Have you ever really pursued a dream, gave it all you got, then reached it? (Yay!) But then you felt disappointed because the success didn’t quite feel like you thought it should feel like? Like maybe you got a job promotion you really wanted, started making a lot more money which you thought would fix everything, but then you discovered it really was not something you liked doing? At first it felt really good because you had extra money and you were able to pay some bills and do some things that you wanted to do, but eventually you discovered the money wasn’t enough to fulfill you, so eventually you realized that money doesn’t create happiness when you hate what you’re doing?
Or maybe the reverse is true, maybe you started doing something that you really love to do, maybe some kind of artistic pursuit or creative endeavors, and you love being in the process of doing it but then find yourself struggling in the rest your life? You might not feel supported by others and certainly don’t make enough, if any, money to support yourself?
There is a way to find the balance in doing something you like to do and being supported in it. When we narrow our focus to meet just one aspect of our Whole Self and ignore the others that are also meant to thrive, we risk not being fulfilled or still struggling.
so even if you’ve pursued something and realized it’s not exactly what you want, you can still pivot a little bit, maybe change things a little bit and get new direction, at the very least you now know what you don’t want
But wouldn’t it seem easier and maybe more efficient to align our actions with something that is going to make us feel supportive and happy?
In this episode you’ll hear
You may be interested in Episode Twelve “What Does Connectedness have to do with Mindset, Spiritual Practices, and Law of Attraction?” Check it out here https://revkarencleveland.com/what-does-connectedness-have-to-do-with-mindset-spiritual-practices-and-law-of-attraction/
I really hope to connect with you personally so please send me a message here or join me in my Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/connectednesswithrevkaren. And in the meantime, enjoy the show!
Welcome to the Connectedness Podcast.
rev karen:Just as you might have guessed, I talk about connection in this
rev karen:podcast, our connection with everything in the world around us.
rev karen:We're connected, whether we see it or not.
rev karen:Whether it's your connection with your dog and your.
rev karen:Or your connection with your God.
rev karen:Also, I talk about things that are more abstract, like your connections with your
rev karen:career or your land, your community, your family, your emotions, your body Life
rev karen:is truly all about connections, and the sooner we recognize this, the sooner we
rev karen:get to have an easier, more enjoyable.
rev karen:I am gonna talk about these connections through different lenses, but things
rev karen:like synchronicities and coincidences, or everyday little bits of magic or
rev karen:miracles that we tend to dismiss, it's important we pay attention to
rev karen:all of this to help us, like I said, live an easier, more satisfying life.
rev karen:So welcome to the show.
rev karen:I'm your host, Reverend Karen in Cleveland.
rev karen:Hello, everyone.
rev karen:And welcome to the newest episode.
rev karen:Now, if you listen to the last episode I released, . You'll know that was
rev karen:my season finale for season one.
rev karen:And that moving forward, I'm not going to do seasons.
rev karen:So I'm actually calling this my infinite season.
rev karen:Or season infinity.
rev karen:Regardless.
rev karen:Welcome glad you're here.
rev karen:This is going to be the first part of a series.
rev karen:On the holistic approach to achieving dreams, at least as I
rev karen:see it, what you need to engage.
rev karen:Holistically.
rev karen:To be happy and successful.
rev karen:I'm going to get into specifics of everything I addressed today in later
rev karen:episodes and with some guests as well.
rev karen:But today I just want to cover, what do I mean by holistic
rev karen:approach to achieving dreams?
rev karen:What does it entail what's involved and why do I believe people need
rev karen:to have a holistic approach when.
rev karen:Doing some kind of goal or dream work.
rev karen:what I teach and I write about is that we need to involve our whole
rev karen:selves when we're going after her dreams, when we're making plans
rev karen:or setting our goals for the next.
rev karen:You know, six months for the next year for life, it doesn't matter.
rev karen:Anytime that we're in this process of looking forward
rev karen:to what we want to achieve.
rev karen:We need to make sure our entire self is on board in the process.
rev karen:Because things can happen.
rev karen:Like you might make that goal.
rev karen:And discover.
rev karen:You're not happy at all.
rev karen:That's not really what you wanted.
rev karen:Or you might start making a whole bunch of money.
rev karen:But there's no meaning in it for you.
rev karen:Or you might be super happy about.
rev karen:what you're creating and doing.
rev karen:But there's no money in it.
rev karen:So you don't feel supported.
rev karen:So you're still struggling.
rev karen:So we need to get all aspects.
rev karen:Of ourself on board.
rev karen:So when we do reach those dreams, they feel good and they support us.
rev karen:what do I mean by whole self?
rev karen:What I'm talking about is our mind, our body.
rev karen:And our soul.
rev karen:Let's start with a soul.
rev karen:Do you have reverence for your soul?
rev karen:Do you know what that means?
rev karen:Even if I were to ask you.
rev karen:If you were making a decision.
rev karen:Or answering a question.
rev karen:Do you feel like you are answering in a way that honors what your soul wants?
rev karen:Or are you answering or making a decision?
rev karen:Based on a fear of some kind.
rev karen:Someone not liking you or being laughed at.
rev karen:Or somehow being embarrassed about what you've done or said.
rev karen:if we are answering or acting in a way.
rev karen:That is how we think someone else expects us to act.
rev karen:That's not honoring our soul in the decision-making process.
rev karen:This question was proposed to me many years ago, as I was going
rev karen:through a counseling process about my friendships and.
rev karen:Wanting to have meaningful relationships because I didn't feel like.
rev karen:I had deep, meaningful relationships.
rev karen:They, they didn't feel satisfying at a soul level.
rev karen:When the.
rev karen:Person.
rev karen:I was working with proposed this question to me.
rev karen:I realized no.
rev karen:That's not how I have been acting at all.
rev karen:I might respond in a way that they wanted or that I didn't think they were going to
rev karen:dislike me for answering the way I did.
rev karen:For example, do you want to go out on Friday night?
rev karen:And instead of saying, no, I might say.
rev karen:Um, I have to go to my mom's house.
rev karen:So I wasn't.
rev karen:Honoring.
rev karen:Y.
rev karen:I didn't want to go.
rev karen:I was making up lies.
rev karen:And one of the problems with getting into this whole line process is that.
rev karen:They cause problems down the road, because all the lies come to meet you
rev karen:head on and you find yourself in a sticky situation that you can't get out of.
rev karen:So.
rev karen:Honoring yourself to start with.
rev karen:Is how we should be acting.
rev karen:When someone says, do you want to go out on Friday night?
rev karen:I can simply say no, thank you.
rev karen:I don't owe them a reason.
rev karen:That's one of the biggest things you don't owe anyone a reason.
rev karen:They might still ask why not?
rev karen:And you can simply say I have other plans.
rev karen:Which are sitting on my.
rev karen:Couch reading a book.
rev karen:Or you can say I'm just not interested in that particular thing
rev karen:I need some downtime.
rev karen:I need some rest time.
rev karen:It's a self care night for me, whatever it is you want to say.
rev karen:It's okay.
rev karen:You're honoring your soul.
rev karen:That's why we're here.
rev karen:You're not here to make someone else happy.
rev karen:You're not here.
rev karen:To live the life.
rev karen:Someone else wants you to live.
rev karen:There's growth opportunities in these moments.
rev karen:That you feel like you don't want to answer truthfully?
rev karen:When you don't want to answer.
rev karen:That is.
rev karen:In alignment with your soul, that's going to be a huge growth opportunity.
rev karen:Every interaction here is a growth opportunity.
rev karen:Some more so than others.
rev karen:But when you're having to lie or having to deny your own personal.
rev karen:Dreams and your own personal feelings about something.
rev karen:That's a real opportunity for growth.
rev karen:When we follow our soul's desires and not someone else's that's when
rev karen:we're going to find meaning and happiness and purpose, because.
rev karen:When you're honest with someone else.
rev karen:If that person doesn't like your honesty.
rev karen:Your answers.
rev karen:The person that you've become, oh boy, how you've changed.
rev karen:If they don't like that, they're going to fall away eventually.
rev karen:And.
rev karen:New people are going to move into their spot.
rev karen:So more authentic relationships.
rev karen:That honor your truthfulness that honor your soul.
rev karen:Are going to come into place.
rev karen:. You might feel like you're losing something, but you're also going
rev karen:to gain the new relationships.
rev karen:That honor yourself.
rev karen:That fit with you much better.
rev karen:So these relationships that are honoring your soul and it doesn't have
rev karen:to be people as I speak about the connectedness of everything, I'm talking
rev karen:about, the relationships of everything.
rev karen:The house you live in the car, you drive the animals, you have the
rev karen:friends, you have the places you travel.
rev karen:. It's all a relationship based on the decisions that you've made about it.
rev karen:Are you honoring your soul?
rev karen:When you choose where you're living or is it where someone else wants you to live?
rev karen:When you're buying your car.
rev karen:When you're bringing home that cat or dog.
rev karen:Is it yours?
rev karen:Or is it someone else's expectation?
rev karen:Of course there needs to be collaboration.
rev karen:When we're in partnership with other people about some of these things.
rev karen:But you need to do it on your soul's level.
rev karen:When you give in a little bit.
rev karen:That's okay.
rev karen:If it's okay with your soul.
rev karen:If you understand why you're doing it.
rev karen:If you acquiesce a little bit to your partner, your children, your parents.
rev karen:That can be okay.
rev karen:That can be perfectly fine.
rev karen:You can still honor your soul and not have to be perfect and right.
rev karen:And every single thing.
rev karen:But you just need to know the intention behind it.
rev karen:Why are you doing it?
rev karen:Are you doing it because someone else expects you to, or are you doing it
rev karen:because you choose to be generous.
rev karen:You choose to be giving
rev karen:you choose to let it be a different way.
rev karen:. There's absolutely nothing wrong.
rev karen:With collaboration.
rev karen:Or doing something someone else wants to do.
rev karen:It's the motivation behind it.
rev karen:So.
rev karen:I ask you.
rev karen:Do you have reverence for your soul?
rev karen:Our body needs to be on board.
rev karen:And.
rev karen:By our body.
rev karen:I mean, Our energy system.
rev karen:As well as our physical body.
rev karen:Our body is energy.
rev karen:And I'm going to have several guests later.
rev karen:In this series talking about.
rev karen:Our alignment , with our body.
rev karen:And actually I had a guest last season talking about.
rev karen:The emotions in her body and the pain she was having and discovering
rev karen:the relationship between the two.
rev karen:Have you ever had an experience when you knew something wasn't right.
rev karen:You could just feel it in your stomach.
rev karen:You know, you might've felt sick, you might've felt something
rev karen:in the pit of your stomach.
rev karen:You could just tell something.
rev karen:Wasn't right.
rev karen:And we need to pay attention to that.
rev karen:That's our body talking to us, our emotions, our feelings.
rev karen:Live in our body and they are receiving information.
rev karen:From our soul from our.
rev karen:Divine truth.
rev karen:And so when we're not following.
rev karen:Our own truth.
rev karen:Things are going to show up in the body.
rev karen:That might be a physical thing and it might be an emotional thing.
rev karen:So we need to really pay attention.
rev karen:To what our body is telling us.
rev karen:If we're feeling sick or stressed or fearful or anxious.
rev karen:We're going to feel that in our body.
rev karen:So I just really want to emphasize that.
rev karen:Our body.
rev karen:Has a lot of information for us.
rev karen:When I first started doing energy work.
rev karen:I didn't really pay attention to my body.
rev karen:I had completely neglected any signs for my body for many, many, many years.
rev karen:And it took a while before.
rev karen:I could start recognizing.
rev karen:Symptoms from my body reflecting what was going on in my world.
rev karen:And if that's how you are.
rev karen:That's okay.
rev karen:You don't have to be able to pay attention to all, everything in your body right now.
rev karen:There's also other ways that your body can tell you.
rev karen:Yes or no.
rev karen:. Muscle testing is a really great
rev karen:Your body knows the truth, your muscles know the truth.
rev karen:And if you can do some kind of muscle testing.
rev karen:Then you can find out the answers as you work on paying attention to your body.
rev karen:But not only the physical part of our body, our energy.
rev karen:Our entire energy system is linked to all the energy systems.
rev karen:And again, when we're in relationship with something.
rev karen:There's an energetic connection and it might be.
rev karen:one that lifts us that raises us.
rev karen:And it might be one that Drakes us down.
rev karen:energetic vibration levels by themselves.
rev karen:Are not good or bad.
rev karen:They're always in relationship to each other.
rev karen:Joy and despair.
rev karen:Yeah, one feels good.
rev karen:One doesn't feel good.
rev karen:So wherever we are right now, we generally want to feel better.
rev karen:So we're going to look for something that's a higher vibration, as
rev karen:opposed to looking for something that's a lower vibration.
rev karen:But if I'm in despair, Just about, anything's going to feel better.
rev karen:Than that.
rev karen:But if I'm in.
rev karen:Excitedness and hope and.
rev karen:Happiness.
rev karen:I'm not going to want to go down and feel that.
rev karen:our body is all energy.
rev karen:And our dreams have an energetic vibration to them as well.
rev karen:And they're at a higher vibration than what we are right now.
rev karen:If they weren't, they would have been something we've achieved by now.
rev karen:So a dream is always going to be something to aspire, to something,
rev karen:to raise our energy level, to.
rev karen:We have to practice raising our energetic level.
rev karen:To match that of the dream so we can begin to feel it and pull it towards us.
rev karen:These are the basics of law of attraction is.
rev karen:Being in the same energetic level as that, which we desire.
rev karen:And so there are methods to practice that, to raise your
rev karen:energy, to meet that of the dream.
rev karen:Visualization.
rev karen:Helps us match what it is.
rev karen:We desire.
rev karen:Paying attention to our energy level, our vibrational level and where
rev karen:we are , on a range from low, low vibration, which are the things that.
rev karen:Don't feel good to us from wherever we are right now.
rev karen:To a higher vibration to things that would feel a lot better to us right now.
rev karen:. So visualization is just one way that helps us.
rev karen:Get our energy to the same energy as our dreams.
rev karen:And that's how our body plays two important roles.
rev karen:In achieving our dreams.
rev karen:Recognizing the physical signs in our body and managing our energy system.
rev karen:Now.
rev karen:Our brain, our brain is so tricky.
rev karen:Our mind, our brain likes to stay comfortable.
rev karen:It likes to go to the familiar.
rev karen:It likes to repeat what it knows that it doesn't like new things.
rev karen:It doesn't like change.
rev karen:It always wants to just stay small and stay right where it is.
rev karen:And.
rev karen:Don't do anything new.
rev karen:. We need to intentionally stretch and grow.
rev karen:Our brain.
rev karen:And it's going to be uncomfortable.
rev karen:It's going to require a stretch.
rev karen:It's not going to be easy, you know?
rev karen:Becoming the new person being in a new place, having new things that you want.
rev karen:You cannot be the same person.
rev karen:And achieve new goals.
rev karen:It's impossible.
rev karen:So you have to.
rev karen:Learn that you're going to have to get uncomfortable at times as
rev karen:you're moving towards your dreams.
rev karen:. And your brain is going to dig up every possible reason not to grow.
rev karen:. These reasons I call stories or rules or limiting beliefs, false beliefs.
rev karen:And we get these stories from, from our society.
rev karen:We get them from our family.
rev karen:We get them from the experiences we've seen or lived through.
rev karen:They come from all over the place, but these are the stories that we have.
rev karen:Become to believe are absolutely true of us.
rev karen:And our brain tells us these stories over and over and over.
rev karen:. And so the reason.
rev karen:You have a hard time reaching that dream.
rev karen:Is because somewhere there's a story in your head that says you can't have it.
rev karen:And it doesn't really matter where it came from.
rev karen:It doesn't matter if.
rev karen:A parent told it to you or a sibling or it's something you got from watching TV
rev karen:or you witnessed in your neighbor's house.
rev karen:Or it's a society norm.
rev karen:It doesn't matter where the story comes from.
rev karen:What matters is that you recognize there's a story there.
rev karen:That's not the truth of you.
rev karen:And you do work to change it.
rev karen:Some of the very common stories of our society in the U S.
rev karen:Or that we have to work hard for our money.
rev karen:We have to have a paycheck.
rev karen:We have to get a good job.
rev karen:And that we will be okay if we work hard.
rev karen:Just do our job.
rev karen:And leave everything alone.
rev karen:And the thing is part of that was true at one time.
rev karen:Certainly in the depression era and some, for some immigrants.
rev karen:Yeah, they had to work hard and yeah, it was better to get a
rev karen:paycheck from uncle Sam than it was from trying to, to start your own
rev karen:business during some of those times.
rev karen:But the thing is the stories don't have to apply to us today.
rev karen:They might have applied to a generation or two or three or four ago.
rev karen:But they've been passed down, so we still think it's true and it's unconscious.
rev karen:No one is consciously.
rev karen:Doing this.
rev karen:But it's up to you to break the cycle.
rev karen:So that future generations don't continue the same stories over and over and over.
rev karen:These stories don't have a lot of value to us today.
rev karen:They were true for someone at one time.
rev karen:But we get to change that we get to change that story and become more and to grow.
rev karen:Again, your brain's not going to like it.
rev karen:It's going to be uncomfortable.
rev karen:But you're going to get through it.
rev karen:And you'll be okay.
rev karen:You really will.
rev karen:You'll be okay.
rev karen:It's just a matter of growth.
rev karen:And then you can just sit and pause for a little while before you grow again.
rev karen:So my takeaway for you this week.
rev karen:Is, if you are trying to go after a dream, if you have something.
rev karen:You're working towards in the next year or two or 20.
rev karen:Take a look at it.
rev karen:And start with your mind.
rev karen:Is your mind on board?
rev karen:What is your brain telling you about this?
rev karen:You need to change the stories you're telling yourself.
rev karen:How about your body?
rev karen:Are you listening to your body?
rev karen:Is it reacting in a strange way when you're taking steps?
rev karen:How are your emotions?
rev karen:How has your energy level, your vibration?
rev karen:And how about your soul?
rev karen:Are you following your soul's purpose?
rev karen:Do you have reverence for your soul?
rev karen:Or are you trying to chase a dream?
rev karen:That is someone else's dream for you.
rev karen:I would love for you to let me know which one of these you think
rev karen:is your biggest barrier right now.
rev karen:And it will change depending on the dream.
rev karen:There are some dreams that our soul's not aligned.
rev karen:There are some dreams that our mind is not aligned.
rev karen:There are some dreams that our body is not aligned, and that's why
rev karen:we need to get everyone on board.
rev karen:Our whole self.
rev karen:On board.
rev karen:To even it all out.
rev karen:And to make us successful to make us find meaning.
rev karen:Live purposeful.
rev karen:Be happy.
rev karen:. And then.
rev karen:We need to modify our practices as we move along.
rev karen:We might need to do heavier mindset work one week and heavier body
rev karen:work and energy work the next week.
rev karen:We're changing.
rev karen:Our dreams change our relationships between our
rev karen:dreams and everything around us.
rev karen:Change.
rev karen:So, let me know how it's going and let me know where you think
rev karen:the biggest struggle is right now.
rev karen:I look forward to hearing from you and connecting later.
rev karen:Take care everyone.
rev karen:Bye bye.
rev karen:If you enjoyed the show, don't forget to head
rev karen:over to rev karen podcast.com.
rev karen:That's R E V K A R E N podcast.com.
rev karen:There you're gonna find the tools for finding more meaning
rev karen:and happiness in your own life.
rev karen:Plus, if you have a story that you want to share with me, either on or
rev karen:off the air, be sure to look for that.
rev karen:Make sure you follow me so you get notified when new episodes drop.
rev karen:And also I'd love to connect with you and my Facebook group
rev karen:Connectedness with Rev, Karen.
rev karen:So head over to rev karen podcast.com.