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Who Are The Characters In Our Dreams? With Laure Porché
Episode 34th November 2021 • A Lone Traveler's Guide to the Divine • Amanda Lux
00:00:00 00:47:26

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Do you ever wonder who you the characters are that you are dreaming about and what they represent? 

Or why so many people experience strange dream phenomena such as precognitive dreams (dreaming things before they happen), or dream visitations from people who are deceased who bring messages we could not otherwise know.

In the third episode of A Lone Traveler's Guide to the Divine Amanda Lux dives deep into the science and theory behind the Morphic Field, and offers a multilayered approach to interpreting who our dream characters may be.

Amanda also interviews Laure Porché who shares a dream titled: The golden Die

About Laure Porché

Therapist, dancer, poet, textile artist, Laure loves to create spaces of freedom and depth, where everyone can express themselves fully and find the truth of their soul.

She believes in the power of community to reconnect human beings to their strength and innate joy. She is the creator of the Moonlit Path, a ten month creative course to expand your perception of yourself and the world, and is the host of The Moonlit Path Podcast.

Instagram: @laureporche  


The Moonlit Path Course :

Listen to Laure's podcast here

For more information on our free courses, resources and upcoming workshops or to learn more about our Patreon and membership go to


Laure Porché:

I always look at dreams in terms of like, those are

Laure Porché:

all different parts of me, but in this case it feels doubly clear.

Laure Porché:

And I also liked the idea of the dice and the chance and cause, cause in

Laure Porché:

the dream I'm thinking, there's no way I'm going to, like, there's no way to

Laure Porché:

catch that it has to fall in your lap.

Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:

And that's a little bit the messages that I'm getting on terms of like kind of

Laure Porché:

stop running around, trying to catch it.

Laure Porché:

Like it's gonna fall on your lap and you just have to wait for.

Laure Porché:

Spend a lot of mental energy about, you know, how and how and why.

Laure Porché:

And maybe I should just do whatever and trust that will you know, that

Laure Porché:

it will come through whatever I do.

Amanda Lux:

welcome to a lone travelers guide to the divine, a podcast for

Amanda Lux:

empaths, healers, streamers, and seekers.

Amanda Lux:

My name is Amanda Lux, and I'm your host.

Amanda Lux:

I'm also the creator of the elevation hive school and community membership

Amanda Lux:

for energy medicine and dreams.

Amanda Lux:

In this podcast, I offer teachings and musings around energy

Amanda Lux:

medicine, polarity therapy, and dreamwork, as well as poetry songs.

Amanda Lux:

And as you will be experiencing in today's episode interviews with

Amanda Lux:

other individuals on their healer's journey who come to share a dream.

Amanda Lux:

So today's episode.

Amanda Lux:

I've invited Laura Porche to share her dream with us.

Amanda Lux:

Laure is a polarity and constellation therapist who lives in France.

Amanda Lux:

She's also a dancer poet, textile artist, and the creator of the moon,

Amanda Lux:

that path, which in her words is a 10 month creative course to expand

Amanda Lux:

your perception of yourself and the.

Amanda Lux:

Laura is also the host of the Moonlit path podcast, which is super awesome.

Amanda Lux:

And you should definitely check it out in my show notes.

Amanda Lux:

There's a direct link.

Amanda Lux:

So go give her podcast a listen..

Amanda Lux:

But before I dive into the interview with Laura Porche and her super cool

Amanda Lux:

dream, which is titled the golden dice, I wanted to share that this episode is

Amanda Lux:

really broken up into three sections.

Amanda Lux:

One super interesting thing that comes up in Laura's dream is this

Amanda Lux:

idea around who are the characters in our dreams, who do they represent?

Amanda Lux:

So in this first section, I'm going to be talking a little bit

Amanda Lux:

about that and I'll be offering a multi-layered approach to the roles

Amanda Lux:

that our dream characters can play.

Amanda Lux:

And with that, I'm also going to be discussing the morphic field

Amanda Lux:

or the knowing field as it's.

Amanda Lux:

And how this can inform our dreams as well as our waking

Amanda Lux:

lives in a very profound way.

Amanda Lux:

In the second section, I'll be setting some groundwork for how to receive a dream

Amanda Lux:

using the elemental dreamwork method.

Amanda Lux:

And in the third section, I'll be interviewing Laura where

Amanda Lux:

she will share her dream.

Amanda Lux:

So as we.

Amanda Lux:

I just want to share that it is my intention to offer not only a listening

Amanda Lux:

experience in this podcast, but to invite you on a journey one where

Amanda Lux:

you do not have to travel alone.

Amanda Lux:

So rather than just passively listening, I invite you to be an active participator

Amanda Lux:

through this recognition that you belong to this shared and conscious

Amanda Lux:

field that is being woven here by you and all who listen, no matter where

Amanda Lux:

you are or when you are coming to the.

Amanda Lux:

So as we embark on this journey, I trust that you are going to find

Amanda Lux:

something in this dream or in this discussion that is specifically for you.

Amanda Lux:

And I invite you to pay attention and to look for that.

Amanda Lux:

By noticing what's going on in your environment and in your body and your

Amanda Lux:

thoughts and your intuition along the way.

Amanda Lux:

Because the more consciousness that we bring to the theory and

Amanda Lux:

practice of this work, the more it deepens our participation and every.

Amanda Lux:

Is a part of it.

Amanda Lux:

It becomes embodied and experiential and phenomenological.

Amanda Lux:

So that means that anything that happens in the space where you are

Amanda Lux:

contributes to and arises from the intelligence of this field that we

Amanda Lux:

are sharing and invoking right now.

Amanda Lux:

And in addition, I would also like to offer this prayer , that

Amanda Lux:

whatever occurs for you.

Amanda Lux:

In this episode brings you some healing or amusement connection.

Amanda Lux:

But most of all, may this playful work empower your life on all dimensions.

Amanda Lux:

I'd like to invite you to imagine that you're looking at

Amanda Lux:

the sky and you're watching.

Amanda Lux:

Uh, murmuration of starlings, a group of birds that are moving through the

Amanda Lux:

clouds as though they are one organism changing direction, moving in such

Amanda Lux:

a synchronized pattern without a.

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Shifting from one way to another way as though they have some secret form

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of communication that is transferred instantaneously before they have

Amanda Lux:

time to mentally process or visually locate where each other are in this

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flock, they just move perfectly.

Amanda Lux:

How are they communicating?

Amanda Lux:

How do they know.

Amanda Lux:

Where to go and when to keep in this form, this perfect form.

Amanda Lux:

And there's been a lot of science around this, trying to explain these phenomena.

Amanda Lux:

And they found that even in packs of wolves or in families we just know

Amanda Lux:

things before we could know them.

Amanda Lux:

We know them without having any visual or external evidence to initiate

Amanda Lux:

this, knowing we just know when something's happening, we know where

Amanda Lux:

somebody is or when they're about to return or when someone's staring

Amanda Lux:

at us from far away, we can feel it.

Amanda Lux:

Why, why do we feel this?

Amanda Lux:

How do we know?

Amanda Lux:

Well, some say that this is because of what is known as the morphic field.

Amanda Lux:

And this term was coined by Rupert Sheldrake, who taught

Amanda Lux:

biochemistry at Cambridge university.

Amanda Lux:

And he studied these phenomena in nature, really looking for that parallel between

Amanda Lux:

the collective unconscious that Jung talks about and how this happens in

Amanda Lux:

plant studies or also in human studies that we have this, knowing field or

Amanda Lux:

a morphic field that surrounds us that extends beyond our physicality that has

Amanda Lux:

to do with the transfer of information instantaneously or pre-cognitive.

Amanda Lux:

And if you listen to the second episode of this podcast, I talked about how we

Amanda Lux:

have an electromagnetic field with a positive and negative and neutral pole,

Amanda Lux:

just like the planet, just like magnets.

Amanda Lux:

And if you haven't listened to that episode, I invite you to

Amanda Lux:

go back for more references.

Amanda Lux:

Because another way that Sheldrake talks about this field, this morphic field is

Amanda Lux:

if you imagine that you're holding two magnets, and if you have the opposite

Amanda Lux:

ends facing each other and you draw them closer together, you're going to feel

Amanda Lux:

that pull far before they actually touch.

Amanda Lux:

And that time, that space before the magnets are touching, that's

Amanda Lux:

where their field is interacting.

Amanda Lux:

So, if you imagine that we have this field surrounding our body, we could

Amanda Lux:

actually pick up information that enters our field from others nearby or with whom

Amanda Lux:

our energy is entrained or connected.

Amanda Lux:

And it's postulated that this might be how we could know when someone is

Amanda Lux:

staring at us behind our back or how we could pick up information that isn't

Amanda Lux:

conveyed through words or actions.

Amanda Lux:

And so I want to extend this imagination that we don't only

Amanda Lux:

have this in our own body, our own field, but in groups as well.

Amanda Lux:

Just like we see in a school of fish or an army of ants, there's

Amanda Lux:

this group conscious field where there's a transfer of information

Amanda Lux:

that's going on and a, an organized way , that animals, nature plants,

Amanda Lux:

humans are responding to one another.

Amanda Lux:

And another way that science has, you know, been able to witness it is when

Amanda Lux:

they have, , rats or other animals in cages, far, far apart from each other.

Amanda Lux:

And what they found is that as soon as one group of rats learn or

Amanda Lux:

one single rat even learns a new thing, like breaks through to a new

Amanda Lux:

discovery, they find that that happens in rats, thousands of miles away.

Amanda Lux:

They all have that discovery so this shared conscious field, if you

Amanda Lux:

will, this morphic field is something that we can really, , tap into.

Amanda Lux:

In group work, such as constellation therapy, which is something that

Amanda Lux:

lower Porsche who is our guest today talks a bit about because

Amanda Lux:

she is a constellation therapist.

Amanda Lux:

And the way that works is somebody brings an issue, a life issue, a family

Amanda Lux:

issue, something that they want to work.

Amanda Lux:

And a group of people, we'll represent different aspects of their issue and.

Amanda Lux:

The people who are tuning into the field take on these roles or these

Amanda Lux:

aspects, they will start to know things and say things and act in ways that

Amanda Lux:

they could never know consciously.

Amanda Lux:

They will say the exact words that, that person's father used to say to

Amanda Lux:

them, or have images or sensations or feelings come up in their body.

Amanda Lux:

Are exactly what that person has experienced around this issue.

Amanda Lux:

It's really powerful when you participate , but we've all experienced

Amanda Lux:

it in some way, whether that was, with a feeling someone's staring at

Amanda Lux:

us or, just , knowing when somebody is going to call or having a dream

Amanda Lux:

about somebody and then they show up in your life randomly after 30 years,

Amanda Lux:

, like that kind of thing is so common.

Amanda Lux:

And we just don't have any real solid explanation for it in science, but I

Amanda Lux:

love this idea of the morphic field.

Amanda Lux:

I think that's one of the closest ways that science has come to breaking through,

Amanda Lux:

so the reason why I wanted to bring this in to this episode, Other than that.

Amanda Lux:

I think it's just utterly fascinating.

Amanda Lux:

And I could talk about this all day long is that law Porsche

Amanda Lux:

is a constellation therapist.

Amanda Lux:

And so she mentions this in her description of her dream

Amanda Lux:

that you will be hearing.

Amanda Lux:

How all of these different characters that are showing up in the space are really

Amanda Lux:

showing up as different aspects of her.

Amanda Lux:

And so I just wanted to talk about that a little bit, because there are

Amanda Lux:

various different perspectives, around who the dream characters that you

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meet in your dreams are, who are.

Amanda Lux:

And who do they represent?

Amanda Lux:

And some of the different versions or, or ways that people try to look at

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this are one is that they, there is a belief that all the characters are made

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up by our own brain, our own psyche, and, and that we're just projecting,

Amanda Lux:

And maybe Freud would say that, but I think according to young, he might

Amanda Lux:

talk more about how our dreams could be representing different archetypal

Amanda Lux:

qualities or symbolic aspects of ourselves such as our shadow or our

Amanda Lux:

inner child, or our deep seated fears that we've not really processed.

Amanda Lux:

And then there's also visitation type dreams where the main

Amanda Lux:

characters are not necessarily just symbols or symbolic aspects, such

Amanda Lux:

as people who have passed away.

Amanda Lux:

Maybe we know them or we don't, or maybe they even have information for

Amanda Lux:

us that we couldn't otherwise know.

Amanda Lux:

And we could be meeting with ancestors or.

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Different spirits.

Amanda Lux:

And then there's also Tibetan dream or sleep yoga practices

Amanda Lux:

where they intentionally go and work with teachers, enlightened

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ones, but he sought Fez or devas.

Amanda Lux:

And then there's Shamani practices from around the globe and throughout

Amanda Lux:

history where people have reported meeting with different time travelers

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in their dreams or shape-shifters animal spirit guides, higher selves

Amanda Lux:

or alternate parallel selves.

Amanda Lux:

Different briefings from other worlds or dimensions even.

Amanda Lux:

You know, and you don't even have to be religious to meet with angels.

Amanda Lux:

I've met with the angel Gabrielle one, a lucid dream on my roof of my house.

Amanda Lux:

So I know you can meet with angels and all different types of beings.

Amanda Lux:

I've met with almost all of these types of beings in my dreams.

Amanda Lux:

And then of course, spoken with other individuals who have had similar

Amanda Lux:

experiences and more than I could even mention here, it's it's VAT.

Amanda Lux:

But ultimately, I just want to convey that.

Amanda Lux:

I think it's really cool to allow for multiple possibilities to exist at the

Amanda Lux:

same time that we can interpret our dreams in a multilayered way without

Amanda Lux:

discounting one version or another.

Amanda Lux:

And I like the idea that multiple things could be possible because

Amanda Lux:

sometimes we're not even dream.

Amanda Lux:

For ourselves or as ourselves, we're actually in another dreamers body , or

Amanda Lux:

we're having a dream for somebody else.

Amanda Lux:

And this happens, this definitely happens.

Amanda Lux:

And I've heard many stories like this.

Amanda Lux:

That's another possibility.

Amanda Lux:

So even while we are inhabiting somebody else's body, and one way you can find

Amanda Lux:

that out in a dream is just to ask, like, who am I looking in a mirror?

Amanda Lux:

And sometimes you might discover that you are not yourself.

Amanda Lux:

And that's really interesting.

Amanda Lux:

So when we're not ourselves, and where somebody else do, we cease to be ourselves

Amanda Lux:

because we're still our own consciousness.

Amanda Lux:

How much of ourselves are we and how much of ourselves are, are they?

Amanda Lux:

So just to like, you know, this isn't necessarily meant to be entertainment.

Amanda Lux:

Although I find it really entertaining, it's meant to open up this.

Amanda Lux:

Realm of possibility for you to ponder who are the dream characters

Amanda Lux:

that you're interacting with.

Amanda Lux:

And I actually had a dream just last night.

Amanda Lux:

I had a dream and I had seeded my dream two nights before

Amanda Lux:

I asked for a dream where I could know in the dream that I was dreaming.

Amanda Lux:

And those were the words that I used.

Amanda Lux:

And so two nights later, I had a dream where in the middle of this random dream,

Amanda Lux:

I suddenly realized that I was dreaming.

Amanda Lux:

I became lucid.

Amanda Lux:

And as soon as I became lucid , I looked at this, there was this random word.

Amanda Lux:

Person passing me on a S on a stairwell.

Amanda Lux:

And I looked at them and I just like broke through that wall of congeniality

Amanda Lux:

that where we don't stare at people, cause I was like, I'm dreaming.

Amanda Lux:

This is my dream.

Amanda Lux:

And who is this guy?

Amanda Lux:

Like, how did he get here?

Amanda Lux:

Who, who, who is he?

Amanda Lux:

And I was just staring at him.

Amanda Lux:

And the funniest thing happened is the more I looked at him, the

Amanda Lux:

more like he started to, he, it, he realized I was staring at him

Amanda Lux:

and he got really uncomfortable and he started back up the stairs.

Amanda Lux:

Like he was getting freaked out that I was staring at.

Amanda Lux:

In this really unconventional way.

Amanda Lux:

And like, I was this Uber conscious, you know, being

Amanda Lux:

just looking right through him.

Amanda Lux:

And he started to become almost two dimensional.

Amanda Lux:

I noticed that he, he stopped feeling like a real person and he started to seem more

Amanda Lux:

like one of those, what they call like a non-player character in a video game.

Amanda Lux:

I swear I don't play video games, but my son does.

Amanda Lux:

I, that was the first thing I thought of in the dream.

Amanda Lux:

I'm like, as he a non-player character, he just, the stand in.

Amanda Lux:

Is he even a real person?

Amanda Lux:

What is he doing here?

Amanda Lux:

He was just passing by.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

I didn't, I don't have any answers for that, but I think the mystery is

Amanda Lux:

far more interesting than any answer I could possibly make up for you.

Amanda Lux:

And I remember when I was a teenager and I've been obsessed with dreams my

Amanda Lux:

whole life, this character in this book suggested that we could move through

Amanda Lux:

our waking lives as though we were in a dream and contemplating and meeting

Amanda Lux:

each character in our waking lives as though they were an aspect of ourselves.

Amanda Lux:

And I loved that.

Amanda Lux:

The game of that so much that I started thinking like that when I

Amanda Lux:

was a teenager, I started to observe what aspect of me are they playing?

Amanda Lux:

What are they showing me?

Amanda Lux:

What are they mirroring from inside my own psyche or my own soul that I

Amanda Lux:

haven't even contemplated yet, that I need to know what do I need to know?

Amanda Lux:

What do I need to learn from this?

Amanda Lux:

And we could even weave this into this whole concept of a field of intelligence

Amanda Lux:

that is shared, that is swimming around in this soup of intelligence

Amanda Lux:

that we can tap into at any time.

Amanda Lux:

And that in this consciousness soup, we're all playing each

Amanda Lux:

other mirroring each other.

Amanda Lux:

And we are all the center of the universe.

Amanda Lux:

And we are even the non-player character that are showing up.

Amanda Lux:

Where the inanimate objects and what if.

Amanda Lux:

Even those have some kind of sentience or intelligence or reflection for us.

Amanda Lux:

And if there is this shared field of consciousness that could extend, , to

Amanda Lux:

other individuals or groups, could it not extend to all people and all

Amanda Lux:

beings and all things everywhere.

Amanda Lux:

I mean, why not?

Amanda Lux:

So I invite you to go on this dream adventure with me as we now move

Amanda Lux:

into just a little breakdown of the elemental dreamwork method followed by

Amanda Lux:

the, "the Golden Dice" Laura's dream.

Amanda Lux:

In the elemental dreamwork.

Amanda Lux:

We are moving through each of the five elements, which correlate to the

Amanda Lux:

five physical chakras in the body.

Amanda Lux:

And we are applying these qualities that each of the elements possess to a way

Amanda Lux:

of listening to and contemplating our.

Amanda Lux:

And so the first one, the first element is the ether element and

Amanda Lux:

that relates to the throat chakra.

Amanda Lux:

And when we listened to the dream , and you can do this with friends, family,

Amanda Lux:

clients, whomever you want to first invite them to tune into what's in the field.

Amanda Lux:

Here's that word again?

Amanda Lux:

What's in the knowing field of their life that could be affecting them.

Amanda Lux:

And maybe this is something they were thinking about talking about

Amanda Lux:

something that's been on their mind, or perhaps they seeded the dream or they

Amanda Lux:

incubated the dream with an intention.

Amanda Lux:

Maybe they wanted to have a specific dream or ask for

Amanda Lux:

guidance around a specific issue.

Amanda Lux:

And so all of that would be in the ether of the dream elemental dream work process.

Amanda Lux:

And the next level down is the air element, which rules the

Amanda Lux:

heart chakra, and also our mind.

Amanda Lux:

And so when we get to the air element of the dream sharing

Amanda Lux:

process, we're asking the person to.

Amanda Lux:

Think about and talk about and communicate what the dream was about.

Amanda Lux:

If you were by yourself, that would be writing it down in a dream journal, or

Amanda Lux:

it could be speaking it out loud into a recorder, or you could be sharing

Amanda Lux:

it with somebody in your life and just contemplating it or psychoanalyzing

Amanda Lux:

it from a mental perspective.

Amanda Lux:

From there, we stepped down into the fire element.

Amanda Lux:

So we go from, you know, the ether what's in the field of this stream to

Amanda Lux:

the air, which is the mental field to the fire, which is the physical field.

Amanda Lux:

We're now stepping into a lower vibratory pattern.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

And so I invite in the fire of the, of the dream sharing process to

Amanda Lux:

tune into how you feel in your body.

Amanda Lux:

As you tell the dream, as you contemplate it and share it, you know, what did

Amanda Lux:

you feel when you very first woke up in your body and what do you feel now?

Amanda Lux:

Because there's a whole lot of information.

Amanda Lux:

That is held in our physical bodies.

Amanda Lux:

And when we tune in somatically to the dream space, we get more, we get

Amanda Lux:

informed in a deeper way, and that could be, um, sensations that are

Amanda Lux:

arising in the moment, or it could be sensations that we had in the dreams.

Amanda Lux:

That are informing us.

Amanda Lux:

So that's just another layer.

Amanda Lux:

Another way to glean information or insight or Intuit insight, uh,

Amanda Lux:

information from the dream space.

Amanda Lux:

And then from the fire, we move into the water element,

Amanda Lux:

which relates to the second.

Amanda Lux:

And the water is that sort of deeper, intuitive knowing I

Amanda Lux:

often think of the sharing or the reflection that comes back to us.

Amanda Lux:

Once we have shared the dream or what's being reflected , as we

Amanda Lux:

move through our waking lives.

Amanda Lux:

Now with that dream in our consciousness where the world is reflecting back

Amanda Lux:

and then the last element is the earth element and in the earth element

Amanda Lux:

where we're really coming to the completion of the cycle and we're

Amanda Lux:

taking it into our lives now, maybe with some kind of action or ritual,

Amanda Lux:

how do we want to honor the dream?

Amanda Lux:

How are we going to take action based on what we learned from the dream?

Amanda Lux:

What do we want to create because of this dream?

Amanda Lux:

And it just takes then.

Amanda Lux:

The information or the learning or the, it deepens it to an embodied,

Amanda Lux:

uh, way of living the dream.

Amanda Lux:

And so that's the final aspect of the elemental dreamwork process.

Amanda Lux:

And I just wanted to give you a little rundown of those in case this is your

Amanda Lux:

first time listening, but also because you know, each time we contemplate each

Amanda Lux:

of these layers, it takes us somewhere

Amanda Lux:

so I invite you to tune in to your own energy as you listened to Laura's

Amanda Lux:

dream as though it were your own.

Amanda Lux:

Welcome Laura.

Amanda Lux:

Thank you so much for being here.

Amanda Lux:

Thank you for having me.

Amanda Lux:

While we're here in the ether.

Amanda Lux:

I just want to just kind of set the space a little bit before you share

Amanda Lux:

your dream, just to kind of invoke the space and invite, our guides and allies

Amanda Lux:

and , just speak to the container that, that this is for the highest good of all.

Amanda Lux:

And that it's a safe and sacred.

Amanda Lux:

For you to share.

Amanda Lux:

And so I really appreciate you being willing to share a dream.

Amanda Lux:

It's a vulnerable thing, and it's a beautiful gift because when you share

Amanda Lux:

it, it becomes our dream to a little bit.

Amanda Lux:

So thank you.

Amanda Lux:

You're welcome.

Amanda Lux:

My pleasure.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

And so you brought a dream to share.

Laure Porché:

Yeah, I don't, um, I don't usually plant seeds or have intent.

Laure Porché:

But it's a pretty recent dream.

Laure Porché:

It's like maybe a week old.

Laure Porché:

And, I'm in this, I mean, this phase in my life where I'm really reevaluating how

Laure Porché:

I want to work and what it wants to do.

Laure Porché:

And like asking all those questions about who am I and what am I bringing to the

Laure Porché:

world and how am I going to share it?

Laure Porché:

And so that's kind of like the.

Laure Porché:

The environment that I'm in the inner environment, this is hard thing.

Laure Porché:

Got it.

Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:

So as we, as we move into the air of the dream process, I

Laure Porché:

would love to hear the dream.

Laure Porché:

Have you express it and share it, and . What you think of it.

Laure Porché:

Um, in the dream, I'm going with a friend I'm with a friend and we're going

Laure Porché:

to, to watch an audience like a trial.

Laure Porché:

Um, and then when we get there, it's not a trial, it's a guru,

Laure Porché:

um, doing like a massive.

Laure Porché:

Kind of conference many people everywhere.

Laure Porché:

And, and the group is like, uh, OSHA light, you know, is like a very typical

Laure Porché:

or white with a beard and turban.

Laure Porché:

And my friends is the best place to say this by the wall.

Laure Porché:

And then she sits and then she sits Stoli in a different place.

Laure Porché:

And I'm like, okay.

Laure Porché:

And, and I see those, some people are sitting on those very low chair.

Laure Porché:

Um, and I'm, and I really like those chairs and I really want to find

Laure Porché:

one of those chairs to sit in and I can't find what they're all taken.

Laure Porché:

And they've piles of chairs that are all different and I'm rooting through

Laure Porché:

all those piles of chairs, trying to find the chair that I saw that I

Laure Porché:

want to sit in and I'm not finding.

Laure Porché:

And I'm looking at her.

Laure Porché:

I'm like, I really can't find my place.

Laure Porché:

I can find my place in the dream.

Laure Porché:

I'm thinking, well, this is a constellation thing.

Laure Porché:

Uh, I've had that awareness in the dream, oh, this is a constellation thing.

Laure Porché:

Where is your place?

Laure Porché:

Where is your chair?

Laure Porché:

She says the best places by the wall, but then she doesn't even sit there

Laure Porché:

seeing all these different chair options.

Laure Porché:

And you're taking in all the options.

Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:

And so I don't find the chair that I want.

Laure Porché:

So I, I ended up taking like two cushions and saying, okay, I'm just

Laure Porché:

going to sit against the wall so they can have something to lean on.

Laure Porché:

Um, and I try to sit next to someone who's playing a musical instrument and

Laure Porché:

it's really, it's a really tight fit.

Laure Porché:

And she says, no, when you please sit there where I can see

Laure Porché:

you, like, I want to see you.

Laure Porché:

And she calls me by my name.

Laure Porché:

And I feel really acknowledged by that.

Laure Porché:

I feel like, wow, she knows me.

Laure Porché:

Like what's, you know, it's like a huge crowd and how come she knows me?

Laure Porché:

And they feel very like, wow, this is, this is really nice.

Laure Porché:

I feel very seen.

Laure Porché:

And then, and so I haven't been in this thing to the group all this time.

Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:

There's been talk and I'd be like fixated on the chair and, and then he throws in

Laure Porché:

the crowd, a golden dice or cold and die.

Laure Porché:

I think you get, I guess you see, I never know in English it's like, um,

Laure Porché:

and I, and I, I gather that the one who catches it as the right to ask a

Laure Porché:

question, And the dice is bouncing, like at the speed of light everywhere.

Laure Porché:

And I almost catch it.

Laure Porché:

And then don't because it's just too fast.

Laure Porché:

And then this woman next, not far from him and catches it, um, with a tool, something

Laure Porché:

like some, some long tool actually catches it and she's really proud of herself.

Laure Porché:

She's like, look, I caught it.

Laure Porché:

And then when she goes to take it, the dust, the souls into

Laure Porché:

companies, or like some kind of.

Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:

And, um, and I wonder, and I'm thinking, oh, I wonder if this is because

Laure Porché:

she didn't catch it with her hands.

Laure Porché:

She caught it with a tool and that's the end of that.

Laure Porché:

So when you very first, like woke up from the stream and as you, as you're

Laure Porché:

sitting with it now as well, it's probably evolved a little bit for you.

Laure Porché:

I'm just curious, like, how do you feel, how do you feel in your body?

Laure Porché:

Like, what do you feel when you sit with this.

Laure Porché:

I feel my right side is really present.

Laure Porché:

I mean, it usually is, but I'm feeling it more than usual, I guess.

Laure Porché:

Um, I feel activated just because of telling it, you know, do you, or like

Laure Porché:

in this setting and zoom and, um,

Laure Porché:

And, um, um, I, I feel amused.

Laure Porché:

I think it's really funny.

Laure Porché:

I think it's a really telling dream and that makes me laugh.

Laure Porché:

So you feel sort of activated a little bit just from bringing it in and then

Laure Porché:

you also really notice your right side of your body and that's normal for you, but

Laure Porché:

you're really aware of that right now.

Laure Porché:

Is there something, do you have a particular question that you are

Laure Porché:

still pondering about the dream?

Laure Porché:

Well, I wonder what the guru is about.

Laure Porché:

Cause really, I didn't care at all about him, the whole dream.

Laure Porché:

Like he was like talking and teaching and it was like, I chair my chair

Laure Porché:

and then the person with the music and then, and then the day, but I

Laure Porché:

didn't, you know, it didn't feel like, oh, I have to listen to this person.

Laure Porché:

Yeah, I'm curious about the relationship, you know, if there is a relationship

Laure Porché:

and I'm also curious about the fact that I, I went into this room or

Laure Porché:

this place thinking I was going to watch a trial and I thought, I

Laure Porché:

think that's really interesting.

Laure Porché:

I don't know why it's really interesting, but it, it feels very interesting to me.

Laure Porché:

Um, but that transformed I trial.

Laure Porché:

And what is, what is trial mean to you?

Laure Porché:

Well, it brings the idea of, of judgment obviously.

Laure Porché:

Um, and, and, you know, what's good there, good and bad and right.

Laure Porché:

And wrong and notions that I'm not really fond of in general.

Laure Porché:

And just like the complete opposite between what I was

Laure Porché:

expecting, which is like a very.

Laure Porché:

Kind of dark room with, you know, very serious.

Laure Porché:

And then this is kind of like hippie crowd sitting on the

Laure Porché:

floor and chairs of all sizes.

Laure Porché:

And then it's like white girl, like all dressed in white.

Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:

Moving into the, you know, the water elements of the process here, the

Laure Porché:

fire is sort of, how does it feel in your body what's coming up for you

Laure Porché:

and then tuning into the water of the.

Laure Porché:

I'm really just going to try it on as though it was my dream

Laure Porché:

and just like feeling into it.

Laure Porché:

The first sort of thing that I wonder is , what aspects of these characters

Laure Porché:

are, what's important about how they're embodying a reflection of myself or a part

Laure Porché:

of my own life or my own psyche versus.

Laure Porché:

Are they guides or, sometimes it's both simultaneously of course, too,

Laure Porché:

but when I try it on, I think like about that aspect of, of me as the guru.

Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:

And I also love that you had that thought like, oh, this is so

Laure Porché:

constellation when you're looking for them in the dream, you know, that

Laure Porché:

you're looking for the right seat.

Laure Porché:

Where do you go?

Laure Porché:

Where do you put yourself in the scene?

Laure Porché:

And the question ultimately of like, who is the guru or.

Laure Porché:

And maybe, should I not be focusing on him rather than on all the chair options.

Laure Porché:

That's just not going to make a big difference.

Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:

I mean, also in the context of what you were saying, where your life is sort

Laure Porché:

of like you're contemplating how to show up in your business where do you

Laure Porché:

put yourself and being seen, right.

Laure Porché:

There's something about that being seen and known , I think

Laure Porché:

there is always something about.

Laure Porché:

When we are sharing our work too, there is that whole, I don't want

Laure Porché:

to have to be the guru or very, very active thought in my mind all the time.

Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:

Careful with that.

Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:

For sure.

Laure Porché:

The expert or the guru.

Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:

How does that feel?

Laure Porché:

Like when I just reflect on that?

Laure Porché:

It feels very, it feels very good and, um, and relevant, um, in terms

Laure Porché:

of like other things that like other messages I'm getting through work that

Laure Porché:

I'm doing for myself and, um, that there's really kind of reassemble like

Laure Porché:

a reassembling of some parts of me that need to kind of sell together before

Laure Porché:

I go out and do something about it.

Laure Porché:

Um, But yeah, I do see like the there's, there's definitely something

Laure Porché:

about acknowledgement and it feels when I'm thinking about the dream.

Laure Porché:

Uh, very clear.

Laure Porché:

Like I always look at dreams in terms of like, those are all different parts of me.

Laure Porché:

But in this case it feels doubly clear.

Laure Porché:

And I also liked the idea of the dice and the chance and cause, cause in the

Laure Porché:

dream I'm thinking there's no way I'm going to, there's no way to catch that.

Laure Porché:

It has to fall in your lap.

Laure Porché:

And that's a little bit, the messages that I'm getting on terms of like, of

Laure Porché:

stop running around, trying to catch it, like it's gonna fall in your lap

Laure Porché:

and you just have to wait for it.

Laure Porché:

And, and I'm thinking also movie star, um, focusing so much on the two.

Laure Porché:

That's that's what I'm, you know, and ultimately the dream that's what I did.

Laure Porché:

I was like, this is stupid.

Laure Porché:

Like I'm just going to take, because you know, I'm missing what's happening

Laure Porché:

because I'm so focused on the damn chair.

Laure Porché:

And so that's something that I definitely could bring into my life.

Laure Porché:

Cause I, I spend a lot of mental energy about, you know, how and how and why.

Laure Porché:

Um, and maybe I should just do whatever and trust that will you know, that

Laure Porché:

it will come through whatever I do.

Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:

I, it feels like when I try on the dream, it feels like for me that the tape.

Laure Porché:

I love what your takeaway is, making that connection of maybe to

Laure Porché:

start focusing on all the chairs or the tools or the things, right.

Laure Porché:

It's like, oh, I can just sit down and listen, and, , I'll get when

Laure Porché:

it's my time, the day will come to me or I'll get what I need.

Laure Porché:

There's something about that.

Laure Porché:

And you'll be recognized, you know, you will be seen.

Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:

That feels like a, a power piece to me of recognition.

Laure Porché:

So very cool.

Laure Porché:

And, and then, then just to bring it into the earth, is there anything that

Laure Porché:

you want to do in your life to honor the dream specifically or any action

Laure Porché:

that you might want to take around it?

Laure Porché:

Well, I kind of like that image of the dye.

Laure Porché:

Um, I might, I might work on it in textile.

Laure Porché:

Um, Um, cause I was thinking I could, I could embroider it on, I could do a

Laure Porché:

piece around it and now I'm thinking I could make like a 3d fabric dye, but

Laure Porché:

I wouldn't need like a gold fabric.

Laure Porché:

So I might need to get some old fabric now.

Laure Porché:

So when you say that and like, ah, I know, I guess I do a lot of textile.

Laure Porché:

I work around my dreams and that's also what I do with my

Laure Porché:

people in them in the past.

Laure Porché:

They've been doing that and they're like, oh my God, this is amazing.

Laure Porché:

Um, and so that's, yeah, that's, that's inspiring for me.

Laure Porché:

Like the golden Knights really strong.

Laure Porché:

It wasn't really strong.

Laure Porché:

And I imagined the dream.

Laure Porché:

Like I really have those kinds of symbolic objects in my dreams.

Laure Porché:

It's not.

Laure Porché:

So, um, and so it was like, wow.

Laure Porché:

It's cool when you get an actual symbolic object, like for sure.

Laure Porché:

And then the fact that you're an artist and you could then

Laure Porché:

do a representation of that.

Laure Porché:

And then that again, that takes that energy of the dream and brings

Laure Porché:

even more forward into your life and helps process what that is.

Laure Porché:

I don't know, it feels like a magical, higher self access key,

Laure Porché:

you know, ask any question if you're holding the golden dye, you know?

Laure Porché:

Yeah, exactly.

Laure Porché:

I want that on my alter, you know, Absolutely.

Laure Porché:

You want to bring it with you in classes?

Laure Porché:

Like wear it in a medicine pouch I don't know.

Laure Porché:

Giant, giant, golden.

Laure Porché:

We're going on a big chain.

Laure Porché:

I mean, I, like, I made a, felt heart with a, with a tree growing out of it,

Laure Porché:

um, before, when, before my first class with them in the bath as a, and it's

Laure Porché:

like a, it's an anchor, it's like a 3d object and it's, uh, it's definitely.

Laure Porché:

It's like a safety blanket.

Laure Porché:

And like I said, it's an anchor.

Laure Porché:

It's like an anchor to that, that energetic thing.

Laure Porché:

See that came through in your, in your dream.

Laure Porché:

It's really cool to have that.

Laure Porché:

I also paint and create from my dreams, almost exclusively.

Laure Porché:

Everything that I have made so far has been based on a dream

Laure Porché:

or a conscious dream journey.

Laure Porché:

But I find that that as a process, it's like, I don't

Laure Porché:

have any interest in painting.

Laure Porché:

Yeah, right.

Laure Porché:

I try to explore that actually and get into like more abstract art and stuff,

Laure Porché:

but, but I just love painting my dreams because I love the process of what

Laure Porché:

comes from that and creating something from the dream then like anchors that

Laure Porché:

energy or it furthers the, the learning and the growing it's interactive.

Laure Porché:

Yeah, it does.

Laure Porché:

It does further the process.

Laure Porché:

And I do, I make pieces from dreams and from, um, work that I do was with

Laure Porché:

fascinators and therapists for myself, like moments that I have in, in workshops

Laure Porché:

or sessions, um, to get an anchor, like things that come to me in those moments.

Laure Porché:

And also because as you make it.

Laure Porché:

Um, also when you work with textiles, it's very slow.

Laure Porché:

So it's like, it gives time to your soul to kind of digest the, you know,

Laure Porché:

the voice going up, but also as you make it, um, your subconscious shows

Laure Porché:

you things in how you were making it.

Laure Porché:

Yes, totally set a true central.

Laure Porché:

So, cool.

Laure Porché:

Well, thank you so much for sharing your dream.

Laure Porché:

I loved your dream

Laure Porché:

for mirroring it and trying it on.

Laure Porché:

Really appreciate it.

Laure Porché:

Well, thank you so much for being a part of this Laure.

Laure Porché:

I really appreciate you and what you're doing and what you're offering.

Laure Porché:

And definitely if you're listening to this and you are.

Laure Porché:

Interested in checking out her staff, then you should fully go to her website.

Laure Porché:

So my website is, uh, : okay.

Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:

And the Moonlight path is your 10 month program.

Laure Porché:


Laure Porché:

wll, definitely check that out and thank you so much for being here for having me.

Amanda Lux:

so to just sum up the reflection about her dream, I

Amanda Lux:

thought it was super interesting that she thought, that she was

Amanda Lux:

going to be heading into a trial.

Amanda Lux:

In the ether of her dream , she mentioned that she's been, , preparing

Amanda Lux:

to launch some programs online, putting yourself out there online or

Amanda Lux:

putting out a podcast takes a lot of effort you have to expose yourself.

Amanda Lux:

And especially for those of us who are in the healing arts, that can it can

Amanda Lux:

feel like you're heading into a trial.

Amanda Lux:

Lo and behold, it was this more like this guru sitting on a stage

Amanda Lux:

that, , had this golden die.

Amanda Lux:

And of course, when she first enters, she's not looking at the guru, she's

Amanda Lux:

looking at, where should she sit?

Amanda Lux:

Which she commented was very much like.

Amanda Lux:

Uh, constellation.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

Where do you put yourself in the field?

Amanda Lux:

Where do you belong?

Amanda Lux:

Where are you in relationship to the guru on the stage or the, to the woman with the

Amanda Lux:

instruments, the artist, or the audience?

Amanda Lux:

So there's this element of, um, trying to figure out where to

Amanda Lux:

put yourself in relation to all these other players and roles.

Amanda Lux:

That you are playing in your own life.

Amanda Lux:

And that can be a distracting thing, right?

Amanda Lux:

We can actually spend a lot of time wandering around wondering what platform

Amanda Lux:

to put this on, or how much energy to put into Instagram and of course, with that,

Amanda Lux:

there's all these tools, shiny tools.

Amanda Lux:

You know, and we're playing a game of chance.

Amanda Lux:

Will we be heard?

Amanda Lux:

Will we, will we get recognized?

Amanda Lux:

Will we be witnessed while people see us for who we are?

Amanda Lux:

And do we have to be a guru?

Amanda Lux:

We don't want to be that, you know, so Laura even says, I

Amanda Lux:

don't want to be the cool.

Amanda Lux:

At the same time, you know, we want to catch that dye.

Amanda Lux:

There's this game of chance when you put yourself out there that you'll

Amanda Lux:

be discovered or you'll be witnessed, and there's a chance that you won't.

Amanda Lux:

And, you know, there's a lot of quote unquote shiny tools out there that, you

Amanda Lux:

know, are offering to elevate us to that guru status, but, you know, do the tools

Amanda Lux:

work in her dream, the tool disintegrated.

Amanda Lux:

And so the question is, is that I think.

Amanda Lux:

We don't need to worry about where we are sitting in the field of our life here.

Amanda Lux:

We don't need to worry about what platform or whether we're in a chair

Amanda Lux:

or on the floor against the wall.

Amanda Lux:

And we don't need the tool.

Amanda Lux:

Ultimately, we are all of these players.

Amanda Lux:

We are the guru.

Amanda Lux:

We are a higher selves.

Amanda Lux:

We are the, the artist and the witness.

Amanda Lux:

And ultimately I think her takeaway.

Amanda Lux:

She will be seen and that her work will get across to the people that,

Amanda Lux:

that need to catch it, you know?

Amanda Lux:

And, um, I just thought what a brilliant, brilliant dream, but a brilliant

Amanda Lux:

play of all of those different roles.

Amanda Lux:

And I certainly related to her dream in all of those ways.

Amanda Lux:

And I'm curious how you related to Laures dream I would love to know

Amanda Lux:

thank you so much for listening to the third episode of alone,

Amanda Lux:

Traveler's guide to the divine with our dream guests, LaurePorsche.

Amanda Lux:

Please check out the links to her offerings in the show notes I appreciate

Amanda Lux:

you listening, sharing this podcast with a friend and giving maybe a few

Amanda Lux:

stars or a review on apple podcasts or wherever you might be listening.

Amanda Lux:

Cause that would be so helpful and supportive.

Amanda Lux:

I invite you to send me an email.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

That's B

Amanda Lux:

If anything, in Laura's dream or this episode resonated with

Amanda Lux:

you, as I would love to know.

Amanda Lux:

And if you would like more information about our Patrion, our membership, or

Amanda Lux:

our upcoming classes and workshops, please go to elevation

Amanda Lux:

Thank you so much for participating in the knowing field of our conscious

Amanda Lux:

journey that we are weaving here together through this podcast.

Amanda Lux:

And may this deepen your own inquiry and exploration of your night dreams, your

Amanda Lux:

energy and the waking dream of your life in the best and highest way possible.



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