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Podcast# 257 Earnest Truth: Chinese and Filipino Women vs. Obnoxious American Entitled Woman Child's.
Episode 2574th September 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:43:51

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The Earnest Mann's Take on Relationships and Gender Roles

In today's world, we find ourselves navigating the complex waters of relationships and societal expectations. Romantic love, as we know it, only began to take shape around 1850. Before that, relationships were more practical. As we delve into the topic of man-woman relations, it's evident that the Romantic Period in writing marked a significant shift in societal dynamics.

The Modern Woman vs. Traditional Values

The modern obnoxious American entitled woman child stands in stark contrast to the women of yesteryears. The rise of feminism and the rejection of traditional gender roles have led to a society where entitlement and unrealistic expectations run rampant. But what if we took a step back? What if we looked at alternatives, like the relationships between Chinese and Filipino women and their Western counterparts?

The Essence of Appreciation

There's a profound difference between appreciating what you have and constantly seeking more. Many women from Asian countries, despite the challenges they face, show a deep appreciation for opportunities. They value stability and genuine connection over materialistic gains. In contrast, the westernized woman often fails to appreciate the simple joys of life, always wanting more.

The Call for a Societal Shift

It's time for a change. We need to reevaluate our priorities and understand the true essence of relationships. By embracing traditional values and understanding the importance of mutual respect and appreciation, we can pave the way for healthier relationships and a more harmonious society.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 if you work for a living why do you kill yourself working [Music] from the Willamette Valley in America's Great Pacific Northwest you are listening to the earnest man show I'm your host Ernest Mann coming to you no matter where what time or what place you may be listening in this great big beautiful but sometimes incredibly crazy world we all live in [Music] thank you hello everyone we made it here it is Monday hope you had a nice Memorial Day Weekend hey and

01:06 it still isn't over I mean it is Monday you technically could be partying hard whatever it is that you do but at any rate I hope you've enjoyed it and uh what we have here is something really interesting it is episode number 257 Earnest truth Chinese and Filipino women versus obnoxious American entitled woman child's you know I think what would be a good idea is if you could uh save this and or note that this is episode 257 you want to bring make sure you bring all of your staunch hardcore uh femi Nazi I mean uh feminist

02:08 um and uh you know all of them part of Man man-hate Inc to hear this but not only that just tuned it in for your wives to listen to because this is something different what I'm going to say to you is nothing more this is not in any way intended as a hate harangue it isn't that I hate certain behaviors but it's not intended as that overall just a possibility somehow if it can be done of working something out because that's what you want to do if you're if you're having a problem in society

02:56 you know you you should um if you're reasonably intelligent you have to examine you know various things and possibilities the things that are for instance considered uh completely off the table well that's what I do here folks we put the [ __ ] on the table matter of fact I don't normally brag but in this particular the instance I will I'll say it's damn it it's my show and I am the table I am the table aim the table and this is what is going to be served on that table and um it's about time that we try

03:54 a third rail approach to everything bad that's happening in America in the West in general with women this this impassable gulp this this gulf that we're in um I'm proposing some alternatives and um this is you know I don't know the percentage of chances of making this happen but uh let's just see if we can what if we did this what I'm getting ready to propose um what if this was actually implemented which I doubt very seriously will but what if it were um you might be shocked I mean hell we've done so much in

04:55 America let's fess up let's be honest we've done so much as sociological experiments drug experiments you know there's nothing wrong with that um but when finally when the data comes through when you know when that happens uh yeah you should have a pretty good indicator where things are and then act accordingly and the fact is every everybody knows this at least every male for women still it's great this whole thing that's been going on particularly for the last in particular for the last 30 40 years

05:43 one-way road everything and I mean everything for them um for us not so much so I know to a lot of you hearing this I'm preaching to the choir but I want to move I want to take it a Step Beyond this because in my opinion that's what needs to be done and um so what I was proposing if you want to see a demonstration of just how bad things are in relation to the Sexes and whatnot see the problem the well there's a whole slew and a whole score problems but you're fighting you're battling it doesn't matter where you go

06:45 that's one of the first things first and foremost it doesn't matter if you go to China the Philippines that I'm going to talk about uh Indonesia it you know wherever because the deal is this it's the unknown or what has been known as the unknown of the female nature and you know something I'm going to tell you this if you're a young guy or if you're an old guy if you're an old guy the gift son grandson whatever have bring his ass have him listen to this it will be invaluable I may potentially

07:30 sound completely crazy to them but you know I have a lot of experience and you know I was once believe it or not once young and dumb myself and uh yeah I believe that women were sugar and spice and everything nice and all that and you know I mean especially the Younger You Are you do all of that chivalry [ __ ] and you open the doors and you'll you know the thing of the old thing of throwing your jacket down over a puddle so she doesn't walk through the mud and all that yeah trying to tell you is um um as you mature learn that means learn

08:25 that means from having your ass kicked laughs emotionally financially this and the other you see a very different side of this critter and uh so we're talking a really nasty critter really nasty because it's great when you're sexing and it's great when you're doing a horizontal Bop all that's great you love all that but that comes with them as far as their that comes with a big price and here's the thing young men old men you always pay one way or the other it's just like I've heard so many really

09:18 young oh yeah we're good we're practicing can pay for it oh I'm trying to tell you if you will listen to me you one way or the other you always pay you always pay for it one [ __ ] way or there but you are gonna pay for it but they the creatures that they are or let's say these westernized or American creatures they have an entirely different plan they have a different plan and that plan is a lifelong plan and that lifelong plan is for them it ain't for you other than being the provider it ain't

10:10 for you it's for them them and The Offspring that's it so it's a it's like a black widow spider kind of thing because in case you don't know this when they mate just like praying mantises or anything else he has to [ __ ] and then beat feet and get out of there if he's lucky all he wanted to do is get some nookie but if he's lucky he gets alive he gets if he's real lucky and he better be fast so despite all the smiling and especially this you know feelings um me and what about your feelings feelings

hole thing started around-ish:

11:44 um so um before that no people were thankfully they were eminently practical and so you know if she had to be able she had to be able to um well work and her work was different for obvious physical reasons and men's work although it's still physical had to do all the stuff of the farm and feed the critters and you know clean the house and make the meals and and then if they had kids then take care of the youngins I'm saying that's a hell of a lot of work besides also providing sex so but also it had to be understood then

know settlers in the you know:

13:26 I'm I'm I am putting that down officially and this is part of um what I'm saying that's going to be on my t-shirts I did this I don't know two years ago and finally finally getting ready to introduce them and I'll say simply put you know [ __ ] good babies bad that's it okay but um yeah it's it's a division of labor but everything every role yeah does they call the what the femi Nazis that hate is gender roles yeah we had roles we had a position we don't have that anymore because the

14:13 you know the leftist echid people that live in Academia um and frankly uh women uh of uh about man haters such as Andrea dworkin comes to mind who would make pictures such as like men as all chained uh she Drew these [ __ ] pictures of men chained extremely emaciated just like from Auschwitz concentration camp and then she said that was her ideal dream of men so yeah that dyke she really [ __ ] hated men look her up Andrea dworkin but um in other places countries and cultures that they claim what they're left in um

15:07 cultures well why don't you [ __ ] Embrace those cultures oh do I get a bias here oh because you don't get [ __ ] the way you want it yeah so uh there's such a thing out there that you may or may not be aware of they're they're called passport Bros and the passport Bros are these uh these guys who um are you know some of them are really well some of them are just you know really buffed great uh financially secured Chad kind of guys you know stud muffins whatever you want to call them and uh yeah they basically

15:52 go to these Spartan countries and uh get these women and they're initially really happy um until they're not because um women are by no means stupid and their number one thing that they want that they understand part of their Collective is uh they don't want to stay in the Philippines because in the Philippines the way things are set up basically is what's basically I'm just trying to they have no [ __ ] rights just like in places like Qatar or the United Arab Emirates or all of these you know particularly places of the Islamic

16:44 faith they don't have a heap and a whole lot of Rights quote unquote rights so they know the scam and they know the deal so what happens is um you know these beautiful women that are very fit and just and and nice and pleasant and very feminine and fantastic Cooks you know an American man is just he's just blown away when with these women he's he's blown and Blown Away um my God because he's never he's never had he's never had sex like that he's never had you know he gets a taste of

17:31 the of something good and it's like [ __ ] you know and then after maybe a year or so and time is on and then it's about uh getting them to get to the U.S and often time more often than not typically what happens is that once they the women once they get in the U.S and in quick order once they become westernized and they have all these rights um they become the very creatures that he was trying to escape in the first place and that is a fact that that's [ __ ] it they become pigs they become obnoxious American entitled woman

er term back in ancient times:

19:24 for not every one of them they're all trying the same game particularly the pregnancy thing once they got prego once they got the [ __ ] Prego going uh they're In Like Flint you're a pre-med student well she has different she has different plans for you yeah you just wanted a great one night fling or something no harm done no she she has different plans oh whether you like it or not so yeah so with these passport Bros and I get these women and they come here and you know in three to five years or just back to square one and they're

20:16 totally [ __ ] they're totally [ __ ] up it's it's just [ __ ] so I have here what I think is a better solution that helps everybody I would like to propose this uh process that could be done and let's see what happens you know let's let's give it five or ten years you know at least five [ __ ] what's gonna hurt come on so I propose that um and certainly China would appreciate this because China has billions and billions of women that are just kind of you know twirling their thumbs and

21:07 you know they're working in the [ __ ] factory making minimum wage and you know and they got a guy who's doing the same thing and they life isn't so good tell you what why don't we change this why don't we offer what the so-called American Dream at least a hell of a lot more of it to these other people as an exchange you know like in business like you'd have an exchange because you know what when I have talked to these women and I have I have talked to them and they pretty much agree uh that as

21:53 far as if you want to call it competing um competing for resources or you know through their what's the commentary [ __ ] I guess that that there you go there's there's one uh that they can they can out do that um and basically they know how to please a man and to not be a [ __ ] okay because ultimately that's what we want so imagine this I'm just there's just an idea hey let's kick [ __ ] around right okay um we bring in women of you know a child bearing age you know 16 to 2 30 let's say or 16 to 25 somewhere in

22:44 that range ish and we bring them from China and we bring them from the Philippines we don't have to do it for Mexico because that's an entirely different Dynamic and there's already 60 million of them that come in every [ __ ] Year anyway because we refuse to stop it so that's that's an entirely different Dynamic so we just for the sake of this argument I'm limiting this to Asian you know basically so we got Chinese women who are very very beautiful women and Filipino women okay they come here and for life

23:34 uh they can get married and have a man they get married but here's the deal they get absolutely no guarantees or any protections or anything under the current laws that's right now I'm figuring on one hand I've got women I got femi femi-nazi whatever things screaming at me that I am the Antichrist or I've got people just have completely fallen down laughing because it's so inconceivable I don't know which only you could tell me that but anyway um so these women come and they um they come to stay with a man to be

24:27 with this man and but they have no rights to property even they can get married but they don't there's no it's not like the fat ass uh obnoxious Americans you know countless and I mean countless you know [ __ ] we just went through the whole Johnny Johnny Depp thing of the of these women that are basically talentless and brainless and she's pretty talentless and brainless I mean probably great fantastic I'm sure or Johnny wouldn't have wanted to do her as much as he did so I'm sure she's great doing the

25:09 horizontal Bop but other than that yeah she strikes me as pretty brainless and talentless as well so um yeah but she attempted she wanted to wipe out the [ __ ] that they do of I'm automatically entitled to half your [ __ ] no [ __ ] that no you're not you you get what you brought to the table in the relationship and if you are happy to be here and you didn't have other in your body and you and the clothes on your back and that's all you had and then you want to leave then that's what you get

25:49 that's it no no more of this fat ass entitlement um obnoxious American woman thing like the old song from The Guess Who American woman stay away from me is every situation equal fair or perfect no could there be abuse yes because nothing's [ __ ] perfect in life unless some again feminist some childlike thinking mind hasn't figured that out and you could say well Nicki you can't the woman is being oppressed no I'm the man or tens of thousands of millions of men doing everything in this world like we have

on the HMS hood for instance:

27:54 you're gonna say oh my God that this guy is he's he's off the charts no and you don't get complete and tunnel brand you don't get voting rights so no voting rights no property rights you have very few rights you'd be lucky if you could drive a car so I understand that that is completely and totally 180 degrees against the current Paradigm now look at the overall look at the horrific state of the situation in society right now particularly I'm talking about with man woman relations

28:44 and a thousand sad sorry points of it and you're going to try to use that against me as a counter argument saying that oh my God that's Draconian that's medieval that's this well I'm saying just because an idea for instance some things that are old doesn't mean it's bad and there were reasons for this they had reasons and I think very good reasons and say well you're not an emotional creature right that's the whole [ __ ] point that is it that's what kept some stability and some order was that that

29:37 that is the [ __ ] point generally speaking we're not emotional creatures that's who you don't want you don't want on a ship on a ship of war and certain crisis situations you don't want that or need that at all that is the kind of [ __ ] that gets couples and families and situations particularly in a crisis situation that's the last thing you want so I think what I'm saying is just try to put this in Reverse for a moment this you know social experiment in Reverse for the last couple hundred years has only shown

30:27 and I'm talking about it it pretty much it pretty much coincides with the birth of um the Romantic Period in writing um that if you want to have a point that everything you know more or less basically started spiraling down and going to [ __ ] that's your time frame so I know I could be easy pray easy pickings for every Every Woman every feminist everything in the world just go yes oh my God this have you heard this guy is why he's he's Beyond you know the he's Beyond being a male show but he's on a whole other

31:23 level well maybe but I could tell you this much the women and I talked to I don't know probably at least 100 of them and they swore and I we talked about this and coming I said what if you could come to America or come to Britain you know the westernized places because what happens inevitably is seen it endlessly is there that's cool where in their home country then they come to America and everything's cool for maybe a year or two and then once they get any kind instantly as soon as they become any

32:06 kind of citizens and they be get their rights here we go the female nature takes over and it is that's what it is it's female nature it's just like I can't I'm not gonna blame them you know there's no sense that there's I mean that's like that's like blaming a fox for you know breaking into the hen house to get chickens it is what it is but the difference is is that at least I recognize it I recognize what it is man I call it out for what it is and it just is what it is so for instance

33:02 men need do need certain laws to govern govern them or there would be a great deal more of just general I believe this would be a great deal more violence this is despite the fact the effects of alcohol but there'd be you know a great deal more violence and certainly rape if there were no laws against rape there'd be believe me there'd be a hell of a lot of rape so just like you have to have laws that govern their um particularly say undesirable traits if you want to call it that it's the same thing

33:48 for women because generally speaking to women it's monkey branching and everything should be a mall and a new purse and they knew this and you know just not sustainable oh yeah and and just willy-nilly just [ __ ] having babies with no real connection to resources reality anything there's because there's nothing there there's no there's no brain there's nothing there's nothing I'm gonna hit my baby [Laughter] okay and it's just a thing it's like you buy a puppy it's the same [ __ ] thing it's

34:37 just not looking at a lifetime of resources not looking at anything because they have and I mean again it's part of their nature they have this in see this drive to make babies and that's what you [ __ ] do and you're very very good at it we get it we got that and look at any of the old films from the 19 the from the 19th to the century just prior to the first world war and this just like thousands and thousands tens of thousands of all these people well that came from [ __ ] it it actually did yes they did that then and

35:26 all those men all those countless young men who uh ended up dying horribly in the trenches of Europe in other words you spent all that time you birthed them you raised them as children and all the time and effort because God knows they had to be sick on many occasions as you know babies young children all the things should a nurse them through all that [ __ ] time that was spent time and resources and you want to talk about something incredibly stupid if you would just stop if anyone if any woman had the courage

36:27 to just say that simple [ __ ] statement that she went through all of that for 17 18 years and then in those if you see those old old movies where the troops these are all 17 year olds 18 year olds 19 year olds maybe men and they're all applauding and the the mothers are all shaking the flag and he's shaking the flags and they're on the trains this that and the other they're never going to see their son again they're going to be blown the [ __ ] bits in a matter of weeks Now isn't there anything even remotely

37:10 that is unbelievably stupid about that hello folks I just wanted to take a moment to give you this brief message as you know I don't accept any third party advertising I want you to be able to listen to any and all episodes to your heart's content without that nonsense and it really is nonsense unfortunately though I do need to keep the lights on here so I am asking for your support the best way to do that is if you're not here already go to the earnestmanshow.

37:51 com and you can either click on the put some food in the fridge tab or if you're interested in a little bit of merchandise it's the earnest stuff tab in either way by participating that you will be supporting the show and keeping it commercial free if you have donated already I just want to thank you sincerely that's it that's all I wanted to say and again thank you much I think so I would not want to raise my son or daughter 18 years of my time patience energy training a million things to raise a kid and then you know put a you know red

38:44 white and blue or whatever your national flag is wave them off and just yeah Johnny would go out there and they'll just send you you're gonna get your [ __ ] dick to get blown to bits or if they didn't get killed you know getting blinded or maimed you get the point it's completely irrational so if you loved them you would threaten to disown them you would do anything but allow them to do this almost practically threatened to kill yourself that's what women could do but they don't so there's that

39:35 and it's not just women it is men as well but I'm saying it is the absurdity that you are the ones who Harbor this this absolute biological imperative you go through all this [ __ ] of birthing and caring and walking the floor at night to get the baby to go you know back to sleep just think about all of the work it takes to raise a child and then you're going to turn around and give them up for something like this it's as profoundly stupid but I digress because that's what I'm trying to point out is

40:37 something the other sex some things some side something that doesn't seem to be you know firing on all cylinders here I don't know so anyhow very quickly to tell you this what was shown was that all these women even if they were told after I talked to them the Chinese women the Filipino women example except what if though you could still you could come to America and you marry this band but guaranteed just save for life you would have no rights at all no voting rights no property rights if you even if you get

41:21 divorced you get absolutely nothing you know a lot of them and I mean a whole lot of them would still love to have that opportunity to live that much of a quality of life and that's what I mean and that's what part of the men's movement even if they don't want to admit it part of them that's what they are saying because that's what they want that's what we want that's what they want that's what we want and now they're figuring out that the even the passport Bros because they keep reverting back to

42:11 you know being westernized and uh so that's not working yet all of these women are they are dying for and said and and I could you know preface this okay you understand you're going to marry this guy and essentially more or less you're not going to have any rights to anything for life you you get that maybe yep where do I sign that's somebody that appreciates having something in life because it's so [ __ ] horrible and they appreciate having something it's called appreciating something

42:55 whereas if you grow up as your average westernized obnoxious entitled American or westernized woman you don't appreciate [ __ ] and so it is what it is so other than that thank you for tuning in I'm going to be back talking with you on Wednesday organ matters until then as I always say just remember there are no bad words just bad actions take care



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