Last week, Jerod gave a presentation at Authority Rainmaker entitled “Become a Showrunner: The 4 Essential Elements of a Remarkable Podcast.” One of those elements is profitability, which he and Jon break down this week’s episode of The Showrunner.
Jerod and Jon begin by sharing their biggest Oh crap! moments while recording, then dive into a discussion about podcast profitability.
Among the topics discussed:
- What the three components of podcast profitability are and how they work together
- Which of the three should come first in your initial thinking and planning
- The many possible tentacles of indirect profitability for a podcast
- An overview of different methods for direct and indirect profitability — including membership sites and donation models
And somewhere in there Jerod teaches a valuable lesson about how to avoid awkward conversational dismounts … by getting caught in an awkward conversational dismount. Go figure. 
This week’s listener question comes from @SamarOwais, who posed the following question in the members-only group of The Showrunner Podcasting Course:
What do you guys do when you have a cold and you need to record an episode? I have interviews scheduled this week and I’ve come down with a cold that has me sounding like I’m speaking with my nose pinched.
We teased a secret method of Jon’s in last week’s episode. He reveals the secret this week.
This week s podcast recommendations are:
And here is the episode of HTE in which Jon interviewed Ben Settle.
Listen, learn, enjoy! (And make sure you stick around until the end … )
Listen to The Showrunner below ...