Episode 58 – Speaking Her Truth – Rape Myths and Consent
28th February 2020 • LawPod • Queen's University - School of Law
00:00:00 00:40:36

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QUB students Maeve Devlin, Jade Mc Cauley, Tavisha Sood and Alexandra Cook discuss rape myths and consent with PHD student and former journalist Rosie Cowen. Recommended Book 'A trial by Jury' https://www.amazon.co.uk/Trial-Jury-D-Graham-Burnett/dp/0375420398 Farooqui v State Government of Delhi https://ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk/farooqui-v-state-government-of-delhi-confusing-consent/ How rape myths are used and challenged in rape and sexual assault trials https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/files/148641675/Smith_and_Skinner_How_rape_myths_are_used_at_trial.pdf Rape myths must be tackled after Belfast rape trial https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/rape-myths-must-be-tackled-after-belfast-rape-trial-says-ex-judge-1.3747866



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