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97. From Astrology to Palmistry: AI’s Surprising Entry into Metaphysical Realms
Episode 9716th July 2024 • Mind Power Meets Mystic • Cinthia Varkevisser & Michelle Walters
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Episode Summary:

Join hosts Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters as they delve into the fascinating convergence of artificial intelligence and metaphysical practices. This episode explores how AI is influencing the field of metaphysics, enhancing the efficiency of traditional practices like astrology and intuition in business, and what this means for both practitioners and enthusiasts.

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  1. The Role of AI in Metaphysics: Discover how AI is currently being used to speed up data analysis in fields like astrology, providing faster insights.
  2. Human vs. Machine: Discussion on the irreplaceable value of human intuition and how it complements AI's data processing capabilities.
  3. Practical Applications: How Cinthia and Michelle integrate AI into their workflows, improving efficiency without compromising the depth of their intuitive practices.
  4. Future Trends: Insights into potential future developments at the intersection of AI and metaphysical practices and how listeners can stay informed and adaptable.

Featured Stories:

  • Cinthia's Insights: Cinthia shares her personal experiences with AI in her practice, highlighting both the benefits and limitations.
  • Michelle's Approach: Michelle discusses how integrating AI has transformed administrative tasks and allowed for a deeper focus on creative and intuitive aspects of their work.

Listener Takeaways:

  • Understand how to use AI as a tool to enhance your metaphysical practices.
  • Learn the importance of maintaining a balance between technology and personal intuition.
  • Explore ways to incorporate AI into your spiritual or professional life without losing the human touch.

Contact Information:


Hi, we're Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters, co-hosts of Mind Power Meets Mystic.

Our weekly show is here to expand your mind to what's possible, to uplift your spirits to move forward with confidence and joy, and to create a space for your collaboration with the invisible. Welcome to Mind Power Meets Mystic.

nating. It's the hot topic of:

Well, to be completely honest, I was also looking to see if AI is going to replace our work. So we have friends that are in different fields. We have a CPA who's worried that they are going to be replaced by AI, and then there are other people who are concerned about how AI is going to affect their work. And so why not? Let's see how much AI can get into our work or at least which way it is going? And is it something that we need to be concerned about, right?

Well, I'm feeling okay at the moment when it comes to my hypnosis work. Because it's been a couple of months, but when I asked ChatGPT if it could hypnotize someone, it said no. That being said, when I have asked it if it could write a meditation script for something, it can do that.


So, but it cannot. And I, you know, the part that is most important is, let's talk about Mind Power Meets Mystic product. So what happens is we do a tag team: the client comes in, we do a reading, you're in standby position, and you are calling information for a very personalized hypnotherapy session. And I just don't see how ChatGPT can get that involved with someone. Once they do say that they can provide meditations for someone. I mean, think about it, people are coming to us because they don't understand one, the root of their problem, right? Two, how to resolve it, because they're just too close. And so I don't see there, at least not for a really, really long time, that GPT will ever get there.

Honestly, I don't know that AI will ever get there. In terms of being able to read energy the way you read energy, or being able to help people connect to their own energy and elevate it the way I do. So I'm hoping that the two of us have jobs that are pretty safe for a good long time, at least as long as we're around. But I have to say that some of what I found on ChatGPT could cause some people like astrologers or palmistry people to begin to recognize that they're going to need to make sure that they've got a value-add that is beyond what you can get for free at ChatGPT.


So having talked about this, let's dig in because this was so much fun for us.

It was totally fun. And it was really interesting. And I want to also want to tell our listeners kind of a little bit about sort of a short version of my story. How did this topic even come up?


That is that I was out to coffee with a friend of mine. And this friend of mine would not consider herself an astrologer. But she is somebody who loves astrology. And she was talking to me and she said, "Oh, years ago I saw something in your chart and I never told you about it. And I don't know that I could remember exactly what it was or what these various pieces of it, but it had something to do with Saturn, it had something to do with your number of relationships and how they were going to come together." And when I had this, this interpretation of your chart, it was shortly after your husband died, but before you'd had another relationship. And what I saw on your chart was that you were going to have two relationships with people who died. So I didn't want to tell you about this because that would be like forecasting your next relationship was going to go south, right? So I was like, "Oh my God, this is a story that whether if it's true, it gives some explanation to what many of our listeners know is part of my story, which is that I've had two wonderful relationships with gentlemen who passed away." Right. So my friend didn't remember exactly what she heard about this. Of course, I'm itching to know. So I go home, and I pull up ChatGPT. "Can you do my astrology chart?" Well, lo and behold, ChatGPT could do my astrology chart. And because I was coming at it from a perspective of, "Does my chart say this about me?" ChatGPT said, "Well, yes, I can find evidence of how that interpretation could come through your chart." And I don't know if that's exactly what my friend was looking at. But it's a good example that, you know, there's sort of at least two ways to look at this, right? Like, tell me what evidence you have that supports my hypothesis, or tell me what you see, and what are your conclusions from it, right? But when I put in all this stuff, my birthdate, where I was born, and all this kind of stuff, it came back and was like, "Well, yeah, there's a couple of things here that might indicate you were going to have a couple partners who were going to die." And I mean, that's horrible, right? But on the other hand, maybe it means that that part of my story is done. Right. And so for me, I'm, I'm looking at it that way. But just this whole notion that ChatGPT can tell me that my Venus is in Scorpio and my Saturn is in Aries. I mean, it's pretty fascinating, right?

It is, it's really exciting. And I did know an astrologer who was really good about detailing death, which sounds very morbid. However, it gave me time to keep my eyes open and be really aware of the people in my life, and knowing that I only had a certain amount of time with them. So the thing between chatbots, ChatGPT, Libra, ChatGPT, and my astrologer is the intuitive part. So I like that ChatGPT says, "Yeah, there's a possibility that there are these couple aspects that could, you know, that could influence or read." Or you can have someone who's just, this is my jam. I'll be honest, he was not the greatest astrologer in other aspects. He was a little bit more ChatGPT general. However, when it came to death, I had not seen anything like that. So yeah, so it's really fascinating. But the human aspect of it is picking up like, what is your quirk? That makes you read something in a certain way?

Well, I think that's exactly where your gift comes in, right? And there are plenty of astrologers who have a great gift, a gift of being able to look at a star chart, and not just see, oh, yeah, we got these angles here, and that means this, and these angles here, that mean that, but to really take that information and blend it with an intuitive understanding, with a higher connection. I don't know how this stuff works. I don't know that any of us really completely understand it. But putting it together in a way that adds so much more value. Being able to be like, "Wow, you know, ChatGPT is going to tell pretty much anybody who puts in my birthdate, my birth time, my birthplace, this." But if I went to a professional astrologer who needed to read energy, that astrologer is going to say, "Oh, and for Michelle, these are the things that really stand out to me here."


So let's actually dig into this because we had a blast asking ChatGPT these questions. And what I decided to do was just ask three questions and see what came out. When I asked these questions, I had specific astrologers in mind. I think about Leslie Tagorda, who I absolutely adore. And if you don't know who Leslie is, she was way back in episode 12. And she could talk a lot about who we were, and how we worked. And her bend was about business, business and exposure, and marketing and all that stuff. So my question was threefold: one was, what does my astrology say about my intuition? How does intuition and business go together? And then the third is what do you see for me in the next 10 years?


What were your questions?

Well, my questions really were all around this, like, "Does my Saturn say my partners are going to die?" And just one little clip: "Your chart does show potential indicators of attracting partners with health issues primarily through the placement of Saturn and its aspects, as well as Venus in Scorpio. Here are some aspects to consider: Saturn in Aries, challenges in relationships that might relate to partners' vitality or health; Venus in Scorpio, intense transformative relationships that can involve issues around health and regeneration; Neptune in Scorpio, partners with hidden or chronic health issues; North Node in the 8th House, life lessons involving deep transformative experiences, including loss and renewal." I mean, I was just floored.

Well, I'm going to share with the audience what my feedback was. The reason is because we are very clear about why we're here. And a lot of that is because our astrology charts say that we're going to do this work. And it was fascinating because of the level of detail that it actually gave me. So I said, "With Jupiter in Leo, you possess a strong sense of creativity, confidence, and enthusiasm. These qualities can significantly enhance your intuitive abilities." This is not, to be completely honest, this is not rocket science, but whatever. "Here are a few points on how your astrological chart suggests intuitive talents: Jupiter in Leo. This placement suggests that you may have a natural ability to inspire others and express your intuitive insights with warmth and optimism. Your intuition is likely to be accompanied by a sense of confidence and enthusiasm, making it easier for you to trust your gut feelings." Now, to be completely honest, when it comes to my business aspect, that is what I am doing. I'm not necessarily changing people's lives. I am a way-shower. "Neptune in the 8th House." You know I love the 8th House. "Neptune in the 8th House indicates a strong connection to the mystical and the unseen. Your intuitive insights may come from deep, transformative experiences, and you may have a natural talent for understanding the hidden aspects of life." Okay, so it's pretty general. This next one is about, like, "What does intuition and business have in common? Like, where's my thing?"


Well, it's a long one, but I'm not going to say the whole thing. I will pick the ones that really stand out to me. "Intuition can play a valuable role in business by providing insights and perspectives that are not always apparent through logical analysis alone. Here's how your intuition can benefit your business endeavors." "Enhanced decision-making." No kidding. "Your intuitive abilities can provide a deeper understanding of your situations, enabling you to make more informed decisions. You may be able to sense potential opportunities and challenges before they become evident to others." "Innovation and creativity." Again, no kidding. And "Networking and relationships." "Your intuition can guide you in building strong and meaningful connections with others. You may have a natural ability to sense the needs and motivations of those around you, which can help you establish rapport and trust." You know, okay, so yes, that is what I do.

You know, okay, so yes, that is what I do. It's essential to integrate intuition into business, especially in roles that require foresight and deep understanding of human interactions. Intuition acts like a bridge, connecting the dots in a unique way that purely analytical processes may overlook.

This approach has allowed me to excel in areas where others might see just data or facts. It's about seeing the energy behind the numbers, the human element behind the strategies. And that's what makes our work here at Mind Power Meets Mystic so exciting and impactful. We aren't just talking about metaphysics in a vacuum; we're applying these insights in real, tangible ways to help people connect deeper with their inner mystic and to navigate their lives and businesses with greater clarity and purpose.

And speaking of business, Cinthia, what has been your experience using your intuitive gifts in our ventures? How do you see AI impacting the way we understand and apply our intuitive skills in the broader context of our services?

Cinthia: Well, Michelle, my experience has been profoundly transformative. Using intuition in business isn't just about making decisions on a whim; it's about tapping into a deeper wisdom that considers multiple dimensions of a situation. AI, interestingly, has started to play a role in how we access and process information. While it can't replicate human intuition, it can provide us with data and patterns that our intuition can then interpret more meaningfully.

For instance, when we analyze trends or client feedback, AI helps us identify patterns much faster than traditional methods. But it's our intuitive understanding that tells us what these patterns mean in the larger scheme of things and how we can effectively respond to them. So, AI doesn't replace our intuitive skills; instead, it enhances our ability to use those skills more effectively.

And let's not forget the creative ways we've integrated AI into our own workflows. It's been a game-changer in handling the administrative side, allowing us more space to focus on the creative and intuitive aspects of our work.

So, to all our listeners, as we explore these topics, remember: whether you're deeply embedded in the world of metaphysics or just starting to explore what your intuition can offer, there's a place for both technology and intuitive wisdom in your journey. They aren't mutually exclusive but can be incredibly complementary when used wisely.

That said, let's dive into today's main topic: the fascinating intersection of AI and metaphysical practices. Cinthia, can you share some insights on how this convergence is influencing the industry and what it means for our listeners?

Cinthia: Absolutely, Michelle. The convergence of AI and metaphysics is not just theoretical; it's becoming increasingly practical. For example, AI-driven analytics can now interpret astrological data with incredible speed, offering insights that would have taken much longer to calculate manually. However, as I mentioned earlier, the role of the mystic—the human element—remains irreplaceable. We interpret, we feel, and we connect the dots in ways that AI cannot.

Furthermore, this integration is opening up new avenues for personalized spiritual guidance. AI can help customize experiences and recommendations based on individual astrological profiles, but again, it's the human touch that tailors these insights into meaningful advice that resonates on a personal level.

As we continue to navigate this evolving landscape, our goal here at Mind Power Meets Mystic is to keep you informed and empowered. We're here to help you harness both the technological tools and your own innate mystical powers to enhance your life and spiritual practice.

Michelle: Thank you, Cinthia. That was beautifully said. And to everyone listening, we hope this discussion sparks your curiosity and encourages you to explore how you can blend these tools in your own life. Remember, the power of your inner mystic is just waiting to be unleashed, and perhaps with a little help from modern technology, you can reach new heights of understanding and enlightenment.

Thank you for tuning into this week's episode of Mind Power Meets Mystic. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review our podcast, and if you have any questions or topics you'd like us to cover, please reach out to us through our contact information in the show notes. Until next time, keep nurturing your inner mystic, and stay empowered.




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