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Meetings - Protecing Your Time Series
Episode 86th March 2023 • Buckets & Boom Gates • Kim White - My Sexy Business Team & Community
00:00:00 00:19:56

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Ever had a meeting about the meeting, which discussed the need to have a meeting for the actual meeting in the first place? How many meetings do we actually need? What a crazy loop we can get ourselves into as entrepreneurs and small business owners. While meetings are great for collaboration, we also need to protect our time and take action. Otherwise, we can be stuck on the hamster wheel and be in a Zoom room for countless hours every day. To grow your business listen as Kim and Kerry talk about:

  • The power of tournaments and deciding what to do and when.
  • Sharpening your entrepreneur blade (or chainsaw in Kerry’s case!). How we can go blunt without attention and a certain sharpness in our preparation.
  • Creating necessary and productive meetings compared to wasting our time and showboating our way around a meeting ocean without leadership.
  • Recognizing the bean$ and considering cost versus benefits. If all the team are at all the meetings, how much does it cost? How much is your time worth?

Join Fire Up Groundwork Brigade for an extra dose of Kim and Kerry each week and collaborate without all the heavy alongside entrepreneurs just like you. Whether you’re just starting a business or all the way up to your ears, it’s an open and welcoming environment to support you every step of the way.

We hope you enjoy this experience 🙏

Kim & Kerry

Information contained in this segment should be taken as general advice only and your personal circumstances have not been taken into account. It is recommended that you seek financial advice from a professional who is licensed to do so. If you choose to act upon the general advice shared in this segment you do so at your own risk.




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