look

Chris Brogan:

at it.

Chris Brogan:

In my goal is I, my number is a little higher than 50 of who I

Chris Brogan:

really need because I'm hoping not to sell people into the ground.

Chris Brogan:

So what I have figured out is that somewhere around a

Chris Brogan:

thousand, just like Kevin Kelly's concept of a thousand true fans.

Chris Brogan:

So what I'm looking at is, how do I get about a thousand people You know,

Chris Brogan:

at any one time as people who have bought, and then I can keep the larger

Chris Brogan:

community 10 times or more than that, or a hundred times more than that.

Chris Brogan:

So if I had a community of about a hundred thousand that I engaged with as

Chris Brogan:

much as I could, then I have the sense that I'd have a standard steady 1000.

Chris Brogan:

But those are, those are numbers based on the price points of the products and

Chris Brogan:

services that I sell now, which are.

Chris Brogan:

An average price point around 400.

Chris Brogan:

So that's just the numbers I worked out and it's going to be different

Chris Brogan:

for every one of our businesses.

Jake Hower:

Yep, absolutely.

Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

So you've built your communities.

Jake Hower:

Has it been mainly built around your personal

Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:

It has.

Chris Brogan:

The great majority of what has brought me some success was just

Chris Brogan:

building around my personal blog.

Chris Brogan:

And there's a few times I've really lamented that.

Chris Brogan:

I've had three different sale offers on my site.

Chris Brogan:

And I, part of me was just like, yippee, I'd love to.

Chris Brogan:

And the other part was like, how am I going to sell chrisbrogan.

Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:

That's my name.

Chris Brogan:

So I have never gone with it.

Chris Brogan:

And so I have a little regret, like I wish that I had thought that through

Chris Brogan:

and maybe made the blog called, amazing, incredible writing guy.

Chris Brogan:

com or something, but.

Chris Brogan:

That, that said, Jake what I've done for a strategy is make sure that

Chris Brogan:

everyone feels like they know me.

Chris Brogan:

And when that is true that makes it easier all the way around.

Jake Hower:

Exactly right.

Jake Hower:

And I think potentially you're selling yourself a little bit short there, but

Jake Hower:

building your own personal brand is very important because You're going to

Jake Hower:

need it for as long as you're on this earth and you built that personal brand

Jake Hower:

initially, but you then being able to build out satellite brands around

Jake Hower:

your own personal brand, I guess I'd assume that's what you're thinking is

Jake Hower:

a little bit with human business works.

Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:

And it's not, my belief isn't that we need a whole ton of personal

Chris Brogan:

brands out there in the world.

Chris Brogan:

What the what the opportunities are basically are that people

Chris Brogan:

want to do business with people.

Chris Brogan:

So how do we teach companies of any size or how do we teach professionals

Chris Brogan:

inside companies to do something new?

Chris Brogan:

Really important.

Chris Brogan:

And I think to me, that's the big opportunity is you can teach

Chris Brogan:

people how to build concierge class service, very bespoke service.

Chris Brogan:

And I think that's a biggie.

Chris Brogan:

So that's where I push people.

Chris Brogan:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

No problems.

Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

Let's let's look at then your engagement with your audience.

Jake Hower:

You you touched on earlier about the fact that you're getting three or

Jake Hower:

400 emails on a Sunday morning or so.

Jake Hower:

Could you run us through your process for handling, handling your

Jake Hower:

interaction with your audience?

Chris Brogan:

It's rather boring and embarrassing.

Chris Brogan:

I start at the top and I work my way down.

Chris Brogan:

It's just as simple as that.

Chris Brogan:

And I would say that The trick of it is, every now and again, there's something

Chris Brogan:

that'll come up a lot of times in a row and I'll use on a Mac, I use this

Chris Brogan:

app called text expander and make part of my response a copy paste kind of

Chris Brogan:

a thing, but more often than not, I'd rather do it, a hundred percent myself.

Chris Brogan:

There's times when a lot of times people ask a very similar question and I think

Chris Brogan:

there's nothing wrong with automating part of your answer, as long as you

Chris Brogan:

personalize it enough that people feel.

Chris Brogan:

Seen and heard that's, humankind's greatest need is the need to feel wanted.

Chris Brogan:

So all I do over and over again is find ways to better express

Chris Brogan:

that through digital technology.

Chris Brogan:


Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Let's go back a few years and let's go to You've written a couple of books now.

Jake Hower:

How did the opportunity come across for you to write a

Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:

Oh, Jake, it's so embarrassing to tell this story because it's so unlike anyone

Chris Brogan:

else's opportunity would ever be this way.

Chris Brogan:

I was sitting at South by Southwest, which is a big event in Austin, Texas in the U.

Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:

And I was sitting at the table with Ellen Gerstein, who at the time was

Chris Brogan:

director of marketing for Wiley.

Chris Brogan:

And she was asking me, hey, where would this book be?

Chris Brogan:

And she named a title that.

Chris Brogan:

It was coming out, where would that sit in a bookstore shelf?

Chris Brogan:

And I said in this kind of bookstore, it would be in business

Chris Brogan:

profiles in this bookstore.

Chris Brogan:

They don't have that.

Chris Brogan:

So it would be in general business.

Chris Brogan:

And she just looked sideways and said how come you don't have a book deal?

Chris Brogan:

I said, because books are horrible.

Chris Brogan:

That takes a long time.

Chris Brogan:

They're slow.

Chris Brogan:

You don't make a lot of money and I'd rather just blog.

Chris Brogan:

And she said, Oh, you should totally have a book deal.

Chris Brogan:

And, my ego got the best of me and there it went.

Chris Brogan:

And so I got a book deal.

Chris Brogan:

I called up my friend Julian Smith and said, Hey, you feel

Chris Brogan:

like writing a book with me?

Chris Brogan:

And he said okay.

Chris Brogan:

And so we, with no better skill or ability than that, just knowing that

Chris Brogan:

Julian was a very avid blogger like myself, we wrote the book Trust Agents.

Chris Brogan:

And by...

Chris Brogan:

Absolute sheer luck.

Chris Brogan:

We hit the New York times bestseller list, the wall street journal,

Chris Brogan:

bestseller list Amazon and ink magazine.

Chris Brogan:

And we're named one of the top books of the year from 800 CEO reads.

Chris Brogan:

So not bad for our first time out.

Chris Brogan:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

It's as I say for she luck, it's that's it.

Jake Hower:

That's an incredible high run.

Chris Brogan:

Not bad.

Chris Brogan:

I haven't repeated it since three more books later, not once again

Chris Brogan:

on the times list, but whatever.

Chris Brogan:

Once you're that New York times bestselling author, you're the

Chris Brogan:

bestselling author of the crappiest book you could ever write to.

Chris Brogan:

You still get to put that on the cover.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

They can't take it away from you.

Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

Let's let's get to the actual item for our listeners for for this

Jake Hower:

episode let's start with how would you suggest our listeners given I've

Jake Hower:

got a blank canvas, how would they go about building their own audience out?

Chris Brogan:

My, my opinion is first start with the content itself, which is

Chris Brogan:

start with making sure the content is such that people will be served by it.

Chris Brogan:

If you're speaking, no matter what you're making, if you're making

Chris Brogan:

a podcast or a video blog or.

Chris Brogan:

Blog posts or newsletter or all of those things combined.

Chris Brogan:

If it's all about you and it's all about how great your company is

Chris Brogan:

and how great you are and what you do, then no one's going to care.

Chris Brogan:

That's like when we were little kids and we used to want to play

Chris Brogan:

superheroes together, only one Batman, only one Superman, et cetera.

Chris Brogan:

It's just not as fun.

Chris Brogan:

So make everybody else the hero and you succeed.

Chris Brogan:

So that's.

Chris Brogan:

My first piece of advice is in the content.

Chris Brogan:

Second, really streamline how you present that content to people such that they

Chris Brogan:

know exactly what you want them to do.

Chris Brogan:

Such as, you can make it as easy as possible for them to subscribe.

Chris Brogan:

In the old days, this used to be...

Chris Brogan:

Grab my RSS feed, just it never really caught on tech savvy.

Chris Brogan:

People understood what to do with that, and very few others did.

Chris Brogan:

So what I've done is for instance, in the previous iterations of my

Chris Brogan:

website, I just made it more email.

Chris Brogan:

So I get 60 something percent of my blog readers are in an email format.

Chris Brogan:

I've gone even one step deeper I've eliminated even that and I don't even seek

Chris Brogan:

new blog subscribers, I only seek email subscribers because that's where my gold

Chris Brogan:

is so make it easy for them to get to you.

Chris Brogan:

Three, make it really easy for people to contact you and get

Chris Brogan:

back in touch with them as soon as possible, as often as possible.

Chris Brogan:

And I think that's such a huge piece that gets missed by people for try really hard

Chris Brogan:

to answer the person's question such that it serves them and almost never try to

Chris Brogan:

make it, if you took my special course, although sometimes that is the right

Chris Brogan:

answer, 90% of those stuff that I do, I give away for free and I find that with

Chris Brogan:

that immense perceived Generosity, what people get from that is the sense that,

Chris Brogan:

oh, boy, but if he's going to charge for this, it's going to be gold in there.

Chris Brogan:

And so I think that's an important thing.

Chris Brogan:

And I guess last, in looking this all over, just really keep

Chris Brogan:

working and working on brevity.

Chris Brogan:

Simplicity quality, because it's not amateur hour anymore.

Chris Brogan:

If you go look at video blogs or if you listen to podcasts, the days of

Chris Brogan:

us having really low quality material is just not allowed anymore because

Chris Brogan:

it's so inexpensive to do it well.

Chris Brogan:

And it's so simple with some practice to do it well that it's just not

Chris Brogan:

okay anymore to do it simple.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

You make the entire process sound so simple.

Jake Hower:

I love it.

Jake Hower:

One thing I just want to point out with that as well or add to it one

Jake Hower:

of my businesses is a travel agency.

Jake Hower:

And the goal of our marketing is to bring in new clients or bring in more clients.

Jake Hower:

And there's one thing I've noticed that there's this whole

Jake Hower:

section of our audience who.

Jake Hower:

Have never really booked with us.

Jake Hower:

And at first glance, I thought maybe these guys are a time sap, but we, in

Jake Hower:

further investigation, I've found that the vast majority of the people who

Jake Hower:

are really engaged with us who haven't booked I'd call them raving fans.

Jake Hower:

Essentially what they do is that they refer.

Jake Hower:

There are a lot of people to us.

Jake Hower:

So while they're not potentially prospective clients, what they are

Jake Hower:

is awesome advocates of the brand.

Jake Hower:

And as a result, they bring in a whole heap of extra clients.

Chris Brogan:

The best way to get that going is to start referring

Chris Brogan:

other people that you consider peers or even sometimes competitors.

Chris Brogan:

The more you can do that sort of generous giving, then reciprocity kicks in and

Chris Brogan:

people are going to want to refer you when the time is obvious and right.

Chris Brogan:

Remember this too, you're serving a community and the community will

Chris Brogan:

always be larger than the marketplace, but don't ever shun the community

Chris Brogan:

for the sake of the marketplace.

Chris Brogan:

Serve the customers who pay you, but love the community who loves you.

Chris Brogan:

Because that's where that gets grown.

Chris Brogan:

So to me, that's the biggest hinge that you can put in this whole thing.

Chris Brogan:


Chris Brogan:


Jake Hower:

All right, Chris.

Jake Hower:

Thanks very much.

Jake Hower:

It's a nice, short, sharp episode, but there's a lot of gold in, in

Jake Hower:

that for our listeners, where can

Chris Brogan:

they find out more about you?

Chris Brogan:

I guess the easiest is just come to chrisbrogan.

Chris Brogan:

com and that'll give you the biology of me and give you a

Chris Brogan:

sense of where you can push some

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Listeners, thank you very much for tuning in and Chris, thank

Jake Hower:

you very much for coming on.

Chris Brogan:

My utmost pleasure thanks so much for having me jake thank




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