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Is Free Will An Illusion? Part 1
Episode 1894th April 2023 • The 200% Life • Adam Hergenrother
00:00:00 00:33:55

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Are you in charge of every decision you make, or are you merely a puppet on the strings of the source of consciousness? This week, Hallie and I played around with the concept of free will, and whether we have it or if our life is already predetermined. This is a topic that comes up quite often when people wonder if they are on the right path in life, or when they seek the answer to whether or not they are doing what they are truly meant to be doing. Our aim for this conversation is not to be right, but to encourage people to think about life and our choices in a new way. We discuss the differences between determinism, fatalism, and free will, and how our choices may have more to do with past experiences than we think. Hallie and I explore the idea that there may be a predetermined destiny, but we still have the power to make choices along the way. See full show notes.



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